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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

hudhouse said:
Augustus stood in the middle of this storm... and just sang out, "Fuck this shit I'm out! Don't mind me, I'm just gonna take my stuff and leave... Yes-er-e!..."
Augustus formed at the head of his fleet, where ZETA asked him, "How are you Master?" Augustus just let out, "Troubled... can I just play a video game for once....? Please....?"
(I understand this reference. yes i do.)
The sniper in the tower made her way through the Avengers tower before making it onto the floor that Cassie and Connor were on. She began searching rooms when she came across the room they were in. The sniper observed Cassie then Connor. She thought of a plan and grabbed some medical equipment and tossed it so that it would make noise in a separate room. One of the snipers appeared in the air above Redd and landed on his shoulders and thrusted her machete towards his head. @Steel Zinogre
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]The sniper in the tower made her way through the Avengers tower before making it onto the floor that Cassie and Connor were on. She began searching rooms when she came across the room they were in. The sniper observed Cassie then Connor. She thought of a plan and grabbed some medical equipment and tossed it so that it would make noise in a separate room. One of the snipers appeared in the air above Redd and landed on his shoulders and thrusted her machete towards his head. @Steel Zinogre

(I forgot to mention.... he is sliver painted.... that means his head is hella armored in both forms, but the arms and legs are the same. target those maybe?) Redd growled and grabbed the sniper from his back with his dragon head hand, and threw her to the ground. the machete missed vital parts of his head. Once she was on the ground, he pulled it out, and looked at her. "Do not fight me on this. We know who will win this one." he said as the dragon head ignited a flame within its maw.
Crono said:
Connor took a breath and closed his eyes, not that having them open was of much use at this point anyways. "When aren't you having an emotional crisis?" He teased with a smile, "Is it about Augustus? I'm blind...not deaf."

@Pink Gorilla[/URL] @sitanomoto
Cassie laughed, a little too loud. "Ha! Pfft, no! What... What made you think that? Heh...." She looked everywhere else in the room but Connor. Az gave her a welcome distraction. "Everything is stressing me out." The sound of the Medical equipment caught her attention and she glared. "Friday, put up a sheild around Connor, now." Friday did as she asked and Cassie, gauntlet still on, charged her gauntlet with a high pitched whirring.

Terry held on for his life. "Uhh... Luna??" He said, being careful not to strangle her. "Can we just go find Redd, please?"

Nevermore laughed and leaned on his side, getting comfortable. She stretched her arms and closed her eyes, snuggling up next to Brute calmly.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie laughed, a little too loud. "Ha! Pfft, no! What... What made you think that? Heh...." She looked everywhere else in the room but Connor. Az gave her a welcome distraction. "Everything is stressing me out." The sound of the Medical equipment caught her attention and she glared. "Friday, put up a sheild around Connor, now." Friday did as she asked and Cassie, gauntlet still on, charged her gauntlet with a high pitched whirring.
Terry held on for his life. "Uhh... Luna??" He said, being careful not to strangle her. "Can we just go find Redd, please?"

Nevermore laughed and leaned on his side, getting comfortable. She stretched her arms and closed her eyes, snuggling up next to Brute calmly.
Azazel smiles. "Well maybe you should not stress out so much. and anyway, I've got a surprise for you." he said slyly, hinting at what they talked about previously.

Luna looked around, and sniffed the air. She found redd's smell of oil and rust. she uses her tail to point to his direction.

Brute gets comfortable, and wraps around Nevermore. With his tough hide, no one will get to her at all without going through him.
The sniper that Redd through on the ground went invisible again and the one that was fighting Jordan appeared behind Redd and swung her machete at his right arm while the other fired a round at his head. The sniper in the tower threw more equipment to make a bigger commotion before sipping into Connor's room invisible. @Steel Zinogre
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Azazel smiles. "Well maybe you should not stress out so much. and anyway, I've got a surprise for you." he said slyly, hinting at what they talked about previously.
Luna looked around, and sniffed the air. She found redd's smell of oil and rust. she uses her tail to point to his direction.

Brute gets comfortable, and wraps around Nevermore. With his tough hide, no one will get to her at all without going through him.

"A surprise?" Cassie said tiredly, "what surprise?"

"Hey kiddo."

Cassie paled. She knew that voice. She knew it too well. She turned around slowly.

There in front of her, standing in the doorway, were Pepper and Tony, her beloved and formerly deceasd parents.

"Dad....?" Cassie whispered, her eyes tearing up. "Mom....?"

Pepper nodded and held out her arms. "Come here."

Cassie, never one to argue with her mother, ran to her and threw her arms around her.

Pepper was crying happy tears, and Tony put his arms around both of them, also crying.

"I missed you..."
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]The sniper that Redd through on the ground went invisible again and the one that was fighting Jordan appeared behind Redd and swung her machete at his right arm while the other fired a round at his head. The sniper in the tower threw more equipment to make a bigger commotion before sipping into Connor's room invisible. @Steel Zinogre

A deep scratch was made on his right arm, but the bullet bounced off of his head. "You wanna see the beast? FINE! I WON'T GO DOWN EASY!!" he said as he transformed to his Wyvern form, allowing Primal instinct to take over the battle. He roared so loud that the assailants had to cover their ears.
sitanomoto said:
"A surprise?" Cassie said tiredly, "what surprise?"
"Hey kiddo."

Cassie paled. She knew that voice. She knew it too well. She turned around slowly.

There in front of her, standing in the doorway, were Pepper and Tony, her beloved and formerly deceasd parents.

"Dad....?" Cassie whispered, her eyes tearing up. "Mom....?"

Pepper nodded and held out her arms. "Come here."

Cassie, never one to argue with her mother, ran to her and threw her arms around her.

Pepper was crying happy tears, and Tony put his arms around both of them, also crying.

"I missed you..."
Azazel watched them hug it out, and felt an empty space in his heart as well, despite being happy for Cassie. When Itsu died, he felt lonely, and all these years pass, and all the family he has is Mephisto and Blackheart. A tear fell down his face as he remembered Itsu, his mother. "I miss you mom......" He whispered, but loud enough to hear. He wishes he could bring her back, but he could only do so much, and Itsu was happy where she was, in japan, watching him with the many Oni that reside there.
The snipers covered their ears when Redd roared. When it was over they both looked at each other, realizing they were outmatched, than ran off the edge of the building and turned invisible. The sniper in the tower watched the exchange between Cassie and her parents. The sniper contemplated her options and decided to wait it out to see what happens. @Steel Zinogre
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]The snipers covered their ears when Redd roared. When it was over they both looked at each other, realizing they were outmatched, than ran off the edge of the building and turned invisible. The sniper in the tower watched the exchange between Cassie and her parents. The sniper contemplated her options and decided to wait it out to see what happens. @Steel Zinogre

Augustus activated the Graphene inside the Avenger's tower, and allowed ZETA to fire electrical discharges towards any Sniper or hostile that stepped foot in the tower. ZETA found it's targets by scanning and sensing the floor for the small bending of vibration, while searching via so many other means it could.
Connor once again sat up in bed at the noise, looking about with his blurred vision. Cassie was as cautious as she was, ordering a shield around his bed. More voices, Connor picked up on Azazel momentarily before hearing a pair that surprised him to the point of a low gasp-like inhale that caused a short cough. His eyes got moist with emotion at hearing Cassie's own emotional voice, if what he heard was real he wasn't really sure what to say.

@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto @Pink Gorilla
Slowly the sniper pulled out her rifle and aimed it at Cassie's head. The sniper revealed herself and planted her feet into position. The other two snipers who followed the one with Jamie left subtle clues to where they were taking her, leaving a sort of trail.
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Slowly the sniper pulled out her rifle and aimed it at Cassie's head. The sniper revealed herself and planted her feet into position. The other two snipers who followed the one with Jamie left subtle clues to where they were taking her, leaving a sort of trail.

Brute Heard the sniper slowly pull out her rifle, and got up. His veins glowed with EXTREMIS as he got angry, knowing what was going to happen. He then ran furiously in front of cassie, and stood in front of her, taunting the sniper with a growl, and snapping his jaws twice. The Veins in his wings and face glowed brightly as he stared at the sniper, daring her to make a move. For all Tigrex species are like Homing Missiles, once they got a lock on you, They will charge you nonstop until their stamina is low.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Brute Heard the sniper slowly pull out her rifle, and got up. His veins glowed with EXTREMIS as he got angry, knowing what was going to happen. He then ran furiously in front of cassie, and stood in front of her, taunting the sniper with a growl, and snapping his jaws twice. The Veins in his wings and face glowed brightly as he stared at the sniper, daring her to make a move. For all Tigrex species are like Homing Missiles, once they got a lock on you, They will charge you nonstop until their stamina is low.

Nevermore shot up like a missile and sprinted to Brute, hopping onto his back. Her eyes glowed with energy and she formed two blades around her hands. "Mess with the bull, you get the horns, sniper." She said, snapping her teeth like Brute.

Cassie and Tony both held up their right hands, both gauntleted.

"Pepper, stay behind me."


"Dad, meet Brute and Nevermore." Cassie said, tears gone and all business now that her family was being threatened. "No one messes with my family." She stepped in front of Connor's force field.

"She got braver," Pepper murmured into Tony's ear.

"I noticed. Just like her old man."

Pepper slapped his arm playfully but stayed behind Tony all the same.

"Good to see you, Boss," Friday said, ever unfazed.

"Likewise, Friday."
sitanomoto said:
Nevermore shot up like a missile and sprinted to Brute, hopping onto his back. Her eyes glowed with energy and she formed two blades around her hands. "Mess with the bull, you get the horns, sniper." She said, snapping her teeth like Brute.
Cassie and Tony both held up their right hands, both gauntleted.

"Pepper, stay behind me."


"Dad, meet Brute and Nevermore." Cassie said, tears gone and all business now that her family was being threatened. "No one messes with my family." She stepped in front of Connor's force field.

"She got braver," Pepper murmured into Tony's ear.

"I noticed. Just like her old man."

Pepper slapped his arm playfully but stayed behind Tony all the same.

"Good to see you, Boss," Friday said, ever unfazed.

"Likewise, Friday."
Redd then came downstairs to where the commotion was. "Master? Who are they? BAH! It does not matter now, There is someone sniping ab...... I think our EXTREMIS filled friend knows about it." Redd said as he collapsed to the ground, his arm damaged, and his head damaged, but no vital systems have been touched. Brute jumped out the window and fell flat on his face, and charged up the building as if nothing had happened. Brute came in fast towards the sniper, then Helga came in, and she looked none too please with the commotion going on, especially while she was napping.
The sniper's eyes flickered across everyone in the room and then she jumped out of Brute's way. When the sniper landed she dropped all her guns and her machete and stood still. The sniper's breathing slowed and she stared at the group of people. @Steel Zinogre
"There goes another window," Tony said with a sigh.

"Tony!" Pepper said, "you're not worried about the girl who was on Brute's back!?!"

"No need to, mom. Nevermore's basically indestructible," Cassie said, turning to the sniper. "Helga," she said over her shoulder. "Sic 'em." She pointed.

Nevermore felt herself falling and she let out a "YEEE HAW!" clinging to Brute's back as they went vertical. She jumped off of his back and plunged a knife hand right into the sniper before she could fire. "Not today!"
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]The sniper's eyes flickered across everyone in the room and then she jumped out of Brute's way. When the sniper landed she dropped all her guns and her machete and stood still. The sniper's breathing slowed and she stared at the group of people. @Steel Zinogre

When Brute stopped on the rooftop, he looked at her and took a deep breath, the veins in his legs and tail now glow as he is in his second level of rage. He then roared, the force being enough to knock back the sniper almost off the edge, as her legs hung off the edge.
sitanomoto said:
"There goes another window," Tony said with a sigh.
"Tony!" Pepper said, "you're not worried about the girl who was on Brute's back!?!"

"No need to, mom. Nevermore's basically indestructible," Cassie said, turning to the sniper. "Helga," she said over her shoulder. "Sic 'em." She pointed.

Nevermore felt herself falling and she let out a "YEEE HAW!" clinging to Brute's back as they went vertical. She jumped off of his back and plunged a knife hand right into the sniper before she could fire. "Not today!"
Helga's slime turned to a bright orange, and she then growled as she licked her fists, priming the slime in her fists. "The Brachydios species are simply lovely, They are hulks with an obsidian shell, and have an EXPLOSIVE temper." Azazel said, putting emphasis on explosive for the sake of a pun. She then jumps out the window Brute made, and she climbed the building with her hidden claws under her fists that are curled up.
(Wait there isn't any snipers on the rooftops.) The sniper hit the ground as Nevermore plunged her knife into her. She didn't fight back as the knife went into her. The sniper's body went imp, but she wasn't dead. @sitanomoto
Brute looked at the body, still glowing as he walked on his hind legs towards the sniper. He wanted to finish the job, but looked to nevermore for an order.

Redd looked at Cassie, Tony, And Pepper. "Seriously though..... Who are these two people, Master?" Redd asked cassie as he removed his right arm, which was damaged. "And...... Could you help me fix my head plating? I can't really do it with one intact arm.... especially if it is the head of my secondary form." he said with a bit of defeat. @sitanomoto @Pink Gorilla (Just go with it! We must not falter.)
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