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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Cassie held Connor gently but firmly, so she wouldn't drop him, but she smiled. "When have I ever done that?" She said. She looked at Alex. "See you back home." She gently flew up in the air and to the tower. "Gus, you can come if you want." She bit back a curse when she saw the broken window, but it made it easier for her to get in. "Redd!" She called out, careful not to be too loud. "Ruby!" She walked to the Medical Ward and set Connor down on the cot. "I can't have you dying on me, Connor. And Alex needs you, too." She brushed the hair out of his eyes and kissed his forehead in a sisterly manner.
Connor let out a relieved breath as he lay in the cot a smile crossing his face, "You can't get rid of me that easy." Opening his eyes everything seemed fuzzy, even more so than when he was without his glasses. He didn't mention possible blindness. "Augustus patched me up, but just in case...Friday run a medical analysis on me." Connor turned his head to look at Cassie, he could tell it was her even though she was a very blurry outline, colors we're still prominent. There was an attempt to blink it away but it became obvious this was sticking around for a bit at-least. There was a chance some vision might return after his body replaced the blood he'd lost.
Cassie smiled as Friday scanned Connor.

"All clear, but the poison hasn't fully left your system yet, which is probably why the vision portion of your brain is slowly coming back. The blood loss isn't helping either." Friday replied.

"You'll be back to normal in no time," Cass said, plugging an IV into his Wrist.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie held Connor gently but firmly, so she wouldn't drop him, but she smiled. "When have I ever done that?" She said. She looked at Alex. "See you back home." She gently flew up in the air and to the tower. "Gus, you can come if you want." She bit back a curse when she saw the broken window, but it made it easier for her to get in. "Redd!" She called out, careful not to be too loud. "Ruby!" She walked to the Medical Ward and set Connor down on the cot. "I can't have you dying on me, Connor. And Alex needs you, too." She brushed the hair out of his eyes and kissed his forehead in a sisterly manner.
Augustus vanished out of reality to check on his ships for a few moments before reforming in the tower with everyone. He spoke, "Offer still stands, plus I can help explain some things..." He seemed rather... bored and tiresome at this point. Two potential planets already? It was rather underwhelming to think of moving away to stay safe and fine with everyone. He felt so much more distant from everyone, like no body even wanted him there. They probably didn't... just trying to coexist tell he just poofs away for a few years. Watching over everyone as an adult, seeing their joy and feeling the cold pumping in his heart of a ruler who turned ash to a empire. No one would follow his world order, his lonely abyss only filled by machines with terrible names. He.. had to improve on his preferences of words. It was just... sobering. They always say you only notice what you had until it's gone... but he was to distant for that. He was so far past the curve, he saw it before it even came. He was the uncanny valley of life, one that could live forever with one more steal or stay alive for millennial.

When they all grow old... and then finally die.... he will just be watching, young as ever. He was to tough to die, he was near invincible. He heard the quote of the child burned into his skull screaming towards his brother, "Nooo! I don't want to be alone... if you die, I want to die to...!!" Ended up a sadistic murderer who did it to feel alive in those days. The agony was a chewing void, but Augustus knew he could easily endure it all. He just thought if he would like to endure through it all. He sighed, the world cares not whether he lives nor dies, it shall go on without him. He will be forgotten in 70 years, and the Doom Legacy shall just be a remembered curse. They all said he was a tainted, evil thing... so he will just take it elsewhere... maybe make some good in his life for them to see as good.

Humans were social animals, he was born human.. but now he didn't feel all that sure from watching them care over their fragile mortality. He looked to his fist, deep in thought. Could he even feel anymore... the love of another? Could he feel his own beating heart... or was it just a dead crevice that shrilled long ago from abuse and breaking? Maybe that's why he's a villain... he doesn't have the heart to feel with anymore. How could he make things beautiful without the suffering to know what hurts... or what just simply stings? He never decided to heal the injury in reminder of that sting... the last thing he felt before his father died. His flesh was melded with the graphene of his armor, one final curse. It was the only time in his entire life he heard his father say "...I love you..." in any form of context. He never knew if it was for killing him and ending his suffering that he thanked him... or for just becoming stronger then him and seeing his hatred become a star of it's own. Augustus carved himself a legacy, a path that he wanted no one to forget, to be remembered for aeons... but his whispers shall just die out.

The child simply sighed at the end of all his thought, watching his fren-emies for what felt like the final time.
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Cassie poked her head out of the Medical Ward. "Gus?" She said, noticing he was standing in the Living room. "Can you come here please? I need to talk to you." She poked her head back in and looked at Connor, sighing herself. "I'm so glad you're alright," she said.
Jamie stared blankly at Jordan. 'Whatever you say.' She signed and walked back out to the balcony. She looked out onto the city skyline, taking in the beautiful view. Her eyes landed when she saw something on a roof top she looked closer to see that it was an odd looking person. Before she could register what was in the persons hand, a loud shot rang out and a bullet went through Jamie's left shoulder. She fell onto the ground and tried to move. She could feel several broken bones in her shoulder so she tried crawling using her right arm. The mysterious shooter jumped to another building and turned invisible, however, they were still watching the tower. @sitanomoto @Anyone
sitanomoto said:
Cassie poked her head out of the Medical Ward. "Gus?" She said, noticing he was standing in the Living room. "Can you come here please? I need to talk to you." She poked her head back in and looked at Connor, sighing herself. "I'm so glad you're alright," she said.
Augustus followed after Cassie and mentally prepared himself for a repulsor blast or a slap, or... something violent against himself from the EXTREMIS. He waited until Cassie stopped moving to say, "...Alright, what is it..." Almost no emotion came from his voice...
Jordan was next to Jamie in a heartbeat and pulled her away from the balcony "Seriously? Who the hell puts a hit out on anyone associated with the Avengers..." he hissed and got her out of view from outside eyes
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Cassie looked at him and did something that surprised even her: She smiled. "Thank you for saving Connor," she said. "I know that the team doesn't like you much for what you did to me, but it brought them back together." She walked to her computed and pulled out a flash drive. "I have something for you," she said. "But before I give it to you, I want to know something." She sat in her spinny chair. "Why did you inject me with the EXTREMIS serum?" She was genuinely curious, not malicious or angry, though there was a part of her that wanted to hurl him out the window onto the rushing traffic below.

Terry heard the gunshots, jumping up from his position in his lab chair. "Ruby! Redd!" He began to gather things from the lab. "Please don't be Cassie, please don't be Cassie..."

"Coming!" Ruby said, standing up and running to where Jamie was. She knelt in front of her and sheilded her and Jordan from any more attacks. Terry was nevt to Jamie as soon as he could, pulling a spare metal rod and some gauze out of the first aid kit in the lab. He began to make a makeshift splint out of them and wrapped Jamie's shoulder.
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The sniper reappeared on a different rooftop, but not alone. Three more snipers joined her side, but quickly jumped onto separate rooftops. They all got out their rifles and began firing upon the Avengers in their tower. Two of them scanned the windows for anyone inside while the other two fired at the ones who were just on the balcony. @sitanomoto @LucianGrey7971 @anyone else
Connor jerked to an almost sitting position at the sound of the loud shot while in the medical bed, much to his dismay, a groan escaping his lips as the movement sent an intense pain through his abdomen. Lying back down onto the pillow in acceptance or defeat he began to feel anxious as he turned his head to look towards the doorway of the med lab, wondering just what was happening. His first thought was he couldn't see for anything, the second was he didn't have his shield, the third was that even if he got out of bed he'd only end up on the floor. It was clear to him that he couldn't help even if he wanted to, he'd have to trust that they could handle it. That didn't exactly stop him from worrying though, rubbing the back of his palm against his forehead and gritting his teeth at the sound of more shots.
Jordan looked at Terry like he was an idiot "Seriously? All Psionic energy in space and time concentrated in one being and YOU bring a splint to the party...Humans." he muttered before hearing more shots. Jordan snapped his fingers and an energy field appeared on the inside of the tower to stop the bullets dead in their tracks. Jordan looked down at Jamie and held up his hand "Remember what I said about regrowing a lung?" He placed his hand down on the wound and started to force it to regenerate.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie looked at him and did something that surprised even her: She smiled. "Thank you for saving Connor," she said. "I know that the team doesn't like you much for what you did to me, but it brought them back together." She walked to her computed and pulled out a flash drive. "I have something for you," she said. "But before I give it to you, I want to know something." She sat in her spinny chair. "Why did you inject me with the EXTREMIS serum?" She was genuinely curious, not malicious or angry, though there was a part of her that wanted to hurl him out the window onto the rushing traffic below.
Terry heard the gunshots, jumping up from his position in his lab chair. "Ruby! Redd!" He began to gather things from the lab. "Please don't be Cassie, please don't be Cassie..."

"Coming!" Ruby said, standing up and running to where Jamie was. She knelt in front of her and sheilded her and Jordan from any more attacks. Terry was nevt to Jamie as soon as he could, pulling a spare metal rod and some gauze out of the first aid kit in the lab. He began to make a makeshift splint out of them and wrapped Jamie's shoulder.
Augustus snickered, oh to hell with it? He just let it out, "Needs a little backstory, this question. Who are you in my eyes? A powerful leader who stole history from her father, and turned it into something brighter. You made things your father could only dream up because of your new angle, and it was a marvelous thing in my eyes. I was curious about you the entire time, you always interested me... and that interest blossom I guessed. My own past is a dark one.. and with shadows comes twists eh? Think of it my strange way of saying, "Your father made this once, it made him smarter and stronger and live forever... but he was evil. You can make it better, you can make it work." You get thrown into hell and find a way to turn it into a paradise. Your one of the few people who can truly understand my words and my thoughts... so yeah. I loved you."

He said it so casual like it was no big deal, before following up, "But I knew no one liked me, let alone loved me. Not my father, not my mother, not my sister... only my brother. Only person into the world to love me... he died the day Doom did... when I killed him with my bare hands. It was the first and only day in my life I heard the words uttered from his dying lips, "...I love you..." In his final duel he cursed my flesh and burned the entire left side of my body into this suit. If I took it off I have worse scars then his face would ever have. So, that's my reason. I am a dark person with a dark past, admiring the light and watching as it turned shadow to stars. So I just gave her shadow inside her heart... and watched as instead of corruption, she made even more stars for both herself and the people around her..."
The bullets hit Ruby's back as the firing rained down. She spread out her arms and two sheilds expanded from her Wrists.

Terry pulled out his gauntlet and fired back, aiming in the direction of the shots. He glared at Jordan. "Excuse me, but if you healed the bones while they weren't in a splint, they would be healed wrong, asshole." He continued to fire on the four beings.

Cassie stopped cold. "You... Loved me?" She said. She smiled, and then bit her lip, closing her eyes tight as a wave of memories flooded in. Her father, her mother, Phoenix, Ivory.... Bad things seemed to happen when people loved her and she loved them back. She opened her eyes and handed him the flash drive, closing is hand around it. "These are blueprints and plans that my father took from your Father. Plans for a better world. I wanted to give them back for a while...." The gunshots met her ears and she paled. No.... Not again..... "Connor, stay put." She said, sounding much like an older sister ordering a younger sibling. Turning to Gus, she said "Come on, we'll need all the help we can get." She grabbed her gauntlet and ran out to the balcony. "Don't diss on my brother like that, window-crasher," she said, standing with Terry Back-to back and firing at the group also. "Eat Freon, Bastards!" She yelled.
Jordan merely rolled his eyes and finished healing Jamie "Yes because I can destroy planets with my mind but healing a broken bone correctly just confuses the shit out of me" he said sarcastically and helped Jamie up "I'll break all the windows in this sumbitch! Now why are you being shot at THIS time?"
@sitanomoto[/URL] @LucianGrey7971 @anyone else
sitanomoto said:
The bullets hit Ruby's back as the firing rained down. She spread out her arms and two sheilds expanded from her Wrists.
Terry pulled out his gauntlet and fired back, aiming in the direction of the shots. He glared at Jordan. "Excuse me, but if you healed the bones while they weren't in a splint, they would be healed wrong, asshole." He continued to fire on the four beings.

Cassie stopped cold. "You... Loved me?" She said. She smiled, and then bit her lip, closing her eyes tight as a wave of memories flooded in. Her father, her mother, Phoenix, Ivory.... Bad things seemed to happen when people loved her and she loved them back. She opened her eyes and handed him the flash drive, closing is hand around it. "These are blueprints and plans that my father took from your Father. Plans for a better world. I wanted to give them back for a while...." The gunshots met her ears and she paled. No.... Not again..... "Connor, stay put." She said, sounding much like an older sister ordering a younger sibling. Turning to Gus, she said "Come on, we'll need all the help we can get." She grabbed her gauntlet and ran out to the balcony. "Don't diss on my brother like that, window-crasher," she said, standing with Terry Back-to back and firing at the group also. "Eat Freon, Bastards!" She yelled.
Augustus warped out of space time for a moment through the darkforce, before reforming behind a sniper. He whispered straight into her ear, "...Pardon, but I need to rip your bones apart molecule by molecule..." He unleashed a raw blast of telepathic power designed to shatter their weapons and give them horrific headaches if it hit them. He gave off a ravenous smile, watching whatever reaction they had to him and deciding how to play off it.
Jamie grunted and groaned as she felt her shoulder. 'Don't get near them.' She signed before passing out. The sniper quickly jumped out of the way and disappeared. The rest of the snipers turned towards him and began firing before disappearing themselves. Everything went silent... @sitanomoto @LucianGrey7971 @hudhouse @anyone else
Jordan caught Jamie and put her on a couch gently. "Oh goody...things we shouldn't go near...and that Doom guy is already near them...and they're gone, Y'know what? I'm just gonna let this play out." Jordan looked around, it was too quiet for something not to be happening but he said nothing and silently strengthened the energy field he had around the tower
Pink Gorilla]Jamie grunted and groaned as she felt her shoulder. 'Don't get near them.' She signed before passing out. The sniper quickly jumped out of the way and disappeared. The rest of the snipers turned towards him and began firing before disappearing themselves. Everything went silent... [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13975-sitanomoto/ said:
@sitanomoto[/URL] @LucianGrey7971 @hudhouse @anyone else
Augustus stood there, just blinking blindly as the bullets hit his armor. Graphene people! He silently floated back over to the tower stating, "Snipers... always somethin' if not me eh?"
Finn was about to go and impart some brotherly knowledge (which would have involved a lot of what were you thinking's and are you a moron's) to Connor when the shooting started. Startled from the sound he threw himself to the floor and covered his head with his arms. When it seemed like the bullets had a target he pushed himself to his feet and backed as far away from the window as possible. He could see Gus and Cassie on a balcony and that's where the bullets seemed to be going. Quickly Finn reminded himself to give Gus a smack on the head for the trouble he caused before thanking the guy for saving Connor's life. Going out onto the balcony he looked up at where the bullets were coming from. "Sorry to ruin your moment." He mumbled. Taking a bit of a run, he let Smasher take over before leaping onto the railing and propelling himself onto the nearby roof. With as little damage as possible he landed and looked around for any clues as to where they may have gone.

@sitanomoto @hudhouse @Pink Gorilla
CasualDragon said:
Finn was about to go and impart some brotherly knowledge (which would have involved a lot of what were you thinking's and are you a moron's) to Connor when the shooting started. Startled from the sound he threw himself to the floor and covered his head with his arms. When it seemed like the bullets had a target he pushed himself to his feet and backed as far away from the window as possible. He could see Gus and Cassie on a balcony and that's where the bullets seemed to be going. Quickly Finn reminded himself to give Gus a smack on the head for the trouble he caused before thanking the guy for saving Connor's life. Going out onto the balcony he looked up at where the bullets were coming from. "Sorry to ruin your moment." He mumbled. Taking a bit of a run, he let Smasher take over before leaping onto the railing and propelling himself onto the nearby roof. With as little damage as possible he landed and looked around for any clues as to where they may have gone.
@sitanomoto @hudhouse @Pink Gorilla
Augustus turned his body back, staring upside down at Smasher and Finn. Augustus stated, "I would help find him but all of my machines are off world, and I still don't have that decent telepathy yet for tracking... apologies."
Pink Gorilla]Jamie grunted and groaned as she felt her shoulder. 'Don't get near them.' She signed before passing out. The sniper quickly jumped out of the way and disappeared. The rest of the snipers turned towards him and began firing before disappearing themselves. Everything went silent... [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13975-sitanomoto/ said:
@sitanomoto[/URL] @LucianGrey7971 @hudhouse @anyone else
Augustus suddenly had a brilliant moment of remembering all the stuff on his suit, and activated both his neural signatures and heat signatures. If any of those snipers let out either thinking without protection, or heat without protection.... he will find them!
While the others were looking out onto the rooftops confused, the snipers quickly made their way up the tower. When they reached the same level the Avengers were on, they quietly made their way over to the couch where Jamie was. They paused a moment to think out a plan. One of them stepped over to the couch while the other stepped towards Jordan. The other two made their way across the room, pulled out their pistols, and began firing upon the Avengers. The sniper by Jordan pulled out her machete and swung it at his head while the one by the coach grabbed Jamie, turned invisible and ran off. When the one with Jamie ran off the two snipers jumped out of the window and turned invisible while the third attempted to do the same.
Connor would have chuckled or rolled his eyes at Cassie's order to stay put, as if he could actually go anywhere, but with the tense situation he just sat still and listened. Catching the occasional shout from somewhere outside the med lab, followed by more shots, and then...silence? By this point Connor had turned his head in an attempt to hear more of what was going on but all of the voices we're muffled. The blonde huffed, sincerely hoping that everyone was okay and wondering if Alex had arrived on Connor's bike just to get caught up into whatever was happening. Instead he took a moment to stare at his blurry hands as he attempted to use his powers, he could feel the ice forming but only a little, he shook them as if they burned in an attempt to jump start his ability. However at the moment it seemed his powers we're as weak as he was.

Plopping his head onto his pillow just to have it bounce back up again as more shots started, this time much louder, and inside the tower. "This day never ends." He grumbled, one of his fists clenching and un-clenching in anticipation, just in case the fighting moved into the med wing he could attempt something to help even if it wasn't much.

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