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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

sitanomoto said:
Cassie nodded to Charlize. "Duly noted," she said, picking up Alex Bridal-style. She flew out the window, scanning for Connor. "There!" She said, flying down to where he was. "Augustus!" She said, putting Alex down. "Did you see who this?" She knelt next to Connor and brushed some of the blond hair out of his eyes. "Hey, I brought Alex."
Augustus snarled out, "From the last thing my nano-bots recorded... he was going to meet someone here... but why a graveyard? Cassie, does he know anyone here... and if so would that be a link?"
Connor listened to Augustus ramble on, "You know your stuff..." He said having relaxed a bit just knowing someone knew where he was. "And you like to talk." A faint smile crossing his face as he attempted to move just slightly to a more comfortable position. There was a shot, without warning that made Connor flinch and had his ears ringing, but from the fact that he wasn't dead and the stinging on his head he had a guess it'd been for his benefit.

Once Augustus was finished smearing the paste Connor took a deep breath, it was hard to tell what Gus's true intentions we're, trying to get in their good graces maybe? It didn't change the fact that he was helping Connor, and he didn't take that lightly. "Gus...thanks, I owe you." He'd been about to continue on and answer Gus's question when he heard the familiar sound of a flying suit overhead, followed by Cassie kneeling down by him. "Oh good....as if I didn't already...look pitiful enough with....the crutches before." He joked, his words slow as he took time to breathe. There was talk of who'd done it and Connor told only Alex who he'd gone to meet, and he had mixed feelings about just throwing Carter out there. Especially in this moment where emotions could get the better of some. "We should just...get back to the tower."

@Steel Zinogre @AnnoDomini
Crono said:
Connor listened to Augustus ramble on, "You know your stuff..." He said having relaxed a bit just knowing someone knew where he was. "And you like to talk." A faint smile crossing his face as he attempted to move just slightly to a more comfortable position. There was a shot, without warning that made Connor flinch and had his ears ringing, but from the fact that he wasn't dead and the stinging on his head he had a guess it'd been for his benefit.
Once Augustus was finished smearing the paste Connor took a deep breath, it was hard to tell what Gus's true intentions we're, trying to get in their good graces maybe? It didn't change the fact that he was helping Connor, and he didn't take that lightly. "Gus...thanks, I owe you." He'd been about to continue on and answer Gus's question when he heard the familiar sound of a flying suit overhead, followed by Cassie kneeling down by him. "Oh good....as if I didn't already...look pitiful enough with....the crutches before." He joked, his words slow as he took time to breathe. There was talk of who'd done it and Connor told only Alex who he'd gone to meet, and he had mixed feelings about just throwing Carter out there. Especially in this moment where emotions could get the better of some. "We should just...get back to the tower."

@Steel Zinogre @AnnoDomini
Augustus watched them, before stating, "...If you wish for me to help, I can remove your need of crutches as well. But since you wish to to the tower, I'll bring this up..." He looked to everybody there, before saying, "I'm not the one who is going to carry him. I'll carry the bike though. Also... since I no longer am going to live on Earth... I'll still visit mind, but I will be moving out to some new planet as a deal with Laxus. But since I won't be as promonent, I wish to offer a chance for you guys and any at the tower who wish for it as well. If you want to ask a question, I can try and answer it." He realized that he rambled on with his thoughts, and looked to Connor, "Eh, I lacked the ability to talk to many as a child. At least you people can understand me better then the rats..."
Alex gently went next to Connor, punching his shoulder. "Next time, use a safe word, you dolt!" He kissed the blonde, looking at Augustus. "You... have our thanks." His eyes turned to Connor, then to Cass. "Yeah, I think this should be discussed somewhere... safe."

@sitanomoto @Crono @hudhouse
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AnnoDomini said:
Alex gently went next to Connor, punching his shoulder. "Next time, use a safe word, you dolt!" He kissed the blonde, looking at Augustus. "You... have our thanks." His eyes turned to Connor, then to Cass. "Yeah, I think this should be discussed somewhere... safe."
@sitanomoto @Crono @hudhouse
Augustus snarled, "If you wish to thank me, do this to the civilians out there to, alright? Then we are more then even."
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Connor flinched lightly at the punch but smiled at the kiss that followed, "Sorry." He mumbled then upon Augustus' suggestion he coughed. "Carry my??--" Connor shook his head lightly at the thought of his bike being carried like some toy, "Cass can take me back...Alex can drive the bike back." Though he probably didn't have much say at this point. Connor put his arms on the ground below him to push himself up from the ground and away from the bike. Though his weakened state made it difficult and he could feel his arms shaking under his weight, the movement also made his mid-section extremely uncomfortable and he grit his teeth until he was sat up dizzily on his butt. The blonde was aware of what Augustus was saying about leaving but was having a hard time processing it all for a response and decided against it.

@Steel Zinogre @hudhouse @sitanomoto @AnnoDomini
Crono said:
Connor flinched lightly at the punch but smiled at the kiss that followed, "Sorry." He mumbled then upon Augustus' suggestion he coughed. "Carry my??--" Connor shook his head lightly at the thought of his bike being carried like some toy, "Cass can take me back...Alex can drive the bike back." Though he probably didn't have much say at this point. Connor put his arms on the ground below him to push himself up from the ground and away from the bike. Though his weakened state made it difficult and he could feel his arms shaking under his weight, the movement also made his mid-section extremely uncomfortable and he grit his teeth until he was sat up dizzily on his butt. The blonde was aware of what Augustus was saying about leaving but was having a hard time processing it all for a response and decided against it.
@Steel Zinogre @hudhouse @sitanomoto @AnnoDomini
Augustus snickered, "Eh, I don't care about the bike, just 'driving' to be nice."
Crono said:
Connor flinched lightly at the punch but smiled at the kiss that followed, "Sorry." He mumbled then upon Augustus' suggestion he coughed. "Carry my??--" Connor shook his head lightly at the thought of his bike being carried like some toy, "Cass can take me back...Alex can drive the bike back." Though he probably didn't have much say at this point. Connor put his arms on the ground below him to push himself up from the ground and away from the bike. Though his weakened state made it difficult and he could feel his arms shaking under his weight, the movement also made his mid-section extremely uncomfortable and he grit his teeth until he was sat up dizzily on his butt. The blonde was aware of what Augustus was saying about leaving but was having a hard time processing it all for a response and decided against it.
@Steel Zinogre @hudhouse @sitanomoto @AnnoDomini
Cass looked awkwardly away when Alex kissed Connor, wishing that she had a relationship. She heard Connor say that she could carry him back and she nodded. She picked him up gently. "Oh, how the tables have turned."
sitanomoto said:
Cass looked awkwardly away when Alex kissed Connor, wishing that she had a relationship. She heard Connor say that she could carry him back and she nodded. She picked him up gently. "Oh, how the tables have turned."
(Maybe she should ask azazel out...... Just a thought.) charlize and helga look in disgust as connor and alex sucked face. "Eww, I never knew that he was dating a dude...... Not that there is anything wrong with that or anything." she said as she blushed, hands behind her back, and tail wrapped around one of her legs. Redd looked at Ruby, and exhaled, now calm and collected. @sitanomoto @hudhouse @Crono @AnnoDomini
( This look like a job for the OG Phoenix Force...who is currently reeling from power over usage....)

Jordan straightened up and flew into the air, only to crash through the window of the Avengers Tower. Normally he'd be happy about it, but he didn't decide to do it this time "Ok..." his voice was strained "That wasn't planned..."
Jamie walked over to where Jordan crashed through the window. She leaned over to look at his face and smiled evilly. She didn't offer a hand or anything she just stood there and began to giggle a bit before quieting down. @LucianGrey7971
Jordan couldn't even see Jamie, his eyes were glazed over and flickering orange as he tried to focus on anything. He turned onto his stomach and placed both hands on the ground to slowly push himself up
Jordan immediately put his hands up to defend himself and waited for an attack to come. His brow furrowed intensely and eyes glowed bright orange before going back to their icy grey color. "....oh...it's you...thanks." Jordan said and lowered his guard. He shook the cobwebs out of his head and smoothed his hair back. "That was rather unpleasant..."
"I....it is nothing. I'm fine now" Jordan looked away and let out a long exhale. "I'm surprised you're still here." he said attempting to change the subject
'I've got nothing better to do. I was looking through all the Avenger's bedrooms, but they are all boring. I ended up on the balcony and that's when I saw you.' Jamie signed. She shrugged and looked back at Jordan. @LucianGrey7971
"Ah...that. Just a bit of...Excess energy if you will..." Jordan said not liking to admit that he was at a weak point then, having used to much of his power that quickly, it wasn't good for the human body and it had turned his insides to pure energy. Not a pleasant feeling by a long shot.
"Hell if I know, he said he came from here but I've never met him. I'm guessing you haven't either eh?" Jordan shifted his weight a couple of times and was already back to looking completely normal and 100 percent.
'No, I haven't and I never forget a face.' Jamie seemed phased by her comment, but then shook her head slightly and looked back at Jordan. 'You are looking better already.' She signed. She was impressed by the power he possessed, she had to admit. @LucianGrey7971
Jordan shrugged at the comment "Recovery time is pretty fast...I still feel every bit of it though...you ever felt a lung grow back? I don't recommend it"
'I've never felt a lung grow back before. I've been in pain, but probably not to that extreme.' Jamie signed then chuckled lightly. 'You are not as much of an asshole as I thought you were.' @LucianGrey7971
"Its the responsibility that comes with being what I am...Unless something happens here that completely changes the evolutionary process, it's a very grey area as to where I intervene...it's hard for me to explain that concept...doesn't help that my social skills have been stunted for millennia." he responded, not even blinking an eye at being called an asshole.

@Pink Gorilla
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Connor hissed through his teeth at the pain and discomfort at being lifted , "Just...don't drop me, alright?" He replied in-between breaths, only now did he realize he'd signed up for flying, and honestly at the moment he could care less and that was a first. The blonde closed his eyes, now that he was no longer sitting on the ground he was light headed and in an attempt to keep the world from spinning shut them.


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