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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Ruby giggled and put her hand up to her mouth, also slightly embarrassed.

Terry looked aghast. "Dude, we have to talk."

Cass smiled. She hoped for this reaction...
sitanomoto said:
Ruby giggled and put her hand up to her mouth, also slightly embarrassed.
Terry looked aghast. "Dude, we have to talk."

Cass smiled. She hoped for this reaction...
"About what? did I do something wrong?" Redd asked, slightly worried, and mainly embarrassed at the situation. "I'm sorry Ruby...... This is all new to me..... Please Forgive me." (I am Fighting an Apex diablos...... Please help me.....)
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LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan looked towards Earth with an emotionless face disappeared without another word. He landed in the back alley of the Avengers Tower and doubled over, clutching his stomach. He puked up what could only be described as pure energy.
You overdid it. Your body is not ready to take on that much power usage.

"I know that! But what's done is done..." Jordan hissed and staggered back to his feet
Augustus just watched as Jordan vanished. He looked over to Luxus... and sighed. He placed a hand behind his head and said, "...Easy come easy go. Fine, all Rex Regum bots shall board on my space ships and they will find a world for me to conquer and shape to my own desire. Never expect me to leave mind.. even if I am your enemy you and the Avengers are my friends. I would never try to kill any of ya even if I didn't make the promise to Cassie. I need some fun every now and again eh?" He yanked out a hand to offer a shake or maybe a fist pump, he didn't know what he would do, and said, "Water under the bridge?"

hudhouse said:
Augustus just watched as Jordan vanished. He looked over to Luxus... and sighed. He placed a hand behind his head and said, "...Easy come easy go. Fine, all Rex Regum bots shall board on my space ships and they will find a world for me to conquer and shape to my own desire. Never expect me to leave mind.. even if I am your enemy you and the Avengers are my friends. I would never try to kill any of ya even if I didn't make the promise to Cassie. I need some fun every now and again eh?" He yanked out a hand to offer a shake or maybe a fist pump, he didn't know what he would do, and said, "Water under the bridge?"
Laxus didn't shake his hand but replied "Water under the Bridge." Before Laxus himself vanished he probably had a ton of lectures about independent actions to go through. He reappeared on topof the Avenger's tower and decided to take this time to relax as he powered down from Mysticism.
Jamie got bored again and wandered off to search the Avengers Tower again. Allison groaned when she realized Jamie had left and decided to go home. Jamie ended up on the balcony staring out into the city. She felt the breeze on her bare skin and breathed in the air. She looked down to see Jordan in the alley down below. Jamie thought about spitting on him and seeing what would happen, but he was already puking so she decided to leave him alone.
Augustus sighed, well the idea really did work. He's got to improve relationships with the rest of the Avengers... though he still was very socially awkward. What he was supposed to say? What do they even like? All he really knew was that people liked to live in peace, be happy and be entertained. ...Well he already botched up the first two with Cassie. Why did he have feelings for her... that STARK wannabe just reminded him so much of his younger days, or was it something else. He remembered fixing that old castle with nothing but broken brooms and cracked metal, but found all those books. He met his brother there, and they kept on harshly trying to correct each other like lions who forgot they weren't cubs. Augustus taught survival in the urban environment and the wild... his brother taught magic, science and swordplay. But then one day his brother sliced Augustus's throat open, and never felt betrayed. He felt love for the brother who went so far, and to see someone for the first time care for him. But ever since then love, compassion, feelings in general just became his downfall. He sung under his breath towards the past, "Only the broken hearts make you beatiful, and one's gotta be mine... only the broken heart turns cynical, waiting for the stars to be mine."

Augustus shook his head, friends with the Avengers at best, enemies at worst, just like a strange family. Hopefully it won't end up like him and his brother. Agustus's 1st murder.... was Rabum Alal 3 years ago, and his 2nd, was Victor Von Doom.

Augustus began teleportating to his space ships, gathering data and sending ships on their way while also playing a television broadcast all over the planet Earth - "The man known as Rex Regum, or Omega Tyrant, has left his occupation on the Eastern world, but left all the cities and buildings in his disappearance."
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"About what? did I do something wrong?" Redd asked, slightly worried, and mainly embarrassed at the situation. "I'm sorry Ruby...... This is all new to me..... Please Forgive me." (I am Fighting an Apex diablos...... Please help me.....)

Terry sighed and grabbed Redd's big hand. He dragged him out to the living room, which was all but empty, and looked Redd in the face. "Dude, you've never been in love before?" He said, raising an eyebrow. Truth be told, Terry and Cassie were the LAST ones to be giving relationship advice, but Terry really wanted to help Redd with Ruby.
Connor let out a deep frustrated sigh and stepped around Carter, looking at the tree with his back to the clone, "Yeah? And what's that exactly?" He asked nearing the end of his patience, he'd come here with a plan. A moment later he could feel intense pressure near his abdomen, followed by stinging pain as he looked down to find a familiar blade protruding from his body. A moment of shock had the blonde almost frozen in time.

"That your as foolish as your father." Came Carter's voice rather calmly if not smug. "That your also just like me but you can't face it, that I've been playing you for the last two months and you knew it but didn't care to do a thing about it. You we're right about one thing, I am like you. I just choose to embrace it rather than smother it in all of that goody two-shoes mumbo jumbo." Carter regarded the back of Connor's head with a smirk, "You shouldn't turn your back on me. Maybe if you'd brought your shield this wouldn't have been so easy, but you had the gall to show up without it. This was inevitable Connor."

Connor was numb to the world until he felt Carter's boot against his back, and in one fell swoop the blade was gone and he was face first on the ground. "Don't worry, you shouldn't die. There'd be no fun in killing you now, though it would be ironic if you died just inches from Bob's grave wouldn't it?" Carter tapped his sword on his shoulder, enjoying the moment as he stood over Connor. "No, I made sure to miss any vital points, organs, arteries." He shrugged, "Stuck you exactly where I stuck your damned father--" There was a frigid blast of pure ice in a ten foot circle radius around where Connor lay, the blast knocking Carter backwards and earning a chuckle.

"Well you still have fight in you after-all! But you probably noticed you can't move about now."
The clone stepped out of the frozen radius as the frozen grass blades crunched below his feet and the frost stuck to his armor. "That's be a present from dear old Pyrite, that paralytic juice he had flowing through him at one point, I saved a little all this time and smeared it on my blade just for you. Was worth the look on your face though, priceless." Carter sheathed his blade as he started to walk away, "Here's to hoping someone stumbles across you before you bleed out. I'd say you have maybe an hour, but that paralysis could wear off before then. So I'd try not to pass out!" Carter was absolutely beaming with a smile as he practically trotted along, leaving the cemetery.

Connor lay on the icy ground unable to move or speak, trying to focus. He knew he was bleeding, he could feel it through the pain, but he couldn't move to stop it with his body paralyzed. While he'd like to say that the flash freeze had been him getting back at Carter...it wasn't, it was almost like his bodies defense mechanism, he couldn't focus enough to use his powers or he'd use it to prevent the bleeding or make his presence more obvious. From the position he was stuck in he could see his bike parked on the small street of the cemetery, the helmet had a built in comm device but he couldn't move. Once it wears off. He told himself as he tasted the coppery hint of blood in his mouth, This isn't how I...go out.
sitanomoto said:
Terry sighed and grabbed Redd's big hand. He dragged him out to the living room, which was all but empty, and looked Redd in the face. "Dude, you've never been in love before?" He said, raising an eyebrow. Truth be told, Terry and Cassie were the LAST ones to be giving relationship advice, but Terry really wanted to help Redd with Ruby.
"No.... Because I never met a female of my kind before." he said as he sighed. "I had a love for cassie..... but it was a paternal love..... Like a father-daughter thing.... you know?" he said admittedly. "This is all new to me, I am not sure if I could handle it."
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"No.... Because I never met a female of my kind before." he said as he sighed. "I had a love for cassie..... but it was a paternal love..... Like a father-daughter thing.... you know?" he said admittedly. "This is all new to me, I am not sure if I could handle it."

Terry smiled. " Well, yeah, I can understand that. I... Uh.... Had that experience earlier today...." He said, remembering the bumbling idiotic Terry who fell backwards in front of Paityn.
"Oh Y'know...Thanos, power hungry asses...me setting the atmosphere on fire, terraforming the planet and bringing the to life" Jordan responded dryly "You can stop asking me questions, I'm not exactly in the greatest of moods..."

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Connor could never be sure how long it took before he was able to move again, it felt like ages, and it didn't come all at once. The blonde never peeked back to see how much blood he'd left, and the first ten feet hadn't been so bad since it'd been partially frozen. Eventually he'd gotten onto his knee's, clutching at the wound, "I can't...believe..." It wasn't the time to complain, he knew he needed to keep moving. Anyone could pass out from blood loss, so he got to his wobbly feet, stumbled a bit then crawled the rest of the way to his bike. Collapsing just as he arrived and stretching an arm up and over to grab his helmet, flinching the whole way.

There was almost a sigh of relief as his hand searched the outside of the helmet for the damned button. Click. "Need...an emergency...pickup." he attempted to speak loudly with his eyes closed and breathing heavily with his back against the bike. "Avenger down."

@AnyoneWithComm's? Or @sitanomoto @AnnoDomini I suppose.

(Feel so cheesy saying Avenger down. lol)
Alex's headset picked up something. "Hmm, I wonder..." His smile dissapeared when he heard Connor's hurt voice. "Connor! Damn!" Alex taught he needed some help, and probably some backup. Without thinking, he went over to where Cassie is. "Cass! Connor's in trouble! Suit up, and let's kick some ass, Think Tank."

Cassie's eyes went wide and she pressed a button. "Ruby," she said, her suit coming to her. "Watch everything while I'm gone." She ran out to the living room, putting her suit on as she went.

"Yes, master," Ruby said, Saluting.

"Cass, what's wrong?" Terry asked, looking worried.

"Connor's in trouble," Cassie said, looking at Alex.

"I want to come!" Terry said, walking forward.

"No. Terry, I need you to stay here and help Ruby, Redd, and the others look after the Tower."


"Terry, stay put."


"Stay put."

"Fine." Terry said, crossing his arms again.

Cassie nodded and looked at Alex again. "C'mon," she said, going to one of the busted windows. "need a lift?"
Crono said:
Connor could never be sure how long it took before he was able to move again, it felt like ages, and it didn't come all at once. The blonde never peeked back to see how much blood he'd left, and the first ten feet hadn't been so bad since it'd been partially frozen. Eventually he'd gotten onto his knee's, clutching at the wound, "I can't...believe..." It wasn't the time to complain, he knew he needed to keep moving. Anyone could pass out from blood loss, so he got to his wobbly feet, stumbled a bit then crawled the rest of the way to his bike. Collapsing just as he arrived and stretching an arm up and over to grab his helmet, flinching the whole way.
There was almost a sigh of relief as his hand searched the outside of the helmet for the damned button. Click. "Need...an emergency...pickup." he attempted to speak loudly with his eyes closed and breathing heavily with his back against the bike. "Avenger down."

@AnyoneWithComm's? Or @sitanomoto @AnnoDomini I suppose.

(Feel so cheesy saying Avenger down. lol)
The emergency signal of "Avenger Down" was picked up quickly by ZETA. Augustus was reported on it... and he thought of a perfect opportunity. He took one of his signature Creation Orbs, and vanished from reality. A pitch black rift in space-time echoed, before anchoring near Connor. Augustus walked out of the rift, holding a strange sniper rifle with a broken iron sights, and some floating pieces in it. He lifted up the Creation Orb, and it shined emerald light onto Connor's face. Augustus stated, "...Shall I tend to your wounds here... or would you rather if one of your friends did it?"
Alex shakes his head. "I guess. I can regenerate, but I don't think I have super speed. So, flying is ok for me. But, be warned, I tickle easily." He says, smiling.

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hudhouse said:
The emergency signal of "Avenger Down" was picked up quickly by ZETA. Augustus was reported on it... and he thought of a perfect opportunity. He took one of his signature Creation Orbs, and vanished from reality. A pitch black rift in space-time echoed, before anchoring near Connor. Augustus walked out of the rift, holding a strange sniper rifle with a broken iron sights, and some floating pieces in it. He lifted up the Creation Orb, and it shined emerald light onto Connor's face. Augustus stated, "...Shall I tend to your wounds here... or would you rather if one of your friends did it?"
Augustus suddenly appearing out of the rift had Connor momentarily attempting to sit up straight, and if he'd been in a better state he would have moved back but with his bike at his back he wasn't going anywhere quickly. Instead he slid the helmet off his head with one hand, the other still over the bloody wound. Oh good. Wincing at the bright emerald light in his face he turned his head, "Do what you...need to." He breathed out in a raspy breath. Connor wasn't too comfortable with it, but he blamed the fact that he didn't have a clear head that he was accepting help from the guy who'd put Cassie in a coma.

sitanomoto said:
Cassie's eyes went wide and she pressed a button. "Ruby," she said, her suit coming to her. "Watch everything while I'm gone." She ran out to the living room, putting her suit on as she went.
"Yes, master," Ruby said, Saluting.

"Cass, what's wrong?" Terry asked, looking worried.

"Connor's in trouble," Cassie said, looking at Alex.

"I want to come!" Terry said, walking forward.

"No. Terry, I need you to stay here and help Ruby, Redd, and the others look after the Tower."


"Terry, stay put."


"Stay put."

"Fine." Terry said, crossing his arms again.

Cassie nodded and looked at Alex again. "C'mon," she said, going to one of the busted windows. "need a lift?"
Helga walked up to Cassie, with Charlize on her back. "I'm comin' too, and there ain't no way you will stop me from helping you." she said with a smile as helga licked her fists, priming the yellow slime on her hands for detonation.
Crono said:
Augustus suddenly appearing out of the rift had Connor momentarily attempting to sit up straight, and if he'd been in a better state he would have moved back but with his bike at his back he wasn't going anywhere quickly. Instead he slid the helmet off his head with one hand, the other still over the bloody wound. Oh good. Wincing at the bright emerald light in his face he turned his head, "Do what you...need to." He breathed out in a raspy breath. Connor wasn't too comfortable with it, but he blamed the fact that he didn't have a clear head that he was accepting help from the guy who'd put Cassie in a coma.
Augustus placed down the sniper and looked at the wounds. He stated, "Blade wounds, missing major arteries and organs. Ice frost around the ground... your chilled a little bit. That ice will lower your metabolism rate and your entire body will be able to survive with less oxygen. You got about 20% more time before your body starts dying from waste build up. Your breath and your blood together take out waste by providing oxygen, and the waste goes out as Co2. Otherwise.. the acidic materials would just build up until your cells exploded like balloons." He made a pop sound effect but rather poorly. More like a 'pup' then a 'pop'. He scanned his entire body, and stated, "Bruising in the rear of your skull... you could suffer from blindness for a few days up to permanent blindness. You wouldn't even be able to recognize light... and your motor abilities may be impaired for the same duration.... I will extract the extra blood from your brain and cauterize the wound from the inside, stopping the swelling but making it sore. Otherwise you would bleed out internally."

Augustus made a flaming spell, and fired his sniper into the back of Connor's head at a angle. It would nip his head, but still be very loud. Augustus used gravity magic to hold Connor's head still while firing off a tiny red ray into the wound, burning a few of his blood vessels shut. He would generate a stitching needle and close the wound while applying a strange paste designed to help seal the wound. He then went to the sword injury, and stated, "This one might have caused damage to your gallbladder, but otherwise perfectly fine." Augustus applied adhesive tape with a small amount of paste to his entire torso. The strange paste would act like an artificial skin layer to help keep the blood in.

Augustus stepped away and said, "Water and food would be best for you now... but if the injury hit the gallbladder you wouldn't have any bile to digest it with, plus with your injuries it may be to much for your digestive systems. What do you want for me to do to help you? Or shall I just let the Avengers find you?"
AnnoDomini said:
Alex shakes his head. "I guess. I can regenerate, but I don't think I have super speed. So, flying is ok for me. But, be warned, I tickle easily." He says, smiling.
hudhouse said:
Augustus placed down the sniper and looked at the wounds. He stated, "Blade wounds, missing major arteries and organs. Ice frost around the ground... your chilled a little bit. That ice will lower your metabolism rate and your entire body will be able to survive with less oxygen. You got about 20% more time before your body starts dying from waste build up. Your breath and your blood together take out waste by providing oxygen, and the waste goes out as Co2. Otherwise.. the acidic materials would just build up until your cells exploded like balloons." He made a pop sound effect but rather poorly. More like a 'pup' then a 'pop'. He scanned his entire body, and stated, "Bruising in the rear of your skull... you could suffer from blindness for a few days up to permanent blindness. You wouldn't even be able to recognize light... and your motor abilities may be impaired for the same duration.... I will extract the extra blood from your brain and cauterize the wound from the inside, stopping the swelling but making it sore. Otherwise you would bleed out internally."
Augustus made a flaming spell, and fired his sniper into the back of Connor's head at a angle. It would nip his head, but still be very loud. Augustus used gravity magic to hold Connor's head still while firing off a tiny red ray into the wound, burning a few of his blood vessels shut. He would generate a stitching needle and close the wound while applying a strange paste designed to help seal the wound. He then went to the sword injury, and stated, "This one might have caused damage to your gallbladder, but otherwise perfectly fine." Augustus applied adhesive tape with a small amount of paste to his entire torso. The strange paste would act like an artificial skin layer to help keep the blood in.

Augustus stepped away and said, "Water and food would be best for you now... but if the injury hit the gallbladder you wouldn't have any bile to digest it with, plus with your injuries it may be to much for your digestive systems. What do you want for me to do to help you? Or shall I just let the Avengers find you?"
Cassie nodded to Charlize. "Duly noted," she said, picking up Alex Bridal-style. She flew out the window, scanning for Connor. "There!" She said, flying down to where he was. "Augustus!" She said, putting Alex down. "Did you see who this?" She knelt next to Connor and brushed some of the blond hair out of his eyes. "Hey, I brought Alex."
sitanomoto said:
Cassie nodded to Charlize. "Duly noted," she said, picking up Alex Bridal-style. She flew out the window, scanning for Connor. "There!" She said, flying down to where he was. "Augustus!" She said, putting Alex down. "Did you see who this?" She knelt next to Connor and brushed some of the blond hair out of his eyes. "Hey, I brought Alex."
"After her!" Charlize yelled as Helga jumped out of a window, and sprinted behind Cassie. Upon arrival to the cemetery, Charlie looked on in shock. "Who the hell....? " she was cut off, since she picked up a scent similar to Connor's "whoever it was, they smell somewhat like Connor."

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