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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

hudhouse said:
Augustus felt the power suddenly ripple through his body, and he slammed his hands to the floor. He screamed like a wolf, energy crackling down his body. Dark power trailed off him, corrupting things that were deeply kept secrets of the underworld. That instant, he stole the powers he wanted and needed. He became intangible for a few moments, testing out the strength he had stolen. He spoke to Azazel directly, "...If you Take, then you are strong. If you are given, then you will find weakness for you never had the determination and strength to take or make it. You have taken his honor and his pride, while I have taken his strength. He will be fine... but now I am a Semi-Mortal. I will explain this to you later... present him to your father and I will go on my hunt..."
Augustus warped into the Dark Force Dimension, before following the energy orb towards Luxus, screaming out his name as he hunted him!


(Most people are at Avengers Tower)
"Let's not get crazy there. I am just going to leave his ass here. The paralysis should wear off soon." Azazel said as he opened the portal to its original size, and gestured for Augustus to go first.
"To Earth!" Laxus decided because last he checked Augustus was busy. As he was flying through the upper atmosphere of Earth he heard his name called and dodged an energy orb or something. His supernatural awareness told him Augustus was after him. "Mysticism!" Laxus exclaimed and he began to give off a pure glow as his Asgardian armor disappeared leaving Laxus with a bare upper body and black pants along with black metallic greaves. "Doom Jr. you have come seeking your defeat be it now or later." Laxus said.

Finn looked around with wide eyes. He honestly had no idea what was even going on at the moment. Tiredly he pulled his glasses from his face and rubbed his eyes and the bridge of his nose with one hand. It had gone from peaceful to pure fury in about ten seconds. He followed the sound of the yelling until he arrived. Laxus, who was the talk of the tower, had shown up. Eyeing up the people and seeing the mixed emotions flying around, he put his glasses back on and tried to see what he could do.

Fortune seemed to be silently seething about something. Cassie was also pretty angry looking. Jordan had shown up to stoke the fire again like usual. Gus was no longer the peaceful person he had been about six minutes ago and was now ready to fight. Azazel was lying on the ground and there was a portal? Was Azazel going to help Doom? Doomie Junior disapeared. Helped Doom. Finn pushed himself into a dark corner deciding to come up with some sort of a plan before he jumped in.

With Doom Jr and Azazel having gone through the portal Connor rubbed at the back of his neck, this whole thing was a mess. Connor only hoped it wouldn't end with another dead Avenger, the blonde moved back across the room to where Alex was sat and stood behind the couch. Leaning over he put his hands on Alex's shoulders and brought his face down to speak into his ear, "I'm going to go find Carter, see if I can't convince him to go on this infiltration mission as well. He's done it before, so he could be of help." Connor pressed his forehead gently against the top of Alex's, "Don't get into trouble while I'm gone, alright?" He joked with a smile, then stepped away heading for the garage while giving a brief wave to the others still in the room. Deciding to leave his crutches behind, he couldn't exactly drive his bike and hold them at the same time.

@AnnoDomini @LokiofSP @Pink Gorilla @CasualDragon @sitanomoto @PeoplezIforgot
Lemoncakes said:
Meanwhile Eldkatla had been keeping herself busy in her own way; if she planned on spending any amount of time in this realm there were things she needed to know. Luckily the basics weren't overly complex, not for her, so that is how she found herself in England (far enough away from America to not be directly affected by the aftermath but while still getting information about it) searching on what someone had kindly explained to her was the internet (a library of sorts, it seemed) on a device borrowed from some poor fool. She was just another, albeit very attractive and well-dressed, face in the crowd.
Her search was driven in two directions. Firstly to attempt to discover where the lost artifacts of the nine realms now resided. No longer being protected by the force of Asgard certainly made them more attractive and nothing she'd seen so far concerned her too much. However her second search to discover more on those who had fought against Thanos was not so easy. She could find superficial information on some and nothing on others. This was hardly a surprise but certainly not helped by the cacophony of magic she could sense dancing across the universe. First here, then somewhere further away amongst the stars. What in Hel's name is happening?
(Thanos destroyed half the world remember? In the entire Eastern world, all that's left with people are Augustus bases - India, China and Japan. The rest is just rocks so far or covered with soot and ash)
Newtype said:
"To Earth!" Laxus decided because last he checked Augustus was busy. As he was flying through the upper atmosphere of Earth he heard his name called and dodged an energy orb or something. His supernatural awareness told him Augustus was after him. "Mysticism!" Laxus exclaimed and he began to give off a pure glow as his Asgardian armor disappeared leaving Laxus with a bare upper body and black pants along with black metallic greaves. "Doom Jr. you have come seeking your defeat be it now or later." Laxus said.
@Steel Zinogre

Augustus snickered, floating there in mid air. He roared out, "I have taken even more powers Laxus... my strength is much grander then yours! I won't let this travesty go unpunished. Prepare yourself Asgardian, for your doom is at hand!" He raised up a hand, and unleashed psychic power. He attempted to use his Telekinesis on Laxus's bones, cracking and fracturing them so that he wouldn't be able to fight back. He quickly followed up by firing cosmic energy blasts from a opened palm close to his thigh, his eyes locked straight onto his prey.
Jordan sighed and looked at Allison and...the other one...look, there are so many characters in this sumbitch that sometimes I lose track of names...and said "You might wanna take like...three steps back..." Jordan widened his stance and exhaled heavily. He put his hands in the air and once again started to move sunken parts of the world back to the surface and reconnect them.
Laxus snickered "Get it Doom." Laxus was rather gleeful as used his own Telekinesis to shrug off Augustus's own telekinesis. Then Laxus without a gesture created a portal to the astral plane that absorbed the cosmic blast and then released it a nanometer to Augustus's left. Then he sent a barrage of energy-matter and astral energy spears at Augustus. "You know Doom Jr. even in the unlikely event you kill me now I'll just comeback stronger. Let it be known I warned you." Laxus said with a smirk. Then Earth's atmosphere briefly became filled with bright white lines as Laxus tapped into it's Ley Lines for more power.

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hudhouse said:
Augustus left a tiny drone that floated over to Az. It spoke rapidly, "AugustusThanksYouButHeIsCurrentlyFightingWithLuxusToGetThisOverWith. HeWillMeetYouAtTheTowerOnceThingsAreOver."
@Steel Zinogre

Augustus snickered, floating there in mid air. He roared out, "I have taken even more powers Laxus... my strength is much grander then yours! I won't let this travesty go unpunished. Prepare yourself Asgardian, for your doom is at hand!" He raised up a hand, and unleashed psychic power. He attempted to use his Telekinesis on Laxus's bones, cracking and fracturing them so that he wouldn't be able to fight back. He quickly followed up by firing cosmic energy blasts from a opened palm close to his thigh, his eyes locked straight onto his prey.
Tell him don't sweat it. I will meet him there." Azazel said with a smile as he heads back to the room where Cassie was. @sitanomoto
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Jordan finished up just as the Earth's atmosphere started to feel off "Oh not this crap again" Jordan ran his fingers through his hair in frustration before looking back at the girls and tipping his hood. "Well, I've got to go stop a cosmic throw down...always nice to see you again Quiet...you...not so much." he said to the other one before crashing out a window and flying off.

@Pink Gorilla @sitanomoto

( Also where the hell are Doom and lightning-douche)
LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan finished up just as the Earth's atmosphere started to feel off "Oh not this crap again" Jordan ran his fingers through his hair in frustration before looking back at the girls and tipping his hood. "Well, I've got to go stop a cosmic throw down...always nice to see you again Quiet...you...not so much." he said to the other one before crashing out a window and flying off.
@Pink Gorilla @sitanomoto

( Also where the hell are Doom and lightning-douche)
(I believe Asgard. And laxus is a real jerk at this point.)
Newtype said:
Laxus snickered "Get it Doom." Laxus was rather gleeful as used his own Telekinesis to shrug off Augustus's own telekinesis. Then Laxus without a gesture created a portal to the astral plane that absorbed the cosmic blast and then released it a nanometer to Augustus's left. Then he sent a barrage of energy-matter and astral energy spears at Augustus. "You know Doom Jr. even in the unlikely event you kill me now I'll just comeback stronger. Let it be known I warned you." Laxus said with a smirk. Then Earth's atmosphere briefly became filled with bright white lines as Laxus tapped into it's Ley Lines for more power.
Augustus watched as each and every bit of energy he used was simply diverted and converted. Noting that his father always had to use a weapon to be most effective, close combat just like Thaddeus would be the key. Augustus just... vanished out of reality itself. Like a illusion he just flickered, attacks went through him, and he fully vanished. Augustus seemed to appear right next to Laxus, going into a boxer pose while forming swords of Darkforce, something that Laxus might not have even knew existed from it's relatively shallow use compared to practically everything else.

Augustus didn't hold back, he made swords for a single swing before destroying them, making the pitch black mist coat Laxus and allow for Augustus to send a few boxing punches to each side of the ribs of he hit. He leaned in low, covering his face with his hands, and just kept on going. He unleashed a strength that could fling Galactus half-way across the moon, one that could stop Thor dead in his tracks... taken from the brain dead mind of a terrorist. Who knows, maybe Thanos will survive... but until then, Augustus only had one worry.

LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan finished up just as the Earth's atmosphere started to feel off "Oh not this crap again" Jordan ran his fingers through his hair in frustration before looking back at the girls and tipping his hood. "Well, I've got to go stop a cosmic throw down...always nice to see you again Quiet...you...not so much." he said to the other one before crashing out a window and flying off.
@Pink Gorilla @sitanomoto

( Also where the hell are Doom and lightning-douche)
(Upper atmosphere.... SOMEWHERE in Earth. No idea)
Laxus looked bored as the dark force swords simply vanished before touching him as they were purified and negated by any number of sub powers possessed by Laxus in this current form. The punches seemed to pass through him but it wasn't intangibility but speed granted by this new level of conditioning Laxus possessed in this form. He waited for Augustus to come to a conclusion and then speak it aloud to see if Augustus could guess the name of conditioning. "I kind of don't want to fight you anymore. I realize your kind of sad, but I'd rather just see you live through your misery then put you out of it. Maybe that's the mental capacity from my current mode talking but no less true." Laxus explained.

Newtype said:
Laxus looked bored as the dark force swords simply vanished before touching him as they were purified and negated by any number of sub powers possessed by Laxus in this current form. The punches seemed to pass through him but it wasn't intangibility but speed granted by this new level of conditioning Laxus possessed in this form. He waited for Augustus to come to a conclusion and then speak it aloud to see if Augustus could guess the name of conditioning. "I kind of don't want to fight you anymore. I realize your kind of sad, but I'd rather just see you live through your misery then put you out of it. Maybe that's the mental capacity from my current mode talking but no less true." Laxus explained.
Augustus just... stood there baffled. He stated, "...By the 9 frickin Owls you are tough. If you want me to suffer in misery, will you just leave me alone and explain why you had a temper tantrum on me and my base?" The mood change was pretty polarizing in this situation. How could he even tap this jerk?! He didn't have any speed power, but this guy had everything! How could he cure the Dark Force if it's just a energy?! How can something be negated like that?! Augustus just had ZETA process multiple different ways to try and beat this guy...
Out of nowhere, a bolt of lighting rushed towards Laxus' back with an energy signature unlike that of which he'd ever seen "CANDYGRAM!"
Connor drove out of Stark Tower on his bike, the white lights in the sky catching his attention as he stopped just before the street. Raising his visor he watched for a moment, "The world doesn't need more of this." He muttered into his helmet before pulling out onto the street and driving off. This little adventure would tell him if his clone was even alive after the Thanos aftermath, and hopefully he could convince Carter to help them, maybe even stay. Not to mention that Connor had learned that riding tended to clear his head.
Laxus without a gesture created an astral portal behind him which swallowed up the bolt of lightning and then spit it back at Jordan. Laxus explained "One you held Cassie prisoner, two put her in a coma, three engage in a cosmic throw down with Thaddeus in my throne room, and my little sister was right there when you engaged in the cosmic throw down. I'll leave you alone as long as you don't threaten anyone except Thaddeus he's fair game and release your occupation of Asia. Earth is one of Asgard's allies and that is a millitary action against one of our allies would bring us into the conflict. I suggest you use all that power you wield to build a world, a perfect worldmso to speak far from Earth."
Allison shook her head as Jordan left. "Asshole." Jamie looked at where Jordan had left and had a disgusted look on her face. She turned to Allison and signed, 'Was that piece of garbage attempting to hit on me?' Allison nodded her head. "Yes, I do believe he was." Jamie made a gagging sound.
Jordan merely blinked and threw lightning disappeared. "And I suggest YOU stop taking matters into your own hands or my next visit will be to Asgard...which will be renamed burning world number 437. I swear, Asgardians think they're more privileged than the damn aristocrats did."
Newtype said:
Laxus without a gesture created an astral portal behind him which swallowed up the bolt of lightning and then spit it back at Jordan. Laxus explained "One you held Cassie prisoner, two put her in a coma, three engage in a cosmic throw down with Thaddeus in my throne room, and my little sister was right there when you engaged in the cosmic throw down. I'll leave you alone as long as you don't threaten anyone except Thaddeus he's fair game and release your occupation of Asia. Earth is one of Asgard's allies and that is a millitary action against one of our allies would bring us into the conflict. I suggest you use all that power you wield to build a world, a perfect worldmso to speak far from Earth."
Augustus sighed... before snapping his fingers. He stated, "Not how it works... gotta find someone who can do that first and replicate it. Thanos - Destruction, Blackheart - Corruption. Do you know how many damned people have life generation powers? Also, that occupation of Asia? I revived those people, and I am protecting them. Slaughter, Genocide, Poverty, Ebola, Diseases... I am personally trying to cure people back at Challenger Deep but YOOOOOU had to attack! God robots are so much more dependable then any sentient right now..." Augustus placed two fingers to his mask in some gesture of thought, but still could never throw out that feeling of touch he wanted so badly. He snickered, "I live where all the crazes and the dying are... hoping to find some cure. But here are my turns. I will only threaten people if they threaten my people, or me first. I will deoccupy Asia and what little remains of Europe if you can find me someone with the power set of creation."
"Oh come on! This is why you idiots fail at everything you do. While YOU were busy throwing cosmic lawn darts at each other, I was putting the continents back in place." Jordan floated up to the two and ran his hand through his hair again "I'm not keen on resurrection, but I can make am exception for the people of Earth...it looks a bit...empty doesn't it"

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