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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

hudhouse said:
Augustus noted the orb, and it jumped out of reality to another realm. It was easily Asgard. Augustus had to shake his head and state, "...No, I can't follow him there. The son of Thor in another dimension would easily be Asgard, and all of the people there saw Thor as a hero among heroes. His son still follows the Odin and Thor legacy. Even then against a army of superhumans, there are civilians there. Finally, if Luxus was completely immune to an explosion capable of destroying EARTH, there is no way for me to be able to fight him where he is three fold stronger. ...Hmm, I will follow it once he gets out. I require one more thing...
"...Blackheart the Daemon... I know it's a very, very, very huge favor to ask but... could I be able to replicate his powers? To him it will simply feel like going light headed, and I will leave you both alone I swear." He heard the legends of Blackheart during his encounters with Doctor Strange, and he was a powerful being. It was a long shot, but if he could get THAT power, he would easily be able to crush Luxus.
"Ok, I will help you with that. Only because this dick is abusing his power. And by the way, Black heart is my brother, they call me Darkheart." Azazel replied. "Now, what's the next step?"
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"Ok, I will help you with that. Only because this dick is abusing his power. And by the way, Black heart is my brother, they call me Darkheart." Azazel replied. "Now, what's the next step?"

Augustus was stunned in shock for a few moments before gathering himself. He stated, "Well Darkheart, Blackheart's unlimited power over the Dark Dimension will make it so that all the sins that crawl on Laxus's back will be used against him, and as such I can be able to take him down without killing anyone by accident. And if necessary... trap him in the Darkforce and bring him to you guys. The only issue is, I must hit Blackheart with a energy blast, and the power is permanent like Rouge from the X men without killing or hurting the person. I... wish to thank you for helping me though. I apologize for my ramblings..."
hudhouse said:
Augustus was stunned in shock for a few moments before gathering himself. He stated, "Well Darkheart, Blackheart's unlimited power over the Dark Dimension will make it so that all the sins that crawl on Laxus's back will be used against him, and as such I can be able to take him down without killing anyone by accident. And if necessary... trap him in the Darkforce and bring him to you guys. The only issue is, I must hit Blackheart with a energy blast, and the power is permanent like Rouge from the X men without killing or hurting the person. I... wish to thank you for helping me though. I apologize for my ramblings..."
"sounds like a plan, my dad lost control of his ass years ago, so my dad would appreciate smacking some sense into him." azazel said. "Oh, and when you get back....... how about we discuss a few things..... like you visiting your dad in his castle in hell. Heaven has been down for some time, and do not worry, he is treated nicely and with the most respect a man could ever get. I have met him a few times....." he said with a smile.
"BUT OF COURSE!" Jordan's voice reverberated around the room without warning "What else could happen when a descendant of Doom tries to force the world to be what they see?" Fire burst to life in the room before engulfing the whole room in mere seconds, but the fire didn't burn anything, instead it merely swarmed to one local point before being scattered like wind and snuffed out. Jordan stood where the fire had once gathered, looking very...haggard was not the word, angered was closer to what his expression was. His eyes seemed to focus past the Avengers and even Augustus, like they were viewing entire worlds at once. He spoke again, this time walking to the center of the room "HOW could anyone who was born of Victor Von Doom bring PEACE to anything? Don't get me wrong...we appreciate that you want to fix the world...but you do more harm than good. You and your father toy with powers you do not understand and forcefully try to throw the universe into dismay for your own selfish reasons...But YOU Augustus..." Jordan gave a short dry chuckle before continuing,

"You somehow are capable of being so much better than your father if your daddy complex wasn't smacking you around...but don't think I'm just talking about you...the STARK and her father are no better...You wish to bring back the man who has plunged the world into war so many, many times? He started a Civil War and SO much worse than the he tried to DESTROY ME!" The last words came from a place of lingering resentment and anger from deep inside the Phoenix Force, and Jordan's voice was like fire as they came out. "Sorry, sorry, that's a bit of a sore subject for us...it's a bit hard for me to talk about...given the raw emotion it induces in the Phoenix Force. We're not angry...just very...sore about it, but I digress!" Jordan turned back to Augustus and took a calming, focusing breath.

"As you no doubt have noticed, while I possess nowhere near the full might that is ours and mine alone...my mind and soul is almost fully melded to the Phoenix Force's...think hive mind with a faucet for control...and while we really do not like you for trying to inadvertently destroy one of the very FEW good futures this universe can produce...we REALLY don't like upstart Asgardians trying to destroy someone who is alreast TRYING to do good, failing mind you...but trying. We are willing to actually help this time"

@Steel Zinogre @Crono @anyoneelse
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LucianGrey7971 said:
"BUT OF COURSE!" Jordan's voice reverberated around the room without warning "What else could happen when a descendant of Doom tries to force the world to be what they see?" Fire burst to life in the room before engulfing the whole room in mere seconds, but the fire didn't burn anything, instead it merely swarmed to one local point before being scattered like wind and snuffed out. Jordan stood where the fire had once gathered, looking very...haggard was not the word, angered was closer to what gifs expression was. His eyes seemed to focus past the Avengers and even Augustus, like they were viewing entire worlds at once. He spoke again, this time walking to the center of the room "HOW could anyone who was born of Victor Von Doom bring PEACE to anything? Don't get me wrong...we appreciate that you want to fix the world...but you do more harm than good. You and your father toy with powers you do not understand and forcefully try to throw the universe into dismay for your own selfish reasons...But YOU Augustus..." Jordan gave a short dry chuckle before continuing,
"You somehow are capable of being so much better than your father if your daddy complex wasn't smacking you around...but don't think I'm just talking about you...the STARK and her father are no better...You wish to bring back the man who has plunged the world into war so many, many times? He started a Civil War and SO much worse than the he tried to DESTROY ME!" The last words came from a place of lingering resentment and anger from deep inside the Phoenix Force, and Jordan's voice was like fire as they came out. "Sorry, sorry, that's a bit of a sore subject for us...it's a bit hard for me to talk about...given the raw emotion it induces in the Phoenix Force. We're not angry...just very...sore about it, but I digress!" Jordan turned back to Augustus and took a calming, focusing breath.

"As you no doubt have noticed, while I possess nowhere near the full might that is ours and mine alone...my mind and soul is almost fully melded to the Phoenix Force's...think hive mind with a faucet for control...and while we really do not like you for trying to inadvertently destroy one of the very FEW good futures this universe can produce...we REALLY don't like upstart Asgardians trying to destroy someone who is alreast TRYING to do good, failing mind you...but trying. We are willing to actually help this time"

@Steel Zinogre @Crono @anyoneelse
"Nice to see you again Jordan, where is Emile?" Sally parker asked him as she finished weaving a web for her to sleep on later.
Fortune stayed silent as tears rolled down her eyes, she scoffed "Disciplinary system my ass...Why does she get her drunken father back, but I don't get my brother!? He didn't deserve it...Why does she get the special treatment?" She looked at Cassie and sneered, 'Fu** her, little miss perfect, little miss silver plater losses one thing and thinks her life is over? Fu** her! In fact fu** everyone in this room!' She stayed quiet even when Jordan strolled him, 'Especially this guy, with all his power he swears up and down can fix all this, yet he doesn't do a DAMN thing! Probably just flaunts it around to compensate for his incredibly small di-'

(I'm gonna stop before RPN bans me from the site for this post ;- ;)

@LucianGrey7971 @sitanomoto @hudhouse (Made this because there's a mind reader in the room and I wanted to start something)
LokiofSP said:
Fortune stayed silent as tears rolled down her eyes, she scoffed "Disciplinary system my ass...Why does she get her drunken father back, but I don't get my brother!? He didn't deserve it...Why does she get the special treatment?" She looked at Cassie and sneered, 'Fu** her, little miss perfect, little miss silver plater losses one thing and thinks her life is over? Fu** her! In fact fu** everyone in this room!' She stayed quiet even when Jordan strolled him, 'Especially this guy, with all his power he swears up and down can fix all this, yet he doesn't do a DAMN thing! Probably just flaunts it around to compensate for his incredibly small di-'

(I'm gonna stop before RPN bans me from the site for this post ;- ;)

@LucianGrey7971 @sitanomoto @hudhouse (Made this because there's a mind reader in the room and I wanted to start something)
(Why does she not ask for Bob back? Or is it that you don't want at least one revived?)
Jamie looked back and forth between Augustus and Jordan. Allison signed to Jamie, 'We should go before this gets worse.' Jamie signed back, 'Wait, I wanna see how this plays out.' She released her grip on her gun and folded her arms in front of her chest.
"I'M going to stop you right there" Jordan held a finger up and looked in Fortune's direction. "At any rate, I am willing to help Doom...even though he brought all of this on himself..."
"Think Laxus think if you can't find it, then it has to come to you but how. It needs something to atrract it, wait that's it I must beckon it. But how?" Laxus asked. He used Odin Eye and peered in on the Avengers, it seems they were mobilizing to attack someone even Jordan the Phoenix Force. The Phoenix Force could be one thing used to beckon it but maybe he could also use Augustus. He switched the Odin's Eye to fall upon Augustus who was in one of the underworlds and with Mephisto. Then he felt like he was looking at mirror as his eye played over an orb that showed him so he it was like two mirrors facing each other creating an infinite span of reflection until he finally looked away. "To Hell or to Earth?" He wondered.
"Honestly I'll never understand what thought processes go through your head for you to decide to get involved." Connor said with a sigh and stepped closer to Jordan with a hushed tone, "Your always gung-ho about keeping people from killing each other. So make sure he doesn't decide to go too far with Laxus, or the other way around I suppose. Something isn't sitting well with me about all this, Laxus harming innocents? I-" The blonde paused momentarily, "I may not have known the guy long but it doesn't sound like him, I'm giving the benefit of the doubt for now and I'd ask that you do to."

LucianGrey7971 said:
"BUT OF COURSE!" Jordan's voice reverberated around the room without warning "What else could happen when a descendant of Doom tries to force the world to be what they see?" Fire burst to life in the room before engulfing the whole room in mere seconds, but the fire didn't burn anything, instead it merely swarmed to one local point before being scattered like wind and snuffed out. Jordan stood where the fire had once gathered, looking very...haggard was not the word, angered was closer to what his expression was. His eyes seemed to focus past the Avengers and even Augustus, like they were viewing entire worlds at once. He spoke again, this time walking to the center of the room "HOW could anyone who was born of Victor Von Doom bring PEACE to anything? Don't get me wrong...we appreciate that you want to fix the world...but you do more harm than good. You and your father toy with powers you do not understand and forcefully try to throw the universe into dismay for your own selfish reasons...But YOU Augustus..." Jordan gave a short dry chuckle before continuing,
"You somehow are capable of being so much better than your father if your daddy complex wasn't smacking you around...but don't think I'm just talking about you...the STARK and her father are no better...You wish to bring back the man who has plunged the world into war so many, many times? He started a Civil War and SO much worse than the he tried to DESTROY ME!" The last words came from a place of lingering resentment and anger from deep inside the Phoenix Force, and Jordan's voice was like fire as they came out. "Sorry, sorry, that's a bit of a sore subject for us...it's a bit hard for me to talk about...given the raw emotion it induces in the Phoenix Force. We're not angry...just very...sore about it, but I digress!" Jordan turned back to Augustus and took a calming, focusing breath.

"As you no doubt have noticed, while I possess nowhere near the full might that is ours and mine alone...my mind and soul is almost fully melded to the Phoenix Force's...think hive mind with a faucet for control...and while we really do not like you for trying to inadvertently destroy one of the very FEW good futures this universe can produce...we REALLY don't like upstart Asgardians trying to destroy someone who is alreast TRYING to do good, failing mind you...but trying. We are willing to actually help this time"

@Steel Zinogre @Crono @anyoneelse
Cassie gritted her teeth. "I am sick and tired of people comparing me with my Dad. Yes, I love him, yes, I have several of his... Not great traits, but I'm not him!" She looked at Jordan with a malice. "And furthermore," she said. "I'm also tired of people brining up his past mistakes! Give the man some grace!" She pointed to Gus. "This applies for him, too!" She turned to the Von Doom child. "Look, he's been trying to help people too. Can't anyone see that?! I know I don't trust him outright either, but I mean, come on!"
LucianGrey7971 said:
"BUT OF COURSE!" Jordan's voice reverberated around the room without warning "What else could happen when a descendant of Doom tries to force the world to be what they see?" Fire burst to life in the room before engulfing the whole room in mere seconds, but the fire didn't burn anything, instead it merely swarmed to one local point before being scattered like wind and snuffed out. Jordan stood where the fire had once gathered, looking very...haggard was not the word, angered was closer to what his expression was. His eyes seemed to focus past the Avengers and even Augustus, like they were viewing entire worlds at once. He spoke again, this time walking to the center of the room "HOW could anyone who was born of Victor Von Doom bring PEACE to anything? Don't get me wrong...we appreciate that you want to fix the world...but you do more harm than good. You and your father toy with powers you do not understand and forcefully try to throw the universe into dismay for your own selfish reasons...But YOU Augustus..." Jordan gave a short dry chuckle before continuing,
"You somehow are capable of being so much better than your father if your daddy complex wasn't smacking you around...but don't think I'm just talking about you...the STARK and her father are no better...You wish to bring back the man who has plunged the world into war so many, many times? He started a Civil War and SO much worse than the he tried to DESTROY ME!" The last words came from a place of lingering resentment and anger from deep inside the Phoenix Force, and Jordan's voice was like fire as they came out. "Sorry, sorry, that's a bit of a sore subject for us...it's a bit hard for me to talk about...given the raw emotion it induces in the Phoenix Force. We're not angry...just very...sore about it, but I digress!" Jordan turned back to Augustus and took a calming, focusing breath.

"As you no doubt have noticed, while I possess nowhere near the full might that is ours and mine alone...my mind and soul is almost fully melded to the Phoenix Force's...think hive mind with a faucet for control...and while we really do not like you for trying to inadvertently destroy one of the very FEW good futures this universe can produce...we REALLY don't like upstart Asgardians trying to destroy someone who is alreast TRYING to do good, failing mind you...but trying. We are willing to actually help this time"

@Steel Zinogre @Crono @anyoneelse
Augustus snickered before stating, "Actually... I was only being metaphorical..."

[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"sounds like a plan, my dad lost control of his ass years ago, so my dad would appreciate smacking some sense into him." azazel said. "Oh, and when you get back....... how about we discuss a few things..... like you visiting your dad in his castle in hell. Heaven has been down for some time, and do not worry, he is treated nicely and with the most respect a man could ever get. I have met him a few times....." he said with a smile.

Augustus spoke with pain in his voice, "...I hope my Father suffers only a little, but no one deserves Hell. If you kill one person and you feel pain for all eternity, that is not fair. It should be equal... actually scratch that. His pain will give me nothing back... just sorrow. He's the damned reason why I am stuck in this suit, all because of my mother. Anyways... if I had the power to revive any person here I would damn revive Mister Fantastic since he was trying to fix things. Thats just off my head so don't blame me if I am a idiot in that case. I will punish Darkheart and take his power, then I will hunt down Luxus and bring in to all of you. If it puts your hearts to ease... I won't try to kill him if I can help it. If he kills himself, then so be it. ZETA record from here on out..." He stood next to Azazel... his eyes preparing to fight the monster...
"Why do you think I'm HELPING him. The problem lies on the fact that as much good as he does, he does more bad...for the universe. I cannot allow that." Jordan replied calmly "Besides, it's quite hard to forget and forgive someone trying to kill you, and how do you think WE feel? Every time one of you mentions the name Phoenix Force, you never mention how many times it has silently saved this planet...or helped fight off the evil that attacks it. No it's always how it acted in anger, how it "corrupted" someone with it's power. You are quick to defend the actions of one, but condemn the actions of another. I may notb like Victor Von Doom, but he was a man who held true to his convictions and did what he thought was best...same with your father...no matter how wrong those convictions were"

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hudhouse said:
Augustus snickered before stating, "Actually... I was only being metaphorical..."
Augustus spoke with pain in his voice, "...I hope my Father suffers only a little, but no one deserves Hell. If you kill one person and you feel pain for all eternity, that is not fair. It should be equal... actually scratch that. His pain will give me nothing back... just sorrow. He's the damned reason why I am stuck in this suit, all because of my mother. Anyways... if I had the power to revive any person here I would damn revive Mister Fantastic since he was trying to fix things. Thats just off my head so don't blame me if I am a idiot in that case. I will punish Darkheart and take his power, then I will hunt down Luxus and bring in to all of you. If it puts your hearts to ease... I won't try to kill him if I can help it. If he kills himself, then so be it. ZETA record from here on out..." He stood next to Azazel... his eyes preparing to fight the monster...
"In that case. We should be going, we will finish this discussion later." Azazel said as he opened the door to Darkheart's realm, and gestured for Augustus to go first. "Go on, I am right behind you." He said with a nervous smile.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"In that case. We should be going, we will finish this discussion later." Azazel said as he opened the door to Darkheart's realm, and gestured for Augustus to go first. "Go on, I am right behind you." He said with a nervous smile.

Augustus stepped through the rift, and held a tiny bit of magic in his hand to be safe.
hudhouse said:
Augustus stepped through the rift, and held a tiny bit of magic in his hand to be safe.
Azazel entered the portal after Augustus, and shut the portal slightly, so it will be too small for Blackheart to leave, but big enough for azazel and Augustus to leave. "Alright you crazy brother of mine! Come out!" Azazel called, a very morbid laughter was heard as a draft came out. Blackheart whooshes by Augustus and clamps onto him with his claws. "You shouldn't have azazel, a new toy for me?" Blackheart asked as azazel clenched his fists. "No, he is my friend, and I command you to put him down." He said sternly as he summoned his longsword, a long and big chainsaw type weapon. "You think you can harm me with that? You must be joking!" Black heart taunted as azazel turned to demon form himself. He then spoke. "Put him down! Or I will smite you myself!" He said in Japanese.
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[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Azazel entered the portal after Augustus, and shut the portal slightly, so it will be too small for Blackheart to leave, but big enough for azazel and Augustus to leave. "Alright you crazy brother of mine! Come out!" Azazel called, a very morbid laughter was heard as a draft came out. Blackheart whooshes by Augustus and clamps onto him with his claws. "You shouldn't have azazel, a new toy for me?" Blackheart asked as azazel clenched his fists. "No, he is my friend, and I command you to put him down." He said sternly as he summoned his longsword, a long and big chainsaw type weapon. "You think you can harm me with that? You must be joking!" Black heart taunted as azazel turned to demon form himself. He then spoke. "Put him down! Or I will smite you myself!" He said in Japanese.

Augustus gave off a smile, this was just what he needed. He quickly raised a magic bubble around himself and Blackheart, trying to signal Azazel to keep him near him. Augustus roared out, "Darkness of the Divine Conduit!" He unleashed a spherical version this time, making it a smaller burst around him but able to hit multiple targets. The close range that Blackheart was in... should make this a easy capture.
hudhouse said:
Augustus gave off a smile, this was just what he needed. He quickly raised a magic bubble around himself and Blackheart, trying to signal Azazel to keep him near him. Augustus roared out, "Darkness of the Divine Conduit!" He unleashed a spherical version this time, making it a smaller burst around him but able to hit multiple targets. The close range that Blackheart was in... should make this a easy capture.
Azazel summoned a fireball, and launched it at Blackheart's face blackheart suffered from a 1st degree burn, and collapsed on his knees and covered his face, moaning in agony. "You little shit!! I am going to rip your guts out!" He said as he charged azazel.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Azazel summoned a fireball, and launched it at Blackheart's face blackheart suffered from a 1st degree burn, and collapsed on his knees and covered his face, moaning in agony. "You little shit!! I am going to rip your guts out!" He said as he charged azazel.

One charge done, he had to get two more off. Augustus fired off another Darkness of the Divine Conduit, this time as pitch black roaring dragon beam, trying to hit it's prize!
hudhouse said:
One charge done, he had to get two more off. Augustus fired off another Darkness of the Divine Conduit, this time as pitch black roaring dragon beam, trying to hit it's prize!
Blackheart looked at the beam as he got hit. He grunts as he gets up, becoming wounded badly as the battle.goes on. "Stay out of this, mortal! My quarrel is with the Japanese demon I call my brother!" He shouted as azazel readied in a defensive stance, and blackheart charged azazel.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Blackheart looked at the beam as he got hit. He grunts as he gets up, becoming wounded badly as the battle.goes on. "Stay out of this, mortal! My quarrel is with the Japanese demon I call my brother!" He shouted as azazel readied in a defensive stance, and blackheart charged azazel.

Augustus spoke out, "Once more and I will! I swear!" He unleashed one final blast, one that was tiny and quick. It was the final strike he needed...
hudhouse said:
Augustus spoke out, "Once more and I will! I swear!" He unleashed one final blast, one that was tiny and quick. It was the final strike he needed...
Black heart was down, and incapacitated. He felt paralyzed and could not move. "That serves you right for challenging us." Azazel said in Japanese, staring his brother in eye.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Black heart was down, and incapacitated. He felt paralyzed and could not move. "That serves you right for challenging us." Azazel said in Japanese, staring his brother in eye.

Augustus felt the power suddenly ripple through his body, and he slammed his hands to the floor. He screamed like a wolf, energy crackling down his body. Dark power trailed off him, corrupting things that were deeply kept secrets of the underworld. That instant, he stole the powers he wanted and needed. He became intangible for a few moments, testing out the strength he had stolen. He spoke to Azazel directly, "...If you Take, then you are strong. If you are given, then you will find weakness for you never had the determination and strength to take or make it. You have taken his honor and his pride, while I have taken his strength. He will be fine... but now I am a Semi-Mortal. I will explain this to you later... present him to your father and I will go on my hunt..."

Augustus warped into the Dark Force Dimension, before following the energy orb towards Luxus, screaming out his name as he hunted him!


Xtremenerd said:
(hey guys so where do i join in? sry to barge in on something)
(Most people are at Avengers Tower)

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