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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

People we're offering to go left and right, Connor sat forwards in his seat and stared at the ground silently for a few moments.. "I don't know Terry, I think it'd be too obvious that you'd be looking for some sort of payback for Cassie." Connor looked up at them, "Redd there's no guarantee he couldn't hack you somehow and gain knowledge of our plan. Normally...maybe but with all that power he's wielding who knows. Beside's aren't you supposed to be on Cassie guard duty?" The blonde shrugged before turning his attention to Cindy, he wasn't sure how she'd feel about what he was about to say but this wasn't the time to make mistakes. "Cindy you can be a bit...emotional, I'm not sure it'd be the best idea for you to go."

Or maybe that was exactly what they needed, who was he to say what would and wouldn't work? If Connor knew where Carter was he'd ask his clone to go, infiltration was nothing new to his look-a-like since he'd taken Connor's place for months. Though Connor still had his doubts about trusting Carter, even if he tried not to show them anymore. "Everyone who goes needs a reason to work alongside Augustus, a reason to doubt what the Avengers do and how we do it. For him to buy what your selling, you have to sell the truth, or at least a part of it. Something that turning your back on the Avengers is worth, a part of you has to actually want to do things his way for it to work."
Jamie walked over to Connor and waved Allison over. She signed to Allison and nodded to Connor. Allison sighed in frustration." She wants you to know that she is willing to do it and she wants Helena to be part of it since Helena use to be an enemy of the Avengers." Allison said and Jamie nodded. @Crono
sitanomoto said:
"I um... Let... Let her in, I guess." Terry replied.
The cracks in Cassie's cocoon widened and Friday put a curtain around the bedside, so she could have a little privacy. There was a cracking sound, much like that of several eggs, and a groan could be heard.


"Yes boss?"

"Am... Am I..."


"Can I um....."


A set of clothes was dropped over the curtain and a rustling could be heard. The curtains were pushed aside and there stood Cassie, in her t-shirts and sweat pants-y glory. "How long was I out?" She asked.

"About a day."

"Anything happen?"

"Nothing that the team can't tell you."

With that, Cassie walked out to the doorway. She leaned on it and listened to the team talking.
Redd got the news of cassie waking up. "Come sally! My master will be glad to meet you!" He said as sally followed him. "Cassie stark, that name rings a bell. " sally muttered. When they saw cassie, redd grew excited. "You are awake!!" He said with glee as he was tripped with sally's webbing. "Sorry about your bot. I get really annoyed sometimes. Sally parker is my name." She said as she held out one of her sickle hands for a handshake.
Cassie smiled. "Cassie Stark." She shook Sally's hand. "Hi Redd." She looked just like her old self, but she was slightly taller. "Anything interesting happen while I was out?"

Terry turned towards Cassie's voice and he ran towards her, throwing his arms around her gleefully."Cass! You're awake!!" He said, grinning.

"Hi Terry," Cassie said with a grin. She hugged him back tightly.
Laxus stood on the surface of the moon, he observe Cassie waking up from hear by putting his Supernatural Conditon at it's highest level. Now he had no reason to hold back. Laxus stood there holding a spear that was merely the physical representation of the weapon he was about to employ. 'Gungnir!" he exclaimed and he aimed it towards Earth and threw it. The spear vanished as he was merely a physical representation. What it is really is a macro scale weapon of both magic and tech. The weapon itself is a piece of the space time continuum itself, so it would find its target anywhere in existence. If the target somehow manages to made themselves undetectable at present it'll go up, down, and cross time to strike the target when they are vulnerable then rewrite reality to reflect that moment onto the targeted present time. Laxus dialed down it's power so that it won't do any days but merely find Augustus for him.

sitanomoto said:
Cassie smiled. "Cassie Stark." She shook Sally's hand. "Hi Redd." She looked just like her old self, but she was slightly taller. "Anything interesting happen while I was out?"
Terry turned towards Cassie's voice and he ran towards her, throwing his arms around her gleefully."Cass! You're awake!!" He said, grinning.

"Hi Terry," Cassie said with a grin. She hugged him back tightly.
Sally was confused, for many people she had met freaked out upon seeing her. "Wait..... You are not in any bit disgusted by seeing me?" She asked, she did like not being viewed as a freak, but the feeling was foreign.
Newtype said:
Laxus stood on the surface of the moon, he observe Cassie waking up from hear by putting his Supernatural Conditon at it's highest level. Now he had no reason to hold back. Laxus stood there holding a spear that was merely the physical representation of the weapon he was about to employ. 'Gungnir!" he exclaimed and he aimed it towards Earth and threw it. The spear vanished as he was merely a physical representation. What it is really is a macro scale weapon of both magic and tech. The weapon itself is a piece of the space time continuum itself, so it would find its target anywhere in existence. If the target somehow manages to made themselves undetectable at present it'll go up, down, and cross time to strike the target when they are vulnerable then rewrite reality to reflect that moment onto the targeted present time. Laxus dialed down it's power so that it won't do any days but merely find Augustus for him.
The spear ripped through the oceans south of Japan and east of Korea, flying into Challenger Deep, the deepest part of the ocean ever recorded. The spear found itself stopping inches away from a giant underwater complex. Easily over a hundred miles long and wide, and that was only the parts that were not protected by rock! Multiple magic signals of Augustus were bouncing everywhere, making it harder to track his precise location but in general, it was easy.
As soon as the spear stopped Laxus was right there. He thought to himself 'Guess I took a little too much power out of it.' He unsummoned Gungnir and figured with all the water already around some esoteric water manipulation: hydromancy would tell him all he needed to know. He invoked Hydromancy mix of clairvoyance, retrocognition, and precognition to gain insight about situation using water. He had Augustus but then thought maybe Augustus would realize he is found already and simply come out to fight. Laxus used a thought medium spell to make his thought travel throughout the underwater complex. "Doom Jr. come out and accept your death, if you come out we can take this to space and I won't wreck your underwater city thing." He telepathically communicated.
Newtype said:
As soon as the spear stopped Laxus was right there. He thought to himself 'Guess I took a little too much power out of it.' He unsummoned Gungnir and figured with all the water already around some esoteric water manipulation: hydromancy would tell him all he needed to know. He invoked Hydromancy mix of clairvoyance, retrocognition, and precognition to gain insight about situation using water. He had Augustus but then thought maybe Augustus would realize he is found already and simply come out to fight. Laxus used a thought medium spell to make his thought travel throughout the underwater complex. "Doom Jr. come out and accept your death, if you come out we can take this to space and I won't wreck your underwater city thing." He telepathically communicated.
Augustus felt this tickle within his brain, and decided to smile. His mind clamped down like a iron cage, either forcing Laxus's mind to be unable to protect itself, or force Laxus out. He spoke with telepathy either way, "I am Augustus Von Doom, and I prefer if I am refereed by my name and not by my father's! Why do you wish my death, when I only repay the price of the deaths you costed me Asgardian? To be fair I am only guessing, most of the damned Asgardians have these powers... otherwise your a Wizard Henry?" He snickered at the little reference before continuing, "As the quote goes, 'You are a dead thing made by a dead power in the shape of the dead. All you ever do is kill. You do not belong here. This is a place of life.'

"Get the hell out of my mind, get the hell away from my people, and just leave me alone! I can shatter that moon you stand on with a single fist if I wanted..."
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Laxus was forced out of Augustus's mind, to be fair he was no more in there than Augustus can get inside his own mind. Laxus cared not for what Augustus had to say except itt seemed Augustus wanted to do this the hard way. Laxus didn't want to have to obliterate Challenger Deep to get at Augustus so he had to come up with another plan. The only option left would be a flash occupation, Laxus created two balls of esoteric lightning then teleported one into the center of the underwater complex and the other split into many smaller ones that followed all the magic signals being thrown around the complex by Augustus. One was playing Augustus's game while the other seemed to be playing no games at all.

Morgan got off of Nevermore and went to the kid who had just showed up, looked like a Nova, but he hadn't seen one of those in awhile, he studied the kid for a good while before turning to the others, "Hey! Is this Nova looking kid with you guys? Because if not he looks perfect for the job!"

Sarah watched Terry from the shadows, trying to get a read on him while not making a sound She needed to think of ways to beat everyone, if it came to that.

@HoneyBear-Kat @Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon @AnnoDomini
Newtype said:
Laxus was forced out of Augustus's mind, to be fair he was no more in there than Augustus can get inside his own mind. Laxus cared not for what Augustus had to say except itt seemed Augustus wanted to do this the hard way. Laxus didn't want to have to obliterate Challenger Deep to get at Augustus so he had to come up with another plan. The only option left would be a flash occupation, Laxus created two balls of esoteric lightning then teleported one into the center of the underwater complex and the other split into many smaller ones that followed all the magic signals being thrown around the complex by Augustus. One was playing Augustus's game while the other seemed to be playing no games at all.
Augustus realized what was happening when the magic surge flew forward... and his eyes went tiny. He build this place to protect all of the sick who needed those unique environments to get better, to try and cure terminal illnesses. Augustus activated the internal energy shielding to try and absorb the energy before he vanished...

ZETA began to dial up the Avengers, labeling it as an emergency. If they picked up, ZETA would roar in outrage, "...A damned super powered man just unleashed a techno-magic artifact into Augustus's home, and fired electric weaponry upon innocent civilians over near Japan! Is this your revenge plan, or just some other vigilantly?!"

Augustus formed in a circle of energy behind Laxus, while forming in his hands the power of cosmic. He roared out, "Beware my power!" He twirled, before making a cosmic shield around himself. He let off a massive explosion of raw cosmic and magic wrath, visible from the Earth like a second Sun. He was trying to kill Laxus, or at least impale him with shrapnel so that this would be easier. Augustus knew he would live though, so he roared out, "Who are you?!"
Laxus's appeared almost erased from existence by the blast but actually teleported to the Asteroid Belt so as to not risk the Moon being destroyed a second time because such a disaster would unleash an untold amount of natural disasters upon Earth. Laxus's voice carried across the void of space to Augustus.

"You know who I am and now that you're here I don't have to go through with my occupation of your complex. Those balls of esoteric electricity were summoning balls I sent which would've summoned an army of my choosing to occupy your complex, the balls themselves won't destory it but they would allow me to instantly have your entire complex under occupation especially the small orbs they would've summoned soldiers at random points." Laxus explained with a smirk he was sure Augustus could see from where he is.
Newtype said:
Laxus's appeared almost erased from existence by the blast but actually teleported to the Asteroid Belt so as to not risk the Moon being destroyed a second time because such a disaster would unleash an untold amount of natural disasters upon Earth. Laxus's voice carried across the void of space to Augustus.
"You know who I am and now that you're here I don't have to go through with my occupation of your complex. Those balls of esoteric electricity were summoning balls I sent which would've summoned an army of my choosing to occupy your complex, the balls themselves won't destory it but they would allow me to instantly have your entire complex under occupation especially the small orbs they would've summoned soldiers at random points." Laxus explained with a smirk he was sure Augustus could see from where he is.
Augustus roared in horror and anger, before his muscles began to quiver in stress. He JUST woke up, oh lord he was going to have a bad time. He brought his hands behind his head, forming a tiny bomb. He teleported, before appearing right behind Laxus. He snarled out, "Ancient terror - 9 Thousand Hells!" He formed a orb of pure and raw devastation that could destroy an area equal to Mars. He wasn't going to let Laxus live for this! He threatened him, his life, and his peoples... NO ONE WILL ESCAPE HIM NOW!
"Supernatural Condition: Master Level." Laxus spoke as Augustus arrived. With his supernatural speed he was able to use Banishment and Magic Negation to get rid of the portion of the explosion that would have hit him. With his other hand he used esoteric lightning: destruction to unleash a black lightning bolt of destruction power the size of the moon at Augustus . Laxus thought to himself 'may have to upgrade my game so I can end this sooner or we'll destroy alot more then some asteroids.'
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Sally was confused, for many people she had met freaked out upon seeing her. "Wait..... You are not in any bit disgusted by seeing me?" She asked, she did like not being viewed as a freak, but the feeling was foreign.

Cassie smiled. "Not at all," she said. "Believe me, I've seen worse." She looked at Connor after Terry let her go and sneaked up behind him, motioning for Alex to be quiet. "Boo!" She said, tickling Connor's sides gently. "Miss me?" She listened to ZETA and growled. "Laxus..." She muttered. She looked up at the ceiling. "Tell him I told him to call it off! Now is NOT the time for war against Gus!" She said. "Now, whats this I hear about a plan?" @HoneyBear\-Kat @Newtype @ANYONEELSEIMISSED
"Well it'd have to be a good one." He told Alex. Connor jerked at being tickled, much to his discomfort but knowing it was Cassie, he didn't care. "Thank god." He said relieved to see she was okay, reaching up he latched onto Cassie in an attempt to drag her over on-top of him, but at the sound of Zeta he released her. The blonde shook his head, "Did he think to take him on alone, he's a fool. Win or lose, we pay the price." Connor fumbled with his crutches as he stood up, "Well if we had a team together this would be the perfect moment to send them in, to stop Laxus from killing him or getting killed as well as get in Augustus' favor."

Connor sighed as he somewhat paced in a circle with the crutches, he knew he couldn't do a thing so he was trying to use his head while he was recovering, though that wasn't his strong point.

Newtype said:
"Supernatural Condition: Master Level." Laxus spoke as Augustus arrived. With his supernatural speed he was able to use Banishment and Magic Negation to get rid of the portion of the explosion that would have hit him. With his other hand he used esoteric lightning: destruction to unleash a black lightning bolt of destruction power the size of the moon at Augustus . Laxus thought to himself 'may have to upgrade my game so I can end this sooner or we'll destroy alot more then some asteroids.'
Augustus grabbed the bolt of magic, and shifted it to his side! Augustus had magic that far surpassed Doom, and magic from the Sorcerer Supreme when he lived! Then mixed in with the energy manipulation of Thanos, either he succeed or he failed. Either way his durability made it just a minor thing in total, so he flew towards Laxus, attempting to hit him with all of his strength! If this hit, it would be enough to send Galactus himself half way across a planet! If he missed, he would fire a blast of cosmic power with the exact same power to try and end Laxus. He could do this for days if he had to...

ZETA stated, "Laxus? I don't have much data on him... Augustus and Laxus are currently fighting in the Asteroid belt and there is a... Mars sized hole in the Asteroids. I can't sense if it's from Laxus or Augustus or not.... but Augustus would be happy to see any of you join him in his court. If he survives that is..."

hudhouse said:
Augustus grabbed the bolt of magic, and shifted it to his side! Augustus had magic that far surpassed Doom, and magic from the Sorcerer Supreme when he lived! Then mixed in with the energy manipulation of Thanos, either he succeed or he failed. Either way his durability made it just a minor thing in total, so he flew towards Laxus, attempting to hit him with all of his strength! If this hit, it would be enough to send Galactus himself half way across a planet! If he missed, he would fire a blast of cosmic power with the exact same power to try and end Laxus. He could do this for days if he had to...
ZETA stated, "Laxus? I don't have much data on him... Augustus and Laxus are currently fighting in the Asteroid belt and there is a... Mars sized hole in the Asteroids. I can't sense if it's from Laxus or Augustus or not.... but Augustus would be happy to see any of you join him in his court. If he survives that is..."
There was a reason Laxus never used this power when Thanos invaded Earth because one missed strike was good bye Earth that when he only had esoteric lightning. Now Esoteric Weather encompassed esoteric water and esoteric air. That means tri fold the conditioning, tri fold the speed, and tri fold the strength. Laxus flew at Augustus aiming to strike him with the strength to destroy three planets this strength enhanced by moving at three times the speed of light. He knew this collision would turn all asteroids on this half of the belt to dust. His supernatural durability could handle up to such power by itself but backed by his regenerative healing abilities would pick up the slack if he loses in this collision, but Laxus is planning to not let it if it comes to that.

Newtype said:
There was a reason Laxus never used this power when Thanos invaded Earth because one missed strike was good bye Earth that when he only had esoteric lightning. Now Esoteric Weather encompassed esoteric water and esoteric air. That means tri fold the conditioning, tri fold the speed, and tri fold the strength. Laxus flew at Augustus aiming to strike him with the strength to destroy three planets this strength enhanced by moving at three times the speed of light. He knew this collision would turn all asteroids on this half of the belt to dust. His supernatural durability could handle up to such power by itself but backed by his regenerative healing abilities would pick up the slack if he loses in this collision, but Laxus is planning to not let it if it comes to that.

Augustus's files finally caught up with him, and he knew just who this brat was. It wasn't hard to find data on a Asgardian as well known as his father, let alone this woman talker. Cassie would be a better fighter then Augustus here... which he simply snickered at. He stopped his attack mid air, and spoke to ZETA casually, "Ey, buddy ZETA? Could you please 'His Theme' by Lizz? You know how I love her voice..." ZETA responded immediately, "Alright, though it doesn't seem to be the best for this situation... how about Stronger then you?" Augustus pondered for what felt like a miniscule breath, before stating, "Haven't heard of that one have I? Sure! Loved that show... Really good personalities and topics!" He began listening to the song with a millisecond to react, Thorson being mere inches away from his face. He just brought out his hand, and caught the Thorson's fist. He hid the magic spell within in his words, banishing his nervous system's electricity, allowing him to do this move with no reaction. He stepped in with a strange speed rush, also hidden within the words, to force the Thorson's fist straight into his left breast. The strength of destroying 3 plants would slam him in the lungs/heart area, and maybe shatter his rib cage and impale his organs.

If the attack still hit him, he would simply take the full brunt of it. His powers were a rival to Odin! He could survive blows from Thor without wincing if he wanted to now. Plus with his suit's enhancements he wasn't even physically 'there'. He was more in a locked dimension and there at the same time... it's how his father survived the infinity gauntlet three times! Augustus in whatever result would slam a hand to the back of Luxus's neck, attempting to knock out his nervous system and stun his brain. Then he would use his infamous spell, "Darkness of the Divine Conduit!" If it worked, he would weaken Luxus and just like Thanos, have his powers!
An expression of glee came over Laxus was seemingly killed by his own power. It would be the first of several indicators to Augustus that in this moment he had sealed his fate. The next indicator should be how Laxus's body vanished in an instant and how he couldn't take any bit of his power. Though there Gus may just assume he had amassed so much power that Laxus's own power was just too insignificant to feel. Nothing would happen immediately though Augustus would likely be going about his own business and face the Avengers before he reaped the seeds of his own destruction he had sewn here.

Newtype said:
An expression of glee came over Laxus was seemingly killed by his own power. It would be the first of several indicators to Augustus that in this moment he had sealed his fate. The next indicator should be how Laxus's body vanished in an instant and how he couldn't take any bit of his power. Though there Gus may just assume he had amassed so much power that Laxus's own power was just too insignificant to feel. Nothing would happen immediately though Augustus would likely be going about his own business and face the Avengers before he reaped the seeds of his own destruction he had sewn here.
Unlike Laxus, Augustus had a attention span bigger then a squirrel. At least, that's how he thought of it. None of those attacks could have killed Laxus, hell Darkness of the Divine Conduit simply replicates it like Rouge with less negative effects to both parties. He had ZETA begin to search the local star system for him, as Augustus teleported...

Augustus stood outside of Avengers tower, bowing with a smile embedded deep into his face. Now he listened to the Puppet. He knocked on the glass softly, stating, "Could I come in... I wish to talk about this Asgardian... Luxus..."

Cassie laughed and ruffled Connor's hair gently and then winked at Alex. She stood up straight when she heard the knock on the glass. "Let him in," Cassie said, eying Augustus coldly. "I don't trust him, but I don't think he has any reason to hurt us now."

"What?!?" Terry exclaimed, his eyes going wide. "Cass, are you NUTS?!?!"

"Terry," Cassie snapped, turning her head towards him. "Stop."

"Fine." Terry said with a huff, flopping down next to Connor on the couch. He crossed his arms and pouted like a child.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie laughed and ruffled Connor's hair gently and then winked at Alex. She stood up straight when she heard the knock on the glass. "Let him in," Cassie said, eying Augustus coldly. "I don't trust him, but I don't think he has any reason to hurt us now."
"What?!?" Terry exclaimed, his eyes going wide. "Cass, are you NUTS?!?!"

"Terry," Cassie snapped, turning her head towards him. "Stop."

"Fine." Terry said with a huff, flopping down next to Connor on the couch. He crossed his arms and pouted like a child.
Augustus really just floated through the glass like a ghost thanks to his powers. He floated down in front of Cassie, Terry, Alex and the others. He said, "Thank you Cassie for allowing me into your palace. I wish to know everything you can offer me on Luxus, and if I can do anything to make any of you feel better? Tea, coffee, a scone?"

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