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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

The blonde smiled at Allison, "Well you know your always welcomed here." Connor turned his attention to Finn's idea, "What if they are found out? One person against Gus with all that power?" Connor shook his head at the thought, "It's not a bad plan in general but I mean...he has Thanos' powers right? What if..." He scratched his cheek, "...what if we find a way to take the powers back, extract them. A way to make him just plain and simple Augustus Doom once again." Though he wasn't sure how that could be done, or if it could be done.

@AnnoDomini @CasualDragon @Pink Gorilla
LokiofSP said:
Morgan slowly rose up and stumbled, leaning on Nevermore for support, "Lead the way..."

Nevermore smiled and walked out to the group. "Connor, what's this I heard about a change of sides?" She noticed Terry blushing and rolled her eyes. "Way to hit it off with the Ladies, Terry." She said.
Terry blushed even harder. "I... Uh... I..."
Paityn Greene

The small girl increased from a giggle to a chuckle. Getting even more embarassed didnt help him, she just thought it amped up the adorableness. She shoulk her head, her blonde locks moving with the motion,"Don't worry, darlin'," she said to Terry,"No need to get flustered." It was quite amusing. She stopped laughing after collecting her self and smiled at him happily.

"I think i am out from the start. I mean, Connor would probably eat me to death using his crutches if I go undercover, again." Alex says, raising his hands in the air. "And Connor would not pass the traitor routine. then, it is either you Finn, or someone... new." Alex says, having an idea.

@Crono @CasualDragon @Pink Gorilla
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"Just bouncing ideas around." He told Nevermore as she approached. Connor almost smiled with pride at Alex saying he was out of the running for it, because it was true, he would beat Alex with his crutches. Then scoffed, almost insulted but in a playfully hurt kind of way, "What do you mean I couldn't pass being a traitor?" The blonde snorted, "I could infiltrate and be just as good at it as anybody else." He grumbled, "He'd buy it if I told him I was joining but only if he'd leave the Avengers alone or something." The blonde shrugged but shook his head at Alex's suggestion. "We can't send someone untrained, no way. That's too risky."

@AnnoDomini @sitanomoto @CasualDragon
Morgan cleared his throat, "You guys say you need an insde? What about me? You guys are official Avengers, he probably knows you by name, but I'm new so maybe I could do something?"

Jamie listened in again and signed again to Allison. "We can't use Helena. Liona just got back in touch with her, we can't end her away on this. You will just have to come up with another idea." Jamie signed again. "Yes, I know she can do that, but Liona won't have it and neither will I." Allison stated. Jamie groaned in annoyance.
Alex looked at Morgan. "Depends. How do you handle pain, torture, or any thing that might cross that little bastards mind?" He looked at Connor. "Oh come on sweetie. You are a more straight shooter than your father. Even Cass is more likely to join him than you. Don't get mad at me, please." Alex says, smiling and ruffling Connor's hair.

@LokiofSP @Crono
Connor huffed at Alex followed by a smile, "Not mad, just wish you had a little more faith in me that I could do what I had to, to protect people." Connor winked at him before turning his attention back to the group as a whole, "He did invite anyone to join him if they wanted to. It's not so much getting in that would be the problem for who did it but playing the role, and I'm sure he'll have tests of trust or whatever...he's smart and my guess is he could sniff out a fake eventually." Allison was speaking to Jamie about it and the Daredevil kid even jumped in and offered. "Actually..." Connor glanced at him, "You might work, you have your own issues with the Avengers and what they stand for. But what happens when you get the order to slaughter those same innocent people you we're yelling at us for not protecting?" Not that Connor believed Gus would actually do that, the guy seemed to have his own special agenda and rules. But it was hard to tell with a Doom.

"We should form a team to do it, that way nobody goes in alone. Maybe only two or three though, just a small group. Join him at different times so it's not suspicious maybe." Connor sighed as he sunk back into the chair once again.

@LokiofSP @AnnoDomini @Pink Gorilla @CasualDragon
Nevermore grinned. "You guys are staring at the perfect candidate." She pulled her hood down over her eyes and pulled up her bandanna over her mouth so she looked like a true Assassin. "You want to send me and Daredevil into the fray?"

"No!" Terry said, jumping up from his spot on the floor. "Cassie wouldn't want that!" He began to pace back and forth, and then he stopped. "I'll go." His eyes were steely and cold, and full of determination.
sitanomoto said:
Nevermore grinned. "You guys are staring at the perfect candidate." She pulled her hood down over her eyes and pulled up her bandanna over her mouth so she looked like a true Assassin. "You want to send me and Daredevil into the fray?"
"No!" Terry said, jumping up from his spot on the floor. "Cassie wouldn't want that!" He began to pace back and forth, and then he stopped. "I'll go." His eyes were steely and cold, and full of determination.
If you go, then I will as well. I cannot have you or Cassie getting hurt. I will not allow such a thing." Redd said as he walked up to terry and kneeled in front of him. "and besides, she will be waking up soon, the shell she is encased in is cracking."
"Hmm, another one, and we might add a small Splinter Cell operation. We need a fight between us, something that may drive us away." Alex says, starting to think of strategies.
Augustus's eyes finally opened, feeling that his sore muscles had regenerated and connected fully. He stretched, yawning out loud. He raised his form out of the simulated environment chamber, and let the cold air rush into his face. He waited for a few moments, before remembering that he would never feel it outside of that blessed place. He sighed slightly, before marching forward once again. He tilted his right arm upwards, before his wrist became exposed by his graphene-Osmium plate suit moving apart. A small floating orb rested in the long chamber to his private chamber's exit. The orb inserted a tube into Augustus's wrist without a single thing showing that he cared, before giving him an artificial breakfast and brunch shot.

Augustus closed the wrist slot while walking, a simple everyday occurrence since 3 years ago. He shuddered at that moment in horror, or more in self pity. The scars were terrible, horrific... much worse then his father's. Half of his damned suit was physically burned into his flesh, and if he dared to take it off... well, he was missing a lot more then just skin. He got a overview of the current status of events from ZETA, and began to sample the emotions of his entire population. He spoke out, "ZETA, how is the reconstruction efforts going?"

ZETA listed off a great deal of things, "Border Cities - Complete. Major artifacts and or landmarks - Complete. Train system between - Complete. Re-population - In progress..." Augustus snickered and said, "I told you that would take a long while. Not everyone breeds at 18 you know..." He played a song into the left channel of his suit, bobbing his head slightly to the tune. He sat down to catch up on some anime he was looking at for inspiration, that was until ZETA reminded him of his current job, "Gus, I fear that you have to task your mind on more meaningful things then... entertainment."

Augustus moaned a little, speaking with worry in his voice, "...Fine... can I at least watch some of it in my visor?" ZETA calculated for a few moments, before confirming, "Your new intelligence should allow you to multitask like that, so I believe so. However if you ever give your full attention to the show during a important moment, I will unplug you." Augustus simply gave off a smile before talking back, "More then fair ZETA. You have that suit design ready?" ZETA replied rather quickly, "It is already loaded into your suit in place of your lethal grenades. Should do the job much more efficiently and to your personal preference."

Augustus let out a rather childish "Nii~cce!" He began to monitor his cities with the occasional glance to the monitor in the top left of his visor. Most of the designs were of strange concepts, but if the specialization was one to follow, it might have unique results. The child began setting in some moral guidelines for the police force to make sure that they were following a just code. Though to be completely safe, all of them were to get implants near the nape of their neck to control their movements. At all times their suit told them how moral they were in their work, from "Just", "Grey" or "Terrorist". If they ever hit Grey, ZETA monitored their actions, and if Terrorist level action was ever hit or highly implied, ZETA would take over their implant and make sure they didn't do anything wrong but protect everyone. Then they would be brought back for either rehabilitation, punishment, or lay off.
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"A team huh?" Morgan looked around at the room and quickly made assumptions based on what he'd seen and heard of these people, "First off, it would make sense for the team to be made out of low profile or newer members no? People who would be more likely to break off. No offense to the big giant robot who could kill me in one punch, but it might not be the best idea to bring you, from what I've seen you're to dedicated to the team and people for this kind of job."

Morgan swallowed a lump in his throat at the mention of killing innocents, "It won't get to that point, I know that we'll being him down long before he makes moves to commit genocide or whatever."

@Steel Zinogre
Alex sighs, looking at Morgan. "Listen kid, it's nothing we want more than to protect innocents, but the life of an agent, is a hard one, full of regrets. It's not a very good sight to see a mass grave of people from a small village, all burnt. But, if you got to do something, you got to suck it up, and try and count to 3, inhale, count to 3, exhale. That is something an old agent taught me." He puts a hand on Morgan's shoulder. "Reality is cruel, and you will find that out the hard way if you decide to join this mission. I want you to be along your team mates, never let them stray, and take care of them as if they are your family. In case no one takes action against it, i am making you the team leader. But the question still remains, are you ready to take responsibility?"

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
"A team huh?" Morgan looked around at the room and quickly made assumptions based on what he'd seen and heard of these people, "First off, it would make sense for the team to be made out of low profile or newer members no? People who would be more likely to break off. No offense to the big giant robot who could kill me in one punch, but it might not be the best idea to bring you, from what I've seen you're to dedicated to the team and people for this kind of job."

Morgan swallowed a lump in his throat at the mention of killing innocents, "It won't get to that point, I know that we'll being him down long before he makes moves to commit genocide or whatever."

@Steel Zinogre
"Unlike you, you little devil. I can be rebuilt. And besides. If my master wakes up to find terry injured or dead, well..... let's just say hell hath no fury like that girl scorned." he said as he looked at terry. Sally grew closer to Stark tower, close enough to be picked up as a blip on radar. "I am detecting another person with Spider DNA, and it appears to be DNA similar to Perry Parker's. But female." Howard said over the intercom. "What shall I do about it?" he asked terry, who is technically his grandson. @AnnoDomini @sitanomoto @Crono
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Finn looked around at the people gathering together. It was a nice sight. "I can go if you need me too." He said. They did have some good points about having newer people go, however there was a bit of fear that some of them were pretty new. He took a glance over at the new girl there who didn't even seem to know why she was here. He hoped that Terry would find out if she had any abilities or anything and see if she had any combat training. It seemed like the two of them had gotten comfortable around each other but if nobody found out then he would go and ask. He did however make it a very important task on his priority list to keep her from being one of the ones on the 'task force' that was being assembled. She wasn't ready for that kind of thing yet.

"We need people who follow authority well and won't want to do their own thing. You won't be able to do what you want. Whoever goes will have to follow the orders of Doom and Morgan without trying to do their own thing. Individualism is a good trait but on this specific mission it could get somebody killed." He looked around the group trying to make sure that point was known. "If you don't like an order, too bad. Whoever goes will have to stay in their character the whole time even if it means being subjected to horrible things. It will suck." He finished.

@Steel Zinogre @HoneyBear\-Kat
CasualDragon said:
Finn looked around at the people gathering together. It was a nice sight. "I can go if you need me too." He said. They did have some good points about having newer people go, however there was a bit of fear that some of them were pretty new. He took a glance over at the new girl there who didn't even seem to know why she was here. He hoped that Terry would find out if she had any abilities or anything and see if she had any combat training. It seemed like the two of them had gotten comfortable around each other but if nobody found out then he would go and ask. He did however make it a very important task on his priority list to keep her from being one of the ones on the 'task force' that was being assembled. She wasn't ready for that kind of thing yet.
"We need people who follow authority well and won't want to do their own thing. You won't be able to do what you want. Whoever goes will have to follow the orders of Doom and Morgan without trying to do their own thing. Individualism is a good trait but on this specific mission it could get somebody killed." He looked around the group trying to make sure that point was known. "If you don't like an order, too bad. Whoever goes will have to stay in their character the whole time even if it means being subjected to horrible things. It will suck." He finished.

@Steel Zinogre @HoneyBear\-Kat
Sally reached the tower, and had heard finn talking. "well well. an opportunity to prove myself." she said to herself. "But then again, you have your own mission to do. You do not know what you are up against." she thought. "I am gonna find out." she muttered as she silently cut a hole in a window, and crawled in, and crawled along the ceiling, listening in on the conversations at hand. "Doom and Morgan huh? They sound like pansies compared to the female versions at home." she muttered to herself quietly. in this very siituation, being reclusive is actually a good thing. Cindy then came downstairs, and looked at finn. "I will go. I do not care if I make it or not." she said. "Damn! that girl has balls!" Sally thought. "And besides, I am Pretty sure Perry would not mind." Cindy added. @HoneyBear\-Kat
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Morgan looked around the room in a stunned silence, they were all right in some ways, trying to prepare him for what was about to come, telling HIM to be the leader. It went against everything the Avengers had seemed to be just a few hours ago...

He looked at the people he would now be leading and took a breath, "Okay, you're right. I'll try to save as many as I can but, I also got to stay in character. If I'm leader I want people who would seem eligible and noteworthy, but not ones who would draw to much attention. You guys tell me who that is and we can go from there."

@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto
LokiofSP said:
Morgan looked around the room in a stunned silence, they were all right in some ways, trying to prepare him for what was about to come, telling HIM to be the leader. It went against everything the Avengers had seemed to be just a few hours ago...
He looked at the people he would now be leading and took a breath, "Okay, you're right. I'll try to save as many as I can but, I also got to stay in character. If I'm leader I want people who would seem eligible and noteworthy, but not ones who would draw to much attention. You guys tell me who that is and we can go from there."

@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto
Redd looked around, having picked up an unfamiliar blip, but it felt familiar. "Unidentified Parker DNA, please investigate." Howard's words filled his head as he followed the scanners. "I know you are here, so come out quietly or I will open fire!" he warned, he did not have anything better to say. "Oh great, no one sees me, but that hunk of junk manages to pick me up? I guess being a spider ain't easy." she thought as used her web to gently glide down to the ground. Redd looked at her in awe and surprise. "Oh my lord! Who the hell are you?!" redd shouted in more surprise than disgust. "Sally Parker, and who are you, Mr. soldier bot?" Redd was stunned by her remark. "Redd Rath, I am the Guardian of The Stark Family." he said in a shaky tone. "I know, there is a female you where I come from. Her name is Regina Rath." Sally replied back.
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Paityn Greene

The girl patiently stood quiet. She had no place to talk, she didnt know anyone and no one knew her. Though she did like helping others, but if she volunteered she wouldnt know what shes getting herself into. She took a deep breath,"Um..." she tried to speak,"Im also a telepath if....you need one...." she trailed off to barely above a whisper. Speaking out wasnt her strong suit. She caught herself and quickly shut her mouth, reminding herself again, she had no place on the matter.

However, just by standing there and catching snippets of conversation, clearly she wasnt the only on woth abilities. Deep down she was over joyed, she wanted to jump and scream with excitement. But the seriousness in the atmosphere prevented her from doing so, instead she bit her lip to contain herself. She folded her hands together and looked at the ground with her head shrunk into her shoulders.
"What a mess that turned into," Terry grumbled and looked over at Sarah. She hasn't said anything throughout the whole giant monster, devil, Jordan, kill fest. Whenever Terry comes to Earth, and specifically New York, there seems to be trouble teleporting at every corner. Sometimes, yes it was invigorating. But other times, including now, it was extremely annoying. "Well! Nice meeting you Not-Giving-Your-Name-Girl! I'm going to meet old friends," He said and gave a short wave of goodbye before blasting off. They haven't changed that much. Right?

Stark Tower was where people were camped out at, and it took Terry a frustrating minute to wait in the elevator and exit. He had a great urge to just simply smash through the window, but that would be rude. Voices. I recognize them, He said as he turned a corner and into a room. And behold to him, there was a cluster of people. There were many of them he didn't recognize, but he didn't care. "So! What have you people been doing without me?"
"I um... Let... Let her in, I guess." Terry replied.

The cracks in Cassie's cocoon widened and Friday put a curtain around the bedside, so she could have a little privacy. There was a cracking sound, much like that of several eggs, and a groan could be heard.


"Yes boss?"

"Am... Am I..."


"Can I um....."


A set of clothes was dropped over the curtain and a rustling could be heard. The curtains were pushed aside and there stood Cassie, in her t-shirts and sweat pants-y glory. "How long was I out?" She asked.

"About a day."

"Anything happen?"

"Nothing that the team can't tell you."

With that, Cassie walked out to the doorway. She leaned on it and listened to the team talking.
Jamie leaned against the wall while everyone discussed their plans. She still stuck by who she thought should go, but didn't make anymore intervention. She turned her head towards the doorway because she thought she heard something. Jamie thought about checking to see if their was anybody there, but she just shrugged it off. Enough people have already shown up, whats one more?

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