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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Did you try talking to him? He was more then ready to help you fight me apparently but unless he wants to look bad and like the biggest hypocrite ever he should help you." Laxus said ignoring Jordan's words but pointing at Jordan.

"You do realize I'm the being that destroys galaxies and universes to make way for new ones right? Hypocrisy doesn't exactly apply to me..." Jordan interjected "And let's get one thing straight, I would love to burn him from my universe along with any descendant of Doom. So that kind of tells you what kind of person YOU were being."
hudhouse said:
Augustus sighed... before snapping his fingers. He stated, "Not how it works... gotta find someone who can do that first and replicate it. Thanos - Destruction, Blackheart - Corruption. Do you know how many damned people have life generation powers? Also, that occupation of Asia? I revived those people, and I am protecting them. Slaughter, Genocide, Poverty, Ebola, Diseases... I am personally trying to cure people back at Challenger Deep but YOOOOOU had to attack! God robots are so much more dependable then any sentient right now..." Augustus placed two fingers to his mask in some gesture of thought, but still could never throw out that feeling of touch he wanted so badly. He snickered, "I live where all the crazes and the dying are... hoping to find some cure. But here are my turns. I will only threaten people if they threaten my people, or me first. I will deoccupy Asia and what little remains of Europe if you can find me someone with the power set of creation."
"Some random person isn't likely to help but there has to be a habitable or terraformable planets out there. I am sure you have terraforming equipment and your robot army would make easy work of constructing cities and towns. But you could just replicate the Phoenix Force using your Divine Conduit on Jordan, the Phoenix Force as destructive as it is can be used for creation. If you don't like that you can use Divine Conduit on Franklin Richards then just move into a pocket universe." Laxus suggested still tuning out Jordan.
LucianGrey7971 said:
"You do realize I'm the being that destroys galaxies and universes to make way for new ones right? Hypocrisy doesn't exactly apply to me..." Jordan interjected "And let's get one thing straight, I would love to burn him from my universe along with any descendant of Doom. So that kind of tells you what kind of person YOU were being."
Augustus suddenly turned violent once again, malice and some sort of sick vengeance flooding his being, "Then why don't you, you pathetic little brat?! All you talk about is your boasts and your kings and your gods, your strength and your might... yet not once have you shown it except by lifting up land from the ocean... oooh so powerful! Unlike you, at least I can live and feel something. Even Laxus can do that. Even Blackheart can do that. Your just a pathetic concept, one without purpose or meaning, just a description. You do what you whim and can give two shits less what anyone else thinks. Hypocrisy doesn't exactly apply to you? Well that just means your entire life is a hypocritcal thing. Nothing you do is sacred, and nothing you do is good.. all you are is just a counter balance to yourself."

Newtype said:
"Some random person isn't likely to help but there has to be a habitable or terraformable planets out there. I am sure you have terraforming equipment and your robot army would make easy work of constructing cities and towns. But you could just replicate the Phoenix Force using your Divine Conduit on Jordan, the Phoenix Force as destructive as it is can be used for creation. If you don't like that you can use Divine Conduit on Franklin Richards then just move into a pocket universe." Laxus suggested still tuning out Jordan.
Augustus turned to Laxus for a moment and said, "Actually not a bad idea, his entire life is just ashes and flame anyways. But the thing is that my Darkness of the Divine Conduit is more... strange then the Doctor's. Mine requires three hits representing Knowledge, Respect and finally Strength. Otherwise, ka put. Reason I knew that I never stole your power is that reason. Even if you resist me I can break through. Jordan from his show though... he's a cosmic level entity at best. At worst, a child. Also, Terraforming planets is pretty hard. I can't exactly build a Shiva Prime that easily nor move it that fast. Teleportations on the people level. Besides I made the deal with you remember? No threatening another person unless they do the same to me first. And, with my new telepathy from the Heart family I know about the Phoenix force..."

Augustus starred straight through Jordan. Augustus said, "...How's being the echo of Jean Grey Dark Phoenix? Or do you not like that anymore now that you found another Bitch to become? The supreme giver of life is unable to let go of petty feelings and as such just bounces and bounces tell the end of time... always alone and consuming. Your just another set of Infinity Stones waiting... or is that just your sister and your other is Death? You hide behind bodies because if I could see you truly instead of being a force I would take you for myself and turn your will into my own. Fade into white, become creation, but never live. You live in shadows and sin, the burning phoenix who is to pathetic to show it's face in fright. You can't die, but that's because you hide away your death. You never play to win, you just play to keep. Pawns on the board, but what happens when the board gets tossed? You only fix and create so you can live... oh how selfish you are. Even Thanos, even Death helps others. Galactus manages to somehow!

Why can't you... oh snuffer of light? Child killer... Baby drinker? You can't kill me because the universe already made me huh? Curse me with no children... wipe away my name from existence? Nothing will stop me from getting to you. Jordan is just the threshold to you, and the longer he stays near me the easier it is to hear your thoughts and your soul. I will find you, and I will kill you. Revenge all the dead you made, and make them new again. You are nothing but a puppet... covered in strings. But me?" Augustus smiled as his power began ripping out of him. He burned with black fire... before singing out, "There are no strings on me..."
"I see it, that's indeed strange pardon the pun." Laxus said before Augustus proceeded to give Jordan and the Phoenix Force a huge reality check. Laxus wondered just what the Phoenix Force could say to counter that because Augustus was just way too right about this. Everyone else were pretty much thinking this but Augustus managed to put it into words. This would likely make the Phoenix in youth american terms "Feel some type of way", it was very likely to lash here or admit defeat.


Jordan started laughing to himself and it slowly increased to a loud humorous laughter. The sound resonated across galaxies to the deepest reaches of space. "Oh, how those who steal the strength of others judge true power! Jordan's eyes turned bright orange and he stretched his hand towards the Earth. Fire surrounded ever corner of the Earth and engulfed it completely. "I am fire and life incarnate! Do you know how simple it is for me to burn this planet to ashes?! You DARE to question my will? My purpose? MY VERY EXISTENCE!" His words came like fire and the flames around the Earth started glowing bright as the sun.

"But no, you only see the destruction I am capable of. Everything has an end. The infinity stones, Death...but not me. It is easy to claim that I have held on to these feelings too long...but I cannot forget." The fires turned ghost white and started to terraform the planet, to bring life back to that which Thanos destroyed...and to bring the innocent of the world who had died needlessly back to life. "I feel...EVERYTHING...but my duty is not to interfere at every transgression..my power...the power of the Phoenix Force...." Jordan's voice changed without warning and the Phoenix Force itself was speaking through him.

"I do not show my face not because of cowardess...but because the full unconcentrated might would burn galaxies without warning...The hosts are the only way to focus the power you so desperately want...but they could not contain it without losing themselves...Jordan is different...his mind wandered the universe, went insane with every dying star and regained its sanity with the birth of new ones...No matter how childish he is, his mind is the only one that can completely meld with mine. I fix and create because it is my duty...I have saved as many galaxies as I've burned O son of Doom...just as your father saved as many lives as he destroyed. I am the Protector of Creation. ALL creation, not just your creations and not just this planet. You call me child killer, snuffer of light, but without me...The light would die out. The children of the races I killed would evolve into something far more evil than the universe could handle. Tis why I ended Galactus' universe, tis why this one will end someday.

"Your understanding of my being is limited, childish at best. Your comprehension of the universe abysmal and your "justice" a hoax. You wish to kill me? To take my power? You cannot even defeat the Asgardian...no offense to you Son of He Who Wields the Mighty Mjolnir, you have long since stepped out of your father's shadow and cast quite a great one yourself."
Jordan said to Laxus with a warm smile before turning back to Augustus "Yours is a power hungry existence that hides behind thin justice and knowledge. You will fail as others have."

Finn jumped a little when Sam asked if he had a plan. Sadly he shook his head and continued watching from the window. "All I can think of at the moment is hulking out and jumping up to their little party. But I'd come back down pretty quickly and as they're right above a pretty busy part of New York people would get hurt. Also I feel like that wouldn't be of much help." He tapped his fingers against the wall. "I'm useless in this situation. All we can hope is that somebody isn't and knows what to do." He watched as Sam walked off again and turned to face the window.

LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan started laughing to himself and it slowly increased to a loud humorous laughter. The sound resonated across galaxies to the deepest reaches of space. "Oh, how those who steal the strength of others judge true power! Jordan's eyes turned bright orange and he stretched his hand towards the Earth. Fire surrounded ever corner of the Earth and engulfed it completely. "I am fire and life incarnate! Do you know how simple it is for me to burn this planet to ashes?! You DARE to question my will? My purpose? MY VERY EXISTENCE!" His words came like fire and the flames around the Earth started glowing bright as the sun.
"But no, you only see the destruction I am capable of. Everything has an end. The infinity stones, Death...but not me. It is easy to claim that I have held on to these feelings too long...but I cannot forget." The fires turned ghost white and started to terraform the planet, to bring life back to that which Thanos destroyed...and to bring the innocent of the world who had died needlessly back to life. "I feel...EVERYTHING...but my duty is not to interfere at every transgression..my power...the power of the Phoenix Force...." Jordan's voice changed without warning and the Phoenix Force itself was speaking through him.

"I do not show my face not because of cowardess...but because the full unconcentrated might would burn galaxies without warning...The hosts are the only way to focus the power you so desperately want...but they could not contain it without losing themselves...Jordan is different...his mind wandered the universe, went insane with every dying star and regained its sanity with the birth of new ones...No matter how childish he is, his mind is the only one that can completely meld with mine. I fix and create because it is my duty...I have saved as many galaxies as I've burned O son of Doom...just as your father saved as many lives as he destroyed. I am the Protector of Creation. ALL creation, not just your creations and not just this planet. You call me child killer, snuffer of light, but without me...The light would die out. The children of the races I killed would evolve into something far more evil than the universe could handle. Tis why I ended Galactus' universe, tis why this one will end someday.

"Your understanding of my being is limited, childish at best. Your comprehension of the universe abysmal and your "justice" a hoax. You wish to kill me? To take my power? You cannot even defeat the Asgardian...no offense to you Son of He Who Wields the Mighty Mjolnir, you have long since stepped out of your father's shadow and cast quite a great one yourself."
Jordan said to Laxus with a warm smile before turning back to Augustus "Yours is a power hungry existence that hides behind thin justice and knowledge. You will fail as others have."

Augustus clapped, before stating, "Bravo! A excellent speech. I am impressed how far you will go to speak your opinion. Now then... the entire reason I called you out is because what you just did. I made you do my will and all I had to do was talk to you. See... how easy was that? You brought back all the dead life, and you did exactly what I wanted. Also, I don't kill unless the other person has... and I don't want to kill you. I have only killed three times in my life, and the latest was Thanos's general Zis... or was it Zas? Either way, if I am to fail... what should I do to succeed? What is my purpose then? If I can not rule as a leader, to protect my people and shield them from demise while keeping them free and Human... then what should I do?"

Augustus at the end just laughed, he was half certain this might just be a tired illusion and he would wake up, but he also knew this was so very very real. If he wasn't half serious all the damn time he was certain he would have been driven insane long ago.
"I was asked to become what I am... You take through force, without warning and through manipulation. THAT is why you will fail." Jordan said and turned to Laxus "You might want to sort things out with the Avengers...they're not too happy with you taking matters into your own hands the way you did...especially when you're supposed to be part of them. Earth may be an ally of Asgard, but that does not give Asgard the right to act without the consent of the Earth."
"It helped get the job done didn't it, also Earth's consent was the fact it made an alliance with Asgard. The Avengers, well he core ones will get over it soon enough afterall lives were gained not lost in this ordeal. It also got you to finally do something rather than simply talk as big as your power supposedly is." Laxus replied.
LucianGrey7971 said:
"I was asked to become what I am... You take through force, without warning and through manipulation. THAT is why you will fail." Jordan said and turned to Laxus "You might want to sort things out with the Avengers...they're not too happy with you taking matters into your own hands the way you did...especially when you're supposed to be part of them. Earth may be an ally of Asgard, but that does not give Asgard the right to act without the consent of the Earth."
Augustus raised an eyebrow, "Who gives opportunity without force? Who gives without luck? If I was given anything in my life and I never took... I would be a bastard on the side of the street begging for money freezing to death. If I never took, I wouldn't be a Latverian, if I never took-" He got choked up on that last one.... even three years later he still had trouble saying it. He spoke again on the other word, "If I never manipulated, you wouldn't have revived them. If I never manipulated, 3 billion people would still be forgotten at the bottom of the sea. If I never manipulated, there wouldn't be a cure for 4 new terminal illnesses. If I never manipulated, my brother would have died months early. I have ended wars, I have ended genocide, and I have made drugs legal and regulated properly. There are less homeless, and there are near to zero public riots or attacks.

"...How is any of that a failure?"
CasualDragon said:
Finn jumped a little when Sam asked if he had a plan. Sadly he shook his head and continued watching from the window. "All I can think of at the moment is hulking out and jumping up to their little party. But I'd come back down pretty quickly and as they're right above a pretty busy part of New York people would get hurt. Also I feel like that wouldn't be of much help." He tapped his fingers against the wall. "I'm useless in this situation. All we can hope is that somebody isn't and knows what to do." He watched as Sam walked off again and turned to face the window.
Jade walks up to Finn, and sat next to him. "What's wrong cuz?" She asked him as she scoots closer to him.
Connor stopped in one of the public cemeteries, taking off his helmet he scanned the area, yet no sign of Carter. The blonde shook his head before sliding off his bike and leaving his helmet on the seat before walking onto the grass with a destination in mind. Twenty feet further along he paused by a tree, staring at a gravestone, one that read Robert 'Bob' Johnson at the top.

"What the hell do you want? Having me meet you here of all places." Came an annoyed voice from the tree, Connor turned his head to see that Carter was leaning his back against it with his arms crossed, staring off in the opposite direction.

"Your help, infiltration into Doom Junior's ranks."
Connor replied, stepping forwards more so they could see each other fully.

The clone shook his head with a chuckle, "It's very elaborate, telling me to meet you here at dear old Bobby's grave in an attempt to guilt trip me. Might have worked if I gave a damn, I let Kelai kill Bob remember?" Carter pushed off the tree, stalking up to Connor and putting a finger in his face. "I told you after Thanos I was done, I did that for me. Collected my end of the deal from Parker already. There's nothing in it for me anymore, doing anything for you all."

Connor sighed, "A chance to be something more than this...attitude." Carter was simply growing more aggravated, "Where do you get off Rogers!? This is who I am, I could care less of what anyone thinks of me, especially you." Connor narrowed his eyes at his clone, "Clone's can do as they please, I don't argue that. But why follow in Osborn's footsteps? You we're made from me, you are me. Cassie, Jordan, and Dimitri all had clones and all turned out decent, hell even Ivory's parents. So why do you fight me every step of the way?" Carter's fists clenched, "I am nothing like you, and it's about time you get that through your head. This idea of seeing the good in everyone is what makes you so ignorant and blind to the truth."
"Redd!" Cassie called out from her lab. "I have something to show you! Come here!"

Terry ran out, looking excited. "You'll like he- it! Trust me!"

@Steel Zinogre
sitanomoto said:
"Redd!" Cassie called out from her lab. "I have something to show you! Come here!"
Terry ran out, looking excited. "You'll like he- it! Trust me!"

@Steel Zinogre
Redd comes to cassie, as he finished polishing his armor. "Yes Master? What is it?" he said as he kneeled as low as her could. He had no idea what she wanted to show him, but he thought it was important.
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Cassie smiled and beckoned him over to the wall. She pushed a button and it revealed....

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5f7c9d50_Gundamrobotpurpledragon.jpg.cf2ba1fd4f2ef1289eff3d712babae30.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88264" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5f7c9d50_Gundamrobotpurpledragon.jpg.cf2ba1fd4f2ef1289eff3d712babae30.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Her name is Ruby Rage," Cassie said, "and I built her to help you and to keep you company."

Ruby put her hands on her metal hips, retracting her whip into her arm. "Hello Redd Rath," she said, sounding like she was smiling.

Terry clapped his hands and grinned. "She's my protector, just like you are Cassie's."

Ruby ruffled Terry's hair with a chuckle.



  • Gundam robot purple dragon.jpg
    Gundam robot purple dragon.jpg
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sitanomoto said:
Cassie smiled and beckoned him over to the wall. She pushed a button and it revealed....
View attachment 197806

"Her name is Ruby Rage," Cassie said, "and I built her to help you and to keep you company."

Ruby put her hands on her metal hips, retracting her whip into her arm. "Hello Redd Rath," she said, sounding like she was smiling.

Terry clapped his hands and grinned. "She's my protector, just like you are Cassie's."

Ruby ruffled Terry's hair with a chuckle.
Redd stared at Ruby Rage, and he began to short circuit, for he had sensory Overload. When he landed on the ground, he rebooted, and got up. "Sorry...... I just got this weird feeling.... a good weird feeling." he said. Howard chuckles. "Looks like someone has a crush on Ruby." He said teasingly as redd shielded his face in embarrassment. "I'm sorry Ruby, I am not used to looking at someone as good looking and sleek as you." he said, stammering in between words. (Ok.)
Cassie grinned. "Aww!" She said quietly, and Terry echoed her, but slightly louder, then leaned over to Redd and whispered "That good weird feeling is called love, Redd. Enjoy it! Bask in it!"

Ruby chuckled. "It's alright, Redd," she said. "You're not too bad yourself." Really she thought that was an understatement.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie grinned. "Aww!" She said quietly, and Terry echoed her, but slightly louder, then leaned over to Redd and whispered "That good weird feeling is called love, Redd. Enjoy it! Bask in it!"
Ruby chuckled. "It's alright, Redd," she said. "You're not too bad yourself." Really she thought that was an understatement.
"L..... Love...?What is that?" he asked, he began to overheat, and started Steaming. "Please don't do that, master...... It makes me more embarrassed of myself." he said as he opened his vents, and heat and steam flooded out of his body, reaching optimal temperature. Maxton then came in. "Who is that?" maxton asked, clearly shocked. "dunno, but she is hotter than me for sure!" Ruby, Maxton's AI said in his helm. Strout was out with Richie at the National Park, Since strout did enjoy nature walks. @National @sitanomoto
Jordan looked towards Earth with an emotionless face disappeared without another word. He landed in the back alley of the Avengers Tower and doubled over, clutching his stomach. He puked up what could only be described as pure energy.

You overdid it. Your body is not ready to take on that much power usage.

"I know that! But what's done is done..." Jordan hissed and staggered back to his feet

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