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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Reaper said:
"Can't? What do you mean, can't? You're here, I'm here, no one is listening. What are you afraid of?" He said, frustrated.
"I'm afraid for you." Hypnas blurted out. "Before you asked me wipe your memories you did something that I'm not allowed to tell you. I'm afraid to trigger your memories again."
Reaper said:
"I don't understand..." He said, looking down. "And why did I bring you here? To this tower? I didn't even think about it, it just happened." @sitanomoto
Hypnas smiled. "Instinct. That's been drilled into you, I couldn't take that away. And I bet you didn't notice that you've been speaking perfect English this whole time." She brushed back some hair from his face, tilting his chin to look up at her.

Cassie blushed redder than her father's suit when Az kissed her cheek, a giggle escaping her lips, which resulted in making her blush more. Her attention to Sally and she stood up. "Alright. That's enough Caffeine for you." She took the coffee cup from Sally. "Normally coffee helps sober you. Weird. I guess that's because she's half-spider." Cassie, who hadn't had anything to eat since she... Erm.... Woke up, so to speak, looked in a kitchen cabinet for some chips. Pulling out a bag of Doritos, she went back to Az and sat down next to him. "Want one?" Cass asked him.
His hand shot up to his mouth, as if to stop himself. "I sure am. I know English... and I know about computers.... And I know about heroes... My god, I know a lot about American heroes." @sitanomoto
sitanomoto said:
Hypnas smiled. "Instinct. That's been drilled into you, I couldn't take that away. And I bet you didn't notice that you've been speaking perfect English this whole time." She brushed back some hair from his face, tilting his chin to look up at her.
Cassie blushed redder than her father's suit when Az kissed her cheek, a giggle escaping her lips, which resulted in making her blush more. Her attention to Sally and she stood up. "Alright. That's enough Caffeine for you." She took the coffee cup from Sally. "Normally coffee helps sober you. Weird. I guess that's because she's half-spider." Cassie, who hadn't had anything to eat since she... Erm.... Woke up, so to speak, looked in a kitchen cabinet for some chips. Pulling out a bag of Doritos, she went back to Az and sat down next to him. "Want one?" Cass asked him.
"I sure would." He said with a smile as he took one. Sally then looked at Cassie. "Aw man..... I thought that was decaf." Sally said as she struggled to get up. Luna turned visible and helped her up, but sally fell asleep on her, mumbling. "Pretty..... Kitty....." She mumbled as luna growled, struggling to get free from under the heavy spider girl. @sitanomoto @Pyosimros @BeamMeUpScotty @LokiofSP @CasualDragon
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@LucianGrey7971[/URL] @hudhouse
The unholy abomination roared out like laughter, until it revealed just why it had so many eyes. A toothy missile ripped out of it's flesh, then it was followed by hundreds! They all ripped out of it, flying high into the air while leaving behind a crimson flow of light. The missiles were each guided by a eye, aiming for a circus of devastation. The missiles were coated in a powerful bile that ate away at any organic compound it found... and the tooth would rip through any armor or clothing in the way to the flesh! The beast charged and rampaged with it's holey bone covered skin. Bullets seemed to just shrivel up on contact with it's hard material... but if they managed to pierce it, the thing would be in danger.
The time had waded by as if hours were days, what started for just a few moments alone extended into a flee of cowardice; and it was impossible to swallow such a thing pride in tact, he was ashamed. Deeply, ashamed. With no halt to the violence and war that seemed to ravage the world, Aedan; as he had already done once before, once more ran away, spineless, his tail between his legs. At the time, he hadn't thought the decision through, under the arrogant assumption no more great threat was present he'd abandoned the city for something as pathetic as a holiday. Without a good bye to his closest friend, yet perhaps it his internal torment was justice. Had he given his farewells, Connor would have no doubt persuaded him to stay. Even then, whilst debating the decision to go, or to stay, Aedan knew this.

Now, he was suffering for his betrayal of the heroes. It was mid-flight when it hit; something so terrible the whole world shook violently as if falling through space itself, barely anybody survived the crash, the plane splintered into thousands of pieces in the middle of Mexico, and then. Death. The experience made the symbiote disaster seem like a children's playground, it was if a full-scale invasion of Earth was taking place, and according to the media, that was exactly what was happening.

...And Aedan had left his friends to deal with it. Though he had to suffer a horrific battle to drive the invaders back, he knew it was minuscule compared to what the Avengers must have been dealing with. He hadn't slept, not since he left. Yet now the cycle had run full circle, he was back. Returned once more to the city, battered, bruised, exhausted, and what felt like dying. Yet none of that was a detriment, his willpower had all but been sapped. A combination of guilt, and shock. The World had just endured World War Three, but this one, did destroy the world. The fact that it had been destroyed, and then restored was still an event Aedan didn't wish to brainstorm. He was burdened enough as it is...

Most of all, by his next steps. With great caution; he had infiltrated the Avengers tower. A normally difficult task, no doubt. But they were still reeling from the mass onslaught from the God-like being known as "Thanos". Truth be told, Aedan had in-fact walked from Mexico to the city wth the help of momentum, he was almost certain he'd gone multiple weeks over his energy limit, but he had... All to return to this very point, yet now he was back, emotion swamped him, and the man began to get cold feet. Almost tempted to turn tail, to retreat once again, away.

Aedan grimaced, and looked out to the sky, his eyes focusing on the stars, fierce determination burning in his heart. "Not this time..." He whispered, barely audible. Steeling himself for whatever may follow, he slinked out of the shadows into the hospital wing. Mustering all his mental might, he took a breath, and a step, and another. Until he approached his worst nightmare.

A sound soared through his ears, thousands of glass shards shattering at once, his legs went weak, and he collapsed to one knee, tears swelled in his eyes. He experienced pain everywhere, any energy keeping him going was now thoroughly gone, "Connor... I - I ... Im sorry..." The words were a squeak, his throat burnt. And now he was trying to hold back from sobbing. "I failed you... I failed all of you..." A choke of sorrow, even with no visual of Connor's injuries, Aedan knew it was bad; very bad. Which made it all the harder to remain strong... An endeavour, which Aedan failed. Aedan collapsed back, now sitting, crying as silently as he could into his arms, hoping for it to just... End. "C-Connor... Please... Don't... Don't be dead... Don't be dead..."

The snipers, knowing they were outmatched, turned invisible and fleed from the underground and into the city, partially hoping to lead the creature into the city. Jamie looked at Jordan with pleading eyes. 'Everyone will die if you take me back.' @hudhouse @LucianGrey7971
"In fact..." Dimitri said. "I know where we are. This is the headquarters of earths mightiest heroes!" He zipped to the penthouse and looked around with oohs and aaahs at every sight. @sitanomoto @anyoneAtTheTower
Augustus formed a astral image high in the air where any of the snipers could see him, and the image roared out, "I have your scents, I have your DNA! I will track you down... and I am a man with a very certain set of skills... There is no where you can escape from me! I repaired this entire city, and as such I am it's eyes and it's ears. I am the antibody that protects, and the mRNA that builds! Go..." The many eyed beast closed all of it's eyes... and turned invisible! It began it's hunt...
Connor had lain in his bed resting since the recent attack in the med wing of Avengers Tower, to which Connor was still unsure of the details. Rest was something he had very little of lately, but now he was forced to relax. While not asleep he was on the brink of it when he heard the first word, more of a hoarse whisper really come from close by. The blonde instinctively raised his head and upper body up and forwards in response, flinching at the pain that followed from his wound and a hand going to his abdomen as if to relieve the pain. Bad idea. He told himself, though he was already sitting halfway up so he turned his head the rest of the way towards the voice that had sounded so familiar yet wasn't.

His eyesight had yet to recover any, so the first glimpse he had was of someone lower than they should be as he peeked over the bed railing. But all he got was a blurry outline, the only reason he could even tell it was a person we're the tiny movements and the voice. Connor couldn't tell who it was at first, the voice pitched so differently, then he heard his name through the sobs and apologies. His mouth slowly gaping open, "A-Aedan?" Connor's own voice had a little croak though the concern and shock was there as well as questioning, questioning if he was right to who that voice belonged to. Someone he hadn't seen in what felt like forever but was close to six months. "I'm not dead, is that....is that really you?" Connor had to take a moment to let his breath catch up and narrowed his eyes as if it'd make things clearer, if it was Aedan like he thought he wanted to smile at the fact that his friend was here and not dead, but Aedan's voice stopped him. In the two months the two of them had spent in Siberia alone and freezing, he'd heard Aedan at some of his lowest times, just as Aedan probably had with Connor. But never so broken.

@Archangel Galdrael
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The world seemed to spin for what seemed like forever, for the first time in what had to be months, Aedan felt happiness, hope, relief, all at once in a cyclone of emotion. The sobbing continued - but not due to guilt, not any longer - now they were tears of happiness, he remained crumpled on the floor, his legs still unable to move, but not because of exhaustion, but utter relief. It was foolish, no doubt; he had believed Connor dead without checking, though perhaps for a few moments he wanted to believe it true, as just punishment for his abandonment.

The voice was as coarse as his own, Connor clearly having been through a lot, Aedan's own state was purely self inflicted; whereas the blonde ended up like this by saving his city, and his friends. The previous tinge of guilt began to surface once more, but after moments of silence, Aedan managed to recover - at least somewhat. Any feeling of self pity, self-doubt, or otherwise self-destructiveness quickly left Aedan's system, overshadowed by his friends weakened state, and poor condition.

"Yes, Connor, it's me. I know I left you... And I'm sorry, But I'm here; right now. And I swear I won't abandon you again..." The previous coarse voice had subsided, now he was talking as powerfully, and seriously as he could. "I won't..." Aedan examined Connor, and fought with the idea of grabbing his hand, or hugging him; although that would likely hurt Connor more, and besides, as forgiving as Connor was Aedan was still unsure if his return would be accepted. He'd already undergone mental preparation for the worst case scenario, for the instance in which Connor rejects his return. @Crono
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There was some relief hearing Aedan's voice change back to somewhat normal, and Connor eased back down onto the bed with a huff but kept his head turned in Aedan's direction with a faint smile on his lips. The knowledge of Aedan being alive after all this time was a good thing, "You didn't-- I--" Connor wasn't one hundred percent clear-headed and was trying to figure out how he wanted to say this. The blonde was more annoyed than anything that he couldn't get out of the bed and stand on his own two feet, and actually see Aedan's face to speak with him.

"Abandon me? You left but I mean...Aedan I dragged you across a frozen continent for almost two months. When we came home I fully expected you to go home, or leave. You weren't tied down by Avenger status, you weren't expected to stick around." Connor reached up and rubbed at his forehead and turned his head momentarily to look straight once again. "That sounds a little rude, not the route I was going. What I'm trying to say is there we're no expectations of you to stay, and especially after the registration act hit. A lot of heroes went underground and hidden after that. People always come around looking to be an Avenger and it honestly confuses me, but you didn't. Yeah you have powers, but your free to do whatever you want. That's why I wasn't surprised you left to do whatever, have a normal life I'd hope. Something many of us could never have."

It was a little awkward having Aedan so emotional, and Connor guessed the other boy assumed all of these injuries came from Thanos' forces. There was a little shame in the recklessness in what had given him the major injuries, his own foolishness. He'd thought maybe Carter was having a change of heart, that Connor was finally getting to him, and he'd turned his back on him....for just a moment.

"I'm just glad your alright..." With Aedan so near he didn't try to speak loud and turned his head to look at Aedan's blurry outline, "I mean you are alright aren't you?" Connor arched his brows, it was hard to tell with Aedan's voice considering he was emotional. "I uh...my eyes are a bit fuzzy." A mocking, whatever type of eye roll at the talk of his eyes.

@Archangel Galdrael

@AnnoDomini (I remembered to tag you this time! :D )
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And do that was that; he'd essentially apologized in a crumbling mess, but to what end? It was hard to believe, hard to make sense of Connor's forgiving attitude. But Aedan didn't try to understand, he accepted the outcome, now a smile tugging at his lips, and previous emotion draining to something more akin to joy, relief, and happiness. Strength returned to Aedan, and now is cheeks flushed red from embarrassment, after Connor's summary of the whole thing... Well, Aedan felt utterly moronic. Since, once again, the blonde was right... Why was he always right?

"Uh, but - C - Connor... Your injuries... If I was here, I could have stopped it; I could have helped you..." Aedan mulled over the words Connor spoke, a normal life was a nice fantasy; but any superpowered being couldn't have that life, not in good conscience, not when they could be achieving so much good with their gifts - or curses. "And I don't want a normal life... I mean, I do want one... But that isn't for me, not when you're still hanging onto life."

Aedan once more, spoke, not giving Connor time to reply to what he said, but a playful twitch of Aedan's lip in response to Connor's final sentence; which only just struck a cord, Aedan was exhausted, he could barely comprehend word meanings... Yet it didn't matter. "Hey, don't worry about me. I'm fine, just a moment of weakness, but I'm over here buddy, see?" Aedan waved his hand in front of Connor's face; adding a tinge of momentum to confuse his friend further. "I can't leave you alone for five minutes before your dying of some cause or other." He mocked in a joking tone, laughing lightly as Connor struggled to see him effectively.

Connor took a deep breath and smiled when Aedan said he could have stopped Connor from getting hurt, eyes involuntarily looking towards his heavily bandaged abdomen. "You couldn't have, I kinda asked for this one." The blonde took a second while Aedan spoke to think about what he himself could have done to prevent it, not go alone? Likely. Tell someone where he was going instead of what he was doing? That too.

Aedan claimed he didn't want a normal life, or rather that he wasn't allowed to have one, was what Connor took from it. The blonde let his head collapse onto the pillow, staring off into space momentarily. Ivory had wanted a normal life, but before he could take that step he died. Connor would have argued with Aedan but the other boy had moved on, clearly not wanting any sort of conversation on the matter so Connor wouldn't push for now.

He did however try to look at Aedan's hand and follow it the result making him a little light-headed, scowling as he realized what the other boy was doing. "I'm only partially blind you jerk." But found himself chuckling right into a groan, pressing his head deeper into the pillow, "D-don't make me laugh!" He hissed through a smile, it was nice to have a laugh, have a reason to laugh.

"Next time you go off, send a post card would you? That way I'm not so worried."

@Archangel Galdrael
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"Who the hell are they? What the hell was in that needle and WHY exactly aren't you wanting to go back?" Jordan said and opened his hand and started to heal her again
'Skulls, they are some kind of adaptable soldier. There are deadly parasites in that needle and they put them in me knowing that if their plan went awry that you would most likely take me back to infect the Avengers or the city. You can't take me back.' Jamie signed. The snipers jumped from building to building, trying to avoid the creature. They ran quickly to try and see if they could outrun it.
'I don't know. If you kill the Skulls, they will just be remade even stronger. I don't know who controls them, but you can't let them be killed. They will come back with ten times the strength then when they died. Find out who is making these Skulls and take them out.' Jamie pointed to the needle and then turned back to Jordan. 'Take the needle and examine the parasites. They are genetically engineered so maybe you can trace them back to their creators.' @LucianGrey7971
Finn looked at Dimitri's look of amusement at everything. "Hey Dimitri! It's good you see that you're alright. What got you in such a good mood?" He joked. It was like watching a kid on Christmas morning. Deciding that Dimitri was probably just happy about seeing the building in one piece Finn turned back to the small group. He held up the envelope. "Does anyone have any idea what this is? Found it on the balcony."

@Reaper @AnyoneElse
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]'Skulls, they are some kind of adaptable soldier. There are deadly parasites in that needle and they put them in me knowing that if their plan went awry that you would most likely take me back to infect the Avengers or the city. You can't take me back.' Jamie signed. The snipers jumped from building to building, trying to avoid the creature. They ran quickly to try and see if they could outrun it.

Augustus heard the words from the neural uplink inside the beast's third brain, the one that handled sensory stimulus. Augustus snapped his eyes open, he heard that name before. He thought of that name... Salahanthropos and Metallic Archea. Well, not directly but more of the fact of rusting helicopters and lots of bloody screaming. Whens the last time he heard of such a complex name? Well... Metallic Archea... Salahanthropos... Metallic... Salahanthropos... Metal Salahanthropos? No... there was a word between... Metal Gear Salahanthropos! Metal Gear Reveneng/ Wait.... wait, no it was Phantom Pain. He still forgot to get the details of EXCELUS, he wasn't even sure if it had survived the combat in New York. But he knew what he was talking about now... so he teleported in front of them both.... without his armor...


With the power to shift his physical form, he took a form that would be more... friendly. He would still equip his armor for combat, but he knew this would be an exception. He started off, "Skulls, created from the vocal cord parasite. If you speak in a certain language, it will grow and reproduce in your throat and lungs... causing a slow and extremely painful death. Blood will leak out of every orifice, even from behind your eyes... but some are interesting. Assuming by your cloaking ability being biological and I can not sense your thermal readings, your the stealth type. You have enhanced speed and reaction time as well, but you can still feel the pain....

"Also, you use the term wrong. Skulls are the side force of CYPHER, or Xof. The term is the Skulls Parasite Unit, and they are marked by a letter then a number. Mostly the forehead, and most are bald. Though... puzzle me this. Why aren't any of you bringing forth mist or suffocating people into your zombies? Is it because of further mutations.. loss of the ability, or just control? Truly I only know this because it was a rather fun game, plus that scene at the platform scarred me." He smiled for a second, before finishing it off, "If I can get a sample as well, I can find a way to shut them down... other then explosives of course..."
CasualDragon said:
Finn looked at Dimitri's look of amusement at everything. "Hey Dimitri! It's good you see that you're alright. What got you in such a good mood?" He joked. It was like watching a kid on Christmas morning. Deciding that Dimitri was probably just happy about seeing the building in one piece Finn turned back to the small group. He held up the envelope. "Does anyone have any idea what this is? Found it on the balcony."
@Reaper @AnyoneElse
"Dunno Cuz, What is it? A wad of cash? I love letter? An Eviction notice? What?" Jade asked finn as she curiously looked at the envelope. "Anyways, wanna head to out to lunch? I've got a lot of money that i feel like spending." She said with a smile. "We could even take Luna or helga if you want."

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