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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Morgan came out of the lab, the suit he had just made put to the side, 'I gotta think of it like my very own exo-suit, I can only use it when I'm not meeting my ass-kicking quota in a fight.' He saw Chalize and Cindy and approached them, clearing his throat he smiled lightly yet brightly, "Um, you ladies need any help? I'm sure that I can assit you if need be."

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Morgan came out of the lab, the suit he had just made put to the side, 'I gotta think of it like my very own exo-suit, I can only use it when I'm not meeting my ass-kicking quota in a fight.' He saw Chalize and Cindy and approached them, clearing his throat he smiled lightly yet brightly, "Um, you ladies need any help? I'm sure that I can assit you if need be."

@Steel Zinogre
"Sure! The more the merrier!" Charlize said with a hardy, Texan accent. "What's your name, stranger?" She asked Morgan.
Morgan's eye twitched, 'Wait, she's Texan...Never mind then...' "Um... I actually just realized I have to go do...Things... Yeah...Bye!"

@Steel Zinogre (Morgan's kinda sorta views on Texas are in no way my own)
LokiofSP said:
Morgan's eye twitched, 'Wait, she's Texan...Never mind then...' "Um... I actually just realized I have to go do...Things... Yeah...Bye!"

@Steel Zinogre (Morgan's kinda sorta views on Texas are in no way my own)
"Where ya goin' you just said you would help!" Charlie said as Morgan left.
Nevermore rolled off of Brute with a laugh as her companion fell to the floor. She scratched under his chin.

Tony, unfazed by the rat tail, kicked it over towards Brute again.

Cassie munched on another Dorito before saying "that's alright. I'll be careful." Her eyes shifted to Tony and Pepper before realizing who she was forgetting. "Oh my gosh!" She looked around wildly before clicking her comm link. "Guys, has anyone seen Terry?"
LokiofSP said:
"I did but I just realized I have to feed my pet... Cat! That's right, a cat!"

@Steel Zinogre
"Sure. Whatever. Come back to me when you finish." Charlie said as she and Cindy went off to the job site.

sitanomoto said:
Nevermore rolled off of Brute with a laugh as her companion fell to the floor. She scratched under his chin.
Tony, unfazed by the rat tail, kicked it over towards Brute again.

Cassie munched on another Dorito before saying "that's alright. I'll be careful." Her eyes shifted to Tony and Pepper before realizing who she was forgetting. "Oh my gosh!" She looked around wildly before clicking her comm link. "Guys, has anyone seen Terry?"
Brute then gets back up and looked at tony and pepper. He then shook off, leaving bits of his scales on the ground. Azazel looked around. And he had a feeling something was off. "Maybe he went with redd and ruby." He said.
Jason had managed to walk for so long that his legs were like jelly. Looking for any benches to sleep on, however finding most dirty and filled with homeless who needed them much more than he, he took to finding a nice sleeping place in a filthy disgusting alleyway, filled with cockroaches and piss everywhere. Guess this was life for him, he though settling his head down on what was left of a dumpster as a half-eaten burger met his eyes looking like a turkey on thanks giving. However he did not eat it. Crawling up into what he could make of a fetal position ball he closed in and let the void-like abyss of dark space that was his mind engulf him.

As his thoughts drifted on and his soul fell away a thought gleamed like a light bulb in the shadows. It shone greatly amounting to a torch, like that of the famed Statue of Liberty symbolizing freedom and hope. The kindling flame of the torch brightened in his mind as he pictured it. Then the words came through his mind almost as if someone had spoken them.

'The Avengers Tower, Jason.' The voice said.

In retaliation the young Storm concluded, 'What? Why them?'

'Go.' Simply said the tone in a commanding voice.

Mentally Jason Storm revised this voice, possibly his conscience and believed for once that he may be on to something. The Avengers Tower. That was where he would go.

Awakening from his slumber he realized he had slept through the night and dawn boasted it's scarlet rays across the horizon. Taking deep breaths as he stood and yawned, and stretched before walking like a stiff cardboard piece out of the alleyway and then taking to the streets on a hungry stomach. Avengers Tower, he recounted as his feet took the steps towards the mighty bastion of superheroes.....
((Gonna be inactive for the next 12 hours or more.))

Jason trudged up to the tower doors, starving slightly, filthy in his clothes but worst of all was the smell...

Soon enough he entered through the large doors and would be greeted? Who knew he just stood there looking to see if he was allowed in. If no one stopped him he'd continue curiously....@anyonereally
For a moment, Aedan diverted eye contact and stared at the floor; head held in guilt, he knew that question was clearly territory Connor did not wish to revisit, the bite on the lip was a tell-tale showing of that, and the slow breathing that followed made Aedan feel even more uncomfortable about bringing up the wound, Connor was bracing himself to explain; or at least, partially explain.

Which the blonde did, at the mention of combating a general Aedan almost snapped at Connor for doing something so reckless, but then remembered the whole situation, and how he ran away... twice, and how he wasn't here... Twice again... And how Connor was currently laying in bed with a stab wound through his abdomen. Of course it got even worse. Aedan had to suck his cheeks in and bite down slightly to yell. He wanted to say what were you thinking?! Trying to fight Thanos! Were you TRYING to get yourself killed you fool! Of course, with great difficulty, Aedan was forced to swallow those words and let Conner continue.

Unfortunately, it would have been wiser to have yelled at the blonde; as the joke, for some reason or other, made Aedan's cheek flare red, as he bit harder on his cheeks in an effort to refrain from laughing, the situation was serious, and laughing was just inappropriate... Yet Aedan couldn't help but think Connor was such a brilliant smart-ass sometimes... He was grateful that the blonde was partially blind for a few moments. However, this roller-coaster of a conversation quickly went down once more, the humor vanished immediately the mention of death, Aedan wanted to hug Connor, the pain on his face was evident for a few moments. Wat followed, seemed to be the blonde's own admission of guilt, of fault. It was true, he was perhaps too nice for his own good... Yet Aedan couldn't help but feel that's what made him such a wonderful person...

A moments thought was all Aedan needed; and the results of his own opinion was quite surprising to even him, the often angry Aedan, the lonesome Aedan, actually still believed Connor... The old Connor; the one who was impaled, is right. Nobody is completely corrupted... Goodness exists in everyone... For a few moments, Aedan felt his whole ideology, and one core belief turn upside down in an instant. Even after Carter's actions, what Connor did was still right; he paid a terrible price for his kind-heart, but if he stopped showing that sort of faith in trying to bring out the good in people... Well, he may just end up missing the opportunity to save an innocent life; or bring out a good soul, clouded by darkness.

Even though Aedan was usually reckless, rash, and easily angered. He felt completely calm, he felt no desire to seek out Carter, not because of his recent thoughts, but because Connor had told him not too... Well, that and Aedan had no idea who Carter actually was, but that was besided the point.

Snapping back to reality, Aedan noticed it had silent for a few moments; and the blonde had finished, despite wanting to continue, the man decided against it, this was already a tough topic for Connor, it was cruel to probe the experience further.

Recalling the last sentence uttered by Connor, Aedan shook his head lightly, and smirked at Connor. "No, no beach... Unfortunately, but oh I had this lovely jacuzzi, and the food! It... was... incredible! Did I mention the beds, too?"

"Mercury?" He shrugged his shoulders a little sadly. "Sorry, only the periodic element. Which the atomic number is eighty if you were wondering." He shot a look Hypnas' way. What's going on? He wondered to himself. Turning back to Dimitri he smiled and patted his friend's back. Well why don't we start in the lobby and work our way up from there? There's nothing like getting an in-depth tour of the room that you first walk into." He joked as he walked towards the stairwell. "I prefer to take the stairs for... personal reasons. You two can take the elevator if you want though."

@sitanomoto @Reaper @Captain Wolf ((ayy buddy we're on our way down :D ))
Connor snorted a chuckle, eyes nearly going cross-eyed from the dull pain it gave him. "Your a jerk." He said through a hoarse voice, but the pain was worth the laugh. Aedan was the first to question him on what had happened, the others had things to deal with, like gun wielding crazy people and resurrected parents. And honestly he was surprised Aedan hadn't expressed an opinion, tell him if he was being brave or stupid...maybe both. Maybe it was then that the blonde noticed he wanted it, needed it almost.

Carter had taken everything Connor held close in that ideology and ripped it to pieces and now Connor's inner conflict was what to do in the future? Did he seek out Carter, and maybe try again but with more force, something Carter seemed to understand. Maybe he should give up, let Carter be who he is and fight him every step of the way...the true question was how would he handle those like Carter in the future. It was a difficult thought, and he absolutely hated the thought of changing...for by changing...Carter was winning.

Connor thew his hand up and let it drop, "After all this Thanos stuff...when I get out of this bed I think I'm going to go to the beach." It was ironic really, considering the general he'd fought had been in Miami, so technically he'd been close to a warm inviting beach. But it'd been uncomfortable, maybe cold environments we're more his thing now that he was an Inhuman.

Yet the thought of cold environments made him think of two months spent in Siberia in that hellishly cold environment with only the occasional fire to keep them warm. I can't win. "Scratch that, maybe." There was a gentle shrug of the shoulders as he gave up on the thought. "If I go on vacation the world is doomed, let's be honest."

"So what we're you really doing these last few months?" Connor asked, looking again at Aedan's face with arched brows. "You we're a bit...emotional when you came in so I mean...."

@Archangel Galdrael
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Jordan turned his head towards Augustus. "If you came here just to tell me about your powers then you can leave. I've no time for power hungry upstarts like you, honestly if I had a dime for everyone who said they could kill me...well...I'd be way richer than I am now. And I'm REALLY frickin rich" Jordan said still tending to Jamie

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[QUOTE="Captain Wolf]((Gonna be inactive for the next 12 hours or more.))
Jason trudged up to the tower doors, starving slightly, filthy in his clothes but worst of all was the smell...

Soon enough he entered through the large doors and would be greeted? Who knew he just stood there looking to see if he was allowed in. If no one stopped him he'd continue curiously....@anyonereally

Luna, the Lucent Nargacuga, silently walked up to the door, and opened it with her tail, allowing him in. Once inside, she sniffs him out, and looked at him, she grew even more curious about this new stranger.
LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan turned his head towards Augustus. "If you came here just to tell me about your powers then you can leave. I've no time for power hungry upstarts like you, honestly if I had a dime for everyone who said they could kill me...well...I'd be way richer than I am now. And I'm REALLY frickin rich" Jordan said still tending to Jamie
Augustus sighed before stating, "The parasites... you have the power over life and death. Could you replicate one for me so I can study it as well?"
"You want me to use my powers to produce a parasite that's whole purpose is to infect and convert humanity into whatever the hell those sniper things were JUST so you can have a science project?! Sure, why not." Jordan replied

He followed Finn to the stairs. "Eighty... Yep! That's what I thought! The answer is Mercury. It has eighty hairs. It wasn't GH like I thought, it was Hg. Not to mention it was delivered in an envelope like the messenger God Mercury would. That was a fun riddle, wherever it came from." He said before stopping. "But... Why did someone send you guys a message saying Mercury? And why be so cryptic?" @CasualDragon
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Luna, the Lucent Nargacuga, silently walked up to the door, and opened it with her tail, allowing him in. Once inside, she sniffs him out, and looked at him, she grew even more curious about this new stranger.

First off, Jason was relieved to be inside now. Secondly, what the heck was sniffing him and staring at him?! A very confused Jason Storm jumped back from the creature, or human, or whatever it was that was smelling him.
Aedan was grateful for the opportunity to poke fun at his friend, it was one of the things he missed most. It was quite odd, that after all the time the duo had spent together, Connor was so receptive to Aedan's return. Truthfully, he'd expected something akin to rejection, yet the Blonde was always full of surprises. After a matter of mere minutes he felt like he'd never left, the way in which they spoke so casually; it was endearing. Much like the idea of a beach, the thought made him give out a small silent laugh, in truth his holiday wasn't quite so glamorous, unfortunately he was beginning to regret not visiting a beach... Althoug the regret was hastily drowned out by sympathy; it was true, the world was doomed if Connor decides he wants a moment of free time.

For a few moment, no words came to his mind, the question caught i'm off guard; now he was stuck recollecting his thoughts. Alas, he had left, originally due to the conflict exploding in the city. Fighting villains, and evil-doers without thought is easy, it's always done with the purpose of protecting the world. Yet Aedan could not - not then - be pulled into a war between heroes. If he had stayed, tried to tell Connor of his leaving, tried to say goodbye... He would have been pulled into the war - not through Connor's fault, but his own. So he left, abadoned Connor, the heroes to avoid Civil War.

Rubbing his eyes momentarily, and casting a quick glance at Connor, Aedan discreetly clenched his fists and lay back on Connor's legs with a sigh - hopefully Wonderboy wasn't suffering stab wounds there too - but Aedan couldn't exactly keep himself from the motion, topic and sleep deprivation notwithstanding. It was stressful and painful to think back on his cowardice. It was never his aim to run from so much.

"Where do I start? It wasn't quite as glamorous as you may think, not that there's anything wrong with Mexico... Only there's never a shortage of crimes to tackle, I was a vigilante, and unfortunately that's an unpaid job. Luckily, I got to sleep in a one room luxury apartment with it's own wildlife reserve, rats, cockroaches, spiders... You name it..." Aedan paused with a fake voice of enthusiasm, as if to say the apartment was great. That's what he had been doing, but surely Connor was looking for the why, maybe Aedan just wanted to say it; admit the why himself and get it off his mind. "It was never my intention to be gone so long; I only wanted to wait out the civil war... I abandoned you because I couldn't bear to battle other heroes without knowing any of the facts... After it was done, I told myself I'd return everyday... everyday, I would step out of my door; bags packed... then go back inside... Tomorrow... I'd say... I'll do it tomorrow... I couldn't face my own cowardice..." Aedan swallowed, and squinted is eyes in an effort to keep tears away, his eyes burned and he stare intently at the roof, silently praying for an attack of sorts to take his attention elsewhere. Hoping for a way out to run away again are we?

"Then Thanos hit... The whole world shook all it once, the media died; as Mexico lost all access to electronics. I did hours of research, and questioning to discover what it was, when I found out... Well, my research was useless. I found out when Mexico was terrorized by aliens. I fought for hours, with the help of other heroes; we drove them back. I then stole a plain in an effort to come here... I crashed... Halfway across the Carribean Sea, told myself I'd take some piloting lessons once the disaster was over. I ran, y'know? From Mexico to here... I went through my power reserves for the next year in doing so... Of course when I arrived; it was over, I was too late... You know the rest. If I'm honest, I thought you were dead when I came in here. I guess all that combined, made me an emotional wreck." Aedan stopped, and closed his burning eyes, using his left hand to wipe away whatever tears were forming, he wasn't about to crumble again... Strengthening his mind, and taking a deep breath he looked slowly towards Connor, trying to gouge the blonde's reaction.

LucianGrey7971 said:
"You want me to use my powers to produce a parasite that's whole purpose is to infect and convert humanity into whatever the hell those sniper things were JUST so you can have a science project?! Sure, why not." Jordan replied
Augustus sighed before stating, "I am much more qualified to lead a scientific investigation then you ever could... but how about this? If you do this for me, I will commit all the experiments on my new planet... light years away? That way there is no way anyone other then myself can be harmed..."
[QUOTE="Captain Wolf]First off, Jason was relieved to be inside now. Secondly, what the heck was sniffing him and staring at him?! A very confused Jason Storm jumped back from the creature, or human, or whatever it was that was smelling him.

Jade came downstairs, the daughter of She Hulk looked at Jason. "Sorry about Luna, she gets very curious with new people." She said as she pet lun behind the ears, with her giving off a purring sound.
Redd flew in the sky, alongside with ruby, and with terry on Redd's back. They were on their way to pick up some Chromium that Howard had paid for with his own money. "Here it is, the steel mill." Redd said as he changed out of wyvern form, and stood upright. @sitanomoto
Connor went a little uneasy as he watched Aedan's blurry outline lean back towards his legs and braced for the inevitable twinge of pain. Luckily Aedan hadn't gone high enough to rub against the wound that was just above his kneecap, the one specifically from rag-dolling through the building and landing on a rebar. The blonde listened quietly to what Aedan was saying, rolling his eyes at one point. "What is it with you and Alex? Running off to do things solo in different countries, I have some frustrating friends."

Aedan continued with his reasoning with fighting the other heroes without knowing all of the facts, and Connor couldn't help but feel a little annoyed by the reasoning. Maybe to Aedan it was his reasoning, but Connor felt it was more of an excuse. The blonde's right hand clenched at the sheet on his bed as he gave thought to his own. Connor'd been forced to fight Finn, to fight Dimitri, along with many other heroes (and villains) he'd never wanted to. He concocted a plan to try to stop the registration act, lost Alex because of it, and ended up getting captured by Osborn and cloned before he could do a thing. Being trapped in Oscorp's basement for the rest of the act made his plan an utter failure. There was a light chuckle at the thought, his plan? It'd been solo, so maybe he was more similar to Alex and Aedan than he thought with stupid ideas.

"Would you stop saying abandoned?" Connor scoffed and turned his head to look at the window, not that he could really see anything out of it from this distance with his blurred vision, Aedan was using the term abandoned to put himself down, he'd branded it on himself at this point. Aedan's story was quite the tale, and when it was over Connor shrugged nonchalantly and turned to look back at Aedan. "But your here, you came back. Though for someone who can make himself faster it's ironic that your late." The blonde smirked lightly, "You may have stayed away with the other things going on but when the world was in danger of being destroyed...or enslaved, you tried like hell to get here and help. Running towards Thanos isn't being a coward, dummy. You tried to come back when we needed you the most, it says a lot."

Connor had heard several moments in Aedan's speech where his voice had faltered, "I'd hug you right now if it didn't mean I might open up my wound."

@Archon (That'll take some getting used to.)
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Jade came downstairs, the daughter of She Hulk looked at Jason. "Sorry about Luna, she gets very curious with new people." She said as she pet lun behind the ears, with her giving off a purring sound.

"Um, okay. Hi." Jason originally said blurting out the words before correcting them after a brief moment of awkwardness, "I mean hello. Uh, where are the avengers?" He asked plainly staring at Jade's physique.
[QUOTE="Captain Wolf]"Um, okay. Hi." Jason originally said blurting out the words before correcting them after a brief moment of awkwardness, "I mean hello. Uh, where are the avengers?" He asked plainly staring at Jade's physique.

"They are around somewhere. Just chill here until one of them turn up." Jade said as she lifted luna up with a grunt, since she was really heavy, for being so big and slender. "wow, she is huge." Jade muttered.

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