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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Paityn Greene

New York City was a huge place for a small town country gal. The people were different on so many levels. There was a huge culture shock for the young girl. Different types of food, different cultures, different life styles. The city was full of tall structures, spiraling toward the sky. Standing under them was sort of intimidating. The amount of people inhabiting the place surprised her the most. She came from a very small town in the middle of no where, and grew up there her whole life. She wasnt completely clueless to city life, but definitely naive. Shes just never experienced it first hand.

In any case, she wasnt there to sight see. She had a specific place to get to. In her small hand was a piece of paper with hand writing. She looked down,"How do I know where this place is?" she whispered to herself. A couple blocks from where stood was a large tower. It looked modern, sleek, and very expensive. Blue eyes looked back to the paper,"Avengers?" she questioned after reading it aloud. When Paityn looked back up, she realized the tower had large letters spelling that exact word at the top,"Oh...Well would ya look at that?" she laughed to herself.

The mutant continued her pilgrimage to the strange place. She wasnt even sure why she was going there, she was doing what she was told. After walking those few blocks, she finally made it, and stopped at the bottom of the skyscraper. Her chin tilted up, to get a better view from down below. Paityn looked back down at eye level,"Where..where do I enter from?" she looked from side to side.

@anyonereally xD
sitanomoto said:
Terry nodded. "Alright." He looked at the sleeping Luna in his lap and gently picked her up. He turned to Nevermore, who had just made herself visible on Brute's back. "Could you take her? I don't want to wake her up."
Nevermore nodded quietly and slid down Brute's side, her cloak spreading out behind her. "Sure." She picked up Luna with a grunt. "She's heavier than she looks!" She muttered, taking Luna over next to Brute. She sat Cross-legged with the baby wyvern in her lap.

Terry stood and brushed himself off, then headed for the kitchen. He opened the pantry, grabbed a bag of chips, walked back to Cassie's bedroom and changed his clothes to the pajamas she had bought him so at least he was out of his other ones. He quickly washed his hair in the sink and towel dried it. He walked out to the couch, then looked at Redd. "Hi Redd," he said tiredly.

@Steel Zinogre

just a black t-shirt and a paid of soft black and white plaid pants. What did you expect? Footies?

"Hello master terry." Redd said happily as he finished polishing his armor. "You look run down.... you need a rest maybe?" He suggested as he then oiled his leg joints.
Jamie wandered around the Avenger's Tower, after she broke in.... again... She looked through a bunch of drawers and invaded all of the rooms. She got into the fridge and ate some of their food. She stepped out onto the balcony and looked down. Jamie saw someone standing down at the bottom of the tower. She tilted her head to one side wondering who it was.
Connor took Terry's previously occupied seat with a deep breath, whether it was his leg being out of commission or just trudging around on the crutches he couldn't say but it did it's part in wearing him out. His gaze lingered on Cassie's form, wandering to the stranger, followed by Luna and Brute, then back to Cassie. Sitting forward in his seat Connor removed his glasses and rubbed harshly at his eyes as if it would help relieve the stress or tension. What was Augustus after? Why do this to Cassie? Was Cassie going to come out of this...the Cassie they knew?

The Doom kid hadn't even shown his face, wherever he was now. He had them all by the balls and he knew it, and it was absolutely maddening to Connor. To have a name and a face of an enemy, someone willing to hurt his friends, and not be able to do a damn thing about it. And all he'd been doing was moping around the tower with his tail between his legs, even managing to run Alex off a this point, and having a part in Finn leaving as well.
Paityn Greene

The mutant girl walked up to one of the many glass windows that encased the building. She press her hand against it, trying to get a better look inside. Unfortunately the windows were heavily tinted. She looked off to her right, walking in the same direction. Still no point of entry. Her gaze moved back down onto the paper in hand with written instructions and an adress for the Stark tower. She shook her head in disbelief. She began to feel like she was at the wrong place. But how could she? The instructions clearly mention "The Avengers" in New York City, and this building threw the word right in your face. Paityn took a few step backward, her head thrown back again, looking upward at the tower,"I just dont get it..."

She wasnt even sure why she was supposed to be there. She was sent away so quickly, no one bothered giving her answers to her questions.

Paityn Greene

The mutant girl walked up to one of the many glass windows that encased the building. She press her hand against it, trying to get a better look inside. Unfortunately the windows were heavily tinted. She looked off to her right, walking in the same direction. Still no point of entry. Her gaze moved back down onto the paper in hand with written instructions and an adress for the Stark tower. She shook her head in disbelief. She began to feel like she was at the wrong place. But how could she? The instructions clearly mention "The Avengers" in New York City, and this building threw the word right in your face. Paityn took a few step backward, her head thrown back again, looking upward at the tower,"I just dont get it..."

She wasnt even sure why she was supposed to be there. She was sent away so quickly, no one bothered giving her answers to her questions.

Jade walters was just returning from the gym, and saw a girl standing in front of the tower. "Hey, You a newbie?" She asked, flexing and looking at her evenly toned muscles. "This build is that of momma." she said to herself. "I'm Jade Walters, What's yours?"
Paityn Greene

"Hey you a newbie?" The voice caught Paityn's attention almost immediately. "N-newbie?" She stuttered, looking at the stranger with a confused look. The small-framed girl didnt quite understand what Jade meant by asking if she was a newbie. She looked down at the paper, folded it up, and tucked away into the pocket of her knitted sweater. "Names Paityn. Paityn Greene," there was a brief silence of awkwardness, she didnt know what to say,"uhhh...i was sent here, but Im not sure why," the southern belle in her, was noticable by her light accent. She tried to break the silence. Paityn was curious, what was this place exactly? She tucked her thumbs between the straps of her backpack and her chest, leaning to one side.

@Steel Zinogre
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Jamie appeared behind the newbie and looked her over, eventually stepping in front of her. She looked back at Paityn's ace and nodded slightly, not giving any facial expressions before turning around and walking over to a chair. Jamie sat down and sat quietly. @HoneyBear\-Kat
Alex lets out a smile, sighing. "Yeah. I think it's time we should get back to the tower. I have to say something to the blond bombshell back there, and you have things to do as well." Alex says, pulling out a couple of bucks from his wallet, a black and red one. "Like I said, my treat. And, whenever you feel overwhelmed or something, tell me, and here we come." Alex says, smiling and heading towards the tower.

One inside he spots the mutant girl, and then the others. He points towards her, still smiling. "Newbie? And where is Connor? I need to speak with him."

@Steel Zinogre @HoneyBear\-Kat
Connor heard Jade calling from where he was seated, instinctively looking at Cassie momentarily before grabbing his crutches. She'd be fine without someone there for a second, and Luna and Brute we're there anyhow, plus Friday was always around. Newbie? Someone else wanting to join up or help out in the wake of Thanos almost destroying the world? Can't say I'm shocked. But why does Jade need me exactly. The blonde shook his head with an amused look.

Spotting the newbie first as he entered the room he gave a greeting smile just as he heard Alex's voice and noticed the boys presence. "Well I'd tell the two of you to fight for my attention but that'd be rude." He joked, moving closer to them. "Was just sitting with Cassie."

@Steel Zinogre @HoneyBear\-Kat
"Actually, I wanted to talk something with you. In private." Alex says, looking at the new person there, smiling. "Hey there, I'm Alex. IF you want, I can train you in my spare time. Trust me, I saw the best train when I was small."

Terry looked at redd Redd, his eyes a little bloodshot. "I'm.... I'm alright.... Just... A little tired..." He smiled wearily at the large robot as he leaned back, allowing his head to loll backwards. "Goodness..." He yawned, then turned his attention to the med Ward. "Cass... Please come out of this alive..." He looked at the ceiling and then closed his eyes when he heard voices in the room.

@Steel Zinogre @HoneyBear-Kat @Pink Gorilla
Morgan slowly opened his eyes, he attempted to sit up only to yell and fall back into the bed. He growled in pain as he put a hand to his mask. 'Crap, I was supposed to meet the doc today. I hope missing one session is okay.' He thought back and realized what had happened last, so in hopes of answers, he asked the room, "Where am I right now and when can I go?"

@Steel Zinogre @HoneyBear\-Kat (Don't expect either of the last of you to know why he's there, but you are in the room so I'd be rude not to tag you two)
sitanomoto said:
Terry looked at redd Redd, his eyes a little bloodshot. "I'm.... I'm alright.... Just... A little tired..." He smiled wearily at the large robot as he leaned back, allowing his head to loll backwards. "Goodness..." He yawned, then turned his attention to the med Ward. "Cass... Please come out of this alive..." He looked at the ceiling and then closed his eyes when he heard voices in the room.
@Steel Zinogre @HoneyBear-Kat @Pink Gorilla
"she will come out alive, she is stubborn after all...." redd said as he looked at Brute. "I do not trust the redd wyvern....something about him... is a little off to me." he said aloud, scanning Brute. "Oh dear....." was all he said.
"Thanks. I'll keep that in mind." When they got back to tower Finn threw his arms wide open and charged towards Jade. "Cuz! Where have you been? No note? You were just gone? You could have died." He went in for the hug whether she wanted it or not. "Nice to see you again. You missed the fun!" He joked. He pulled back. "Sorry for running off. Let's make a plan and bust that guy. A non life threatening bust for either side." He added. He noticed the mysterious girl who kept breaking in as well as a new one. He stuck out his hand for a handshake from whoever wanted wanted the pleasure. "I'm Finn Banner. Nice to meet you."

@Steel Zinogre @HoneyBear-Kat @Pink Gorilla
Friday, the hologram, walked over and smiled. "Good, you're awake." She said. "You are currently in the Avengers' tower, home of Cassie Stark and Terry Stark, base of the new Avengers. You can go anytime you feel like you can stand up, but I should alert someone to your waking state." She spoke into Nevermore's comm link. "The boy you attacked is awake."

Nevermore sighed. "Alright. Should I go and do that distance butt-kissing Connor wanted me to do?"

"Probably the best time, he can't kill you right now."

Nevermore sighed once more and walked to the Medical Ward, leaving Luna on Brute's back, telling the bigger Wyvern "I'll be right back, big guy." She patted his side before leaving and entering the medical Ward. "Umm... Hi." She said to the new kid. "So... About the stabbing and slashing earlier..." She rubbed the back of her neck. "I'm sorry. I had just lost a best friend and I wasn't really in the right mental state. Even so, I had no right to attack you the way I did. So.... Yeah.... I hope you can forgive me."

@Steel Zinogre
CasualDragon said:
"Thanks. I'll keep that in mind." When they got back to tower Finn threw his arms wide open and charged towards Jade. "Cuz! Where have you been? No note? You were just gone? You could have died." He went in for the hug whether she wanted it or not. "Nice to see you again. You missed the fun!" He joked. He pulled back. "Sorry for running off. Let's make a plan and bust that guy. A non life threatening bust for either side." He added. He noticed the mysterious girl who kept breaking in as well as a new one. He stuck out his hand for a handshake from whoever wanted wanted the pleasure. "I'm Finn Banner. Nice to meet you."
@Steel Zinogre @HoneyBear-Kat @Pink Gorilla
"Nice to see you too. I've been really bored and busy. And plus, I've been at the gym, making total chumps out of all the strongest men there." she said with a giggle. "You should have seen their faces. it was funny. and I also saw mom too, I just bumped into her one day, and had a nice lunch. after that, she went home." she said as brute woke up, and saw Finn and jade. "Damn finn, animals really love you huh?" she said as redd sighed.
sitanomoto said:
Friday, the hologram, walked over and smiled. "Good, you're awake." She said. "You are currently in the Avengers' tower, home of Cassie Stark and Terry Stark, base of the new Avengers. You can go anytime you feel like you can stand up, but I should alert someone to your waking state." She spoke into Nevermore's comm link. "The boy you attacked is awake."
Nevermore sighed. "Alright. Should I go and do that distance butt-kissing Connor wanted me to do?"

"Probably the best time, he can't kill you right now."

Nevermore sighed once more and walked to the Medical Ward, leaving Luna on Brute's back, telling the bigger Wyvern "I'll be right back, big guy." She patted his side before leaving and entering the medical Ward. "Umm... Hi." She said to the new kid. "So... About the stabbing and slashing earlier..." She rubbed the back of her neck. "I'm sorry. I had just lost a best friend and I wasn't really in the right mental state. Even so, I had no right to attack you the way I did. So.... Yeah.... I hope you can forgive me."

@Steel Zinogre
"The red wyvern...... It's has EXTREMIS flowing in its veins. Scans indicate that it is a non contagious strain, but at the same time, very dangerous. How it has not died yet, i do not know." redd said worriedly as he looked at brute. "He worries me, even more so now that we know He is infected."
(I think we're all technically in the living area Loki....oops if wrong. :x )

Connor nodded in agreement when Alex spoke of talking in private, "Yeah, that'd be best." Turning to look at the newcomer he opened his mouth to speak when he heard the injured boy speak from behind him in the med wing, decidedly turning and sticking his head through the door. "Still at Avengers Tower, happiest place on the planet. And you can go whenever you'd like but you should seriously consider staying a bit longer if your still in pain." The fact was this guy might not like Connor very much so he left it at that, backing out of the doorway and turning back to the others.

With his eyes on the stranger he gave a sheepish smile, "Connor Rogers by the way. I'm sure Finn here can help you with whatever it is your here for." The blonde winked at Finn, happy that both he and Alex had returned now, then while looking at Alex he nodded his head towards the back of the tower for him to follow. Connor took the lead on his crutches, working out what he wanted to say in his mind, which was going poorly. Face twisted in annoyance but calmed before he turned around to face Alex once they we're far enough down the hallway and out of earshot of the others. "Sorry." He said simply, having a difficult time meeting Alex's eyes with his own.

@Steel Zinogre @HoneyBear\-Kat
Paityn Greene

Jade invited her in, which she was glad to comply. "Help?" She questioned,'Help with what?' As soon as she set foot into the building, her eyes wandered around the lobby while Jade continued. Her attention piqued at the mention of a leader,"A leader? Wait hold on just one minute--" but before she could speak further Jade was calling someone's name. There was that word again, Paityn was called a newbie and she didnt understand at all. The country girl felt a sudden presence behind her, and it shifted around, moving to face her. Paityn jumped at the female face that appeared before her,"Hi there..?" she blinked. The girl just stared and left as quickly as she came. There sure were a lot of other people. All of them close to her age too. Suddenly it her! She leaned over to Jade and whispered,"Do...do yall have powers too?" All her life, Paityn never met anyone else with powers before. This was befinitely new to her. One of the others in the room approached her, introducing himself as Alex and offering to train her,"Names Paityn, and um...train for what exactly?" she looked between Jade and Alex, still a little in the dark. Next to formally introduce himself was a boy by the bame of Finn Banner. Paityn took his hand to shake it,"Im Paityn Greene, pleasure to meet ya," her voice was sweet and gentle, it matched her personality quite well. Last to be introduced was Connor Rogers, she recognized the name afted Jade mentioned something about a leader. Instantly her southern manners came out,"Pleasures all mine, sir. Im Paityn." she gave a shy smile back.

@Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon @sitanomoto @AnnoDomini @Pink Gorilla

(So many tags @^@ x3)
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Alex shook his head. "No, I'm sorry. Listen, I never taught about how you felt. I left in a very nasty way, and said some things I regret." He grabs Connor's hands. "I just want to say, I never should've left you all alone. I taught you would be safer here, but didn't think it through. I just, want to know that, in your hearth, you could forget me Connor." Alex says, sighing, and looking at the blonde.

Terry lifted his hand from the couch. "Hi there!" He called out, "Terry Stark. Brother of Cassie Stark." He hoped for the love of all things fried and greasy that no one else would correct him and be like "no! You're her clone!" Because that would just be weird and awkward
Connor huffed with a smile, "I know I haven't acted like it Alex but I forgave you for most of that the day you left." Meeting Alex's eyes he gave a gentles squeeze to the other boys hands even though squeezing one of them was like squeezing a metal object, "After you left I kept trying to make sense of why you did it and it all rotated back around to me. I pushed you away when I told you my plan to leave. I forgave you Alex, I just don't think I've forgiven myself yet." Connor shifted lightly resting on the crutches under his arms still, "You keep trying to apologize and I've just been...rebuffing it, and that wasn't fair to you."

"And as for my being safer here you know that's not true in this line of work. Wherever you went you should have taken me, I know I'm not as durable as you but I'm stronger than you give me credit for." It was irony him saying this in his state but he didn't give it a second thought.


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