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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Sarah growled under her breath, "God, how does a brat like this go down as one of the best Nova's known to history?" She composed herself and attempted to keep pace with Terry, "I'll have you know I graduated at the top of my military class and studied under a genius and madman, thank you very much!"

The story was a dark one and Finn found himself grateful that Alex hadn't drawn Connor into it. He winced at what the fellow Avenger had gone through while away. "Thanks for not bringing Connor into that situation. Or any of us for that fact. It sucks that you had to go through it alone though. I think you should get a refund because that has to be one of the worst vacation stories I've ever heard." He added to lighten up the mood again. At the mention of the crowded tower Finn snorted. "Crowded is an understatement. For as long as I can remember there's only really been the four of us, sometimes five or six. It seems like heroes have been swarming the place lately." He chuckled. "But I guess I'm happy for it because there was no way we could have fought Thanos on our own. Or some of the other threats that have been around recently." His glasses slid down on his face and he pushed them back up again. "Maybe it's time to invest in some contact lenses." He looked around the small cafe. "Maybe I'll stay here and become one of those people who spend their whole day inside of cafes and own twelve cats and write horrible four dollar novels on the Google Book Store."

"Well good for you! You can become a doctor in the future and ditch this superhero stuff," Terry said back and stopped midair when he noticed that the sirens were right below him. "I, however, am going to stay with superhero...ing."
Minerva looked into the distance, and looked around, having heard the roar of an Apex Deviljho in the distance. She then quietly left the building, and went to investigate. The apex monster was tearing the streets apart all because of its insatiable hunger. Minerva roared to get its attention, which worked, for the giant, malnourished Deviljho turned around, and charged her with its maw agape. Minerva put her hands on its jaws, which salivated with a corrosive ooze, and tried to keep it open as she attempted to dislocate its jaws, but the Apex Deviljho shot its Dragon Breath at her, shattering both of her horns due to the force of the beam of Dragon energy. the Apex monster then tries to bite into her neck, but she slugs its face into the ground, stunning the monster, and breaking its teeth on its chin. the monster's back swelled up, and glowed red as it got angry, and roared with fury as it was dizzy, and flung cars at minerva blindly, one hitting her face and stunning her. The deviljho recovers, and pinned minerva to the ground with its feet, and tried to bite into her flesh, but she grew enraged as her fur went from black to gold, and her fists grew red, but that was not enough to stop the hunger of the Deviljho, for it was far too strong for her. Her muscles give in, and the deviljho took its first bite in the neck. Minerva is no more, and the hungry deviljho has had its first meal in months. (@LokiofSP IS this worse than the last time i made a monster post? If so, then you are welcome.)

The deviljho size and scale,

Apex Deviljho)
Sarah scoffed and dived down to the situation as well, arriving on scene she turned to Terry, "As if, this is my life! If I gave this up I don't know what I'd do."

@Steel Zinogre, after doing a full completion run on Until Dawn, I don't think fictional death can affect me anymore in that way)
LokiofSP said:
Sarah scoffed and dived down to the situation as well, arriving on scene she turned to Terry, "As if, this is my life! If I gave this up I don't know what I'd do."

@Steel Zinogre, after doing a full completion run on Until Dawn, I don't think fictional death can affect me anymore in that way)
Jordan appeared in a burst of fire next to Sarah and Terry, he looked at them with a nonchalant stare and looked over at th- "Ho hooo~ What the hell is THAT! I want it, I don't even know where I'll put it but I want it!" Jordan said and looked at the massive beast "Anyone think I can Jurassic World this big bitch?"
LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan appeared in a burst of fire next to Sarah and Terry, he looked at them with a nonchalant stare and looked over at th- "Ho hooo~ What the hell is THAT! I want it, I don't even know where I'll put it but I want it!" Jordan said and looked at the massive beast "Anyone think I can Jurassic World this big bitch?"
The Deviljho looked at Jordan, after leaving minerva's corpse, now stripped to the bone. It roared angrily as it charged Jordan, staring at his eyes hungrily as he stomped closer towards him.
"Oh...THAT"S a mistake." Jordan said and he stretched his arms out to either side, the gesture itself was harmless but Jordan started giving off an aura so thick and heavy with malicious intent, that small animals that were caught in it immediately died and humans were having a hard time breathing from the sheer weight of the fear that his aura was invoking on them "TRY ME"

LucianGrey7971 said:
"Oh...THAT"S a mistake." Jordan said and he stretched his arms out to either side, the gesture itself was harmless but Jordan started giving off an aura so thick and heavy with malicious intent, that small animals that were caught in it immediately died and humans were having a hard time breathing from the sheer weight of the fear that his aura was invoking on them "TRY ME"
the deviljho's back starts to glow red and inflate as the creature grew furious, and chucked cars at him with his crushing maw. When that missed, he did a sweep of his red and black Dragon Breath.
Jordan swatted the cars away with a nonchalant wave of his hand "Really? Dragon Breath? How uninspired~" Jordan inhaled and expelled air from his own lungs, the force at which it came out blew the Dragon Breath harmlessly away from him and the civilians around him
LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan swatted the cars away with a nonchalant wave of his hand "Really? Dragon Breath? How uninspired~" Jordan inhaled and expelled air from his own lungs, the force at which it came out blew the Dragon Breath harmlessly away from him and the civilians around him
The deviljho started to drool a corrosive saliva as it grew even angrier due to hunger. but suddenly, a portal opened up, and sally parker shot a massive ball of web at the Deviljho's face, and attached a line to it, and web zipped onto it. The force of the sudden blow knocked it onto the ground, making an imprint on the asphalt and concrete underneath. "Shhhh. Stop talking child." she whispered as she used her scythe like hands to cut its neck open horizontally. when the life of the Hungry deviljho soon faded, she took bits of its blood spattered hide and proceeded to dine blissfully. "A spider always eats the spoils, do not forget that." she said happily to the dead creature.
LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan stood there for a couple of seconds after the woman had taken down the beast ".....The FUCK?! I was gonna tame that thing!"
"Or let it kill you. Either way, we are all safe now. Now go play with your friends and let me eat, yeah?" she said as her spider abdomen moved rhythmically, and she attached a web to the corpse and slung it onto her middle on the spider half. "Can't eat out in the open..... Gotta go find an alley or somethin' to hide in." she muttered to herself as she climbed up a building wall, and traveresed the rooftops to an appropriate feeding spot. Maxton and strout had seen the whole battle, and looked at jordan. "You know, she is unlike any woman I have ever seen..... And I have seen a lot of weird ladies in my life." Maxton said as he called up perry. "Yo perry, another spiderperson just arrived, just thought you should know." maxton said as he hung up, and looked at strout. "Come on, we gotta find richie." he said as the two left. @LucianGrey7971 @Pyosimros
"Y'know...I GET why every person before me eventually gave in to the anger and became the Dark Phoenix...this planet has absolutely no respect for us" Jordan said contemplating just blasting the spiderwoman to smithereens.

Emile landed hard next to the spiderwoman and stood up to his full height "...Hmph."
LucianGrey7971 said:
"Y'know...I GET why every person before me eventually gave in to the anger and became the Dark Phoenix...this planet has absolutely no respect for us" Jordan said contemplating just blasting the spiderwoman to smithereens.
Emile landed hard next to the spiderwoman and stood up to his full height "...Hmph."
"Can I help you?" Sally asked as she set the corpse down. "You got a problem with me...?" she was cut off as azazel appeared from a hellish portal. "Ok you two, break it up. or neither one of you will come out alive." he said as a group of demon priests came out of the portal, and floated off the building, and went to stark tower. "Believe me, If you two fight, nothing good will happen for either of you." he said as he looked at emile. "Yeah yeah demon boy, now leave so I can eat. I just hopped out of a dimension portal and killed this big ass dinosaur, now i already made enemies." she muttered. "Girl's gotta eat."
Emile didn't know Azazel and bared his teeth at him, his set of hollow teeth came over the regular ones and spiders started crawling out of his mouth.
LucianGrey7971 said:
Emile didn't know Azazel and bared his teeth at him, his set of hollow teeth came over the regular ones and spiders started crawling out of his mouth.
"You know, my dad shits scarier things than you." Azazel said as the air grew hotter. "THAT'S Right!" Mephisto shouted as he appeared magically. "Do you know my other son, Blackheart? He is actually way scarier than YOU are, buddy." he said as azazel stood next to his dad, smiling smugly. Sally looked at mephisto in horror, not believing a being such as mephisto existed in her dimension.
Emile rolled his shoulder and smirked "And my brother in arms is SO much more frightening than you...speaking of which..." Emile pointed behind Mephisto and Azazel.

Jordan was floating behind both of the two "Y'know, it's not much of a dick measuring contest when I have the power to end this universe. So why don't you demons give me one good reason why I shouldn't wipe you off the face of this planet...and DON'T give me that whole 'we're here to help' crap...cause that Augustus person likes to think he's helping...but he's got one time to really piss me off before I make sure that no other descendant of Doom exists in my universe."
LucianGrey7971 said:
Emile rolled his shoulder and smirked "And my brother in arms is SO much more frightening than you...speaking of which..." Emile pointed behind Mephisto and Azazel.
Jordan was floating behind both of the two "Y'know, it's not much of a dick measuring contest when I have the power to end this universe. So why don't you demons give me one good reason why I shouldn't wipe you off the face of this planet...and DON'T give me that whole 'we're here to help' crap...cause that Augustus person likes to think he's helping...but he's got one time to really piss me off before I make sure that no other descendant of Doom exists in my universe."
"Oh, i saw that whole battle between you and the dinosaur thing.....and I brought something better...... JUST FOR YOU, JORDAN!" Mephisto said as he did a wolf whistle. a portal opened up as a Stygian Zinogre came out, looking regal and intimidating at first glance.

Stygian Zinogre.)
"......." Jordan looked really conflicted about making the Stygian Zinogre his new pet and bitch smacking Mephisto for summoning another dangerous beast to the streets of New York "I'm gonna go tame that thing...and then...I'm gonna bitch slap you" Jordan said and took off towards the beast

Emile brought his hand up and covered his face with it in disbelief
LucianGrey7971 said:
"......." Jordan looked really conflicted about making the Stygian Zinogre his new pet and bitch smacking Mephisto for summoning another dangerous beast to the streets of New York "I'm gonna go tame that thing...and then...I'm gonna bitch slap you" Jordan said and took off towards the beast
Emile brought his hand up and covered his face with it in disbelief
Mephisto only chuckles. "go on. they are easily tameable." he said with a smile.
LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan landed in front of the beast and looked at it "So...wanna be my pet? Or do we gotta do this the hard way?"
The stygian zinogre looked at Jordan and walked up to him, and put its head to his chest, and affectionately rubbed it.

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