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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

sitanomoto said:
Terry smiled and scratched Luna behind he ears. "Hey Luna," he said, his voice cracking. "Just... Just going over my notes...." He bit back a sob.
Nevermore climbed up onto Brute's back and situated herself comfortably in front of his wing joints. "Home, James, and spare not the horses!" She said as she pointed towards th e garage of Stark Tower.
Brute then took a jumpstart to Stark tower, as he sprinted as hard as he could towards the tower. Luna effectionately rubs her cheek on Terry Stark's side, trying to make him happy.
"Sometimes, only drinking can make you forget some things, you know? Like torture, and pain, and many other..." He then listens to what the waitress said. "I was raise in a gulag-like city, in Russia. I know Russian well, and I was taught around 5 more languages, but really, what that guy said, sounds like gibberish. Pumpkin spiced. I know what the two mean separately, but together, they sound, odd." Alex says, smiling a little. "Also, sorry for what I did some time back. I mean, I came back on your heads, and I am sorry if I ever did harm to the Avengers. To be honest..." Alex says, sighing and gripping the menu. "...I am really doubting my decision to come back." Alex slowly wipes his tears form his face, hiding behind the menu. After a few small breaths, he opens his eyes, now being red. "But, enough of the emotional wreck that is me. Let's get to what I wanted to say. What you said back there, at the tower. You were right. This is not what the Avengers stand for. But you running off, is not gonna do anything good. Cassie is still in a coma, Terry is starting to get affected by that, and the rest, well, the team seems to start to break up. But the real threat, is that pompous piece of metallic crap that is Augustus. This is part of his game. So please, reconsider your decision. You are one of the last founding stones of the Avengers. We need strong and clear headed leaders in these times." Alex's coffee arrived, him smiling at the waiter. He starts to drink from it, letting out a big sigh after. "Oh that tastes good."

A sigh could be heard throughout the bank, "Oh come on! You messed up my cool entrance!" A figure jumped down and picked up a thug, she then threw him through glass and left him there. She turned to face Terry, "I was gonna handle these idiots and be like 'No need to fear any longer citizens, for you were saved by the new and improved...


(@Pyosimros, I tried to do the thing they do in the comics, where when they introduce themselves they also put up their logo...Didn't work that well...)
Connor had essentially been sulking since Alex had left, feeling more and more like a jerk. Alex wanted to continue the relationship that was obvious, well maybe not anymore after what just happened. The blonde was just apprehensive to dive back in so quick, and Alex was coming back on strong, but that's just who he is. At this point he had none of his old friends to talk to about it, Cassie was in the coma, Dimitri was MIA, and Finn probably didn't want to hear from him at the moment not to mention he was with Alex at the moment. They we're the only one's he'd feel comfortable even speaking to about it.

Connor turned around and stared up at the creature Nevermore sat atop of in surprise as she shouted, "I..uhh...yeah?" What's with these creatures showing up here nowadays? At-least someone looks like she's having a good time. It was a change from the earlier angry Nevermore, seemed like everyone around here was on edge in some way so a smile? That was good. Alex had been smiling at first, Until I made him stop. "It's nice to see you less bloodthirsty now, and you made a friend to boot." Smiling up at her as he leaned back so he was seated against his bike.

@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto
Nevermore scratched the back of her head. "Yeah.... Sorry about that. People accusing me of things doesn't really sit well...." She slid off of Brute's back onto the floor. "Yeah, I sure did. This is Brute, an ex-AIM ex-hydra experiment. I saved him from a bunch of dipwad AIM thugs who were trying to capture him again." She scratched Brute under his jaw. "Apparently he and I have a lot in common. We're both stubborn, we both have anger issues, we both are killing machines, and..." She swallowed. "And we both lost someone."
Connor's face softened, "We all lost someone, but you've known him for a long time. I get it." Connor turned to look Brute in the eyes with a smile, "As long as you don't cause trouble your welcome here. We have a few other's like you that I'm sure you'll get along with." The blonde's attention went back to Nevermore, "When that kid wakes up your going to be doing plenty of butt kissing, at a distance. He was a jerk and he had no right but you wen't way overboard." Connor took a breath, "Otherwise it's good to see you've calmed down. We have enough of heated people around, myself included." Shrugging sheepishly before throwing his good leg over the bike so he was sitting on it normally and resting his arms and chin on the handlebars where it was more comfortable.

"How are you doing anyways? Your still here so....I just assumed you'd go back to your own home now with him gone." While there was curiosity in his voice there was also sympathy as not wanting to push her.

@Steel Zinogre
sitanomoto said:
Nevermore held on tight to Brute's back as he sprinted. "YEEEE-HAAAA!" she yelled, putting her hands up in the air. They arrived in the garage right in front of Connor. "Hey Connor." Nevermore said, grinning from ear to ear. "Like my new ride?" ((@Steel Zinogre
Brute looked at connor, and drew close to him. Despite being much bigger than him, he was much less intimidating than he looked. So he put his snout on connor's chest, and rubbed it. This showed that the Molten tigrex liked connor, in a friendly manner of speaking.
LokiofSP said:

(@Pyosimros, I tried to do the thing they do in the comics, where when they introduce themselves they also put up their logo...Didn't work that well...)
(Yea, that's why I never bother xD )

Terry started to think of next moves as he wiped some dust that was left while he broke through Stark Tower's medical bay. "Huh, I should see how my parents are doing. Everyone else probably forgot me by now," He mumbled to himself until he heard a short sigh and someone talking, probably towards him. "C'mon now. I just came from an exploding spaceship. Cut me some slack woman, girl, female, other gender..." Terry turned to see someone in an unfamiliar costume. It might be someone new, or someone who got a costume swap. "Do I know you?"
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Luna then purred as saw the shooting star. She then looked at terry and set her head on his lap, then yawned.
Brute looked at connor, and drew close to him. Despite being much bigger than him, he was much less intimidating than he looked. So he put his snout on connor's chest, and rubbed it. This showed that the Molten tigrex liked connor, in a friendly manner of speaking.

Crono said:
Connor's face softened, "We all lost someone, but you've known him for a long time. I get it." Connor turned to look Brute in the eyes with a smile, "As long as you don't cause trouble your welcome here. We have a few other's like you that I'm sure you'll get along with." The blonde's attention went back to Nevermore, "When that kid wakes up your going to be doing plenty of butt kissing, at a distance. He was a jerk and he had no right but you wen't way overboard." Connor took a breath, "Otherwise it's good to see you've calmed down. We have enough of heated people around, myself included." Shrugging sheepishly before throwing his good leg over the bike so he was sitting on it normally and resting his arms and chin on the handlebars where it was more comfortable.
"How are you doing anyways? Your still here so....I just assumed you'd go back to your own home now with him gone." While there was curiosity in his voice there was also sympathy as not wanting to push her.

@Steel Zinogre
Nevermore looked at the ground. "I know, I know. I just..." She sighed. "Losing Pyrite was hard, Ok? If he thinks he can do a better job at saving lives, he could've helped stop Thanos." She looked back up at Connor's face. "Yeah, well... I can't go back. There's no one that I care about anymore back where I came from. They're all dead." She turned her gaze up at Brute and then laughed softly. "Gently, big guy. Connor's suffered some injuries. We don't want to make him worse." She stroked Brute's side gently and felt him breathing. "Yeah, I think he'll like Luna and Minerva. He and Helga already met."
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"I'm an Avenger. If I'm an Avenger, everyone tells each other secret identities right?" Terry asked Sarah. He wasn't even sure if the people at Stark Tower would even count him as an Avenger anymore, but whoever was in front of him probably didn't know that. "I'm pretty sure that's how it works," He finished and gave a nod of approval to what he just said.
Sarah snorted, "Please. Even if you were an Avenger, I'm not affiliated with them. So I could care less if you want to know who's under the mask." She laughed and began to walk away, "Anyways, don't you have classes to get to or something?"

"Aw, that ruins the fun of it," Terry frowned. He didn't really care, but he was pretty sure that he heard that voice from somewhere. "Oh! Classes? I've been late for..." He thought of a second before coming up a response. "Around five months."
Connor gave a light-hearted smirk at Brute touching his snout to the mans chest and patted him gently on his nose. "Your just a big softy aren't you?" He said teasingly, then looked back at Nevermore. "Well that's up to you but you already know your welcomed to stay as well. Everyone needs someone to go home to, and if there isn't anyone back where your from then that's not technically home now is it?"

@Steel Zinogre
Sarah shook her head as she heard sirens in the distance, "That's my cue. Anyways, you should get started on that classwork you missed, after all, schooling is the key to a brighter future!" She ran out and began to swing, "The more you know!!"

Finn took a sip of his own beverage and nodded his approval. "Yeah this place is good. I can't believe we've never been here before." He listened while Alex divulged some of the details of his past. Not all of it was great but it was a bit interesting to see what the others had gone through before they chose good. Finn shook his head when he mentioned wishing he hadn't come back. "No don't say that. And don't you dare say something like that around Connor. The whole time you were gone he worried sick about you. I think it's safe to say that you mean more to him than he'll let on. Give it some time and everyone will come around to your reappearance." He took another sip of his drink. "And you think you've harmed the Avengers? No way pal. I think that even the lowest criminals on the streets have done more to harm us. On a scale of one to ten the problems you've caused are probably around a point five while the average criminal is around a one."

He took another drink. When his running off was mentioned again Finn gulped down a mouthful of his still burning hot chocolate and grimaced as it burned his tongue. "You're right. I shouldn't have run off. Should have stayed to get the group thinking of what we can do." He drummed his fingers on the table. "I don't know if I could go back though. All it's been is arguing and yelling and anger. They would be better off without me in those situations." He sighed. "Maybe I'll go back just because that's the opposite of what the character would do in one of those teen drama shows. I live to beat the odds." He glanced over at Alex. "But I'm not doing this on my own. If I'm going back to that situation you're going back too. And you're going to apologize to Connor or listen to what he has to say." He leaned back in his chair and gulped down the rest of his hot chocolaty goodness. "Do you accept these terms or do you have a proposition?"

Terry looked up once he heard the sirens. Probably something else to do, something else to occupy his mind with. "Yah. Not my future though!" Terry said as he flew to keep up. "Also, you're probably younger than me. So you shouldn't be talking," He smiled and shot ahead of her.
Charlize arrives at the Lab perry is in, where she entered the door, and entered the labs. Where cindy was just walking in. "Perry? Where are you my love bug?" Cindy called out as Charlize looked at cassie worriedly. "Hope she is alright, Got here as soon as I could. Hope pop would understand what's happenin' here?" Charlize muttered, sitting next to a sleeping cassie. @Pyosimros @sitanomoto
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It was now ten o'clock, and as Terry continued to look over the notes he had made, absent-mindedly stroking Luna. He sighed. "Gosh, Luna. How am I going to even sleep?" He leaned back against the wall. "I'm not.... Even tired..." He closed his eyes and nodded off quietly, Luna's warmth and soft fur feeling soft under his arm. @Steel Zinogre

Hypnas awoke in Dimitri's arms. Admittedly not the worst place to wake up, so she didn't complain. She smiled. "We have got to stop meeting like this," she said drowsily, still trying to drag herself up out of sleep. Apparently some of Dimitri was rubbing off on her.

"Before you hear my decission, hear me out." Alex says, before taking another sip of his coffee, after putting it down, almost slamming it. "I did all of that... the yelling, the leaving suddenly, to protect you all. I am not proud of this, and did not expect you to know. Neither of you. In Iran, I discovered a HYDRA cell. Long story short, I got arrested for staging a coup, and then tortured in their ideea of a detainment camp. 18 hours in the sun, 6 hours in total darkness. I ate 2 times a day, and even there, it was only 1 bowl of soup and a slice of molded bread. IF I took Connor... Even the image gets me to get angry. And then, it would've been a whole incident if the Avengers were involved in a coup."

Alex lets out a sigh, shaking his head. "Nevertheless, I accept. And I will apologize to Connor." Alex looks at him, a sly smile on his face. "And yes, we should come here when we need to discuss something. The tower is a little... crowded, so to say."

sitanomoto said:
It was now ten o'clock, and as Terry continued to look over the notes he had made, absent-mindedly stroking Luna. He sighed. "Gosh, Luna. How am I going to even sleep?" He leaned back against the wall. "I'm not.... Even tired..." He closed his eyes and nodded off quietly, Luna's warmth and soft fur feeling soft under his arm. @Steel Zinogre
Hypnas awoke in Dimitri's arms. Admittedly not the worst place to wake up, so she didn't complain. She smiled. "We have got to stop meeting like this," she said drowsily, still trying to drag herself up out of sleep. Apparently some of Dimitri was rubbing off on her.

Luna fell asleep soon after, and purred as she slept. Minerva still looks on into the night, standing watch for any trouble.
ZETA worked in silence, watching over the fleshy cocoon of Cassie. He was able to accelerate the process in a non-harmful way that should allow her to change her appearance if she wanted. ZETA simply did his master's orders... keep her alive. He began to download a few of Augustus's personal files into the STARK Database, maybe what Augustus saw could be used? ZETA planned not to kill his master, but maybe see just why his logic was processed this way...

Cassie's cocoon changed hue from a red to a bright blue.

Friday, who had been watching for some time, looked at the cocoon in fascination. She scanned it and realized that Cassie's brain functions were coming out of a sleep state and into a conscious one. She looked at Zero, who was watching the stars out of the window with interest. "Has Terry taken you out of the tower yet, Zero?" Friday asked.

Zero shook his head. "No." He continued to gaze at the sky.

Friday smiled. "It's good that you get to see the sky now. A few hours ago, it was lit up with battle and aliens."

Zero shrugged. "Terry was busy programming me with my voice. We could hear the battles outside, and we defended the lab, but that was it." He looked at the new boy. "How is he doing?"

"He should be coming around any time now. So should Cassie," Friday replied.

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