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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Do I look like I give a damn?" She glared at the General. Nevermore smiled and reached up, stroking Brute's muzzle. "I don't care." She said. "You're the first thing I've done right in a long time." She looked at the scars and dents all over Brute's body and she looked at him sadly. "I've hurt people too. People have hurt me." She rolls up her sleeve and shows Brute the poisoned stab wound she still had from the alien fight. "You're not the only one with scars and a gruesome past." She looked the big Wyvern in the eye and saw a flicker of affection there. She smiled and rolled her sleeve back down. "A walking virus and a walking killing machine. I think we'd make a good pair." She patted him gently. "You don't scare me."
sitanomoto said:
"Do I look like I give a damn?" She glared at the General. Nevermore smiled and reached up, stroking Brute's muzzle. "I don't care." She said. "You're the first thing I've done right in a long time." She looked at the scars and dents all over Brute's body and she looked at him sadly. "I've hurt people too. People have hurt me." She rolls up her sleeve and shows Brute the poisoned stab wound she still had from the alien fight. "You're not the only one with scars and a gruesome past." She looked the big Wyvern in the eye and saw a flicker of affection there. She smiled and rolled her sleeve back down. "A walking virus and a walking killing machine. I think we'd make a good pair." She patted him gently. "You don't scare me."
With him being in a tense state, he relaxes, and breathes heavily, remembering what his caretaker from Hydra told him. 'Breathe in, and breathe out. All anger will soon melt away.' was the only thing that he remembers of the happy days. His stomach growls as loud as a jack hammer, despite him starving, he acted healthy and fed.
Alex sighed. "Yeah they are still fighting. I know you told us to contact you then, but you know me. Well, you know what I mean." He said, hearing Connor saying he was going to the garage. "And Connor left too. I don't like to speak on coms too much. The majority of times I used this, it ended up badly, so, how about we discuss things over a tea, or coffee, or something? My treat." Alex says, looking out a window at the sunset. It sure was beautiful.

AnnoDomini said:
Alex sighed. "Yeah they are still fighting. I know you told us to contact you then, but you know me. Well, you know what I mean." He said, hearing Connor saying he was going to the garage. "And Connor left too. I don't like to speak on coms too much. The majority of times I used this, it ended up badly, so, how about we discuss things over a tea, or coffee, or something? My treat." Alex says, looking out a window at the sunset. It sure was beautiful.
Luna and minerva sat next to alex, and looked at the pretty sunset. Luna looked up at alex and then his metal arm. She pawed at it gently, trying to feel how smooth the metal was. Minerva stared at the sunset, forgetting the beauty of nature, and celestial stars setting on the horizon. @CasualDragon @AnnoDomini
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[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]With him being in a tense state, he relaxes, and breathes heavily, remembering what his caretaker from Hydra told him. 'Breathe in, and breathe out. All anger will soon melt away.' was the only thing that he remembers of the happy days. His stomach growls as loud as a jack hammer, despite him starving, he acted healthy and fed.

Nevermore looked at Brute. "They didn't feed you very well, did they?" She said, walking around to his side. She could see his ribs through his scales. She ran her hand over his side, her fingers feeling the rough grooves created by years of apparent abuse, scowling. "Who would treat you this way?" She said, walking back around to Brute's tail and inspecting it. She went back to his head and noticed the scar on his eye. "Well, whoever it is, they won't be getting you back. If you want, you can stay with me." She smiled at him. "How about this: I won't hurt you on purpose, you won't hurt me on purpose. Deal?" She held out her hand to his nose.
sitanomoto said:
Nevermore looked at Brute. "They didn't feed you very well, did they?" She said, walking around to his side. She could see his ribs through his scales. She ran her hand over his side, her fingers feeling the rough grooves created by years of apparent abuse, scowling. "Who would treat you this way?" She said, walking back around to Brute's tail and inspecting it. She went back to his head and noticed the scar on his eye. "Well, whoever it is, they won't be getting you back. If you want, you can stay with me." She smiled at him. "How about this: I won't hurt you on purpose, you won't hurt me on purpose. Deal?" She held out her hand to his nose.
Brute sniffed her hand, and made a happy rumbling sound. to him, Nevermore acted much like his Hydra caretaker. Hi name tag started to beep, then a small photo popped out, with a hydra symbol on it. It was a female scientist who was with brute before AIM took him away. Then a message on the bottom said "I miss you!" He then sadly growled, knowing that his original caretaker was dead.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Brute sniffed her hand, and made a happy rumbling sound. to him, Nevermore acted much like his Hydra caretaker. Hi name tag started to beep, then a small photo popped out, with a hydra symbol on it. It was a female scientist who was with brute before AIM took him away. Then a message on the bottom said "I miss you!" He then sadly growled, knowing that his original caretaker was dead.

Nevermore picked up the photo and she inspected it. "Is this your person?" She asked, looking at Brute. She smiled sadly. "I bet you miss Hydra more than those AIM jerks," she said, then laughed bitterly. "I sure would." She looked at the floor, remembering how she and Pyrite had spied on AIM for a while in the alternate Dimension and commenting back and forth about how stupid they were. Thinking about that got her thinking about Pyrite... His smile, his laugh, his good heart.... She shut her eyes and a tear rolled down her cheek, but she brushed it away quickly. "So... Those teeth of yours are pretty impressive. I'm guessing you're a meat-eater, right?" She said.
sitanomoto said:
Nevermore picked up the photo and she inspected it. "Is this your person?" She asked, looking at Brute. She smiled sadly. "I bet you miss Hydra more than those AIM jerks," she said, then laughed bitterly. "I sure would." She looked at the floor, remembering how she and Pyrite had spied on AIM for a while in the alternate Dimension and commenting back and forth about how stupid they were. Thinking about that got her thinking about Pyrite... His smile, his laugh, his good heart.... She shut her eyes and a tear rolled down her cheek, but she brushed it away quickly. "So... Those teeth of yours are pretty impressive. I'm guessing you're a meat-eater, right?" She said.
Brute looked at Nevermore and snapped his jaws, gnashing his sharp teeth together. He sniffed the air, and followed the scent trail, with nevermore following him. He found a recently deceased stray dog. He needed to eat, already decayed or not. so he took small bites out of the corpse, and ate until nothing but bone remained.
Alex sighs, then looks next to him. He smiles at the two next to him. "And who are you supposed to be?" Alex says, his smile not dropping, then looks at his metallic arm. "You can touch it if you want. It will not explode or anything else." Alex's com was now off, but inside, he still waited for a response from Finn.

@Steel Zinogre
Finn sat for a moment in silence trying to debate the situation. Finally he nodded to himself. "Fine." He stood up and looked around the destroyed basement. I'll clean it up later. He thought. Hesitantly he walked out of his basement to the living room. "Where should we meet?"

AnnoDomini said:
Alex sighs, then looks next to him. He smiles at the two next to him. "And who are you supposed to be?" Alex says, his smile not dropping, then looks at his metallic arm. "You can touch it if you want. It will not explode or anything else." Alex's com was now off, but inside, he still waited for a response from Finn.
@Steel Zinogre
Luna screeched with bliss and rubbed her cheek on Alex's side. She really liked him, and felt content. Minerva looked at alex, much taller than him, even when sitting down.
Alex gently pat Luna on the head, before turning on his com. "I believe this is this small quiet cafe near the tower. Uhm, I donno, look for 'Las Place'. I'll be waiting there." Alex said, after looking at Luna and kneeling to get to her level. "I'll be going now. You behave while I am out. Will get some good treats for you." He says, while smiling and rubbing Luna's head. After that, he rises, and smiles towards MInerva. "I'll get something for you too, don't worry." Going towards the exit, Alex decides to pass through the garage. He sees Connor at his bike. He whistles. "Now that's a beauty. And the bike's nice too." He says, smiling and going near Connor. "You alright? Things went hecktic back there."

@Steel Zinogre
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[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Brute looked at Nevermore and snapped his jaws, gnashing his sharp teeth together. He sniffed the air, and followed the scent trail, with nevermore following him. He found a recently deceased stray dog. He needed to eat, already decayed or not. so he took small bites out of the corpse, and ate until nothing but bone remained.

Nevermore followed Brute through the streets, not drawing any attention as the street they were on was blocked off for the repairs already underway. Nevermore watched with interest as he chowed down on the dead dog. She was naturally hard to disgust physically, so this didn't gross her out one bit. "Yeah. Meat eater." She waited until Brute was done eating, knowing better than to get between an animal and its food, before she walked in front of him. "Do you mind if I get on your back?" She said. "Or would you rather have me lead you? I'm getting kindo of-" she yawned, "tired."

[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Luna screeched with bliss and rubbed her cheek on Alex's side. She really liked him, and felt content. Minerva looked at alex, much taller than him, even when sitting down.

Terry walked out to the balcony and sat down on the edge. He dangled his legs over the side and swung them back and forth. He went over his notes, trying to figure out some way to speed up Cassie's condition without hurting her or killing her. He watched as Alex got up and left Luna and Minerva. He smiled quietly but continued reviewing them.
sitanomoto said:
Nevermore followed Brute through the streets, not drawing any attention as the street they were on was blocked off for the repairs already underway. Nevermore watched with interest as he chowed down on the dead dog. She was naturally hard to disgust physically, so this didn't gross her out one bit. "Yeah. Meat eater." She waited until Brute was done eating, knowing better than to get between an animal and its food, before she walked in front of him. "Do you mind if I get on your back?" She said. "Or would you rather have me lead you? I'm getting kindo of-" she yawned, "tired."
Terry walked out to the balcony and sat down on the edge. He dangled his legs over the side and swung them back and forth. He went over his notes, trying to figure out some way to speed up Cassie's condition without hurting her or killing her. He watched as Alex got up and left Luna and Minerva. He smiled quietly but continued reviewing them.
Luna then walked over to terry, and sat next to him, looking at his notes with him. Brute layed on the ground, allowing nevermore to get on his back.
Connor was sat deep in thought with eyes on the bike when Alex's voice reached him, a partially amused and partially embarrassed smile crossing his face, "I guarantee this bike's more of a beauty than me." He joked with a gentle shake of his head before looking up over his shoulder at the other man, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just...needed some air was all, sorry if I cam off as an ass." The blonde took in a deep breath and raised a curious brow, "So did you chat with Finn?"

"Hey, if you are an ass, then I'm probably a black hole." Alex says, slowly drawing closer to Connor. "Yeah. Meeting him in front of a cafe to talk calmly somewhere." Alex gently landed a kiss on Connor's check. "So, what I must do to show you how sorry I am?" He says, looking deep into Connor's eyes.

Connor got cold chills at feeling the kiss on his neck, his muscles relaxed some. Alex always seemed to have that effect on him, but it still felt off and his mind told him to pull away but he didn't move almost as still as a statue. "It's not like that Alex, I don't want you do say or do anything." Connor huffed before running a hand through his hair, "I know your sorry, I know that. It's just...." Why was it so hard for him to figure out what to say? Getting up slowly he turned and sat so that he was leaning on the bikes seat so he could be eye level with Alex. "I didn't know if you we're alive or dead, I didn't know if you still cared for me or hated my guts." Clearing his throat he continued, "I wasn't sure if I was supposed to move on or hold out, no matter what the result was. I hate how much I love you."

There was a moment of silence before he went on, "So I just tried to go back to what normal life was, well...my version of a normal life anyways. And now?" His brows raised, "Now your here and I don't know what to say. Our relationship is complicated, I mean you we're supposed to kill me after-all. Our fathers knew each other, you and I have a past now." A sly smile crept on his face, he didn't want this to be a completely emotional conversation, "Not to mention what's this I hear...well technically saw, you and Carter kissing? Stark security feeds are a wonderful thing."

Alex scratched the back of his head. "Hey, you are twins after all. There was something odd about it though. I didn't have that... passion, you know?" He grabbed Connor's hand, looking at him. "But listen to me, I will never, ever try and kill you. I would rather die myself, than to live with this. What happened between our fathers, is in the past." Alex sighs, and lets go of Connor's hands. "I wish I never left... Or that I came... I think it would've been, better for you after all..." Alex sniffs, his head hanging low. "Anyway, F-Finn's probably waiting for me. I-I'll just go." Alex says, turning around and exiting the garage. Some tears started to flow from his eyes, using his normal hand to swap away the tears, and heads towards the cafe. "F-Finn, I'm almost there. Where are y-you?" He said in his com, as his stuttering was starting to bother him.

@Crono @CasualDragon
(I can't tell if that one normal colored dialogue was meant to be thoughts or you accidentally uncolored it. :x )

"That's not what I meant, I know you'd never hurt me, but we can't ignore that it's what brought us together. And don't say that it'd be better if you never came, I don't know where I'd be right now if it wasn't for you."
It became apparent the conversation was having more effect on Alex than the boy was letting on at first, it wasn't what Connor wanted in the least. Seemed like all he could do today was make things worse with everyone, and he watched as Alex made his escape. Connor pushed off the bike to try and follow and maybe prevent it however the sharp pain in his leg from where the metal rebar had punctured it earlier caused him to hiss, and by the time he'd reached for his crutches Alex was out of the garage.

The blonde slumped onto the crutches, if he hadn't been an ass before he was sure he was now. "Why am I such an idiot?" He mumbled to himself in the empty garage before turning his attention back to his bike. The temptation to jump on and go after Alex was strong, but he might just make things worse at this point. Connor noticed that the crutches handles where his hands we're latched on we're freezing over and he sighed.
Finn took down the name of the cafe that he was going to meet Alex at and left the house. He checked that the door was locked behind him before he fully left then he headed off in the general direction that google gave him. He wasn't quite sure how he imagined the meeting was going to go. Was Alex going to yell for what he did back at the tower? Was this going to be a guilt trip? He shook the thoughts from his mind deciding that there was no point in judging what was going to happen before it even happened. He wondered if Connor would tag along or if there was trouble in paradise. Thoughts whirled in his head and not all great ones either. A moment later Alex was speaking into the comm again. Finn checked his phone for his current location versus where he was going. "I'm about a block, block and a half away. Give me another two or three minutes." He noticed the stuttering and assumed something not so great had happened. After all of the wonderful stories he had heard (as well as the not so great ones) from Connor he assumed that Alex and Conner would reunite and be one big happy couple again though that didn't seem to be the case. He walked up to the doors of the cafe and decided to wait outside. "Okay. I'm here."

Alex arrived a minute later, his eyes red, and some tear trails on his checks. Without that, he flashed a smile, before pointing inside. "Shall we?" Inside, Alex was looking at a menu, tapping his chin. "Hmm... I think an Irish Coffee would do. Coffee and alcohol, greatest combination, and one that i need now." Alex looked over at Finn, smiling. "Care to explain that little outing you had there, young man?" His voice was a little condescending, but nonetheless he didn't mean it as an insult, only his way of trying to ease the tension.

[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Luna then walked over to terry, and sat next to him, looking at his notes with him. Brute layed on the ground, allowing nevermore to get on his back.

Terry smiled and scratched Luna behind he ears. "Hey Luna," he said, his voice cracking. "Just... Just going over my notes...." He bit back a sob.

Nevermore climbed up onto Brute's back and situated herself comfortably in front of his wing joints. "Home, James, and spare not the horses!" She said as she pointed towards th e garage of Stark Tower.
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"Thanks for the help everyone," Terry grumbled and slowly made his way back onto his feet. Everyone who was here ditched, the only people here now was this Daredevil child or knockoff and Cassie. Not really knowing either of them, he decided to make his way out. Explore. Perhaps he'll stay for a few days before he gets back to space battles.

Stretching his arms a little, Terry wanted to get out of this cramped little medical bay and onto the streets. Punching a hole through the tower, the alarms went off, but he didn't really care. In a few seconds, security stuff'll come after him, and he doesn't want to deal with that. Blasting off, Terry scanned the ground, looking for whatever else he could attack. Squinting his eyes a little, it seemed like there was a bank robbery. Perfect.

Shooting himself downwards, Terry grabbed one of the robbers and slammed him against the wall. Terry wasn't sure if he killed him, but he'd assume the man's badly hurt. Shooting a concussive blast at the other, the other man flopped onto the ground knocked out. Awesome. What I need to keep myself awake.
Finn snorted. "Yeah while drowning out sorrows sounds lovely it never worked out well for Dimitri who quickly became an alcoholic so I'll pass." He stared at the menu for a moment. Not so much looking at the menu as trying to delay things. "The obvious comfort drink is hot chocolate so I'll have one of those." He shuffled his foot at the mention of his running out. "Well you see Alex. When a person is very angry they tend to suffer in silence or just let out their anger and get on with their lives. As that's not an option I did the yelling and then left before yelling became an unwanted fight which is what the Avengers isn't about so it would be a little redundant if there was a fight right after that rather heartwarming speech." He looked back at the menu. "Do you even understand half of what's on that board? Just looking at it makes me wonder if we've been invaded and a new language is slowly pushing out English." He looked over at a girl who listed off a drink that seemed almost impossible. "See? What does half of that even mean?"


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