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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Pyosimros said:
"Yah. Killing Cassie? I'm sorry. We'll probably stop that. Stark Tower getting destroyed? Call up Damage Control," Perry said simply and he heard Friday talking about how she was bugged. "Alright everyone! Worse case scenario, we'll have to transfer Cassie over to my labs," He announced and began to work on a fix to Friday.
"So what do we just sit and wait then." Mako asked the others.
sitanomoto said:
Friday smiled at Perry. "Thank you Perry." Then she looked up at Redd again. "I know you will do your best." She continued with re-hacking herself and reconfiguring everything to make the security beefier.
"Here, let me help friday." Howard said as he began Rehacking with Friday. "If we work together, we should get you and the tower up and running again." he said. "You and redd are all she has, and I will not see either of you disappear before she wakes."
"Hmm..." Perry finished his business on the computer and pressed a few buttons on his Webware. Everything seemed to check out, simple things that could be stopped. Enough security leaks within other Parker Industry buildings forced him to learn these things. Perry gave a short yawn and then a thumbs up. "Already done. Now, about Cassie..."
A crash was heard throughout the tower as a teen stumbled in, he wore a costume that was similar in basic design to Daredevil's with armored plating added on. Through the eyes of his mask mood was clear, he wasn't in any good mood. He looked around the room, "You're the Avenger's right? Do you have an elected leader? Somebody I could talk to?"

@Pyosimros @sitanomoto @AnybodyElseInTheRoom
Perry started to study Tony's notes again. They were great, obviously because it was Tony Stark after all. It wouldn't that be that hard to apply his notes to helping Cassie. In the midst of this focused period, his spider-sense went off. Looking back quickly, he saw someone in a suit similar to Daredevil's just a little more protective. "All of our current 'leaders' are away. Well, actually we have one that's gonna die over there," Perry stopped for a moment and pointed over at Cassie. "What do you need to say?"
Morgan sighed and pulled out three photos, he slammed them down on a table, "These are pictures of the streets of Hell's Kitchen from THREE MONTHS ago. Notice the bodies all over the street and ask yourself, why are they there?"

Perry put down Tony's notes for a second and looked at what the newcomer was talking about. There were dead bodies scattered everywhere, and he wouldn't be surprised if it was one of the people in the Avengers. "Hmm... A sleepover on the street I'm guessing?" He joked before getting serious. "Supervillain?"
"...Well...see there's a problem with that," Jordan said to whatever was preaching for Augustus "I'M not an Avenger, and make no mistake about it, if *I* have to get involved, it will be much worse than ANY terrorist event in human history."
Morgan shook his head, "No...It was during an incident you 'Took care of'" He picked up the picture and sighed, "I came here because I get it. You guys have good intentions, believe me, I know, but at some point you've forgotten about the people you protect and they've paid for it with their lives. That's why I wanted to ask you to disband the Avengers."

"Not my call to do that," Perry stated simply. He wouldn't really care if the group of disbanded. He's been running pretty well by himself and his life wouldn't change drastically if he left. "So, what happened here exactly?" Perry asked and pointed at the picture.
(I'm not gonna go in to detail, I was basing this off something that was pretty destructive, I just can't remember exactly what it was. Something to do with a Hulk I think.)

"I'm not exactly sure. I heard on the news that the Avenger's were fighting some big bad, it went down a few blocks, in and out of buildings, this was the end result though."

"He didn't have the right." Connor replied to the A.I. seething by this point, if there was one thing he could relate to was being a hero without powers then suddenly having some forced onto you. "Your master is nothing but a toddler trying to play god, and you..." The blonde was essentially talking to the air with having nothing physically to look at. "..you can stay the hell out of Stark systems."

Eventually another stranger showed up, strolling in, looking much like Daredevil. Connor decided not to pay him full attention with the fact that there was this A.I., Jordan, Cassie in a coma, etc.. More important things until he heard the guy speak, "Disband the Avengers?!" Connor moved forwards on his crutches with a scowl, nearing Perry and the new guy, "So you think sending all of these heroes out to do their own thing would work better than attempting some sort of team and structure?" The nerve of this guy, "We haven't forgotten anyone, the simple fact of the matter is that we can't be everywhere at once! We can't save everyone."
"Oh NOW you see things my way" Jordan said, somewhat a little annoyed at the hypocrisy. It was quite annoying that they had confronted him and opposed him at every turn do to his willingness to let a small number die to save an infinitely greater number, hell some of them went as far as saying they'd save everyone, and now here Connor was defending the Avengers saying that there was no way to save everyone. That was a part of it....but it was mostly him wanting to fuck with Connor.

Morgan growled and slammed his fist down, "SO? YOU'RE THE AVENGERS! YOU CAN'T DEAL WITH SOMETHING LIKE THAT WITHOUT DEATH, THEN HOW CAN YOU DEAL WITH SOMETHING BIGGER?! OH WAIT, YOU CAN'T! OR DID THE FACT THAT HALF THE WORLD WAS UNDERWATER ESCAPE YOUR MIND!" He backed away a bit, seething, "While you're up here, the crime bosses fuck with the poor, then kill them. Then you come through and kill more of them. I just want what's best for my city, and clearly, you AREN'T."

@Crono @Pyosimros
"If I may interject...I DID bring the continents back from Davy Jones' locker...NEVER got a thank you for that either...just sayin." Jordan said, not really helping, just making his own fun
"EEEEENOUGH!" Nevermore yelled, slamming her fist down on the table, nearly breaking it. She stormed right up to Morgan, pointing her finger up in his face. "Who the FUCK do you think you are?!? Coming in and flat-out demanding the disbansion of the Avengers?!" She was venting now, all of her anger at thanos for killing Pyrite, her greif of seeing Cassie hurt, Laxus coming back, everything was coming out in a blue glow from her brown eyes. "You think you can do better?! Every damn day people die! We can't stop everything! We handled it as best we could but in the end, WE ARE ALL WE HAVE. You think the Cops could've handled it better?!! Could've handled the Thanos attack better?!? We saved THOUSANDS of lives. And you come here and flat out DEMAND THAT WE STOP?!?" She was furious. "Here's your answer, smart-ass." She put her finger on his chest. "No."
"Okay look. This is a problem. Yah, sacrifice a few to save everyone but that doesn't apply to every situation. Just because we use that excuse, doesn't mean we shouldn't save as much people as we can. Half of you guys don't even regard the civilian lives. Killing people here and there like it was nothing. How many lives have we pointlessly taken? A ton. A couple years ago, I believe I was the only who actually bothered to protect the civilians in this building rather than straightly attacking Massacre, and now, let me find a way to make this stupid cure," Perry finished with a huff and looked back at the documents.
Connor shook his head at Jordan's reply, "Don't. Your way and my way are completely different." Then turned his head back to the angry Morgan, "We aren't perfect. And what your proposing would do nothing but make things worse, if you really think that all of us disbanding would help the people of this city then your wrong." The blonde listened as both Nevermore and Perry protested it, nodding his head. Though Morgan wasn't completely wrong, there was something to his words that made Connor think.
"I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH! BUT NEITHER ARE YOU, AND YOUR JUST MAKING IT WORSE!" His eye began to twitch and he backed away, pulling a bottle of pills out of a compartment in his suit and taking out two pills from the bottle and swallowing them, "Like I said before, my parents both lived and breathed this city, I put my life on the line every day for it, I just want the people in it to be safe."

He looked down at his watch and began to back away to the window,
"Think about this, I'mm just a regular guy, trying to all he can to protect this city; and yet I probably saved more lives during that whole Thanos thing than any of you."

@sitanomoto @Pyosimros @Crono
Connor sighed as he watched the guy retreat, "But if we hadn't been there to stop Thanos there wouldn't have been any lives to save. We're needed whether you like it or not. And most of us care just as much about the people of this city, and the world, so don't throw accusations around."
Nevermore had it. Blue energy glowed around her hands as she held her hand out. A blue blade formed around her hand as she breathed out furiously, rather like an angered bull. "Saved lives?" She growled. "Where were you when Thor died? When Cassie was attacked? When TONY STARK HIMSELF DIED? WHERE WERW YOU WHEN PYRITE DIED?!?" She emphasized each word with an attempt at a blow, her left hand glowing with a blue blade construct and her right just surrounded with blue energy. Tears were streaming down her face in greif, anger, pain.... She was attempting to kill the boy. As she got between him and the window.

(Someone restrain her!!! Now!!

@Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon @ANYONEELSEIMISSED!!!))
sitanomoto said:
Nevermore had it. Blue energy glowed around her hands as she held her hand out. A blue blade formed around her hand as she breathed out furiously, rather like an angered bull. "Saved lives?" She growled. "Where were you when Thor died? When Cassie was attacked? When TONY STARK HIMSELF DIED? WHERE WERW YOU WHEN PYRITE DIED?!?" She emphasized each word with an attempt at a blow, her left hand glowing with a blue blade construct and her right just surrounded with blue energy. Tears were streaming down her face in greif, anger, pain.... She was attempting to kill the boy. As she got between him and the window.
(Someone restrain her!!! Now!!

@Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon @ANYONEELSEIMISSED!!!))
(Wait...Is she stabbing him?)
Spider-sense went off. Something bad was going to happen. Perry quickly put down Tony's notes and burst over to Nevermore, grabbing her. "Calm down. If you're gonna kill someone, at least save that for the villains. As much as I hate the practice."
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"NO!" Nevermore shrieked, "LET ME GO!! ILL RIP HIM TO PIECES!!" She managed to break out of one of Perry's hands and thrust her hand out to send a blue energy ball straight at Morgan. "LET ME GO!" She was struggling with all her might.

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