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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

wiigamechamp said:
Mako sat down on the floor with his arms and legs crossed. "Just hurry up so we can get out of here." Mako said.
"Alright boys. Off with you both. I must prep the soldiers to come to the surface realm when the time calls." Mephisto said as he opened a portal to Parker Industries.
Pyosimros said:
"Yah, shut up! I'm on it," Perry had the stop the machine from administrating any more of this substance into her. It wasn't that hard to hack into the computer, but the pressure was intense. A few seconds later, the machine shut down and Perry sighed in relief. "Machines... Bad. I'll tell everyone in my place to shut them down," He said. "Nah that would be terrible."
"Perry! NO!" Friday yelled, taking a holographic form. "If you remove the serum now it could kill her!" She re-hacked herself and continued to administer the drug. "The only way Cassie's going to get better is if we treat her like a coma patient: water and constant nutrients. Everyone OUT!" Friday was in full mom-mode, having been programmed by Cassie to take care of her should the need arise.

Terry looked at the hologram Friday in horror as Cassie stopped thrashing and spitting up blood. "F-friday....." He said, sounding much like a scared child. "Friday, w-will she be okay...?"

"I don't know Terry." Friday said as more robotic arms plugged Cassie in to an IV. "The EXTREMIS virus was something her Father stored in me. I never gave it much thought until now."

"Fine I won't kill him but he'll wish he's dead when I am done with him." Laxus replied. "But remember this problem is our problem because we never killed Thanos that's how Doom Jr. got his power. We are right now reaping the results of our inactions."
( What in the name of hell have I missed)

"Y'know, this might just be me, but it seems like you Avengers have stepped into yet another shitstorm....so why don't you do me a favor and tell me what happened." Jordan said, appearing in the middle of the room with his hands on his temples
This stranger Perry brought in irked Connor, coming in with an attitude and mindset like that. One minute Cassie was getting worse and the next the new guy and Azazel we're off through some portal. Perry was doing what he could, Connor just hovered quietly nearby leaning on his crutches. Basic medical knowledge wouldn't help here, but he didn't want to leave the room either. Moving back towards the others when Laxus replied, "Yeah, but killing wouldn't have been the answer to that problem. Just like it's not the answer to this one. Even if Thanos was dead who's to say he couldn't have taken his powers from the corpse? He had inadequate security and we should have handled it ourselves instead of S.H.I.E.L.D. or at-least tried to supply some Avenger protection. But with the world in it's state and not knowing the status of most heroes, nobody thought to do it."

The blonde huffed, "We need to figure out what he's planning next, clearly he wants Thaddeus...so we find Thaddeus first. Use Thaddeus to find out any weakness's he might have, and come up with some sort of counter measure against him."

Suddenly Jordan was there, which honestly didn't surprise Connor. "The usual, guy gets power, guy wants to do bad things."

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype @Pyosimros @wiigamechamp @LucianGrey7971 @CasualDragon @AnyoneElseIMissed
Jordan seemed much more on edge than usual, his tone was very curt and harsh "And WHY is that?! Who the hell allowed the infinity stones to be taken, and absorbed? Why is it that yet another Doom is fucking around with the world and by extension the future of the entire universe? Better yet, ehy has no-one KILLED that walking pile of dumbassery and power hungry enslaving that is apparently inherent in every single Doom?!"
Terry growled low and stormed up the stairs, angry and frustrated. "My gosh, she can't get a decent rest around here, can she?" He said, passing Connor as he went into Cassie's lab to find everything he could about the EXTREMIS serum.....

What he found wasn't pretty. "Why did Tony even have the stuff on hand?" Terry asked himself quietly. Thankfully Augustus hadn't done a darn thing to Zero, and as Terry continued to do research and take notes, Zero went through all of the data and pulled up things that might be of use to him.
Crono said:
This stranger Perry brought in irked Connor, coming in with an attitude and mindset like that. One minute Cassie was getting worse and the next the new guy and Azazel we're off through some portal. Perry was doing what he could, Connor just hovered quietly nearby leaning on his crutches. Basic medical knowledge wouldn't help here, but he didn't want to leave the room either. Moving back towards the others when Laxus replied, "Yeah, but killing wouldn't have been the answer to that problem. Just like it's not the answer to this one. Even if Thanos was dead who's to say he couldn't have taken his powers from the corpse? He had inadequate security and we should have handled it ourselves instead of S.H.I.E.L.D. or at-least tried to supply some Avenger protection. But with the world in it's state and not knowing the status of most heroes, nobody thought to do it."
The blonde huffed, "We need to figure out what he's planning next, clearly he wants Thaddeus...so we find Thaddeus first. Use Thaddeus to find out any weakness's he might have, and come up with some sort of counter measure against him."

Suddenly Jordan was there, which honestly didn't surprise Connor. "The usual, guy gets power, guy wants to do bad things."

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype @Pyosimros @wiigamechamp @LucianGrey7971 @CasualDragon @AnyoneElseIMissed
"Fine we need to beat him to near death and then let not remove but erode away all of his power and make sure he can't recover from it. I suggest augmented suspended animation." Laxus said.
sitanomoto said:
Terry growled low and stormed up the stairs, angry and frustrated. "My gosh, she can't get a decent rest around here, can she?" He said, passing Connor as he went into Cassie's lab to find everything he could about the EXTREMIS serum.....
What he found wasn't pretty. "Why did Tony even have the stuff on hand?" Terry asked himself quietly. Thankfully Augustus hadn't done a darn thing to Zero, and as Terry continued to do research and take notes, Zero went through all of the data and pulled up things that might be of use to him.
Actually as a matter of fact, ZETA was putting in more files to the Stark data base! He was adding in a assortment of classified S.H.E.I.L.D. files about cover ups and controversy, as well as all the strikes they did. Data clips, details, anything Augustus could have possibly gotten his hands on... and he wanted to slander Stark's name with truth. ZETA found one file that he deleted ASAP... one from when Stark was inverse... Model 50. But in doing so, he found remnants of Anthony Stark, the A.I. ZETA stole the info, and prepared for Augustus to review the data upon.

The war thickened...
sitanomoto said:
"Perry! NO!" Friday yelled, taking a holographic form. "If you remove the serum now it could kill her!" She re-hacked herself and continued to administer the drug. "The only way Cassie's going to get better is if we treat her like a coma patient: water and constant nutrients. Everyone OUT!" Friday was in full mom-mode, having been programmed by Cassie to take care of her should the need arise.
Terry looked at the hologram Friday in horror as Cassie stopped thrashing and spitting up blood. "F-friday....." He said, sounding much like a scared child. "Friday, w-will she be okay...?"

"I don't know Terry." Friday said as more robotic arms plugged Cassie in to an IV. "The EXTREMIS virus was something her Father stored in me. I never gave it much thought until now."


"HEY GUYS! We're back!" Azazel exclaimed as he exited the portal with Mako. "Oh, who's the hologram....? Oh, right, Friday, was it?" He asked as he looked at the hologram. "Dammit...... Cassie is in a coma..... I wanted to tell her something, looks like I will have to wait until she wakes up." he said with a sigh, wanting to tell ms. Stark the good news.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"HEY GUYS! We're back!" Azazel exclaimed as he exited the portal with Mako. "Oh, who's the hologram....? Oh, right, Friday, was it?" He asked as he looked at the hologram. "Dammit...... Cassie is in a coma..... I wanted to tell her something, looks like I will have to wait until she wakes up." he said with a sigh, wanting to tell ms. Stark the good news.

"So how is Cassie doing." Mako asked the others.
Perry ignored everything around him. Zoning out whatever the literal hell people were talking about. "Yah, Cassie's just fine. She's just taking a pleasant little nap right now!" Perry said sarcastically over to Mako and looked over at Terry and his research notes. "Can I take a look at them? I could create a cure if I look at what we're dealing with."
Terry jumped, surprised. "Y-yeah..." He said, showing Perry the notes.

Friday looked at Azazel and nodded with a smile. "What's the news? I'm sure I'll be just as thrilled."
sitanomoto said:
Terry jumped, surprised. "Y-yeah..." He said, showing Perry the notes.
Friday looked at Azazel and nodded with a smile. "What's the news? I'm sure I'll be just as thrilled."
"I talked to my dad..... and he is sending to this realm some priests to revive Tony Stark, Pepper potts, and any other loved ones this team lost....." Azazel said, unsure of her reaction. "but the thing is...... The priests will be here soon, as well as part of an army of demons to help with augustus....." he added, then stopped, for her felt like Friday would react in a way that is not good, but had hopes of joy.
Friday smiled. "That sounds amazing, Azazel. I'm sure Cassie would enjoy that. Maybe tell the team. They'd all be happy with that, I hope." She added the "I hope" under her breath, then looked back up at Az. "Could you sent Redd in here?" She said. "I need his help."
Oh by god, Augustus pushed his will on Zeta once more, and through his sleep made some of the communications in Stark Tower blare, "How... pitiful! My master puts this much fright into you, that you need to summon armies of daemons from another world just to stop him? Have you thought of all the innocent lives you would put into danger if you stormed his castle in Japan? Besides, my master simply wanted to give Cassie a survival gift. Her own body admitted she was flawed, pathetic and weak... so it is rebuilding her. Giving her super powers... she won't be just a Human anymore. Its impressive to see just how bloodthirsty and immoral you become once one of your own is injured. Avengers don't kill... where did that go? Ever wonder why Augustus went against you? This right here... your bandits and smugglers who are only held by a pact of family and blood. Otherwise, who knows? Most of you could murder and sleep well at night... but who knows?

"Augustus rebuild your tower after Thantos destroyed it by the request of Cassie... he can just take it back you know. Attack my master, and your entire tower... and Cassie... will die and be worse then 9/11. Your choice..."

@Newyork crew
sitanomoto said:
Friday smiled. "That sounds amazing, Azazel. I'm sure Cassie would enjoy that. Maybe tell the team. They'd all be happy with that, I hope." She added the "I hope" under her breath, then looked back up at Az. "Could you sent Redd in here?" She said. "I need his help."
"I am already here friday." Redd said in an irate tone, still angry at augustus. "What is it that you require?" he asked her. He did have some feelings for her, but she is an AI, and he was stuck in a body that gets constantly worn and needs buffing, polishing, etc.
hudhouse said:
Oh by god, Augustus pushed his will on Zeta once more, and through his sleep made some of the communications in Stark Tower blare, "How... pitiful! My master puts this much fright into you, that you need to summon armies of daemons from another world just to stop him? Have you thought of all the innocent lives you would put into danger if you stormed his castle in Japan? Besides, my master simply wanted to give Cassie a survival gift. Her own body admitted she was flawed, pathetic and weak... so it is rebuilding her. Giving her super powers... she won't be just a Human anymore. Its impressive to see just how bloodthirsty and immoral you become once one of your own is injured. Avengers don't kill... where did that go? Ever wonder why Augustus went against you? This right here... your bandits and smugglers who are only held by a pact of family and blood. Otherwise, who knows? Most of you could murder and sleep well at night... but who knows?
"Augustus rebuild your tower after Thantos destroyed it by the request of Cassie... he can just take it back you know. Attack my master, and your entire tower... and Cassie... will die and be worse then 9/11. Your choice..."

@Newyork crew
(Was this to everyone?)
hudhouse said:
Oh by god, Augustus pushed his will on Zeta once more, and through his sleep made some of the communications in Stark Tower blare, "How... pitiful! My master puts this much fright into you, that you need to summon armies of daemons from another world just to stop him? Have you thought of all the innocent lives you would put into danger if you stormed his castle in Japan? Besides, my master simply wanted to give Cassie a survival gift. Her own body admitted she was flawed, pathetic and weak... so it is rebuilding her. Giving her super powers... she won't be just a Human anymore. Its impressive to see just how bloodthirsty and immoral you become once one of your own is injured. Avengers don't kill... where did that go? Ever wonder why Augustus went against you? This right here... your bandits and smugglers who are only held by a pact of family and blood. Otherwise, who knows? Most of you could murder and sleep well at night... but who knows?
"Augustus rebuild your tower after Thantos destroyed it by the request of Cassie... he can just take it back you know. Attack my master, and your entire tower... and Cassie... will die and be worse then 9/11. Your choice..."

@Newyork crew
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"I am already here friday." Redd said in an irate tone, still angry at augustus. "What is it that you require?" he asked her. He did have some feelings for her, but she is an AI, and he was stuck in a body that gets constantly worn and needs buffing, polishing, etc.

Friday stopped and listened. "Oh no...." She said. "He bugged the Tower. Bugged Me!"she bit her lip, then relaxed and looked at Redd. "I need you to stay and watch over Cassie. I'm afraid security systems aren't enough for this job, as Augustus has already hacked me and stolen plans for a new suit." She looked up at the big Robotic guardian. "Redd, I need you not to lose your temper over him. For Cassie and the entire crew."
(Well in that case...) "Sorry old lady, But I am no Avenger, I am just making sure that your 'master' does not do anything that he will regret. And no one needs superpowers to be a hero, everyone is a hero in their own way. Your master can be a hero too, If he did what he said in the right manner, instead of World Domination." Azazel said, folding his arms. "I maybe a half-blooded demon, but that does not mean I can't see good in everyone, even the Doom family, who my father has watched for years on end. Like with Galactus, he figured out a way to get his fat ass off of this planet, but for what reason? Power? A chance to rule?" @hudhouse
sitanomoto said:
Friday stopped and listened. "Oh no...." She said. "He bugged the Tower. Bugged Me!"she bit her lip, then relaxed and looked at Redd. "I need you to stay and watch over Cassie. I'm afraid security systems aren't enough for this job, as Augustus has already hacked me and stolen plans for a new suit." She looked up at the big Robotic guardian. "Redd, I need you not to lose your temper over him. For Cassie and the entire crew."
"I am not making any promises Friday, but I will try. and I will protect our master." Redd said calmly, and clenched his fist. "When this is over, I will have a nice chat with Doom." he thought.
"Yah. Killing Cassie? I'm sorry. We'll probably stop that. Stark Tower getting destroyed? Call up Damage Control," Perry said simply and he heard Friday talking about how she was bugged. "Alright everyone! Worse case scenario, we'll have to transfer Cassie over to my labs," He announced and began to work on a fix to Friday.
Friday smiled at Perry. "Thank you Perry." Then she looked up at Redd again. "I know you will do your best." She continued with re-hacking herself and reconfiguring everything to make the security beefier.

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