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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Yah, shut up! I'm on it," Perry had the stop the machine from administrating any more of this substance into her. It wasn't that hard to hack into the computer, but the pressure was intense. A few seconds later, the machine shut down and Perry sighed in relief. "Machines... Bad. I'll tell everyone in my place to shut them down," He said. "Nah that would be terrible."
wiigamechamp said:
"I'll go with but I doubt we need an army. And we better hurry before Cassie gets any worse." Mako said as he saw Perry on the computer.
@Steel Zinogre
"Parker! Got any expendable human soldiers? And a goat? The goat is for my dad, and the humans are for protection, and proof that you need help." Azazel said to perry as cindy came in. "I'll go with you, I want to see all the fire and brimstone myself." she said as she tightened the bolts on her helmet. @Pyosimros
Perry looked over at Azazel, never really meeting him before. But he already seemed to know his name, so Perry didn't have to go introducing myself. "I don't exactly have an army. Though my companies a main supplier for S.H.I.E.L.D., yes," Perry gave a short nod. He didn't really know what he would do with soldiers. Any soldiers he could have had was when he was mind-swapped, and he fired all of them once he took control. "The goat however... I could make a robot goat," He smiled and looked over at the newcomer, not really commenting on anything.
wiigamechamp said:
"All you need is two of us for protection. And why would you need protection, or a goat?" Mako asked confused.
"The goat is for my dad, and the humans are protection from the monsters that live down there..... The bad ones at least." he said. "They are too big to fight alone." he added. Cindy then scoffed. "Really? I've probably fought bigger." Azazel then facepalmed. "You do not understand me. They are too big to fight."
Pyosimros said:
Perry looked over at Azazel, never really meeting him before. But he already seemed to know his name, so Perry didn't have to go introducing myself. "I don't exactly have an army. Though my companies a main supplier for S.H.I.E.L.D., yes," Perry gave a short nod. He didn't really know what he would do with soldiers. Any soldiers he could have had was when he was mind-swapped, and he fired all of them once he took control. "The goat however... I could make a robot goat," He smiled and looked over at the newcomer, not really commenting on anything.
"I need an actual goat. Dad would not be too happy to have his gums cut up by some metal." Azazel said. Do you have any farmer friends?" he asked.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"I need an actual goat. Dad would not be too happy to have his gums cut up by some metal." Azazel said. Do you have any farmer friends?" he asked.

"I'm pretty sure I could handle them by myself for you." Mako said as he was confident in his skills.
wiigamechamp said:
"I'm pretty sure I could handle them by myself for you." Mako said as he was confident in his skills.
"A little reinforcement would not hurt." Azazel replied. "I am confident in your skills, It's just I don't feel comfortable with just one ally with me, I gotta have a group at least of 4."
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"A little reinforcement would not hurt." Azazel replied. "I am confident in your skills, It's just I don't feel comfortable with just one ally with me, I gotta have a group at least of 4."

"Yea, yea,yea, whatever. Just come get me when your ready." Mako said as he walked out of the room.
wiigamechamp said:
"Yea, yea,yea, whatever. Just come get me when your ready." Mako said as he walked out of the room.
"You know, I was thinking of leaving now, before you change your mind. Maybe we don't need a whole group..... Ya know?" he asked mako as he walked with him.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"You know, I was thinking of leaving now, before you change your mind. Maybe we don't need a whole group..... Ya know?" he asked mako as he walked with him.

"Alright if you insist. What about that Cindy chick, is she coming." Mako asked him. (What page is your characters on)
wiigamechamp said:
"Alright if you insist. What about that Cindy chick, is she coming." Mako asked him. (What page is your characters on)
(Unsure, Since I've made A LOT) "That's is parker's girlfriend, I cannot risk her death." Azazel said. "Oh Come On! Seriously!?" she exclaimed as azazel shushed her. "Yes big baby, i am serious. If you died, Perry would never forgive me. And I am a demon trying to do some good here."
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](Unsure, Since I've made A LOT) "That's is parker's girlfriend, I cannot risk her death." Azazel said. "Oh Come On! Seriously!?" she exclaimed as azazel shushed her. "Yes big baby, i am serious. If you died, Perry would never forgive me. And I am a demon trying to do some good here."

"Whatever I guess that means more hurting for me." Mako said as he thought for a moment. "Demon? I guess we are similar." Mako said aloud without knowing it.
wiigamechamp said:
"Whatever I guess that means more hurting for me." Mako said as he thought for a moment. "Demon? I guess we are similar." Mako said aloud without knowing it.
"I'm actually half demon. My dad is Mephisto himself." Azazel bragged as he opened a portal to hell. "After you sir." he said.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"I'm actually half demon. My dad is Mephisto himself." Azazel bragged as he opened a portal to hell. "After you sir." he said.

"Why thank you." Mako said as he entered through the portal.
wiigamechamp said:
"Why thank you." Mako said as he entered through the portal.
Azazel then entered the portal. The two now stood in the foyer of Mephisto's Palace. "Feels good to be home once in a while. DAD! I'm Home!" azazel called as the area grew hot. "AZAZEL! HOW NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN FOR SUCH A LONG TIME!" a big voice said as Mephisto appeared in front of them from a red mist. "Who is your friend?" He asked. "Mako, now dad, we need you....." He was cut off. "Let me guess, That augustus asshole?" Mephisto asked, smiling. "Yes, glad you were watching for once." he joked. "Ah son, you have no Idead how bored I was. And besides, I hope to coexist with the humans while ruling one day." Mephisto said with a chuckle.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Azazel then entered the portal. The two now stood in the foyer of Mephisto's Palace. "Feels good to be home once in a while. DAD! I'm Home!" azazel called as the area grew hot. "AZAZEL! HOW NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN FOR SUCH A LONG TIME!" a big voice said as Mephisto appeared in front of them from a red mist. "Who is your friend?" He asked. "Mako, now dad, we need you....." He was cut off. "Let me guess, That augustus asshole?" Mephisto asked, smiling. "Yes, glad you were watching for once." he joked. "Ah son, you have no Idead how bored I was. And besides, I hope to coexist with the humans while ruling one day." Mephisto said with a chuckle.

Mako was intimidated by the man and the place where he was as he stood silent and listed to there conversation.
wiigamechamp said:
Mako was intimidated by the man and the place where he was as he stood silent and listed to there conversation.
"We need some of your army to help with him..... Please.... I have many friends in the surface realm, I do not intend on losing them...... And I promised Cassie I would..." Azazel was cut off again. "Resurrect Tony Stark and Pepper Potts? You know I will not allow that, but for your friends and their loved ones...... I will allow it. Only for friends will you revive loved ones." Mephisto said as he crossed his arms. "Wait.... Seriously? You are just going to let me do it like that?" Azazel asked as The devil nodded. "They are all good people, Hell, even Tony is great. I love the guy, and he would be much happier to see his daughter."
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"We need some of your army to help with him..... Please.... I have many friends in the surface realm, I do not intend on losing them...... And I promised Cassie I would..." Azazel was cut off again. "Resurrect Tony Stark and Pepper Potts? You know I will not allow that, but for your friends and their loved ones...... I will allow it. Only for friends will you revive loved ones." Mephisto said as he crossed his arms. "Wait.... Seriously? You are just going to let me do it like that?" Azazel asked as The devil nodded. "They are all good people, Hell, even Tony is great. I love the guy, and he would be much happier to see his daughter."

Listening in on the conversation made Mako all geddy when he heard of the reviving. He knew it would take some strong magic which means a strong fighter. Someone he would want to fight. But as he thought it would be disrespectful to ask and kept his mouth shut.
wiigamechamp said:
Listening in on the conversation made Mako all geddy when he heard of the reviving. He knew it would take some strong magic which means a strong fighter. Someone he would want to fight. But as he thought it would be disrespectful to ask and kept his mouth shut.
"You look like you have something on your mind. What is it Mako?" Mephisto asked him with a warm smile. "I don't bite, ask me anything."
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"You look like you have something on your mind. What is it Mako?" Mephisto asked him with a warm smile. "I don't bite, ask me anything."

"Well seeing as you can revive people...I f-figured that strong magic m-means strong f-fighter..and I was wonder if...Wecouldfightagainsteachother." Mako said to hurry and finish his sentence as he gave Mephisto a bow.
wiigamechamp said:
"Well seeing as you can revive people...I f-figured that strong magic m-means strong f-fighter..and I was wonder if...Wecouldfightagainsteachother." Mako said to hurry and finish his sentence as he gave Mephisto a bow.
Mephisto laughs hard for about 5 minutes, and wipes a tear away. "Come on! I am not that Barbaric! Even I have standards. Besides, I can have my priests help him with the revivals." he added.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Mephisto laughs hard for about 5 minutes, and wipes a tear away. "Come on! I am not that Barbaric! Even I have standards. Besides, I can have my priests help him with the revivals." he added.

"Hey, I'm not barbaric!" Mako said in an angered tone as he raised his fist in the air.
wiigamechamp said:
"Hey, I'm not barbaric!" Mako said in an angered tone as he raised his fist in the air.
"Dammit mako, Relax. My dad is a joker." Azazel said as Satan Composed himself. "Sorry about that. I guess I had too much fun.."
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"Dammit mako, Relax. My dad is a joker." Azazel said as Satan Composed himself. "Sorry about that. I guess I had too much fun.."

Mako sat down on the floor with his arms and legs crossed. "Just hurry up so we can get out of here." Mako said.

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