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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Sometimes I hate New York City. Sometimes I like it here, but that's a rare occasion, Perry thought as he walked towards Stark Tower. He was going to say 'hi', and maybe, 'sorry for not being there for all the crap that went down'. But he would think of an appropriate greeting later. It seemed like someone was trying to gain entrance to the building, if it was Tony operating the place, a laser turret would've already blasted him to bits. "Hi friend! I'm your friendly neighbourhood door opener. What's your situation?" He smiled as he walked over to Mako.
Thaddeus teleports down into the elevator, and walks into the lab, making sure that his presence was still masked. He walks over to the computer, and flicks the computer on.

"Alright, show me how my father truly died then."

Pyosimros said:
Sometimes I hate New York City. Sometimes I like it here, but that's a rare occasion, Perry thought as he walked towards Stark Tower. He was going to say 'hi', and maybe, 'sorry for not being there for all the crap that went down'. But he would think of an appropriate greeting later. It seemed like someone was trying to gain entrance to the building, if it was Tony operating the place, a laser turret would've already blasted him to bits. "Hi friend! I'm your friendly neighbourhood door opener. What's your situation?" He smiled as he walked over to Mako.
"I'm waiting for someone because I was supposed to meet someone her but no one is here." Mako explained as he looked at the man. As he looked at the person he went instant fan boy mode. "No way your the spiderman. Your like my idol. I've always wanted to be like you. Your like the coolest person ever."

Alex looked at the man in the astral projection. "I saw that armor before... Oh!" He just realized who he was, and from where he originated. His smile grew, moving from one side to another, looking at Augustus. "Vibranium armor." Alex's eyes went to Cassie, who was now in tears. He holstered his weapon, kneeling near Cassie, lifting her head to his level. "He is just screwing with your mind. You are stronger than this Cass. Your memories are your own. Those are the only ones that care, the ones of your loved ones." Alex's eyes went to the astral projection. "And you. Man in the high castle. If you think Cassie has daddy issues, look in the mirror. You're trying to emulate your father, are you? Conquering the world, army of robots. Even the armor looks the same. I studied your father's armor, as your security was so bad, HYDRA got to it first." He raises up. "Those who don't learn from history, are meant to repeat it. And as your father was taken down by a group of superheroes, so will you, if you dare and attack us." Alex was certain something would happen to him, but he was ready for it.

@sitanomoto @hudhouse @anyoneelse
sitanomoto said:
Cassie closed her eyes. "No... No!" She fell to her knees, clutching her head. "You're a liar!" Tears were streaming down her face as she looked at the Astral projection.
Terry watched as Cassie fell to her knees, seemingly for no reason, and began talking to herself. "Cass?" He walked over and put a hand on her shoulder. "What's wrong? Who's the liar?"

Cassie barely noticed the hand. She looked up at the astral projection defiantly. "My mother was Pepper Potts, the smartest woman in America." Her voice was quivering. "And I'm calling your bluff, Gus. If you did alter Thaddeus's memory, then prove it: alter mine." That was a big risk. If Augustus wasn't bluffing, he could alter her mind and memory for the worse.

Terry's eyes went wide and he looked at her. He knew something was wrong. Very wrong. Cassie wouldn't be crying if it weren't.
(what is happening here?)
"I know most of the Avengers. I'll get you to whoever you wanna see," Perry smiled at the stranger. I used to know most of the Avengers. There's probably 50 more since I left, He thought. "My name's Perry by the way. But you probably already knew that," He continued and unlocked the door for him. "Yah. It's harder than it looks. I'll take the compliment though."
Pyosimros said:
"I know most of the Avengers. I'll get you to whoever you wanna see," Perry smiled at the stranger. I used to know most of the Avengers. There's probably 50 more since I left, He thought. "My name's Perry by the way. But you probably already knew that," He continued and unlocked the door for him. "Yah. It's harder than it looks. I'll take the compliment though."
"Perry, I thought you were peter. So much for that." Mako said as he walked in the door feeling disappointed.

"You're welcome by the way," Perry said slightly agitated though he did his best to hide it. Walking in, he saw that nothing really changed. "Anyone you're looking for specifically?" He looked over at Mako.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie closed her eyes. "No... No!" She fell to her knees, clutching her head. "You're a liar!" Tears were streaming down her face as she looked at the Astral projection.
Terry watched as Cassie fell to her knees, seemingly for no reason, and began talking to herself. "Cass?" He walked over and put a hand on her shoulder. "What's wrong? Who's the liar?"

Cassie barely noticed the hand. She looked up at the astral projection defiantly. "My mother was Pepper Potts, the smartest woman in America." Her voice was quivering. "And I'm calling your bluff, Gus. If you did alter Thaddeus's memory, then prove it: alter mine." That was a big risk. If Augustus wasn't bluffing, he could alter her mind and memory for the worse.

Terry's eyes went wide and he looked at her. He knew something was wrong. Very wrong. Cassie wouldn't be crying if it weren't.
Augustus snickered, and stated, "Oh, I don't even have to. Plus I can only do it short ranged, in my actual presense. If you wish to call my bluff, meet me at Challenger Deep! We can have a nice chat over some tea and hot chocolate, it is rather cold down here. Either way, your father's private computer? During this whole conversation I was able to hack into it. Did you know that he was part of a secret group of people called the Illuminati, that made choices for everyone in the world? One of their other members were... Doctor Stephen Strange... who held the soul gem! Stark had both Space and Reality gems... and what does that last gem let you do? Warp reality to whatever you want... whos to say he still had it before Thaddeus fond them? Did Thaddeus kill him to get the gems, and that's why he can torture you with Tony's image? Or did you know that Stark helped caused the incursions, and killed millions upon billions of lives just so he could selfishly live? The S.H.E.I.L.D, DOOM and Stark data bases pretty much cover everything! However... I can delete all the data from your end, and make it so that only I have data here! Shall I do that to make you happy, and wipe away the pain?"

Augustus starred at Alex, and allowed him to witness the projection to. He snarled out, "What about you, or Cassie, or Thaddeus? Doesn't the saying go, the old men are just there to make meaningless war for the children to fight? Besides... It's the Avengers fault over 3 Billion people died today. Its my fault for reviving and protecting those 3 Billion. But, who cares! Schematics... who cares if what I do is like my father, or mother, or like one of you? Its the ideal that matters, and mine is a world of peace! I didn't hurt a single one of you with a assault squad, and I am willing to stop conflict... I simply need your say. Besides... if you studied me and my armor... who is my Father and where is he right now?"

Pyosimros said:
"You're welcome by the way," Perry said slightly agitated though he did his best to hide it. Walking in, he saw that nothing really changed. "Anyone you're looking for specifically?" He looked over at Mako.
"They never said. They just said to go to Avengers tower." Mako told him.

"And 'they' are?" Perry asked Mako, pushing him further. The reason of him coming was probably something mundane, though Perry still wanted to know why he was coming here.
"Victor Von Doom." Alex spoke, not blinking an eye. "Genius inventor from Latvia. If I am not mistaking, Reed Richards was the one he had a grief on. And your idea of peace? Peace by absence of freedom. It sure seems easy, doesn't it? I lived in a world like this. I was born in it!" Alex unintentionally accentuated the word 'born'. "Your armor is designed using viranium, from Wakanda. A preaty common metal nowdays it seems." His normal hand knocked on his metallic one, wanting to prove a point. "Listen to me, kid. Ruling a country, and more even, a world, is much harder than you think. There are splinter factions, that will always seek to sabotage you. And right now, too many superhumans, or cyborgs, start to appear. No hero, and no villain, will go down not swinging. So, I ask you, to rethink your next steps, Augustus." Alex's breath started to get faster, as he was ready to face anything that might happen. He looked at Cassie, then at Terry, and lastly at Connor. Then he returned his eyes at the projection.

It was all very confusing as Connor jolted back up into a sitting position on the couch at the sound of Cassie and Alex getting emotional and heated, though the fact that he couldn't hear or see what they we're speaking to started to put him on edge. For a moment he thought he could take a load off, it seemed he was wrong. From the two's replies he had an idea of what was being said by this invisible other in his head. Alex was pulling out quite the speech that was causing an internal grin, meanwhile Connor kept an eyes on the bots just in case they had a change of heart. Taking the shield off his back he laid it down by one of his legs against the couch, a motion that seemed like he might be getting more comfortable but in fact was a way for the blonde to make quicker use of it if need be.
AnnoDomini said:
"Victor Von Doom." Alex spoke, not blinking an eye. "Genius inventor from Latvia. If I am not mistaking, Reed Richards was the one he had a grief on. And your idea of peace? Peace by absence of freedom. It sure seems easy, doesn't it? I lived in a world like this. I was born in it!" Alex unintentionally accentuated the word 'born'. "Your armor is designed using viranium, from Wakanda. A preaty common metal nowdays it seems." His normal hand knocked on his metallic one, wanting to prove a point. "Listen to me, kid. Ruling a country, and more even, a world, is much harder than you think. There are splinter factions, that will always seek to sabotage you. And right now, too many superhumans, or cyborgs, start to appear. No hero, and no villain, will go down not swinging. So, I ask you, to rethink your next steps, Augustus." Alex's breath started to get faster, as he was ready to face anything that might happen. He looked at Cassie, then at Terry, and lastly at Connor. Then he returned his eyes at the projection.
Augustus raised an eyebrow, and stated, "Actually, my armor isn't made of Vibranium. Its a Graphene and Osmium combination, but, eh. whatever you believe. Anyways, tell me your ideas then! I am open to them..."
Crono said:
It was all very confusing as Connor jolted back up into a sitting position on the couch at the sound of Cassie and Alex getting emotional and heated, though the fact that he couldn't hear or see what they we're speaking to started to put him on edge. For a moment he thought he could take a load off, it seemed he was wrong. From the two's replies he had an idea of what was being said by this invisible other in his head. Alex was pulling out quite the speech that was causing an internal grin, meanwhile Connor kept an eyes on the bots just in case they had a change of heart. Taking the shield off his back he laid it down by one of his legs against the couch, a motion that seemed like he might be getting more comfortable but in fact was a way for the blonde to make quicker use of it if need be.
"Redd, wake up. Cassie may be in danger." Howard said in a worried tone as Redd awakened from sleep mode, he then unplugs himself from the charging station. "Who is it this time threatening master?" he asked howard, who replied with "Augustus." Redd's eyes went from a calm blue to a furious red. "What? HE is here?!" he exclaimed, with howard replying with "Yes, he is. I need you to...." he was cut off, with redd saying "Yeah, I get it, keep her from getting harmed." he said as he walked out of the charging station, and goes to where all the commotion was. He then sliced the door, and kicked it down, having no patience in prying it open. "If you lay on finger on her, You will have a bad time, friend." He said to Augustus in an aggressive tone. "And I mean it, I will rip your armor off piece, by motherfucking piece!" @hudhouse @sitanomoto @Crono @AnnoDomini
"Well said my friend!" came Laxus Thorson's voice seemingly out of nowhere then the winds picked up forming a mini tornado in the middle of the room then this tornado faded revealing formerly Raitei now the Sky Emperor. He looked at Alex and nodded. "You know you guys are wasting your time talking to Doom Junior and have said all you needed to say. Except the fact he raised those 3 Billion people just to rule over them but we all were thinking that. Also Cassie I would really like it if you could make me an awesome adamantine sword, my main weapon I had to give it up for all my powers and summoning can be a pain sometimes also I just really want something Stark made ever since that cannibal guy used Stark tech against me." Laxus continued.

@Steel Zinogre @anyone else
Pyosimros said:
"And 'they' are?" Perry asked Mako, pushing him further. The reason of him coming was probably something mundane, though Perry still wanted to know why he was coming here.
"Who ever is in charge I guess. I'm most likely as clueless as you are." Mako replied.

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"Give me as second then," Perry said and slipped on his mask and part of his suit so it covered his arms. He looked kind of stupid doing that, but he didn't really care. Hacking into Stark security was something Perry learned a while ago from his father. Once you hack a Stark, you can virtually hack anything. A few seconds later, he slipped off his mask and left part of his suit on. Putting his wrist towards his mouth, he activated the intercom. "Hey, guys? There's a person looking for the Avengers. If you're not an Avenger, well ignore this."
"At first, yo-" Alex turned to look at Redd, scratching his head. "Well, hello there. Uhm, can you please help Cassie and Terry and protect them, in case something happens?" He then turned to the projection again. "First, retreat your forces. Leave the people alone. Peace can not be obtained with violence. Second, peace will never be possible. However you take it, conflict will always exist. Someone would decide to bomb a city, or someone would want to steal technology to enslave a country. That is where we come in. We are the guardians, we are the sentinels, those who never sleep. Our duty is to defeat people who seek to take the world for granted, or to enslave it. Let people be free to chose, and do not get in our way. In my eyes, for what you did, you seem to be a spoiled brat that wants a new toy." Alex says, sighing. "Another one, if I might add."

hudhouse said:
Augustus snickered, and stated, "Oh, I don't even have to. Plus I can only do it short ranged, in my actual presense. If you wish to call my bluff, meet me at Challenger Deep! We can have a nice chat over some tea and hot chocolate, it is rather cold down here. Either way, your father's private computer? During this whole conversation I was able to hack into it. Did you know that he was part of a secret group of people called the Illuminati, that made choices for everyone in the world? One of their other members were... Doctor Stephen Strange... who held the soul gem! Stark had both Space and Reality gems... and what does that last gem let you do? Warp reality to whatever you want... whos to say he still had it before Thaddeus fond them? Did Thaddeus kill him to get the gems, and that's why he can torture you with Tony's image? Or did you know that Stark helped caused the incursions, and killed millions upon billions of lives just so he could selfishly live? The S.H.E.I.L.D, DOOM and Stark data bases pretty much cover everything! However... I can delete all the data from your end, and make it so that only I have data here! Shall I do that to make you happy, and wipe away the pain?"
Augustus starred at Alex, and allowed him to witness the projection to. He snarled out, "What about you, or Cassie, or Thaddeus? Doesn't the saying go, the old men are just there to make meaningless war for the children to fight? Besides... It's the Avengers fault over 3 Billion people died today. Its my fault for reviving and protecting those 3 Billion. But, who cares! Schematics... who cares if what I do is like my father, or mother, or like one of you? Its the ideal that matters, and mine is a world of peace! I didn't hurt a single one of you with a assault squad, and I am willing to stop conflict... I simply need your say. Besides... if you studied me and my armor... who is my Father and where is he right now?"

"Friday?" Cassie muttered weakly.

"Sorry boss, but he's telling the truth. He hacked into your father's computer."

That was it. The last straw. Cass had snapped. She started laughing. Laughing till tears came out of her eyes and she couldn't breathe. "You think..." She started laughing again. "Oh, this is just too good, Gus Gus." She wiped the laughter tears from her eyes and stood, looking at her team. "Good to see you, Laxus." She nodded to Alex in thanks and then looked up at the ceiling at Perry's announcement. "Great, send him up. We need all of the help we can get." Then she looked at Gus. "Dammit, Augustus. You think you're the only one to be screwing with my head today? I've had ENOUGH of this BULLSHIT. Am I really the only one besides Redd that has had their mind fucked up?" She looked around the room. "No one? Okay then." She turned back to Augustus. "You honestly think you can tear apart the Avengers now that you, for lack of a more insulting phrase, rule over the world?" Cassie shook her head. "If you really want my support, get the fuck out of my lab, the fuck out of my life, and stay the fuck away from this building, and I'll leave you alone. Otherwise," her left gauntlet lit up in flames. "I will bring down hell on you like you have never seen before." She glared at him defiantly. "You think I'm a killer? A murderer, like my father? Keep screwing shit up around here and in my life and I'll make you see how much of a killer I can be."

(Obviously Cassie has had it. There normally would not be this many cusswords in her vocabulary.)
National said:
Thaddeus teleports down into the elevator, and walks into the lab, making sure that his presence was still masked. He walks over to the computer, and flicks the computer on.
"Alright, show me how my father truly died then."

Friday pulled up the files.....

The video began to play.....

(Your turn for what he saw, @National)
sitanomoto said:
"Friday?" Cassie muttered weakly.
"Sorry boss, but he's telling the truth. He hacked into your father's computer."

That was it. The last straw. Cass had snapped. She started laughing. Laughing till tears came out of her eyes and she couldn't breathe. "You think..." She started laughing again. "Oh, this is just too good, Gus Gus." She wiped the laughter tears from her eyes and stood, looking at her team. "Good to see you, Laxus." She nodded to Alex in thanks and then looked up at the ceiling at Perry's announcement. "Great, send him up. We need all of the help we can get." Then she looked at Gus. "Dammit, Augustus. You think you're the only one to be screwing with my head today? I've had ENOUGH of this BULLSHIT. Am I really the only one besides Redd that has had their mind fucked up?" She looked around the room. "No one? Okay then." She turned back to Augustus. "You honestly think you can tear apart the Avengers now that you, for lack of a more insulting phrase, rule over the world?" Cassie shook her head. "If you really want my support, get the fuck out of my lab, the fuck out of my life, and stay the fuck away from this building, and I'll leave you alone. Otherwise," her left gauntlet lit up in flames. "I will bring down hell on you like you have never seen before." She glared at him defiantly. "You think I'm a killer? A murderer, like my father? Keep screwing shit up around here and in my life and I'll make you see how much of a killer I can be."

(Obviously Cassie has had it. There normally would not be this many cusswords in her vocabulary.)
redd growls, listening as cassie ranted angrily. But then, Luna appeared from behind Gus, and tail whipped his legs, tripping him, and then slamming his tail on the head of the suit with all her might. @hudhouse
Pyosimros said:
"Give me as second then," Perry said and slipped on his mask and part of his suit so it covered his arms. He looked kind of stupid doing that, but he didn't really care. Hacking into Stark security was something Perry learned a while ago from his father. Once you hack a Stark, you can virtually hack anything. A few seconds later, he slipped off his mask and left part of his suit on. Putting his wrist towards his mouth, he activated the intercom. "Hey, guys? There's a person looking for the Avengers. If you're not an Avenger, well ignore this."
"Maybe there busy." Mako told him.
Thaddeus sits down, watching the video of his father. There was a huge invasion of demons, and they were swarming the world in several locations. The Avengers, Xmen, and even the Brotherhood of Evil were fighting the Demons, but they were just too much. Suddenly Dr. Strange starts to absorb the power of the portals, and he sends himself into the porta . The entire portal shrinks and explodes, destroying all the demons that were in the world, and the portals went with them. Dr. Strange suddenly falls to the floor, his life energy gone. Thaddeus couldn't believe it. His father wasn't killed. Thaddeus hurt Cassie for no reason! He felt horrible. He had to make a change.
Perry ignored Mako and tapped into mics in the room to hear what they were saying. All he could hear was Cassie being really pissed off. This wasn't a normal thing, and it might be a new her. Though Perry denied that. "They're not. Come with me," He said and began walking into the elevator.

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