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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Cassie smiled, happy that she was being respected. "Tell your King Augustus that Thaddeus wouldn't be caught dead in my presence. My father supposedly killed his father, after all." She knew Thaddeus was in the building. "But that's not true, his father sacrificed himself to save the planet. Anyone wanting to find out the truth would just have to put in access codes and talk to Friday." (Hee hee @National)) 'but he's not here. So... Scoot along and give his royal pain a hello from me!"
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Thaddeus listens to Cassie, and every single sentence she spoke, his eyes got more heavy and wide. With a quick dash, he runs over and quickly starts to yell at the building, hoping that Friday would respond.

"Friday! Talking robot thing that lives in Stark Towers! I don't know the access codes, but I need to know the truth about my dad! If Cassie is speaking the truth.... I need to know!"

Crono said:
The sudden appearances of the artificial life coming through the wormhole put Connor on edge, and when one of the first robots attempted to pass them by Connor had put up one of his crutches in front of it in an attempt to stop it. Luckily they'd stopped because of Cassie's interruption, part of him said he should really step off to the side and let the others handle it in case of a fight. But it was instinct to prevent an invasion into a place he called home, "Thaddeus? Not here. So if you'd all kindly retreat back through the wormhole and then close it, that'd be great." A sarcastic smile on his face, though this was raising a number of questions.
@Steel Zinogre @Steel Zinogre @Reaper @National @AnnoDomini @CasualDragon
Cassie shook her head. "Excuse me for not believing that that's all that you want to do. I'm not going to let you in my lab, there's too much information down there and I'm pretty sure that Augustus would have no qualms with just taking projects from me and slapping a label on it as his own." She stood in front of her room, where the entrance to her lab was, and Terry stood in front of the entrance to the main lab, still ready for a fight.

A secret door at the bottom of the tower right next to Thaddeus slid open in answer. An Elevator leading right up to the old Avenger's database, where the old missions were stored before Tony had decided to move all the data to his own lab.
Finn glared at the microbots that were making themselves at home. "Last time I checked. It's considered impolite to walk into somebody's home without asking permission." He said coldly before reaching a foot out and kicking a microbot back to where the bigger robots were standing. "Now the lady said nicely that she didn't want you getting into her stuff. Almost everything in this building is her stuff. So get out of her building." He snarled. He kicked another microbot into the wall before glaring towards the robots. "Go on and scram." Finn was done with even trying to be polite to people who wanted to hurt other people. Besides, sending something else to find who you're looking for? That's lower than Drop Dead Diva on the Netflix popularity scale. @Steel Zinogre
Laxus stood alone is Asgard on top of the castle, he held his golden rod made by his father so long ago with Mjolnir, it's a shame what he is going to do next but it would be a greater shame to not do it. Laxus held the rod in both hands and began chanting. "I who long ago forsaken you for another pursuit wish you to return. I wish tombe a whole again, I wish to have both of my parents powers. I wish to be known as the son of both Thor Odinson and Ororo Munroe. I wish for you the rest of the sky to return to me so that I am not just the Lightning Emperor but the Sky Emperor. I offer you one treasure for another. I wish to command my full power once more!" He finished. The golden rod shown brightly and then vanished. Then a storm began to collect over head and from it came a light that granted him back all the powers he had rejected when he left so many years ago to study with the Mystic Lightning Monk. He has been reborn as not Lightning Emperor but Sky Emperor.
Newtype said:
Laxus stood alone is Asgard on top of the castle, he held his golden rod made by his father so long ago with Mjolnir, it's a shame what he is going to do next but it would be a greater shame to not do it. Laxus held the rod in both hands and began chanting. "I who long ago forsaken you for another pursuit wish you to return. I wish tombe a whole again, I wish to have both of my parents powers. I wish to be known as the son of both Thor Odinson and Ororo Munroe. I wish for you the rest of the sky to return to me so that I am not just the Lightning Emperor but the Sky Emperor. I offer you one treasure for another. I wish to command my full power once more!" He finished. The golden rod shown brightly and then vanished. Then a storm began to collect over head and from it came a light that granted him back all the powers he had rejected when he left so many years ago to study with the Mystic Lightning Monk. He has been reborn as not Lightning Emperor but Sky Emperor.
Mako looked up at the sky looking at the odd weather. "I'm the weather said it wasn't supposed to be cloudy today." He was on his way to the avengers tower as directed by shield for some odd reason. He didn't know why he was supposed to join the team but it was better than staying at the orphanage.

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sitanomoto said:
Cassie shook her head. "Excuse me for not believing that that's all that you want to do. I'm not going to let you in my lab, there's too much information down there and I'm pretty sure that Augustus would have no qualms with just taking projects from me and slapping a label on it as his own." She stood in front of her room, where the entrance to her lab was, and Terry stood in front of the entrance to the main lab, still ready for a fight.
A secret door at the bottom of the tower right next to Thaddeus slid open in answer. An Elevator leading right up to the old Avenger's database, where the old missions were stored before Tony had decided to move all the data to his own lab.
The soldiers were... confused to say the least. One voiced out, "King Augustus never said there was a lab here... all we know is that it's New York. Thaddeus is our goal, nothing more. Please... can we just get Thaddeus? This is the final time we're asking..."

The machines starred at Finn, but just kept on walking through. They had their confirmation... @CasualDragon

Augustus stood patiently, testing out his new arm and fixing his nervous system...
Cassie rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Fine, you can go, just STAY OUT OF MY LABS," she said. "I swear to Loki, (she met the guy before, so why not?) That if Terry or I catch you in either ones we will kill you. No mercy." She was serious. "Friday," she muttered inaudibly, "close the door to my lab and my dad's."

The door to Cassie's lab and Tony's both shut and locked, and Cassie's closet door slid shut silently.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Fine, you can go, just STAY OUT OF MY LABS," she said. "I swear to Loki, (she met the guy before, so why not?) That if Terry or I catch you in either ones we will kill you. No mercy." She was serious. "Friday," she muttered inaudibly, "close the door to my lab and my dad's."
The door to Cassie's lab and Tony's both shut and locked, and Cassie's closet door slid shut silently.
"Looks like this is the place." Mako said as he was at the entrance of the avengers tower. The place looked very intimidating to him. He knocked on the door and yelled out. "Hello, anyone there?"

sitanomoto said:
Cassie rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Fine, you can go, just STAY OUT OF MY LABS," she said. "I swear to Loki, (she met the guy before, so why not?) That if Terry or I catch you in either ones we will kill you. No mercy." She was serious. "Friday," she muttered inaudibly, "close the door to my lab and my dad's."
The door to Cassie's lab and Tony's both shut and locked, and Cassie's closet door slid shut silently.
Minerva wakes up from her nap, and went upstairs, having heard a commotion. Her fur turned gold, and electricity danced on her back as she slowly, but furiously walked towards the group of bots, not being in any way familiar with them, but was irate due to inttruders of 'her' territory. She growled as stood up on her hind legs, and roared as her arms turned red with rage. Howard then sighs. "Great, now queen minerva is awake and angry. Maybe you should stay where you are cassie, Friday should see to that, right?" Howard asked as minerva walked up to the bots, towering over them. @hudhouse @sitanomoto
Connor was surprised at Finn's aggression, but they'd all had a long day. The whole world had technically, and was even more surprised when Cassie had essentially given up and let them do as they pleased with exceptions. "You sure Cass?" He asked, though he knew her mind was made up for the time being, "Alright." He decidedly moved out of the robots way with a huff, moving away from the cluster of people and robots, the want to sit down growing more and more stronger by this point. Connor didn't like it, them being here, but maybe this was better than them fighting. Besides Thaddeus wasn't here, at-least to Connor's knowledge. Then again Cassie was keeping a lot of secrets lately, even from him, Finn, and Dimitri. Connor plopped down onto the couch as Minerva showed up and just fell back, letting his head loll and relaxing his sore body.

@Steel Zinogre @AnnoDomini @sitanomoto @hudhouse @CasualDragon
Jordan stood in front of the elevator that Thaddeus had taken, it would be more accurate to say that he was floating there, waiting on the soldiers, or the Avengers...or Augustus. "Honestly, why does EVERYTHING that could possible go wrong on this blue planet always go wrong when I'm trying to rest?"




Augustus suddenly formed a astral image near the tower, his eyes burning a strange color of gold. He roared out, "Enough with being peaceful! If every damn person in a 100 mile radius is going to threaten your lives, then this isn't worth it! I underestimated the situation. Angel Transports are there, get on and just escape."

Hexagonal plates begin shattering mid air, revealing around it a Latverian damaged heavy transport. It looks like it was set on fire a day ago and was forced to still fly. It released small pods for the soldiers to stand in to be brought into the main ship, while the robots just curled up. The robots were attached via magnets up to the ship, floating upwards before attaching to the ship. The energy cloaking shield was brought back up, and the deployment ship began it's escape. It would be a few more days until Augustus would try something in America. @Everyone

Augustus turned the astral image into one only Cassie could see. He snickered before stating, "Steal your technology? I wouldn't dare, not even my Father would do such a thing. Though your dad... hmm, he stole so much during his life. Lives, technology, all sorts of things. I know it's deep inside you Cassie, that want to hurt and mangle and murder and destroy. Is that why your a hero? To hurt someone, and be justified so that you are morally right? Feed your father's sin? People stole their technology back from Stark, your Iron Man, or Girl in this case... is pathetic. My newly forged prototypes can stop you if I wanted them to. But, just remember that your helping someone with Chaos Magic... never let him use it or you will be worse then all the smugglers in the world. Blood will be on your hands... and your not ready. You were never made to be ready, you were just made by Stark to keep up his image. Do you even have a mother, or was it just implanted so that your dad when he passed could leave some little child in his place that could hold up? If I could ruin Thaddeus's memory, and I could turn him into this shriveled state from only a few hours of contact... what could I have done to you over the years?" Augustus was bluffing about ruining Thaddeus's memory.. but a mind game all the same. @sitanomoto

hudhouse said:
Augustus suddenly formed a astral image near the tower, his eyes burning a strange color of gold. He roared out, "Enough with being peaceful! If every damn person in a 100 mile radius is going to threaten your lives, then this isn't worth it! I underestimated the situation. Angel Transports are there, get on and just escape."
Hexagonal plates begin shattering mid air, revealing around it a Latverian damaged heavy transport. It looks like it was set on fire a day ago and was forced to still fly. It released small pods for the soldiers to stand in to be brought into the main ship, while the robots just curled up. The robots were attached via magnets up to the ship, floating upwards before attaching to the ship. The energy cloaking shield was brought back up, and the deployment ship began it's escape. It would be a few more days until Augustus would try something in America. @Everyone

Augustus turned the astral image into one only Cassie could see. He snickered before stating, "Steal your technology? I wouldn't dare, not even my Father would do such a thing. Though your dad... hmm, he stole so much during his life. Lives, technology, all sorts of things. I know it's deep inside you Cassie, that want to hurt and mangle and murder and destroy. Is that why your a hero? To hurt someone, and be justified so that you are morally right? Feed your father's sin? People stole their technology back from Stark, your Iron Man, or Girl in this case... is pathetic. My newly forged prototypes can stop you if I wanted them to. But, just remember that your helping someone with Chaos Magic... never let him use it or you will be worse then all the smugglers in the world. Blood will be on your hands... and your not ready. You were never made to be ready, you were just made by Stark to keep up his image. Do you even have a mother, or was it just implanted so that your dad when he passed could leave some little child in his place that could hold up? If I could ruin Thaddeus's memory, and I could turn him into this shriveled state from only a few hours of contact... what could I have done to you over the years?" Augustus was bluffing about ruining Thaddeus's memory.. but a mind game all the same. @sitanomoto


Cassie closed her eyes. "No... No!" She fell to her knees, clutching her head. "You're a liar!" Tears were streaming down her face as she looked at the Astral projection.

Terry watched as Cassie fell to her knees, seemingly for no reason, and began talking to herself. "Cass?" He walked over and put a hand on her shoulder. "What's wrong? Who's the liar?"

Cassie barely noticed the hand. She looked up at the astral projection defiantly. "My mother was Pepper Potts, the smartest woman in America." Her voice was quivering. "And I'm calling your bluff, Gus. If you did alter Thaddeus's memory, then prove it: alter mine." That was a big risk. If Augustus wasn't bluffing, he could alter her mind and memory for the worse.

Terry's eyes went wide and he looked at her. He knew something was wrong. Very wrong. Cassie wouldn't be crying if it weren't.
"Looks like this is the place." Mako said as he was at the entrance of the avengers tower. The place looked very intimidating to him. He knocked on the door and yelled out. "Hello, anyone there?"

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