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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

hudhouse said:
Augustus screamed, before being engulfed in a giant blast of magic. Augustus hadn't adapted to the suit yet, his void was not fully set up. The cosmic enhanced blast thus was able to pierce the weakest of his armor... and Augustus stood there without a left arm. Strange teal blood dripped, with Augustus still starring down at Thaddeus. He snickered, before stating, "If I wasn't in this armor, without the power of Thanos.. this is what would happen Thaddeus. Without it, I am nothing... with it, I am nothing... but this is the reason why I take. I want to survive, I want to overcome natural selection and become it's king, rule and save my people. But now... your the gems? You hold the corpse of a Primordial inside you, and became one with with her. I hope you revive her, and find some use in your self fulfilling life. You say Thanos's power was for only destruction? It allowed me to help billions, and yet you never did anything willingly that was good... enjoy a pitiful existence. Nothing will protect you from me... Not weapons.." He took a step forward, "Not magic..." and whispered to the air with the final step, "Not armor..."
Augustus immediately snapped his head towards the female voice that echoed from the edge of the tower. Power pulsated the air, ravaging his now exposed brain. It would have worked, the words did tempt him, but he was the son of Doom. His will was immense, so immense that psychics find their moves turned back on themselves if they dare attack his mind. But Augustus decided to use this as a escape, falling to a knee before gripping his forehead. He applied a light amount of pressure, forming cracks in his face mask. He snarled, before a portal ripped out from behind him. Three cosmic enhanced probes flew out of it, followed by Echo if she followed Augustus's rifts. Augustus roared out in one final attempt, leaping through the rift as it closed. The three probes dropped to the floor, running on standard energy while it regathered some cosmic energy.

@sitanomoto @DarknessSpirit

Augustus retreated to a underwater fortress his robots had generated for him off the coast of Japan. He used his heated knife to slash his arm, cauterizing the wound so it wouldn't bleed. He had his DNA copied from the blood samples, and begin working on his new arm which would take a small while. In the mean time, he installed a robotic arm to allow him to do his work of monitoring the new government he had created, making modifications and extra laws to make sure no industry plagued his country like they did in America during the Industrial Revolution.
Hypnas felt herself getting tired. She fell to her knees, her vision swaying in and out of focus. No. She had to be strong for Dimitri and his memories. If she fell and the memory topaz shattered, the memories would find their way back to his consciousness, revealing to him everything he wanted to forget. But her limbs and eyelids were getting heavy..... she felt herself fall to the floor. Her hand clutched her necklace before she hit the ground, saving it from breaking. The last thing she saw was Dimitri's face and hair, and she smiled before going under.
Thaddeus breathes heavily. Augustus was right. Thaddeus is one with the Primordial Being. Suddenly, Thaddeus's eyes widen. Augustus was persistent. He was going to use Thaddeus's power. And it scared him. As Augustus got close, Thaddeus took a step back, until he tripped on the last step, looking up fearfully. After Augustus left, Thaddeus was terrified.

"Nn...no... He's going to use me... He's just buying time.. Oh god..."

@hudhouse @Reaper @DarknessSpirit @sitanomoto
"You think I want to sit around?" Connor met her eyes with his own, "There's clearly something wrong with your arm. Go into the medical ward and fix it, THEN you can go save people. If you don't take care of yourself first then you can't save as many." By this point he was just frustrated with her, his voice getting louder as he emphasized by waving a crutch around. "What if Finn's about to be killed and the injury keeps you from saving him? Hmm?" The blonde calmed some with a sigh, "Go get a super cast or super brace or something, use that brain of yours. Hell I could even try Icing it over if that'll help. Just because I'm injured doesn't mean I can't stop you from doing something foolish."

@Steel Zinogre @AnnoDomini @CasualDragon
Alex looked at Cassie, going next to her, putting an arm around her. "Come on Think Tank. Trust a prostetic user. I really miss my feel in this arm." Alex says, nodding towards his metallic arm. "Connor's right, you might just be our best chance to not die basically. And he's pretty good at making someone change their minds." He winks towards Connor, looking at Finn. "Hey, I remember you!"

@Steel Zinogre @Crono @CasualDragon
Finn gasped at the wormhole that was open beside them all. "Yeah if I could get my leg back I would. But at the moment we have a more pressing concern of a wormhole beside us? Missing a limb sucks but missing all of your limbs because you were torn apart in space is worse. How does one close a wormhole?" He bounced around uncomfortably on his feet. "How do we fix a wormhole..." He said a bit quieter to himself. Of the problems he had faced in his lifetime a wormhole hadn't been one of them. He'd heard stories obviously about the wormhole over New York but actually dealing with one? Not on his priority list.

@Steel Zinogre

((So a wormhole opened up beside Cassie, and in the time we took chatting, Augustus retreated to his lair.))
CasualDragon said:
Finn gasped at the wormhole that was open beside them all. "Yeah if I could get my leg back I would. But at the moment we have a more pressing concern of a wormhole beside us? Missing a limb sucks but missing all of your limbs because you were torn apart in space is worse. How does one close a wormhole?" He bounced around uncomfortably on his feet. "How do we fix a wormhole..." He said a bit quieter to himself. Of the problems he had faced in his lifetime a wormhole hadn't been one of them. He'd heard stories obviously about the wormhole over New York but actually dealing with one? Not on his priority list.
@Steel Zinogre

((So a wormhole opened up beside Cassie, and in the time we took chatting, Augustus retreated to his lair.))
"The hell.....? Who opened that up? and to think that I wasted my own blood for the damn ritual of opening a portal myself." azazel said as he walked up to cassie's side, summoning his signature longsword, a massive chainsaw on a sword hilt (Refer to character sheet for more info on the blade). "Any of you know who opened it? or is it just a mystery?" he asked the group. @AnnoDomini @Crono @sitanomoto @CasualDragon
"Of course he's trying to use you, what would you think would happen when you decided to suck up the power that could destroy this galaxy along with most of the universe? That he would want to be best friends? It tends not to work that way little one~" Jordan said with a small chuckle
Augustus released a broad cast over his vast new territory, "All who stand before me, in the Doom way of life, understands that the current situation of the world is troubling. As a result, I will be revealing today what the new military and police forces shall be. Normal Augustus bots will be enforcers of the law, while the rest of my machines and my men will be protected. Protection is our number 1 concern, for others and the person inside. So everyone, remember this! If you do any malicious act, you will be considered shoot to kill. If you do not like the rules, you are free to go. I believe my law is more then fair, only having to follow laws that you can count on your hands. We give freedom and protection... but all are free to go." Augustus began using his new space ships from the creation orbs over New York city to begin producing him not only a fleet, but robots on demand. It began flying towards Japan, alerting the entire city of it's presence.

The skeleton of Augustus's armor was upload to the internet, but no details were given otherwise. Names and pictures, suggesting that there may be as much as 9999 different classes of vehicles, machines and atrocities.

Omega 0362 / Obliteration Class


Zeta 2693 / Devastation Class


Alpha 0001 / Whisper Class


Zeta 9999 / Soldier Class


Zeta 0031 / Nomad Class


Zeta 6825 / Siege Class


Alpha 0003 / Capital Class

Jordan turned his head towards the window and felt the disturbances "Honestly, I'm going to have to kill that upstart brat aren't I? It is a testament to my unending mercy that I didn't destroy his father the first chance I got..."
Crono said:
"You think I want to sit around?" Connor met her eyes with his own, "There's clearly something wrong with your arm. Go into the medical ward and fix it, THEN you can go save people. If you don't take care of yourself first then you can't save as many." By this point he was just frustrated with her, his voice getting louder as he emphasized by waving a crutch around. "What if Finn's about to be killed and the injury keeps you from saving him? Hmm?" The blonde calmed some with a sigh, "Go get a super cast or super brace or something, use that brain of yours. Hell I could even try Icing it over if that'll help. Just because I'm injured doesn't mean I can't stop you from doing something foolish."
@Steel Zinogre @AnnoDomini @CasualDragon
AnnoDomini said:
Alex looked at Cassie, going next to her, putting an arm around her. "Come on Think Tank. Trust a prostetic user. I really miss my feel in this arm." Alex says, nodding towards his metallic arm. "Connor's right, you might just be our best chance to not die basically. And he's pretty good at making someone change their minds." He winks towards Connor, looking at Finn. "Hey, I remember you!"
@Steel Zinogre @Crono @CasualDragon
Cassie growled and rolled her eyes. "Fine." She stormed off to her lab and grumbled to herself. "Stupid... All of them.... Why can't they just let me... No... Connor's right..... But the hell!!!"

Terry, who had witnessed all this, walked right behind Cassie. "Whoah, Cass, what was that all about?"

"Nothing, Terry. I'm fine."

"You sure?" Terry said as Cass took off her gauntlet. "Because I'm no doctor, but that looks like a contusion."

Cassie's forearm was bruised severely, turning that whole part of her arm black and blue, all the way down to the wrist. She looked at Terry, her face pale. "Um... Don't tell Connor." Terry nodded urgently. She splinted her arm and picked up her Symbiote Buster gauntlet. "This should be better for fighting. More power in my arm and more protection, too." She walked back up and displayed her armored left arm to Connor for inspection. "Better, Doc?" She said sarcastically.

Terry followed and stood next to Alex. "Hi."
sitanomoto said:
Cassie growled and rolled her eyes. "Fine." She stormed off to her lab and grumbled to herself. "Stupid... All of them.... Why can't they just let me... No... Connor's right..... But the hell!!!"
Terry, who had witnessed all this, walked right behind Cassie. "Whoah, Cass, what was that all about?"

"Nothing, Terry. I'm fine."

"You sure?" Terry said as Cass took off her gauntlet. "Because I'm no doctor, but that looks like a contusion."

Cassie's forearm was bruised severely, turning that whole part of her arm black and blue, all the way down to the wrist. She looked at Terry, her face pale. "Um... Don't tell Connor." Terry nodded urgently. She splinted her arm and picked up her Symbiote Buster gauntlet. "This should be better for fighting. More power in my arm and more protection, too." She walked back up and displayed her armored left arm to Connor for inspection. "Better, Doc?" She said sarcastically.

Terry followed and stood next to Alex. "Hi."
Luna, who felt Cassie's frustration and stress, followed her into the lab, silently, and invisible to the eye. she stayed hidden, and saw terry with Cassie. What confused the baby wyvern was the scent, the scent from the both of them was Identical. She became visible once she found a hiding spot that kept her hidden well. A robot then saw her and went to pet her, but she hissed and swung her paws around, intentionally missing as a warning, as if she were saying 'NO! GO AWAY!' Then howard took notice of his grand daughter after running maintenance on security. "What is wrong cassandra? Why do you seem so....... Irate?" He asked in concern as he opened a window, and fanned the room out, for luna was very stinky, and has not had a bath in a while. "It seems that Luna needs a bath, Shall I hop to it then, just to lighten the load?" Howard asked again as luna growled. @sitanomoto
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While the wormhole probably should take precedence over some of the other things, as Finn tried to gain their attention back onto it, Connor had just decided it wasn't a hazard and had continued. Glad when Alex took his side in the matter with Cassie's arm...the nerve of that guy, winking at him in front of the others. It seemed almost like Alex had never left with the way the other boy was acting, and Connor had never been around his childhood friends and Alex at the same time. While Connor couldn't decide if the wink was meant to be something more or just simply Alex's way of letting Connor know he was backing him, it didn't stop Connor from feeling flustered and almost embarrassed.

But Cassie went off and fixed her arm, or so Connor had hoped. "You tell me, your the one that looked it over." He shot back at her return and sarcasm.

@Steel Zinogre @AnnoDomini @CasualDragon @sitanomoto
The world slowed again, far slower than before. Everyone practically stood still. Dimitri looked at the collection of insanely powerful people. This must be what they wanted with him. He had to be one of them. As Lisa fell, he casually walked over to her and picked her up like a bride. She may have lied to him, but she still saved him. She had to have a good reason. He walked out of the safe house and looked to the sky. Dimitri vaguely remembered a group of people who needed to be alerted when accidents like this arise. Their tower stood in New York City, so he ran to it, Hypnas in hand, to the penthouse in a matter of a few moments. When he arrived, panting, he looked around. "Hello?? My name is Dimitri! We need help!" @sitanomoto
Alex looked at Terry, scratching his head. He looked at him, then at Cassie and a grin grew on his face. "I'm proud of you Think Tank! On the other hand, I've always taught you swung for the home team, if you know what I mean." He then turned to Terry, shaking his hand. " I'm Alex by the way. And you are, other than lucky ?" Alex's eyes now went to the portal that spew something out and at Azazel. "I'm not into magic, so for me it's a no. Cassie, I think, it's not into it too, so if it wasn't us-" Alex quickly upholstered his gun, aiming it at the portal. "-Then we are probably not alone."

@Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon
Thaddeus slowly stands up, looking at Jordan/Phoenix.

"You're... The Phoenix Force... My dad told me about you. How powerful and destructive you were. Funny, I would expect that you would be the villain."

Thaddeus walks over to Echo, speaking gently and softly to her.

"Hey, don't worry about your brother. We will get him back, okay? Being angry will solve nothing."

@LucianGrey7971 @DarknessSpirit
"I'm just a little flustered, thats all, Grandpa. And yeah, Luna should get a bath."Cassie stroked Luna behind the ear. "Please, Luna, be good." She bit back a smile at Aex's comment, trying to retain her appearance as indignant and annoyed to Connor, but her mouth twitched upward slightly, giving her away. She put up her right hand and charged up her freon, just in case, the signature high pitched hum echoing throughout the room.

Terry met Alex's firm grip with his own, and as he looked at the portal, he shuddered. Something about the wormhole gave him the heebie jeebies.
"Allegiances become much more flexible when such powerful forces are at play, luckily for us all." Once again, Eldkatla appeared as if from no-where as she dropped the illusions surrounding her and, smiling wickedly, she gave a small wave. "And especially lucky for you is that there are just as many who want to prevent those cursed stones from being abused as there are those who want to claim them."

@National @LucianGrey7971 @DarknessSpirit
sitanomoto said:
"I'm just a little flustered, thats all, Grandpa. And yeah, Luna should get a bath."Cassie stroked Luna behind the ear. "Please, Luna, be good." She bit back a smile at Aex's comment, trying to retain her appearance as indignant and annoyed to Connor, but her mouth twitched upward slightly, giving her away. She put up her right hand and charged up her freon, just in case, the signature high pitched hum echoing throughout the room.
Terry met Alex's firm grip with his own, and as he looked at the portal, he shuddered. Something about the wormhole gave him the heebie jeebies.
"Flustered? Is it that demon boy? He seems really nice." howard said as he moved a robotic arm, and picked up luna, and moved her to the bathroom, where she was scrubbed down. Then Helga came in, and looked at cassie, towering over her. Although intimidating in size, she has the heart of a little girl, and the pulled her in for a hug using her pounders. To helga, Cassie felt like a hairless teddy bear. "Careful helga, she is a lot more fragile than you think." Maxton said as he walked in with strout. Strout, looking at cassie curiously, and then he smiled and waved.
The wormhole suddenly began to quiver, shiver, and ripple. It expanded to thrice it's size, before expelling out a new robot he didn't speak about in his broadcasts! Following closely behind was another new model, and then some of the advanced troops. The giant, white and single eyed crimson machine roared out, "-*)(Thaddeus --- Directive - Capture/Kill --- Operation safety established --- Begin Operation)(*-" Two Riot classes jetted out of the portal, aiming their weapons straight at Thaddeus while the Soldiers just walked straight past the Avengers if they could. The final machine lumbered in at three times Augustus's size, nearly 17-18 feet tall! The Hunter class simply oversaw the operation, gathering data on all of the Avengers and the machines performance.

One of the soldiers snarled out while coming out of the rift, "How hard can it possible be, it's one guy with extreme caution to the old system." The soldier suddenly starred at everyone in the room, before slowly trying to walk by, she stated, "...New system, its definitely on the new system." The soldiers carried prototypes of the magic amulets Augustus had planned on, and if any of them got near Thaddeus they would attempt to put it around him.


(Tyrant Class)


(Soldier Class)


(Hunter class)

@National @Lemoncakes @Crono @sitanomoto @Avenger'sTowerCrew
Cassie's eyes went wide and Terry got ready in a battle stance.

"Intruder!" Friday said.

"A little late for that, Friday." Terry said.

Cassie's eyes quickly hardened and she stepped in front of the soldier. "Excuse me," she said coolly, "Who are you and what are you doing here, other than disrupting the peace?" Cassie's left Symbiote Buster gauntleted arm started to heat up in preparation for a fight.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie's eyes went wide and Terry got ready in a battle stance.
"Intruder!" Friday said.

"A little late for that, Friday." Terry said.

Cassie's eyes quickly hardened and she stepped in front of the soldier. "Excuse me," she said coolly, "Who are you and what are you doing here, other than disrupting the peace?" Cassie's left Symbiote Buster gauntleted arm started to heat up in preparation for a fight.
One of the 6 soldiers stepped up, but all of them did look uncomfortable and shaky. He stated, "P-pardon, we are here under orders from King Augustus. He requests for us to bring Thaddeus in. We would be thankful if we could just do our jobs... please?" He brought up a hand, and quivered it a little to try and show the 'stop' sign. It was clear he didn't want any trouble, but the machines? They simply stood there, weapons aimed and prepared for combat.
The sudden appearances of the artificial life coming through the wormhole put Connor on edge, and when one of the first robots attempted to pass them by Connor had put up one of his crutches in front of it in an attempt to stop it. Luckily they'd stopped because of Cassie's interruption, part of him said he should really step off to the side and let the others handle it in case of a fight. But it was instinct to prevent an invasion into a place he called home, "Thaddeus? Not here. So if you'd all kindly retreat back through the wormhole and then close it, that'd be great." A sarcastic smile on his face, though this was raising a number of questions.

@Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon @AnnoDomini (and @Reaper since he's in the tower as well.)
Thaddeus sits back in the tower, holding back all of his powers to not be able to be sensed. He knew that Augustus came back for him, and that he wanted him again. Thaddeus stays in the back, slowly recovering his energy again, doing his best to stay in detected.

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