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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"I'm sorry... I seem to have amnesia or something. I only remember about a day ago. Prove you know me. Tell me something about me." He said, with his alternate agenda of finding out what is going on.
"New accessory?" Connor scoffed, "I tend to need them when Thanos sends me through a building. Unlike some people with healing powers." The blondes lip curled into a sly smile, it was admittedly nice to smile with Alex again. Then the other man came in for a hug and Connor nearly forgot to breath during the embrace, mixed feelings we're involved both during and afterwards and he cleared his throat. Waving a hand non-nonchalantly when Alex mentioned apologizing, "Don't worry about I'm sure they are fine and..." Connor paused mid-sentence, "Oh, so you think he's cute?" You have some nerve. Connor mused, arching a brow with a fake un-amused look. The same look faded almost into sad face, "You aren't...leaving are you?" The way Alex had worded it made it sound as if he was going even after he'd just gotten here.

The hospital room explodes, and the two doctors fly out of the room. Braziel walks out of the room, better than he felt an hour ago.

"They hit my leg with a hammer, and it made me kick. Oops."

He looks around, staring at the nice Vietnamese hospital. He looks back at Ori, tilting his head.

"What have you been up to?"

Thaddeus looks right at Dimitri, grinning mischeviously.

"We were both ten years old, down at a duck pond that was close to your house. Your father, Pietro, bought us a bunch of water balloons, and we both filled them up with water. I went to climb up the roof so I could throw balloons at you from a better vantage point, but you threw one at my feet, and I slipped off the roof, landing on my arm. That was the day you broke my arm. I still have the little on my elbow."

He pulls up his sleeve, revealing a very faint and zig zagged scar on the bottom of his arm.

@DemonGirl27 @Reaper @sitanomoto
"I admire your ambition and passion, to put it mildly, but don't be a fool." She called out after him but it was too late Augustus had left shortly followed by Raitei. "Then again what would I know, go ahead and destroy your realm in an act of petty vengeance." She sighed; avengers and infinity stones, oh how history loved to spin the same stories for a different cast. She refused to play her fathers part this time around. She'd never be happy whilst those cursed stones were still available but she may be able to settle for seeing them in some form of stability. She magically transported back to where she felt that pure screaming power and found herself in the same city as before.
"Oh, no. I'm really staying this time. Finally, I think, I cut my ties with Hydra. No more numbers floating in front of my eyes anymore, if you know what I mean." Alex says, seeing Connor's change in expression. His hand went to Connor's chin, lifting it to his level, looking in his eyes. "You weren't worried about me, were you? If so, I'm sorry." Alex said, sighing. "Hey, I've been alone all my life. Leaving and wondering was something I was used to. Plus, I liberated that country from where Vibranium comes. It's slipping my mind now. Oh, and I almost forgot." Alex lands a small kiss on Connor's lips. After it, he straightens up, putting a false pouty. "He was kind of cute. Admit it!" Alex stuck out his tongue.

Cassie who was peering into the room and she nearly fell over when Alex kissed Connor. She let out a nearly silent squeal of excitement.

National said:
The hospital room explodes, and the two doctors fly out of the room. Braziel walks out of the room, better than he felt an hour ago.
"They hit my leg with a hammer, and it made me kick. Oops."

He looks around, staring at the nice Vietnamese hospital. He looks back at Ori, tilting his head.

"What have you been up to?"

Thaddeus looks right at Dimitri, grinning mischeviously.

"We were both ten years old, down at a duck pond that was close to your house. Your father, Pietro, bought us a bunch of water balloons, and we both filled them up with water. I went to climb up the roof so I could throw balloons at you from a better vantage point, but you threw one at my feet, and I slipped off the roof, landing on my arm. That was the day you broke my arm. I still have the little on my elbow."

He pulls up his sleeve, revealing a very faint and zig zagged scar on the bottom of his arm.

@DemonGirl27 @Reaper @sitanomoto
Hypnas bit her lip. "Excuse me, Thaddeus?" She grabbed his arm gently and pulled him into the next room. "Excuse us for a second, Mitri."

She whispered now. "I gave him a memory wipe at his request. Its the best if you don't mention Pietro or Quicksilver or the Avengers at all. Not even the current ones. It might trigger a random memory passage that I missed and they might come back...."
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Thaddeus gets pulled in by the strange girl, and she fills him in. His eyes widened, his teeth grinding against each other. He takes a breather, and slowly calms down.

"Of course. You aren't supposed to remember that you were a sentry. It's just much too risky. Fine. I need help escaping from a guy named Augustus. He is trying to find the infinity stones. Thing is, I AM the infinity stones. I am the embodiment of the stones now, and if he finds me, he'll be pissed to find out that he can't steal my powers, not even a drop. But he'll still probably want to capture me. Probably as a battery. The Avengers need to defeat him before he captures me. And soon."

Braziel nods as he storms out of the hospital.

"Of course. Whoever this man is, he has been slowly defeating and conquering every main city in the world. We need to stop it, and intend to by defeating each city."

@Reaper @sitanomoto @DemonGirl27
A probe flew in from the window to speak to Echo. It stated, "Augustus wishes to know if you would like a ride anywhere? I can also detail current and previous events occurring to public news and private radio dispatch and other available sources." @DarknessSpirit

A portal opened behind Thaddeus once more, allowing Augustus to step through it. He laughed out, "Quit runnin' or your gonna have a bad time!" Within the same realm, Augustus could naturally find him from his ability to sense and manipulate energy, let alone magic. Being the literal single source of chaos magic in the entire planet kinda made him a target! Augustus stomped towards him, roaring out, "Give me what is mine Thaddeus!" Augustus tried to unleash a blast of raw cosmic power!

@National @sitanomoto @Reaper @DemonGirl27
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Connor nearly rolled his eyes at being asked if he was worried, "Of course I was!" he said frustratedly and didn't fight Alex when he lifted his chin and leaned in. Something told him he should, there should be a talk before this right? The mixed feelings lingered, "I get that's what your used to." The blonde slipped from between Alex and the wall, moving only a step or two away before turning back around. "But I'm not, I've lost so many people this last year. Old Avengers and new, family and friends, whether they died or left." Connor huffed, "I never expected you would leave me too. Not like you did, not the way you did it." Now Connor couldn't meet Alex's gaze, looking off slightly to the right. "I wanted to protect my friends, try to end the registration act somehow...and you left." Connor thought about that night with his eyes closed, where he and Alex had it out, exchanged words before Alex left on a supposed suicide mission.

"Should I? Or should I not take her home to see 'them'?" Azazel thought as he was being spoken of, being called cute. "I'm glad you both think that!" he shouted as he found a knife, and cut himself, drawing a pentagram with his own blood. "Remember, Bring cassie to them, have a nice chat, and get out." he thought to himself as he chanted mystic words, and then the portal opened. "Cassie! Are you coming?!" he called. @sitanomoto @Crono @AnnoDomini
DarknessSpirit said:
Echo turned on the probe. "TAKE ME TO MY BROTHER NOW." Echo yelled in rage.
The Probe began to fold space, creating a wormhole in front of Echo to Avengers tower next to Cassie Stark
Things kind of happened and another person showed up who could make portals or something then another person showed up whom was a familiar face. When Alex walked in Finn jolted to his feet. In his shock over the reappearance of Connor's boyfriend he tripped over his prosthetic and landed in a heap on the ground. "Holy wow man. Wow." He pushed himself to his feet and sunk back into his original position on the couch, this time moving over a bit so that there was more space for the two newcomers. He knew from how Cassie held her arm that things were worse than she made them seen. He also knew that she probably had a reason for not saying anything so for the time being he was going to keep his mouth shut. However when this strange guy all of a sudden wanted to whisk Cassie away he rolled off of the couch and onto his feet. "Cassie. There's no way you're going to go off on your own with a guy you've never met before? Usually there's dates first." He joked before moving forward. "Should somebody come with you guys?"

@Steel Zinogre @AnnoDomini
Out of seemingly nowhere, Sam Marko busted into the room through the door and at full speed, smashed through Augustus and slowed down before turning around to look at him. "I would stay down if I were you." @hudhouse
Reaper said:
Out of seemingly nowhere, Sam Marko busted into the room through the door and at full speed, smashed through Augustus and slowed down before turning around to look at him. "I would stay down if I were you." @hudhouse
Unfortunately for Marko, his suit has all the technology he needs to fight superhumans. He thrusts his hands forward, attempting to grab onto Sam's shoulders. If he got the hold, he would spin and chuck Sam out of Avengers tower out onto the heli-pad, before attempting to strangle hold Thaddeus again.

Alex looked away as well, straightening up. "I left to try and prevent something that could possibly weaken our grasp on the world. There was no easy way of doing things. Yes, the registration act had to be stopped, but I was not affected by it." Alex said, sighing. "At that time, this was more important to me. But, despite it all, it was never in my intention to hurt you. It hurt me too... I think I still have some growing up to do, right ?" He says, looking in the direction of Finn, then at Cassie. "Hey, think tank. Think I could join you two ? Need to brush up on my fighting and all."

@Crono @sitanomoto
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AnnoDomini said:
Alex looked away as well, straightening up. "I left to try and prevent something that could possibly weaken our grasp on the world. There was no easy way of doing things. Yes, the registration act had to be stopped, but I was not affected by it." Alex said, sighing. "At that time, this was more important to me. But, despite it all, it was never in my intention to hurt you. It hurt me too... I think I still have some growing up to do, right ?" He says, looking in the direction of Finn, then at Cassie. "Hey, think tank. Think I could join you two ? Need to brush up on my fighting and all."
@Crono @sitanomoto
hudhouse said:
The Probe began to fold space, creating a wormhole in front of Echo to Avengers tower next to Cassie Stark
Cassie nodded at Azazel. "Yeah, hold on." She turned to Alex. "Think tank?" She said, amused. "Better than Tin Can." She then turned to Both Finn and Alex, then looked at Az for a moment. "I have a score to settle with Agustus. You guys can come along for the- CRAP!" She fell over in surprise onto her left arm with a cry of pain when the wormhole opened. "What... The hell..." She gritted her teeth and stood. "We need to get out of here. I don't trust wormholes. Never have, never will." She remembered the story of how her Dad had saved the world, with help from the other Avengers, by throwing a nuke through the wormhole. Before her Mom disappeared, she said that her father was never the same after that. Cass blamed the Wormhole.
Thaddeus opens his hands, and fires off a blast of raw cosmic power at Augustus, attempting to knock him out of the tower. He looks over at Dimitri and Hypnas, his rainbow colored eyes sparkling in worry and fear, because he doesn't want his cousin hurt. He sees Sam Marko run in, which was perfect. Thaddeus fires off another powerful blast. He didn't want to piss off Augustus, but this was the perfect chance to tell him.

"No matter how hard you try, no matter what spell, device, brute force, no matter what you do, you can't take the gems from me. I am the gems. I am the infinitive power. You want the infinity gems? Hope you like towing me around."

Thaddeus puts up a protective barrier over Dimitri, not wanting his amnesiac cousin to get hurt.

@hudhouse @Reaper @sitanomoto

Braziel runs down the city, changing course every so often, leading both of them straight to the capital of Vietnam.

"Now, now children...that is quite ENOUGH." A voice called from around Thaddeus and a fire roared to life in a neutral corner, Jordan appeared from within the fire and stepped out to look at everyone "You humans sure are getting to be a nuisance~ Taking the power of the infinity gems for yourself, don't you know what kind of fresh hell this could wreak upon the universe~" He sounded a bit less amused than usual, like this was an interesting but counterproductive event. "And honestly...I'd have hoped that the next in line to call himself Doom would not be as power hungry as his insolent father...I guess the rotten apple doesn't fall far from the withered tree~"



Connor watched with a solemn look on his face as Alex headed into the room with the others, I know you had a mission you needed to complete and I promised to help you, but that night when I told you I was switching sides. And you said you we're going, that it was a suicide mission. You probably didn't mean to make it and ultimatum but that's what it came out to be. You made me choose between you and them, not just them but anyone effected by the registration act. That's what hurt more than anything.

Using the crutches Connor followed after them, scowling at Cass after her fall. "Didn't we just have this conversation about secrets? Your going to put everyone at risk by going through injured, and not only that, but hiding the injury." It was almost as if he was convincing himself as well, he knew he shouldn't go, but here we're people he cared about going to do...what was it again? And his instinct was to follow, but he knew with his injuries he'd be a burden if there was indeed fighting.

@Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon
Crono said:
Connor watched with a solemn look on his face as Alex headed into the room with the others, I know you had a mission you needed to complete and I promised to help you, but that night when I told you I was switching sides. And you said you we're going, that it was a suicide mission. You probably didn't mean to make it and ultimatum but that's what it came out to be. You made me choose between you and them, not just them but anyone effected by the registration act. That's what hurt more than anything.

Using the crutches Connor followed after them, scowling at Cass after her fall. "Didn't we just have this conversation about secrets? Your going to put everyone at risk by going through injured, and not only that, but hiding the injury." It was almost as if he was convincing himself as well, he knew he shouldn't go, but here we're people he cared about going to do...what was it again? And his instinct was to follow, but he knew with his injuries he'd be a burden if there was indeed fighting.

@Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon
"I told you, Connor. I'm just fine," Cassie said, scowling back. "I'm just a little sore." She glared in defiance at Connor, daring him to tell her to stand down. "I won't stay put while a power-hungry ass goes around killing people." She shrugged and allowed her left arm to hang normally at her side which caused her to wince, but the expression was quickly replaced by one of stony determination.

National said:
Thaddeus opens his hands, and fires off a blast of raw cosmic power at Augustus, attempting to knock him out of the tower. He looks over at Dimitri and Hypnas, his rainbow colored eyes sparkling in worry and fear, because he doesn't want his cousin hurt. He sees Sam Marko run in, which was perfect. Thaddeus fires off another powerful blast. He didn't want to piss off Augustus, but this was the perfect chance to tell him.
"No matter how hard you try, no matter what spell, device, brute force, no matter what you do, you can't take the gems from me. I am the gems. I am the infinitive power. You want the infinity gems? Hope you like towing me around."

Thaddeus puts up a protective barrier over Dimitri, not wanting his amnesiac cousin to get hurt.

@hudhouse @Reaper @sitanomoto

Braziel runs down the city, changing course every so often, leading both of them straight to the capital of Vietnam.

Hypnas stared Augustus in the eyes. When she spoke, her voice was layered with power. "Sleep, mighty one," she said. "The mighty conquerer of earth needs rest." Flattery wouldn't hurt in this case, she thought. (@hudhouse)
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National said:
Thaddeus opens his hands, and fires off a blast of raw cosmic power at Augustus, attempting to knock him out of the tower. He looks over at Dimitri and Hypnas, his rainbow colored eyes sparkling in worry and fear, because he doesn't want his cousin hurt. He sees Sam Marko run in, which was perfect. Thaddeus fires off another powerful blast. He didn't want to piss off Augustus, but this was the perfect chance to tell him.
"No matter how hard you try, no matter what spell, device, brute force, no matter what you do, you can't take the gems from me. I am the gems. I am the infinitive power. You want the infinity gems? Hope you like towing me around."

Thaddeus puts up a protective barrier over Dimitri, not wanting his amnesiac cousin to get hurt.

@hudhouse @Reaper @sitanomoto

Braziel runs down the city, changing course every so often, leading both of them straight to the capital of Vietnam.

Augustus screamed, before being engulfed in a giant blast of magic. Augustus hadn't adapted to the suit yet, his void was not fully set up. The cosmic enhanced blast thus was able to pierce the weakest of his armor... and Augustus stood there without a left arm. Strange teal blood dripped, with Augustus still starring down at Thaddeus. He snickered, before stating, "If I wasn't in this armor, without the power of Thanos.. this is what would happen Thaddeus. Without it, I am nothing... with it, I am nothing... but this is the reason why I take. I want to survive, I want to overcome natural selection and become it's king, rule and save my people. But now... your the gems? You hold the corpse of a Primordial inside you, and became one with with her. I hope you revive her, and find some use in your self fulfilling life. You say Thanos's power was for only destruction? It allowed me to help billions, and yet you never did anything willingly that was good... enjoy a pitiful existence. Nothing will protect you from me... Not weapons.." He took a step forward, "Not magic..." and whispered to the air with the final step, "Not armor..."

Augustus immediately snapped his head towards the female voice that echoed from the edge of the tower. Power pulsated the air, ravaging his now exposed brain. It would have worked, the words did tempt him, but he was the son of Doom. His will was immense, so immense that psychics find their moves turned back on themselves if they dare attack his mind. But Augustus decided to use this as a escape, falling to a knee before gripping his forehead. He applied a light amount of pressure, forming cracks in his face mask. He snarled, before a portal ripped out from behind him. Three cosmic enhanced probes flew out of it, followed by Echo if she followed Augustus's rifts. Augustus roared out in one final attempt, leaping through the rift as it closed. The three probes dropped to the floor, running on standard energy while it regathered some cosmic energy.

@sitanomoto @DarknessSpirit

Augustus retreated to a underwater fortress his robots had generated for him off the coast of Japan. He used his heated knife to slash his arm, cauterizing the wound so it wouldn't bleed. He had his DNA copied from the blood samples, and begin working on his new arm which would take a small while. In the mean time, he installed a robotic arm to allow him to do his work of monitoring the new government he had created, making modifications and extra laws to make sure no industry plagued his country like they did in America during the Industrial Revolution.
Echo screamed in rage when Augustus dissapeared, she saw Thaddeus, and two others, but her short temper consumed her. She looked at the three probes and was at one in a flash, ripping off its its head in rage, then moved on to the others and ripped there heads off, throwing the three heads against the wall. And continue doing to kick there now dead or destroyed bodies.

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