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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

( which one?

Edit: Wait......NOOOOOO whyyy?! Aww that is.....*sighs* (:'() *goes to stay in a corner and curl up*
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AnnoDomini said:
Alex's eyes went to Connor then back to Cassie. "That Alex? What's that supposed to mean?" He raises his t-shirt to show his metallic arm. "Vibranium. The same material your grandfather made the shield out of. Just try and twist it, think tank." Alex's arms crossed in front of his chest, looking down. "I was more warmly welcomed back in my cell in Iraq..." He looked at Connor, then back at Cassie again, closing his eyes. "Let's just... make a plan. I know where I'm not welcomed. The sooner we get this done, the better."

@Crono @sitanomoto
Crono said:
Connor spotted the frown from Alex, now suddenly feeling like the bad guy for simply stating what he thought. There was some partial amusement however in seeing Cassie being protective though Alex didn't seem to be taking it well which had Connor frowning apologetically this time. "Don't be like that. You know your always welcomed here, Cass is just being Cass." The boy scowled at her cry of pain, "I knew it. I knew something was up with you arm." Connor used the crutches to take a step closer to her and inspected her arm, "What happened and what did I miss?" Today was becoming a really long and stressful day.
@sitanomoto @AnnoDomini
Cassie held her arm away from Connor. "I'm fine. It just.... It's a little bruised." She shook her head. "Nothing happened. Nothing." She turned to Alex. "Look, Alex, I'm sorry for being so.... Short with you. You are always welcome here. Any time, Day or night." She shook her head with a laugh. "And I knew your arm was vibranium, doofus. The shine is unmistakable." She was letting a little of her guard down around Alex now. "You're Still not allowed in my lab without permission or supervision, but don't feel bad. Not even Connor is." She looked at the Rogers boy Pointedly. "And he knows it." She watched as Azazel walked off and bit her lip again. "Az! Az, wait!"
sitanomoto said:
Cassie held her arm away from Connor. "I'm fine. It just.... It's a little bruised." She shook her head. "Nothing happened. Nothing." She turned to Alex. "Look, Alex, I'm sorry for being so.... Short with you. You are always welcome here. Any time, Day or night." She shook her head with a laugh. "And I knew your arm was vibranium, doofus. The shine is unmistakable." She was letting a little of her guard down around Alex now. "You're Still not allowed in my lab without permission or supervision, but don't feel bad. Not even Connor is." She looked at the Rogers boy Pointedly. "And he knows it." She watched as Azazel walked off and bit her lip again. "Az! Az, wait!"
"Yeah Cass? What do you need?" He asked, slightly flustered. "I just.... had to leave the room, things were too awkward for me....." Azazel added, he sighs, and looked at cassie. "I Know I am new to you all...... But I just get a little...... Skittish when too many people are in the room....."
Echo got up and paced around ex the room frantically, "are you okay?" Her face was getting more and more contorted with grief and she paced even faster. Until she slumped down against the side of the bed. "Thaddeus I- I don't know what to do." Tears started rolling down her pale soft skin. Echo stared straight ahead at the wall, pain and confusion consuming her. Quiet sobs started to erupt from Echo and she put her face into her hands and whispered I between her sobs, "I shouldn't have left." She continued to quietly sob.
Lemoncakes said:
"Yes, but one of your crowned Princes also used two infinity stones in an attempt to enslave Midgard." Dropping the illusions she had used to hide herself Eldkatla stepped forward to get a better look at the damage; it was easy enough to sneak in unnoticed when a fight like that was happening. Suddenly she turned back to look at them. "Oh! Some thanks. Thank you-" she said to Raitei "-for not killing me earlier, and thank you-" she said to Augustus "-for that display." Despite the tense situation she intruded on she seemed to be at complete ease.

"In return have some advice. If what I saw is to be believed, whatever that boy has done, this is more than a simple ownership of the stones. It is bigger than man against man, this is six of the most powerful entities in the universe which will act to ensure their survival at any cost."
She was still composed and calm but her tone had taken a graveness it did not have before. After this she fell silent, waiting and gauging their reactions; a stranger was probably most unwelcome at this point so a quick escape plan was constantly running in the back of her mind.

@Newtype @hudhouse
Augustus watched as the new one formed from the shadows. The prince looked at her, and stated, "I'll kill all six them. Make it so I need two hands to count my prey. Nemesis must never have her power taken by one person for long, or else he might be able to become her. Its possible, highly unlikely, but if there is a damn will there's a way, and with the raw essence?" He swore and roared out, "Where the hell is he?! Where is my sister?!"
Thaddeus grimaces, looking at Echo. He wipes the tears from her face, smiling.

"Hey, don't worry about it. I can heal, don't worry. It'll be alright. Well get him back to you. I swear."

Thaddeus senses the robots, and he conceals him and Echo.

"He's searching for me. Damn, your brother will be really angry."
Echo softly smiled a little as he reassured her. But her face turned to horror instantly. "Thaddeus, you can't stay, he's going to be outraged, he's going to kill you. You need to run." Her face worried and angry that she didn't think of this earlier.
Brazuel picks up his comm, his large beefy hands cut up, his entire body bruised and beaten. He was on one knee, looking out at the massive battlefield. He was in Vietnam, standing over the dead body of Sabretooth.

"Yeah, I'm here Ori. There's been a problem."

Thaddeus grimaces, listening to Echo.

"I know I have to run, but you do too Echo. You aren't safe. My power is greater than Augustus's, but I do not have full control over it. The stones are now a part of me. I am the embodiment of the stones. If he wants the power of the stones, he'll have to strap me up like a battery. And knowing your brother, he would definitely do that."

He stands up, only to sit back down again, the stress of the infinity gems becoming one with him and the battle wounds keeping him down. He looks up at Echo.

"I can run, I can escape. But for how long. We need the Avengers to stop him before he captures me. They have to defeat him, or he will capture me, and use me as a battery for whatever plan he has."

@DarknessSpirit @DemonGirl27

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"No, Thaddeus you don't understand, we can't kill him, we can't, there is no purpose for my brother to want me, perhaps kill me, but he is going to be banked on getting YOU. And who knows what the avengers will think of me. " she stressfully put her head in her hands, not knowing what to do.
Braziel gets up, blood dripping down his chest and arms.

"Something strange has happened. The government in Vietnam have been controlled by a warlord, and I am here to overthrow him. Problem is, I can't find him."

Thaddeus looks at Echo. He looked at her, smiling sadly.

"Echo, the best I can do is taken you to the avengers. They don't trust me, but they don't know you. They can protect and help you, which is just what you need. I will do my best to stay away from your brother. But you need help. Get ready, I'll take you to them. Onceni drop you off safely, I will be going into hiding."

@DemonGirl27 @DarknessSpirit
"ENERGY SIGNATURE LOCKED ---- INFINITY STONES 100% MATCH" The probes boomed out, which gathered Augustus attention. Augustus commented on the past statement, "...If I must give you the Infinity stones Asgardian... allow me to use it one more time to repair my home and my world... I'll even force him to kill himself to do what he promised me!" Augustus vanished... teleportating to the room he found Thaddeus in...

The door to room 451 exploded, dark blue mist steaming in. His giant teal boot slammed down, and sent forth a vast monster of magic. it attempted to wrap around Thaddeus and force his spirit here, making it so he could no longer escape him. Augustus's visor opened slightly, revealing only shadows where his eyes should be. He snickered before stating a quote at finding Thaddeus, "It's a beautiful day outside, flowers are blooming... birds are chirping.. on days like these..." One of Augustus's eyes burned a deep crimson, brightening the entire room in it's disturbing glow. He whispered out, "Kids like you should be burning in Hell!" His visor slammed down, and slowly marched towards Thaddeus, attempting to yank him upwards by the throat.

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"I don't need help from some useless superheroes team! I can run on my own terms. But he won't get help if he can't find anyone. Don't ever tell me your whereabouts, and stay as far from me as possible, if he finds me, he'll use me to get to you." Her voice urgent and fast. Just then the door barged open, and Augustus walked in, and yanked Thaddeus up by the throat, "No, Augustus! She sprang off the ground and jumped unto her brother, forcing him to let go and she tackled him to the ground, pinning his arms to the floor. "Go Thaddeus!!!" She yelled.
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Alex lift his head, looking at Caasie, nodding. "Yeah, I got that from that warm welcome you gave me. And the better question is who are you Paco." Alex said looking at Azazel walking away. He then saw Cassie run after him, turning his attention to Connor. "What did Cassie mean with that Connor?" Alex said, looking at the blond and drawing close to him, clearly mad.

@Steel Zinogre
Thaddeus looks at the broken down door. Curses! He gasps as Augustus raises him up by the throat. He couldn't believe it! He masked the bots. He struggles, trying to break free.

Suddenly, Echo slams her brother down to the floor. He couldn't leave her, but he had no choice. So, he did the smart thing, and opened up a portal. He drags his body through, closing it, leaving thensublings behind.

The portal opens in the same room Hypnas and Dimitri were in. He tumbles in the mudde of the floor, breathing heavily from his wounds. He looks up at Dimitri, speaking in Russian, heavily breathing as he struggles the words out.

"Дмитрий , это я, Тадеуш , ваш двоюродный брат" (Dimitri, its me, Thaddeus, your cousin.)

Braziel hits up the commlink again.

"That would be smart. Get here as fast as you can."

@DarknessSpirit @Reaper @sitanomoto

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Dimitri was shocked at the portal, backing away and looking at Hypnas. "Do we really know him?" He asked her. The portal was the only amazing thing he had seen since the memory loss. He knew of the avengers, but would never dream of being one. @National @sitanomoto
sitanomoto said:
"It's alright. If you need your space, we have plenty." Cassie said with a smile. She looked back at the room where Alex and Connor were and bit her lip in anxiety. She hoped that Connor wouldn't get in trouble with Alex and get hurt again. @AnnoDomini @Crono
"Look, If you need help, just let me know..... and if you have time..... There is someone I want you to see later...." Azazel said as he looked at his wrists, scarred from many portal opening rituals before this moment.
Connor watched Azazel go and Cassie followed, "I...think we may have hurt his pride." Connor chuckled sympathetically. When Alex asked the question he sighed, letting his head loll to the side a bit, dreading the situation he was now in. "She's one of my closest friends, so I talked to her about you." The blonde straightened up a little as he looked at Alex, "About us, what we we're, what we had, both the good and the bad. So she knows things that very few do, about what happened. Cass was just being a bit over-protective, try not to read into it." Moving backwards some he leaned his back against the wall to rest his legs a bit, bouncing the crutches up and down a bit just to have his hands doing something, "You seem a little...different." He mused with a faint smile.

"Guess I better inform the other Avengers about this." Raitei said as he teleported to the Avengers tower. He exited his room in the Tower and looked left and right. He was unsure to whether let Doom Jr. use the stones or not, or whether to just defeat the both of them. He began to telepathically communicate to Connor "Captain Connor, we have a problem. Doom Jr. and some guy name Thaddeus are going at it, honestly I can't tell who's the good guy in this situation but the aggressor is Doom Jr."

Reaper said:
Dimitri was shocked at the portal, backing away and looking at Hypnas. "Do we really know him?" He asked her. The portal was the only amazing thing he had seen since the memory loss. He knew of the avengers, but would never dream of being one. @National @sitanomoto
"I don't know. I've never met him." Hypnas replied truthfully. She looked at Thaddeus and raised an eyebrow. "Who exactly are you?"
Braziel looks up at Ori, struggling to get up one knee. His healing factor took away most of his injuries, but it was still a pain. He pointed at the corpse of Sabertooth, his mangled body laying in the dirt.

"Someone sent him to attack me. I don't know who it was, but he put a up a deadly fight."

Thaddeus stands up shakily, his breath a little shallow.

"Totally forgot that we both speak English now. Great, that makes my life so much easier. Dimitri, its me. I am your cousin, Thaddeus Maximoff. You know, child of Wanda Maximoff? Auntie Wanda?"

Thaddeus had no idea that Dimitri lost his memory, since they haven't talked into each other for 2 years.

@DemonGirl27 @Reaper @sitanomoto
Alex stopped after hearing Connor. "... Oh. W-Well."A sigh escaped his breath. "Sorry. I have been tense and felt like a century since I saw everybody. A few weeks in isolation would do this." His head hung low and went in front of Connor, smiling a little. "You know, I think crutches might just be your new accessory." Alex slowly went and hugged Connor, taking care not to hurt him further than he was. "Yeah. I did something with my hair. And my clothes. A red star in Iraq? Oh, weren't the townies pissed." Alex says, looking at his clothes, shaking some dust off him, smiling. "And if I forget, tell Cass I'm sorry. Same with the cute guy you were flirting with."

@Steel Zinogre

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