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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Newtype said:
Raitei stood up now and did some arm stretches. "So this means Doom Jr. wants to fight. Echo you have nothing to justify to him you both made your own decisions. You can choose to hop into this battle but I recommend you let me crush him." Raitei said. He payed Augustus and Thaddeus a compliment by upgrading his Supernatural Conditioning to Master Level, a brief pulse of lightning around his body displayed this. "Last chance to back down Doom Jr. before this gets ugly." Raitei warned.
@Newtype @Steel Zinogre (Maybe the Mephisto son can feel the power of Augustus and Thaddeus in Asgard?)
hudhouse said:
Augustus suddenly started laughing out loud, before stating, "Give me a second, alright? I am not going to fight you. I have nothing against either of you, it would be a waste of energy. Though... here is the truth." Augustus turned around, starting to walk away, but then attempted to sucker punch Thaddeus at full power. He unleashed the Darkness of the Divine Conduit to try and steal some of the Infinity Stones power, before revealing his true intent here, "Sister you truly are a laugh! Mr. Raiden, I came here in truth because I do not hold respect for my friend here. To be honest we all knew this was going to happen. I have the power to command the world, I have the power to defeat you Thaddeus, and I am armored enough to do it. I don't trust you, and to be honest... your a cry baby about your father.
"So come then, show me the strength of your mother who could make reality her dog! Show me the strength of the man who sold his soul for power! I refuse to assist you any longer when all you do is tell me sweet nothings! I was not given power like you were... I toke it! I earned it, you simply stole it and interpreted the stones. Now, now we are in a place of godly warriors who can survive our brawl! With no escape... and even if you did I will hunt you down and prove that you are a pathetic coward hidden behind a iron curtain who simply takes the biggest weapon he can find." Augustus gave off his razor grin behind his mask, unleashing his power to the max. The day will be his!

@Newtype @Steel Zinogre (Maybe the Mephisto son can feel the power of Augustus and Thaddeus in Asgard?)
(He can sense power, but not as far as asgard.)
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](He can sense power, but not as far as asgard.)

(Just giving an opportunity to get the others in if they wanted!)
Cassie twinged at the mention of her father, but she smiled. "Of course. We are always looking for members." She didn't tell Azazel about her Father's death, or her vision inflicted by her childhood friend-turned-enemy. She hadn't even told Connor what had happened.

She remembered her father telling her how he had kept a secret from the Avengers and how disasterous that had been. His secret, named Ultron, had nearly destroyed the planet.

But Terry was different. Terry was her. He was as malicious and evil as she was, which, right now, was next to nothing. He was loyal to the team. Not to power or money. His loyalty had to be earned, not bought. She hoped Connor could see that.
hudhouse said:
(Just giving an opportunity to get the others in if they wanted!)
(OK OK! I will try!.) Azazel felt a strange enegry, but could not pick up what it was. He looked around sporadically, and then realized where it came from. "Oh shit..... Someone is in asgard, probably not doing anything good i assume." he said to cassie and the others, quite worried. "Oh man...... dad always said to never go past this realm....... What if I don't come back? What If no one...?" he stopped, as he feels multiple eyes watching him. @sitanomoto @Crono @CasualDragon
sitanomoto said:
Cassie twinged at the mention of her father, but she smiled. "Of course. We are always looking for members." She didn't tell Azazel about her Father's death, or her vision inflicted by her childhood friend-turned-enemy. She hadn't even told Connor what had happened.
She remembered her father telling her how he had kept a secret from the Avengers and how disasterous that had been. His secret, named Ultron, had nearly destroyed the planet.

But Terry was different. Terry was her. He was as malicious and evil as she was, which, right now, was next to nothing. He was loyal to the team. Not to power or money. His loyalty had to be earned, not bought. She hoped Connor could see that.
(Oh, You don't even know.... He knows all.... And then again, Mephisto has all the recently deceased nicely accommodated, in nice houses, all the luxuries, even a PF Chang's, but this is my view on him)

sitanomoto said:
Cassie twinged at the mention of her father, but she smiled. "Of course. We are always looking for members." She didn't tell Azazel about her Father's death, or her vision inflicted by her childhood friend-turned-enemy. She hadn't even told Connor what had happened.
She remembered her father telling her how he had kept a secret from the Avengers and how disasterous that had been. His secret, named Ultron, had nearly destroyed the planet.

But Terry was different. Terry was her. He was as malicious and evil as she was, which, right now, was next to nothing. He was loyal to the team. Not to power or money. His loyalty had to be earned, not bought. She hoped Connor could see that.
"Oh yeah, Phoenix Brooks told me to tell you he said Hi." Azazel said, as he just remembered what he had to say before leaving Hell. "He's a nice guy, one of my friends who told me a lot about ya."
Echo nodded, a sad pitiful one with a pitiful look that could crush you. "You had the power, and yet when I had to go, when I had to do my part in protecting you, mom and dad, YOU! Left with that power! YOU left us to rot! And you better be damn grateful dad was what he was! He would be so disappointed in you Augustus. And so would mom, and so am I, because you have let your powers consume you." Her last two sentences quiet and solemn. "I can't kill you, I never will. But I will most certainly hurt you." Her tone still strong and quiet.
Thaddeus stands, in shock of what happened. He could feel the Dark Conduit starting to sap his strength, his power draining. He couldn't believe it! He was already being turned on by his fellow comrade! Not anymore. Thaddeus was not going to let this slide. His left hand grasps Augustus's fist, and rips back all the power he stole, every single last drip, even the power that Thaddeus lent him before.

"So, the real form of Augustus has appeared. A power hungry fool. A betrayer to his comrades, people who did everything to help! I helped you claim the power that you now have, and all it did was make you a hypocrite! You think I stole power, the biggest weapons? Just look at your body! Your entire body isn't even yours! That is Thanos, and you fully know it. You are pititful Augustus. I am stopping this right now."

Thaddeus raises his hands up, and a bright white light consumes the boy. He could feel the magic coarse through him. It was wonderful, it really was. He steps out of the coffin of white light, now adorned in his fathers cloak and cape. His powers now, were also to the max.

"Alright then, Augustus. Let's go."


[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](Oh, You don't even know.... He knows all.... And then again, Mephisto has all the recently deceased nicely accommodated, in nice houses, all the luxuries, even a PF Chang's, but this is my view on him)
"Oh yeah, Phoenix Brooks told me to tell you he said Hi." Azazel said, as he just remembered what he had to say before leaving Hell. "He's a nice guy, one of my friends who told me a lot about ya."

"Phoenix.... Phoenix remembers me...?" Cassie smiled at the floor, tears rolling down her cheeks. "You... Know Phoenix Brooks?" She looked up in surprise at him at what he said about Asgard. "What?" She said. "Damn it!" She whirled around to Terry. "Ter, c'mon. It's time to try out the teleporter." She ran past Connor with a quick smile and grabbed Terry by the arm, dragging him to her lab.

"But.... But Cass!" Terry said as he was pulled along. "We've never tried it so far!"

"Terry, just try!" She typed furiously on the computer.

"Alright, alright!" He began to type as well.
National said:
Thaddeus stands, in shock of what happened. He could feel the Dark Conduit starting to sap his strength, his power draining. He couldn't believe it! He was already being turned on by his fellow comrade! Not anymore. Thaddeus was not going to let this slide. His left hand grasps Augustus's fist, and rips back all the power he stole, every single last drip, even the power that Thaddeus lent him before.
"So, the real form of Augustus has appeared. A power hungry fool. A betrayer to his comrades, people who did everything to help! I helped you claim the power that you now have, and all it did was make you a hypocrite! You think I stole power, the biggest weapons? Just look at your body! Your entire body isn't even yours! That is Thanos, and you fully know it. You are pititful Augustus. I am stopping this right now."

Thaddeus raises his hands up, and a bright white light consumes the boy. He could feel the magic coarse through him. It was wonderful, it really was. He steps out of the coffin of white light, now adorned in his fathers cloak and cape. His powers now, were also to the max.

"Alright then, Augustus. Let's go."

sitanomoto said:
"Phoenix.... Phoenix remembers me...?" Cassie smiled at the floor, tears rolling down her cheeks. "You... Know Phoenix Brooks?" She looked up in surprise at him at what he said about Asgard. "What?" She said. "Damn it!" She whirled around to Terry. "Ter, c'mon. It's time to try out the teleporter." She ran past Connor with a quick smile and grabbed Terry by the arm, dragging him to her lab.
"But.... But Cass!" Terry said as he was pulled along. "We've never tried it so far!"

"Terry, just try!" She typed furiously on the computer.

"Alright, alright!" He began to type as well.
"Everyone does. and yes, I know him, and everyone else who comes down to the nicer parts of hell, where my dad keeps the nice people." Azazel said as Cassie reacted to his asgard fear rant. "ALL RIGHT EVERYONE! MOVE YOUR ASSES!" azazel said as he opened a portal for them, leading to asgard.
Echo slipped her cowl and hood over her face, making her unrecognizable. Raising her hands, she started to draw all electricity from the area, the lights flickered, the electronics shut off, drained of power, the light flickered once more, before all power went out, making it pitch black in the room. Her uniform allowing her to have night vision. And allowing nothing to detect her presence, sound, breathing, making it seem like she dissapeared. In the dark she heard her brothers sentence. "No, Augustus, I Left you once, I won't leave you again. Fight it. Fight the Power Augustus!" She yelled strongly through the dark.
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Thaddeus bites his lips as the full brunt of his magic slams Thaddeus. The nine Augustus's started to beat at him, powerful magic beating at him. He pushes his arms out, the nine Augustus's being flown back. Thaddeus snaps his fingers, and powerful blasts of magic bombard Augustus. Thaddeus frowns, and he snaps with his other hand. Nine magical statues formed like Thaddeus formed from the magical voids of the Demon world, and they attack the other Augustus's. Thaddeus bends space and time around Augustus, destroying the very earth around and beneath him.

Thaddeus Marcinov Maximoff, The Grand Sage Sorcerer, The Emperor of the Magical Demon Kingdoms. You dontnstand a chance, Augustus."

"It was risky and dangerous and you should have told someone." Connor huffed, and couldn't help but notice the fact that Cassie was favoring an arm and left her gauntlet on as well. "What's that about?" He pointed out just before everything started off with this new guy talking about sensing something and the Stark's running off. Looking at the others left in the room he huffed and turned to follow Cassie and Terry, "Do what exactly!?" He called out from afar, not fast enough with the crutches to keep up with the two of them.
Crono said:
"It was risky and dangerous and you should have told someone." Connor huffed, and couldn't help but notice the fact that Cassie was favoring an arm and left her gauntlet on as well. "What's that about?" He pointed out just before everything started off with this new guy talking about sensing something and the Stark's running off. Looking at the others left in the room he huffed and turned to follow Cassie and Terry, "Do what exactly!?" He called out from afar, not fast enough with the crutches to keep up with the two of them.
"Would you like me to carry you, handsome?" azazel said with a mischievous wink. For some reason, he felt attracted and intimidated by connor.
"No thanks." Connor said bluntly with a smile as he continued what with being distracted by the sudden urgency, a few steps later it clicking in his head that the guy was attempting to flirt with him..he was always so blind to these things. The blonde blushed awkwardly, more of embarrassment than anything as he turned his head back to Azazel. "Sorry, I'm just...." Taken? Let's be honest, Alex left. Sure, the guy shows back up now and again but he doesn't speak to Connor or keep in touch. And yet Connor isn't ready to put that to rest, he and Alex would have to talk one day and figure things out. So Connor just smiled, "Thanks for the offer but these crutches can handle it."

@Steel Zinogre (And I'll tag @AnnoDomini for potential awkward situation/conflict if he's interested. bwahaha.)
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Crono said:
"No thanks." Connor said bluntly with a smile as he continued what with being distracted by the sudden urgency, a few steps later it clicking in his head that the guy was attempting to flirt with him..he was always so blind to these things. The blonde blushed awkwardly, more of embarrassment than anything as he turned his head back to Azazel. "Sorry, I'm just...." Taken? Let's be honest, Alex left. Sure, the guy shows back up now and again but he doesn't speak to Connor or keep in touch. And yet Connor isn't ready to put that to rest, he and Alex would have to talk one day and figure things out. So Connor just smiled, "Thanks for the offer but these crutches can handle it."

@Steel Zinogre (And I'll tag @AnnoDomini for potential awkward situation/conflict if he's interested. bwahaha.)
"You sure? It looks like they are slowing you down." azazel said with concern. "Afterall, Any friend of Phoenix's is a friend of mine." he said as he stood with his arms crossed.
"Now that THAT'S finished...it's time to get the infinity stones back..." Jordan sighed and pulled his hood back over his face, he had the grim feeling it wouldn't be simple...or easy...

"I agree wholeheartedly~ Let us stop humanity from destroying itself" he responded to himself and looked to the sky and felt out their power "Ah...there you are~" Jordan disappeared and reappeared near Thaddeus and Augustus
Dimitri shook, and replied in English without noticing. "I-I... Everything was so slow. What the hell happened to me?" He looked at her with fear in his eyes. "I can't tell what is real." He then shut them tightly, as if in pain. @sitanomoto
National said:
Thaddeus bites his lips as the full brunt of his magic slams Thaddeus. The nine Augustus's started to beat at him, powerful magic beating at him. He pushes his arms out, the nine Augustus's being flown back. Thaddeus snaps his fingers, and powerful blasts of magic bombard Augustus. Thaddeus frowns, and he snaps with his other hand. Nine magical statues formed like Thaddeus formed from the magical voids of the Demon world, and they attack the other Augustus's. Thaddeus bends space and time around Augustus, destroying the very earth around and beneath him.
Thaddeus Marcinov Maximoff, The Grand Sage Sorcerer, The Emperor of the Magical Demon Kingdoms. You dontnstand a chance, Augustus."

Augustus smiled, letting his instincts take hold. All the lights on his body turned from teal, to emerald green. He spoke in a Latverian ascent, "Doom will not stand down! Your pathetic power calls on others, but Doom have all that Doom needs now!" Augustus suddenly started marching towards Thaddeus, floating with magic or using his magic force field to stop the damage. He allowed his robots to start ripping Daemons limb from limb, and the vice versa. Their cosmic coating gave them a immense amount of durability that tipped the scales in their favor.

Augustus flew straight at Thaddeus, trying to smash him with a immense force of over 100+ tons. Augustus used the tendrils to chain Thaddeus up in the short arena, hitting him from the back while allowing him close combat. The child of Doom boxed and jounced around, attempting to force Thaddeus to not use his hands or his mouth. Strange could never cast a spell during a speech, or while also doing something with his hands. Augustus threw everything he had into his heavy jabs, kicks and bounces, trying to make it a Hell for Thaddeus to do even a single spell with his cosmic enhanced power!
Echo was surprised they could see, after all it was pitch dark. She saw the lights in the dark turn from teal to green, knowing his instincts and power took over. "Damnit! You two are fighting like two year old brothers!" She yelled at them in rage from the darkness, her voice rang around the room and bounced off the walls, echoing, making it so she was still undetectable through the darkness. " "Thaddeus, it is not entirely his fault, my father warned us of this, to much power consumes you, changes you in a way. You cannot kill him I will not let you."

There was a pause before she spoke again "Augustus, control it, don't kill, control. Don't let the power fog your mind." Her tone was calm and soothing.
Thaddeus gasps in pain as Augustus pulls it into close combat, easily giving Thaddeus the disadvantage. He isn't a close ranged fighter, and Augustus knee that. But he wasn't just a sorcerer like his dad. It was time to use his mothers power.

"Reality. Very few people can use it, form it like clay."

With the powers that his mother inherited to him, combined with the cosmic reality bending power of the infinity stones, Thaddeus thrusts his hands out, and Augustus freezes in place. The floor around them starts to rise around Augustus, attempting to make a prison for the King. Thaddeus waves his hand around, and a powerful aura field slams into Augustus, giving Thaddeus some space.

Suddenly, Echo could hear a voice in her mind that no one else could hear.

"Echo, its me Thaddeus. We don't have much time to spare, since your brother has been consumed by whatever the hell consumed him."

@hudhouse @DarknessSpirit
Echo was suprised when Thaddues spoke to her in her mind. She didn't know how it worked so she thought out words in her mind. "I can't leave him again, he needs help, guidence." She said to him in her mind, hopeing it worked.
Crono said:
"It was risky and dangerous and you should have told someone." Connor huffed, and couldn't help but notice the fact that Cassie was favoring an arm and left her gauntlet on as well. "What's that about?" He pointed out just before everything started off with this new guy talking about sensing something and the Stark's running off. Looking at the others left in the room he huffed and turned to follow Cassie and Terry, "Do what exactly!?" He called out from afar, not fast enough with the crutches to keep up with the two of them.
Crono said:
"No thanks." Connor said bluntly with a smile as he continued what with being distracted by the sudden urgency, a few steps later it clicking in his head that the guy was attempting to flirt with him..he was always so blind to these things. The blonde blushed awkwardly, more of embarrassment than anything as he turned his head back to Azazel. "Sorry, I'm just...." Taken? Let's be honest, Alex left. Sure, the guy shows back up now and again but he doesn't speak to Connor or keep in touch. And yet Connor isn't ready to put that to rest, he and Alex would have to talk one day and figure things out. So Connor just smiled, "Thanks for the offer but these crutches can handle it."

@Steel Zinogre (And I'll tag @AnnoDomini for potential awkward situation/conflict if he's interested. bwahaha.)
Cassie heard Azazel open the portal and she sighed. "Alright Terry, get your suit on, OK? It's time for a field test." She pressed a button and her suit flew to her and attached itself onto her.

Terry copied her, his black suit giving contrast to her white one.

Cassie arrived Just in time to see Azazel flirting with Connor, and she smiled.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/2hxt5p0.jpg.ccc30f45f2a2839da174b5a07c0686bd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84634" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/2hxt5p0.jpg.ccc30f45f2a2839da174b5a07c0686bd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Reaper said:
Dimitri shook, and replied in English without noticing. "I-I... Everything was so slow. What the hell happened to me?" He looked at her with fear in his eyes. "I can't tell what is real." He then shut them tightly, as if in pain. @sitanomoto
Hypnas walked over and sat on the couch next to him. She put an arm around his shoulder. "I'm real," she said softly. "And what happened when time slowed down was you using speed." She smiled warmly.



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His breathing slowed as she got closer. Something about her was very calming. He chuckled and shook his head. "Using speed? Ohh. Drugs. That explains a lot." @sitanomoto

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