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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

DarknessSpirit said:
"Aye, I don't know what game he's playing, or side. My brother as I have warned countless times, needs to pick his side. But he is stubborn, his own man." She said while crossing her arms, her wavy blond hair down.
"I would likely cut down his ally but leave him alive, for you of course. I don't think you want me to kill hik and neither would anyone else." Raitei replied. "You think you could talk some sense into him if we went down there?"
Crono said:
Connor sighed, deciding to lean on the table since it was clear they weren't leaving the lab now. "She's an idiot." He muttered under his breath, the fact that she'd do something so foolish like clone herself. And to top it off do it in secret? What if the clone had decided to kill her and take her place, it's what Harry tried to do with Connor and Carter after-all. "So you know who my father is but not me, that's....confusing. Exactly how long have you been down here?"
Terry shrugged. "Two weeks, maybe two and a half." He grinned. "Since I have all of her natural abilities and smarts, I've been down here Manning the lab while she's been gone."

[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Redd Nodded. "Aye Aye Cap'n" he said as he picked them up, and flew to the top using the thrusters in his legs.

Cassie hopped down from Redd's hands and walked down the stairs, the machines taking off her armor as she did so except for her left arm, for that was the only thing keeping the bones in place. "Connor?" She called out.

Nevermore stirred and sat up, her cloak moving to allow her to do so. "Hello Cassie," she said sleepily. "Who's that?"
Echo bit her lip in thought.her tone had a mysterious British accent to it, she wonders herself why. "I suppose we can try, don't kill his partner, he may be all he's got if he sides with the avengers, he's still my brother and I will always look out for him, I hope you understand." She said. She only hoped her brother would choose the right side.
Thaddeus blinks, listening to Augustus.

"If she intends to kill, I shall only give it right back. Besides, it was a quick and merciful death."

He smiles as he listens to Augustus. He knew that he would get a question on how he controlled them so fast.

"You underestimate my lineage, friend. I am the child of some of the most powerful sorcerers and psychic users in the universe. My mother warped reality with no problem. Controlling the stones? I can manage this just fine, I just needed rest. Their beginning impact was tough, but I am now fully in control."

Thaddeus's eyes gleam, as he smiles.

"Augustus, we have interesting visitors. A Norse warrior, and your sister. I can feel their presences. Such a distinct presence, she has. I hope Echo hasn't forgotten me."

@hudhouse[/URL] @National
Augustus spoke the truth willingly, "Thaddeus murdered her, not I son of Mephisto. I kill when I am forced to, why do you think my death count I can count on a single hand? If it was up to me, my robot, vulgar because some find it funny as it is ridiculous, would drop her off at avengers tower. Its a give and take scenario, so I can not always get my way. Though Thaddeus you are walking in hot water. my father is the only known being to have survived all of the infinity stones at the same time, three times in a row! Our symmetry will work well enough.'

Augustus's eyes suddenly turned tiny and white as he heard the last bit of information. He turned and grabbed onto Thaddeus's shoulders with a deep burning hatred in his eyes. Malice envenomed his words, "...Where.. is.. she..."

hudhouse said:
Augustus spoke the truth willingly, "Thaddeus murdered her, not I son of Mephisto. I kill when I am forced to, why do you think my death count I can count on a single hand? If it was up to me, my robot, vulgar because some find it funny as it is ridiculous, would drop her off at avengers tower. Its a give and take scenario, so I can not always get my way. Though Thaddeus you are walking in hot water. my father is the only known being to have survived all of the infinity stones at the same time, three times in a row! Our symmetry will work well enough.'
Augustus's eyes suddenly turned tiny and white as he heard the last bit of information. He turned and grabbed onto Thaddeus's shoulders with a deep burning hatred in his eyes. Malice envenomed his words, "...Where.. is.. she..."

"Oh, so magic man killed this poor girl?" azazel asked rhetorically, and sensing Cassie Stark's presence nearby. "Oh, just the one i wanna meet!" he exclaimed as he ran with speed half as fast as Quick silver, and met up with cassie, terry, connor, and redd. "HI! Azazel Akihiro here, to give you all an offer of Hello's and Hi's" azazel joked, although meaning the hello and hi. @sitanomoto @Crono @hudhouse
DarknessSpirit said:
Echo bit her lip in thought.her tone had a mysterious British accent to it, she wonders herself why. "I suppose we can try, don't kill his partner, he may be all he's got if he sides with the avengers, he's still my brother and I will always look out for him, I hope you understand." She said. She only hoped her brother would choose the right side.
"I am on the side of the Avengers and even from the side who's tower he has helped built it's a case of if he'll be problem now or later. But I won't kill either of them then but I may come close to it. I wonder just how much power he can get me to use or if he'll lose for simply thinking my power is exactly like my father's. Want to wait on my siblings or go now?" Raitei replied.
Thaddeus grins as he pats Augustus's shoulder.

"At ease. I can take you there right now, amigo. Lets go."

Thaddeus thrusts his hand, and a portal opens in front of the two. He steps through, the portal dropping both of them off just a few yards away from Raitei and Echo. Thaddeus calls out to them.

"Echo! You have grown. How nice it is, I reunited both of you."

Finn nodded his thanks to Redd for the lift. "Thanks. Better than taking the stairs that's for sure." He followed along behind his friend. Shouldn't Connor have been here? Where could a guy with a hole in his leg go? Well he had to be somewhere in the building. Finn sat down on a couch across from Nevermore and nodded to her. It was a smart idea to get some sleep before the next crazy thing started. With a tired groan he flopped over on his side so that his feet were on the floor but his body took up half of the space. @Steel Zinogre
"Thaddeus, you have as well old friend." she said turning around, she wore her uniform but her hood and cowl was down, showing her face and blonde hair. She swallowed as she saw her brother, she could feel his hatred burning off of him. Her face was calm and solemn, almost sympathy, like a mother would give a child if he was dissapointed or if he cried. Her eyes never traveled away from her brothers helmet, as she walked down the double steps of stairs and stayed of 10 feet away from her brother, gazing at him.
Newtype said:
Meanwhile in Asgard, Raitei watched as Doom Jr. and his partner were in progress of taking over the world. He had summoned all the children of Thor to meet him. But he alsl was with someone else who he met recently and decided to bring her back to Asgard with him. "You know, your brother is so two faced. One side he is violently taking over the world and the other he is doing things like rebuilding the Avenger's Tower but that could just be a ploy to get the Avengers in his debt." Laxus remarked.
@The Unamed Character @LiteracyUnmatched @DarknessSpirit
Jaon appeared "Yes brother.... Sorry I am late"
sitanomoto said:
Cassie jumped. "Hello.....?" She said, confused. "What are you doing here?" She blinked a few times.
((DO NOT I repeat DO NOT bring up Quicksilver. EVEREVEREVER. EVER.))
"Well, I just wanted to meet you, since I've been hearing many good things from you from my 'Friends on the other side' That you may know." Azazel hinted, talking about the recently deceased members of the Avengers and their kids. "look, Don't get mad and start yelling at me, If you wanna get mad, then please, yell at my dad, Mephisto." he said as he cracked his knuckles. "And plus, I want to make a better name for myself, than to be born and viewed as 'bad blood', Whaddya say?"
Raitei's first thought was 'well they came to us.' Raitei didn't stand as Thaddeus and Augustus arrived. Raitei saw Jaon arrive and said " Take a few steps back sister, this may get ugly." He eyed the brooding Augustus and Thaddeus, wondering which one of them will take hostile action first. Raitei could always repair the damage done to Asgard though its a studier world with studier inhabitants.
National said:
Thaddeus grins as he pats Augustus's shoulder.
"At ease. I can take you there right now, amigo. Lets go."

Thaddeus thrusts his hand, and a portal opens in front of the two. He steps through, the portal dropping both of them off just a few yards away from Raitei and Echo. Thaddeus calls out to them.

"Echo! You have grown. How nice it is, I reunited both of you."

Augustus smiled under his armored suit, and sung out a line, "Oh Thaddeus, what shall we do to them? Rip her apart limb from limb for betraying me?!" Augustus roared with a malice that seemed to bleed right off him. He snarled out, hissing.... "Asgardians betrayed us both, didn't they? Turned their back on our life and world, and just destroy? What do you think we do?

@Newtype @Steel Zinogre @DarknessSpirit
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"Well, I just wanted to meet you, since I've been hearing many good things from you from my 'Friends on the other side' That you may know." Azazel hinted, talking about the recently deceased members of the Avengers and their kids. "look, Don't get mad and start yelling at me, If you wanna get mad, then please, yell at my dad, Mephisto." he said as he cracked his knuckles. "And plus, I want to make a better name for myself, than to be born and viewed as 'bad blood', Whaddya say?"

Cassie rolled her eyes. "Why does everyone think that I'm going to yell at them for no reason?" She looked at the ceiling and sighed. "Your father is Mephisto?" She said. "So, you wanna be a hero?" She was amused by that. "Alright." She smiled as Finn collapsed on the couch. Something was nagging at her, though. What did he mean by "friends on the other side" that she knew?
hudhouse said:
Augustus smiled under his armored suit, and sung out a line, "Oh Thaddeus, what shall we do to them? Rip her apart limb from limb for betraying me?!" Augustus roared with a malice that seemed to bleed right off him. He snarled out, hissing.... "Asgardians betrayed us both, didn't they? Turned their back on our life and world, and just destroy? What do you think we do?
@Newtype @Steel Zinogre @DarknessSpirit
(I'm gone, I am where cassie stark, terry, and connor are.)
sitanomoto said:
Cassie rolled her eyes. "Why does everyone think that I'm going to yell at them for no reason?" She looked at the ceiling and sighed. "Your father is Mephisto?" She said. "So, you wanna be a hero?" She was amused by that. "Alright." She smiled as Finn collapsed on the couch. Something was nagging at her, though. What did he mean by "friends on the other side" that she knew?
"YES!! MORE THAN ANYTHING IN MY LIFE!!" Azazel exclaimed with glee, however, he remembered his horns that were supposed to be covered by his hair, but were sticking out as black spikes on his head within his white hair. "Shit! Why now!?" he thought as he took out a switchblade comb, and combed his hair just the way it was. "There....... Much better..... And yes, My dad is Mephisto. Blackheart is my older brother....... and the favorite."
Echo raised her voice "I'd did what I only could! I did what was right!" She yelled in a strong voice. "I expected more from you little brother." She said in a calmer tone.
Thaddeus looks around, sighing. How nice that the sister of Augustus was here. He knew this would happen, but not so soon. Thaddeus looks at the two asgardians. How nice, the Asgardians were here as well. It wouldn't matter either way. Augustus and Thaddeus were easily strong enough to fight them all, and it seemed that Augustus wanted that.

"Already you have hostility? I keep forgetting what happened between the two of you. And if we rip her limbs apart, she would die from the blood loss. Wouldn't you want to question her? Of course, I am alright with either."

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DarknessSpirit said:
Echo raised her voice "I'd did what I only could! I did what was right!" She yelled in a strong voice. "I expected more from you little brother." She said in a calmer tone.
Augustus smiled and said, "Oh, did what you could and what was right? What was that? What if Father was in my position? Powers of Thanos, power of cosmic! Would he bow? How would he feel...?"
Raitei stood up now and did some arm stretches. "So this means Doom Jr. wants to fight. Echo you have nothing to justify to him you both made your own decisions. You can choose to hop into this battle but I recommend you let me crush him." Raitei said. He payed Augustus and Thaddeus a compliment by upgrading his Supernatural Conditioning to Master Level, a brief pulse of lightning around his body displayed this. "Last chance to back down Doom Jr. before this gets ugly." Raitei warned.

@hudhouse @DarknessSpirit @National
Connor wasn't sure what to think and before he could say anything else he heard voices coming from back in the main room. "Let's hope that's Cassie. She has allot of explaining to do." He grumbled, using the crutches to maneuver around Terry and out of the lab. "Cass I found the little secret you've been hiding!" He called out,lowering his voice as he neared the room the others we're in. "Mind explaining?" Entering with a combination of faces. The I'm disappointed in you face, the What we're you thinking? face, along with the Why are you keeping secrets? face. Though with his injuries he wasn't sure how well it was all showing.

@Steel Zinogre
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"YES!! MORE THAN ANYTHING IN MY LIFE!!" Azazel exclaimed with glee, however, he remembered his horns that were supposed to be covered by his hair, but were sticking out as black spikes on his head within his white hair. "Shit! Why now!?" he thought as he took out a switchblade comb, and combed his hair just the way it was. "There....... Much better..... And yes, My dad is Mephisto. Blackheart is my older brother....... and the favorite."

Crono said:
Connor wasn't sure what to think and before he could say anything else he heard voices coming from back in the main room. "Let's hope that's Cassie. She has allot of explaining to do." He grumbled, using the crutches to maneuver around Terry and out of the lab. "Cass I found the little secret you've been hiding!" He called out,lowering his voice as he neared the room the others we're in. "Mind explaining?" Entering with a combination of faces. The I'm disappointed in you face, the What we're you thinking? face, along with the Why are you keeping secrets? face. Though with his injuries he wasn't sure how well it was all showing.
@Steel Zinogre
Cassie turned to Connor, who was coming up the stairs. "H-Hey Connor!" He had the faces. All three of them. Crap. "Secret? What secret?" She laughed nervously. "There's no secrets here! Nope!"

Terry's head popped out from behind Connor sheepishly.

Cassie bit her lip. "Oh. That secret." She looked up at the ceiling, rubbing the back of her neck with her good hand. "I was going to tell you...." She lowered her hand. "Eventually...." She muttered.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie turned to Connor, who was coming up the stairs. "H-Hey Connor!" He had the faces. All three of them. Crap. "Secret? What secret?" She laughed nervously. "There's no secrets here! Nope!"
Terry's head popped out from behind Connor sheepishly.

Cassie bit her lip. "Oh. That secret." She looked up at the ceiling, rubbing the back of her neck with her good hand. "I was going to tell you...." She lowered her hand. "Eventually...." She muttered.
"Well then, I guess tony got busy then, eh?" Azazel joked, hoping that no one had seen his horns. "Any ways, about me joining you rosters...... Is it possible to do so?" he asked Cassie, unsure of connor. He felt intimidated by him, and started to check out the son of Captain America. @Crono @sitanomoto

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