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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

sitanomoto said:
Cassie narrowed her eyes and flew right up to the glowing red center of the mechanical Beast. " You never invited ME to any of your stupid balls, that's for sure." She glared at the silhouetted figure of Augustus Von Doom with vehemence. "And what about the times that my father invited you and yours to his parties? Or when he invited you to conferences regarding technology he knew you and your Father would be interested in? What about then, Gus?"
Augustus raised an eyebrow, then with a smirk stated, "Same as to you, my dear. Your father has me on his ban list, same as the Avengers. Or, maybe Latveria is on your blocked list entirely. I was always to busy, like one of your friends who has a sports meet. I am busy in my lab, working on machinery and technology. Though to be quite honest I wish you had invited me a few hours ago. If you had, my father would still be alive. But I hold no resentment over you. I can be a social person if I want to. But do realize, all of my machines here could go rouge if i wanted them to. Your under my heel, and I do not have the ego of my father. i can do anything he can do, you can do... and do it better. I saved nearly 3 billion people, you couldn't save people in the hundreds of thousands in this single city. I came in to stop Thanos, and I killed not only the giant beast ravaging your city but also Zar, his general, who was comparable to the Hulk, WITH A KNIFE!" He added high emphasize to the knife part like a veteran telling a war story. He said, "How about once I fix your tower, you and your team will meet me up there? I would invite you to Latveria... but everyone, even the land... is dead and sunken."

Below the waters, two more creation cores were hard at work producing two more mobile platforms....

(@National Apologzies about the infinity stones, I wish you had alerted me sooner because I thought when he rested he gave up the stones. I mentioned the stones here Casual - Avengers: Next Generation | Page 586 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum

. Also, Thaddeus isn't being mentioned @LucianGrey7971 because Augustus doesn't want anyone to know he is allied yet. Plus, Thaddeus is sleeping, he fears that someone might just try hunting him down while he is resting from the mass revival event. In his mind, he wants Thaddeus to help from behind the scenes and just slide into the picture once everything is taken care of)
hudhouse said:
Augustus raised an eyebrow, then with a smirk stated, "Same as to you, my dear. Your father has me on his ban list, same as the Avengers. Or, maybe Latveria is on your blocked list entirely. I was always to busy, like one of your friends who has a sports meet. I am busy in my lab, working on machinery and technology. Though to be quite honest I wish you had invited me a few hours ago. If you had, my father would still be alive. But I hold no resentment over you. I can be a social person if I want to. But do realize, all of my machines here could go rouge if i wanted them to. Your under my heel, and I do not have the ego of my father. i can do anything he can do, you can do... and do it better. I saved nearly 3 billion people, you couldn't save people in the hundreds of thousands in this single city. I came in to stop Thanos, and I killed not only the giant beast ravaging your city but also Zar, his general, who was comparable to the Hulk, WITH A KNIFE!" He added high emphasize to the knife part like a veteran telling a war story. He said, "How about once I fix your tower, you and your team will meet me up there? I would invite you to Latveria... but everyone, even the land... is dead and sunken."
Below the waters, two more creation cores were hard at work producing two more mobile platforms....

(@National Apologzies about the infinity stones, I wish you had alerted me sooner because I thought when he rested he gave up the stones. I mentioned the stones here Casual - Avengers: Next Generation | Page 586 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum

. Also, Thaddeus isn't being mentioned @LucianGrey7971 because Augustus doesn't want anyone to know he is allied yet. Plus, Thaddeus is sleeping, he fears that someone might just try hunting him down while he is resting from the mass revival event. In his mind, he wants Thaddeus to help from behind the scenes and just slide into the picture once everything is taken care of)
"HEY! I want to be invited into a conversation for once! not to mention a nice party where we are all talking friends instead of killing each other!" Redd shouted uncontrollably, and looked at gus. "And maybe you could help my master upgrade me? I am feeling obsolete from what i am looking at now." he said as he sized gus up.
hudhouse said:
Augustus stated to Redd, "I stole this knowledge fair and square. Besides... once I am finished with my upgrades, the Doom company will rise! Then my soldiers will have suits grander then the entire Iron Legion. Not that a dead man in a iron casket can do anything at this point."
@sitanomoto (pppssst... your turn to go crazy if ya want!)
Cassie turned scarlet and began to shake with rage. "How dare you." She said quietly. "How dare you speak of him. You have NO RIGHT!" She was shouting on the last two words. She punched the glass and her armored hand went right through it, almost close enough to touch Augustus's nose. She pulled out her hand and her eyes were blazing in fury. "YOU ARE A COWARD THAT HIDES BEHIND BIG WORDS AND A FANCY SUIT OF ARMOR!" She yelled. "JUST LIKE YOUR FATHER, YOU HAVE NO HONOR! NO RESPECT!" She couldn't stop herself. "A COWARD, AUGUSTUS VON DOOM! BEHIND YOUR SUIT YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A SNIVELLING WEAKLING WHO CARES FOR NO ONE AND NOTHING OTHER THAN HIMSELF AND HIS OWN WELL-BEING!"
sitanomoto said:
Cassie turned scarlet and began to shake with rage. "How dare you." She said quietly. "How dare you speak of him. You have NO RIGHT!" She was shouting on the last two words. She punched the glass and her armored hand went right through it, almost close enough to touch Augustus's nose. She pulled out her hand and her eyes were blazing in fury. "YOU ARE A COWARD THAT HIDES BEHIND BIG WORDS AND A FANCY SUIT OF ARMOR!" She yelled. "JUST LIKE YOUR FATHER, YOU HAVE NO HONOR! NO RESPECT!" She couldn't stop herself. "A COWARD, AUGUSTUS VON DOOM! BEHIND YOUR SUIT YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A SNIVELLING WEAKLING WHO CARES FOR NO ONE AND NOTHING OTHER THAN HIMSELF AND HIS OWN WELL-BEING!"
"Damn........ That stings deeper than a bee." Redd said as he slowly backed away from cassie. "I'll just be over here! If you need me!" he shouted from 10 feet behind her.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie turned scarlet and began to shake with rage. "How dare you." She said quietly. "How dare you speak of him. You have NO RIGHT!" She was shouting on the last two words. She punched the glass and her armored hand went right through it, almost close enough to touch Augustus's nose. She pulled out her hand and her eyes were blazing in fury. "YOU ARE A COWARD THAT HIDES BEHIND BIG WORDS AND A FANCY SUIT OF ARMOR!" She yelled. "JUST LIKE YOUR FATHER, YOU HAVE NO HONOR! NO RESPECT!" She couldn't stop herself. "A COWARD, AUGUSTUS VON DOOM! BEHIND YOUR SUIT YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A SNIVELLING WEAKLING WHO CARES FOR NO ONE AND NOTHING OTHER THAN HIMSELF AND HIS OWN WELL-BEING!"
Augustus stood up, and then shattered the glass. He spoke to Cassie with some wit and intelligence in a attempt to drive her mad, "I fixed your city, I saved you from Zar, and I helped defeated Thanos. You stood and watched as Sentry did most of the work. You hide behind your suit, your father hid behind his suit, but my Father? He killed a lion with his bare hands, he commanded and ruled. All you command, all you own, is your Extremis virus, which you might not even have... and your group. The rest came from your Father. I respect and honor what deserves it, like Doctor Strange and Mr. Fantastic. Even your father was amazing when he made the Iron Man suit, but you? You just steal from your family and call it your own. I went through Hell itself to strengthen my mind, I have the strength and durability of Thanos!

Augustus used strength powerful enough to crack Mercury, to try and break all the bones in Cassie's forearm. He limited his power so that it should only break bone, but if Cassie moved the wrong way it might get worse or better. Augustus looked her dead in the eyes, and stated, "...I have lost more then you have ever owned. I lost a country under my command and will, I lost my father's life, my mother's, my brother... my two sisters. You have not lost your home, you have never went hungry in the streets! My father did so to me and my brother, and ended up killing him! I stood in your shit and your pathetic trash of inhuman life, and I took my life back. You were given life, given fame, given fortune and given a legacy. I took it... you are nothing compared to me. I have helped your city more then your father ever could have dreamed. He made diseases and viruses, he ruined lives and made war. Don't you remember his past as a war industry?! Before Iron Man, he made weapons, sold them to the East, and watched as they blew each other up laughing and rolling in money. He was a whoring man, and had no respect. I saved billions of lives... what have you done?"

Augustus didn't attempt to dodge any attack thrown at him. Just taking the blow.
hudhouse said:
Augustus stood up, and then shattered the glass. He spoke to Cassie with some wit and intelligence in a attempt to drive her mad, "I fixed your city, I saved you from Zar, and I helped defeated Thanos. You stood and watched as Sentry did most of the work. You hide behind your suit, your father hid behind his suit, but my Father? He killed a lion with his bare hands, he commanded and ruled. All you command, all you own, is your Extremis virus, which you might not even have... and your group. The rest came from your Father. I respect and honor what deserves it, like Doctor Strange and Mr. Fantastic. Even your father was amazing when he made the Iron Man suit, but you? You just steal from your family and call it your own. I went through Hell itself to strengthen my mind, I have the strength and durability of Thanos!
Augustus used strength powerful enough to crack Mercury, to try and break all the bones in Cassie's forearm. He limited his power so that it should only break bone, but if Cassie moved the wrong way it might get worse or better. Augustus looked her dead in the eyes, and stated, "...I have lost more then you have ever owned. I lost a country under my command and will, I lost my father's life, my mother's, my brother... my two sisters. You have not lost your home, you have never went hungry in the streets! My father did so to me and my brother, and ended up killing him! I stood in your shit and your pathetic trash of inhuman life, and I took my life back. You were given life, given fame, given fortune and given a legacy. I took it... you are nothing compared to me. I have helped your city more then your father ever could have dreamed. He made diseases and viruses, he ruined lives and made war. Don't you remember his past as a war industry?! Before Iron Man, he made weapons, sold them to the East, and watched as they blew each other up laughing and rolling in money. He was a whoring man, and had no respect. I saved billions of lives... what have you done?"

Augustus didn't attempt to dodge any attack thrown at him. Just taking the blow.
Cassie stared him right back in the eyes, flinching as Augustus's grip tightened around her arm. She clenched her teeth to keep from cying out in pain, but she dared not call out to Redd or her friends. Any attempt to do so would show weakness. "You have never been told that you were nothing, never been cast in the shadows for months and then reemerged from a pit of nightmares to find that your friends were dead, broken or scarred beyond repair with nothing that you could do about it." She was crying now. "My father did wrong, yes, but every attempt after the incident was an attempt to make things right, to make the world a better place. He had his faults, Augustus, just like I have mine. I haven't had a chance to make the world a better place yet because I've been too busy trying to stop tyrants like you who don't know the difference between saving the world and destroying it." She looked him up and down. "You said that you raised three thousand people from the dead. Why didn't you save your family?" She was being sincere, not malicious at the last part. Any more attempts to strike a nerve would surely break her.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie stared him right back in the eyes, flinching as Augustus's grip tightened around her arm. She clenched her teeth to keep from cying out in pain, but she dared not call out to Redd or her friends. Any attempt to do so would show weakness. "You have never been told that you were nothing, never been cast in the shadows for months and then reemerged from a pit of nightmares to find that your friends were dead, broken or scarred beyond repair with nothing that you could do about it." She was crying now. "My father did wrong, yes, but every attempt after the incident was an attempt to make things right, to make the world a better place. He had his faults, Augustus, just like I have mine. I haven't had a chance to make the world a better place yet because I've been too busy trying to stop tyrants like you who don't know the difference between saving the world and destroying it." She looked him up and down. "You said that you raised three thousand people from the dead. Why didn't you save your family?" She was being sincere, not malicious at the last part. Any more attempts to strike a nerve would surely break her.
"I too have done wrong.......but i will not speak of it, for we will all break." Redd said as he stepped closer to his master, upset that Augustus had laid hands on Cassie. "Oh by the way, please do not touch her again. Next time you do, YOU WILL HAVE A BAD TIME." he warned as he kneeled down next to her.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie stared him right back in the eyes, flinching as Augustus's grip tightened around her arm. She clenched her teeth to keep from cying out in pain, but she dared not call out to Redd or her friends. Any attempt to do so would show weakness. "You have never been told that you were nothing, never been cast in the shadows for months and then reemerged from a pit of nightmares to find that your friends were dead, broken or scarred beyond repair with nothing that you could do about it." She was crying now. "My father did wrong, yes, but every attempt after the incident was an attempt to make things right, to make the world a better place. He had his faults, Augustus, just like I have mine. I haven't had a chance to make the world a better place yet because I've been too busy trying to stop tyrants like you who don't know the difference between saving the world and destroying it." She looked him up and down. "You said that you raised three thousand people from the dead. Why didn't you save your family?" She was being sincere, not malicious at the last part. Any more attempts to strike a nerve would surely break her.
Augustus stated bluntly, "I said three Billion, but I decided on that because I live with sacrifice. The average person is more important then my family, since I wish to rule them. You Avengers also tagged me with my title remember, Omega Tyrant? I was not told I was nothing, I was nothing. I am nothing, and I don't care what I am. Make a ruler or your slave, who cares? I want what my father wanted, a world of peace and prosperity. Father found a future, he traveled millions and millions of times into alternate worlds and through time to prove it. He found a way, and passed his ideal onto me. His way was wicked, same as mine, but does the end justify the means? That's what all super heroes do, so why not me in my crusade? You had plenty of chances Cassie, you simply never took the initiative. I did, so I am the villain. I want to make a new way of life that is better, and I come in bulk because I know I will be fought. Two last things. I am the one who fixed this city, and your the one who helped destroy it...

"Finally Cassie, you and the Avengers willingly killed my father and over 3 billion people. Live with yourself..." Augustus leaned in close, and said, "...I never had friends Cassie, I never had anyone who protect my back. Thats the only thing you have that I do not have... love. Cherish that gift, and keep it close." Augustus then sent all of his robots to destroy Avengers tower... and rebuild it with Graphene and more state of the art technology. Augustus quickly added in, "Top floor by the heli pad, it has a self rejuvenation center. It will fix your arm in a few minutes."

Augustus looked at Redd and stated, "This is conflict of Ideals, she breaks my toys, I break her. I choose not to, and give her something in return. You should love how to give, for all you know how to is to take."

@Steel Zinogre
"Let's see here...what more can I do..." Jordan turned his head slightly as if hearing a voice that wasn't there "Gotcha, Latveria...we might not like any version of Doom, but they do have their place...yea, yea" Jordan waved his hand in the air dismissively, "I got it, just like you did with African and California...I said I got it..." Jordan sighed and attempted to duplicate what his Phoenix side had done moments earlier
hudhouse said:
Augustus stated bluntly, "I said three Billion, but I decided on that because I live with sacrifice. The average person is more important then my family, since I wish to rule them. You Avengers also tagged me with my title remember, Omega Tyrant? I was not told I was nothing, I was nothing. I am nothing, and I don't care what I am. Make a ruler or your slave, who cares? I want what my father wanted, a world of peace and prosperity. Father found a future, he traveled millions and millions of times into alternate worlds and through time to prove it. He found a way, and passed his ideal onto me. His way was wicked, same as mine, but does the end justify the means? That's what all super heroes do, so why not me in my crusade? You had plenty of chances Cassie, you simply never took the initiative. I did, so I am the villain. I want to make a new way of life that is better, and I come in bulk because I know I will be fought. Two last things. I am the one who fixed this city, and your the one who helped destroy it...
"Finally Cassie, you and the Avengers willingly killed my father and over 3 billion people. Live with yourself..." Augustus leaned in close, and said, "...I never had friends Cassie, I never had anyone who protect my back. Thats the only thing you have that I do not have... love. Cherish that gift, and keep it close." Augustus then sent all of his robots to destroy Avengers tower... and rebuild it with Graphene and more state of the art technology. Augustus quickly added in, "Top floor by the heli pad, it has a self rejuvenation center. It will fix your arm in a few minutes."

Augustus looked at Redd and stated, "This is conflict of Ideals, she breaks my toys, I break her. I choose not to, and give her something in return. You should love how to give, for all you know how to is to take."

@Steel Zinogre
"Easy for you to say. I always give my loyalty and love to my master. And I take what I am offered. I am her guardian for a reason, and people like you are that sole reason." redd said as he stood up, and shook his head. "You may claim that you are here for peace and prosperity, but it does not look like your are here for peace at this moment. It looks like you want to break things that do not belong in your hands, and that includes my master, Ms. Stark." he pulled his sword out, and stabbed it into the ground, holding it like a cane. "Like I said, touch her again, AND YOU WILL HAVE A BAD TIME." (I've been watching too much undertale gameplay.)
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]yes. Game Grumps. That is how I got into them.

(Okay where's the disappointment rating?)
There was clanking coming from Cassie's lab... Loud clanking, able to be heard from the living room couch. An exclamation of pain and discomfort after a particularly loud clank. ((@Crono, might wanna see what's up in Cassie's lab...))

Cassie removed her arm from Augustus's grip and sighed. "Augustus, you are one of the only Villains that I have ever felt truely sorry for. Thank you for fixing Stark Tower, you are welcome any time inside, just as long as you don't break anything or steal any of my tech. I'm working on something.... Important right now, but I'd be happy to have input on it." She smiled sadly. "It's alright, Redd," she put her good arm on his forearm. "C'mon, let's leave Von Doom to fix the city."
The humming returned to the world, but it wasn't as steady, it waned...getting louder and softer as Jordan tried to control the energy that he was putting out. Slowly but surely Latveria started to rise from the ocean floor and piece itself back together.
Connor had been trying his best to find out what was going on in the city by using the towers access to camera feeds. Just so happened most weren't operable, so he went for the satellite access. That's when he heard the noise from somewhere in the tower, one that didn't sound natural and not one of the many sort of noises coming from outside,. The blonde looked at Nevermore, still sound asleep, before reaching over and grabbing the crutches he'd procured earlier and made his way towards Cassie's lab following the noise. It was clear that's where it was coming from, so the blonde used the access door which opened at his presence....

sitanomoto said:
There was clanking coming from Cassie's lab... Loud clanking, able to be heard from the living room couch. An exclamation of pain and discomfort after a particularly loud clank. ((@Crono, might wanna see what's up in Cassie's lab...))
Cassie removed her arm from Augustus's grip and sighed. "Augustus, you are one of the only Villains that I have ever felt truely sorry for. Thank you for fixing Stark Tower, you are welcome any time inside, just as long as you don't break anything or steal any of my tech. I'm working on something.... Important right now, but I'd be happy to have input on it." She smiled sadly. "It's alright, Redd," she put her good arm on his forearm. "C'mon, let's leave Von Doom to fix the city."
"It won't be the only thing he will fix if he keeps touching you." redd said as he got up and followed cassie.
Finn laughed at how happy they both looked and was just about to climb up and join them when Augustus had to show up. "Well you know how to ruin the mood don't you." He mumbled to himself. Then in a matter of seconds Cassie had gone and started attempting to beat the tar out of the guy. Finn was going to allow it too. When things started looking bad however he moved forward to intervene but Redd had gotten there. They could use the bonding experience so he waited for things to get truly disastrous. Luckily that didn't happen and soon enough Cassie was heading back to Stark Tower. Finn jogged to catch up with the two of them. "You alright Cassie? Don't let that moron get in the way of this moment. He needs some lessons in having fun, and basic manners." He scoffed. "I say we head back to the tower, eat two liters of ice cream, and then start to create a finish saving the world plan." He looked Redd's way. "You look bigger than last time, that must get you all of the ladies." He joked trying to lighten the mood.

@Steel Zinogre
Eldkatla had found herself in a small crowd looking at a screen watching a woman outlining the catastrophes as best she could. There was no report on the fate of Thanos though, but why would there be? The death of their own was far more important now than the stranger who murdered them. About to turn away her attention was grabbed as the woman began to panic and the screen switch to a scene of an armored individual. Eldkatla began to become faintly aware of the world around them warming but her attention was captured by the one who claimed to now possess the power of Thanos. She frowned in confusion before quickly turning away from the group and walking to an isolated area, magically transporting herself to the site as soon as she was alone.

Looking up at the metal monstrosity from afar she watched the scene before her for a moment. It certainly seemed to have the boldness of one with the power of Thanos but arrogance could do as much too. She closed her eyes and took a breath and opened them to see a world different than those around her saw. She saw magic which clung to him: magic which was his own and - somehow - the energy of Thanos. She did not understand how it could be but Thanos was now powerless and, in that regard at least, she was free. But she could not sense the infinity gems, nor see them on him. If in a position to take all the power that he had taken, why leave them? Of course the better question seemed to be who had got them first?
CasualDragon said:
Finn laughed at how happy they both looked and was just about to climb up and join them when Augustus had to show up. "Well you know how to ruin the mood don't you." He mumbled to himself. Then in a matter of seconds Cassie had gone and started attempting to beat the tar out of the guy. Finn was going to allow it too. When things started looking bad however he moved forward to intervene but Redd had gotten there. They could use the bonding experience so he waited for things to get truly disastrous. Luckily that didn't happen and soon enough Cassie was heading back to Stark Tower. Finn jogged to catch up with the two of them. "You alright Cassie? Don't let that moron get in the way of this moment. He needs some lessons in having fun, and basic manners." He scoffed. "I say we head back to the tower, eat two liters of ice cream, and then start to create a finish saving the world plan." He looked Redd's way. "You look bigger than last time, that must get you all of the ladies." He joked trying to lighten the mood.
@Steel Zinogre
"I am bigger, For this is my original body. The tank dropped the bucket, and held memories that I regret seeing." he told finn as he looked at him. "And also, I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen."
Augustus decided to just finish his plan. He silently waved a hand in front of his face, warping the now multiplied four platforms. The giant walkers used mass jamming fields while constantly producing self-replicating robots to overthrow governments in India, China, South America and Antarctica. Orgalorg would be pissed! Every criminal data bank was hacked into in the area, as well as remotely by Augustus. He simply talked to buy himself enough time, but he was glad he patched, even if temporarily, things up with Cassie.

Augustus handed a strange communicator that looked like a watch. he said, "To a fellow scientist, if you need anything, input or just to talk to someone. I am open. But please, give your pity to those who deserve it. It is not I, I assure you." Augustus repaired the glass walls almost like liquid, before setting back to reconstruction.

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