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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Standing in the remains of the city Eldkatla looked at the destruction around her. The world had fallen quiet and the fighting had stopped which could only mean one thing: someone had won and considering the general lack of fire and death it didn't seem to be Thanos. That was unexpected. Still, despite this she felt mostly apathetic about the outcome. She looked at the bodies of the aliens with a disgust she could not be so open with before but aside from that her thoughts quickly turned to the future. First she needed to assure herself Thanos was truly incapacitated, then she could decide on what next, on whether she should search for a route back to her father or make some use of being caught in this realm.

Luckily there was nothing Eldkatla did better than adapt to survive. The area was dead for now but the inhabitants would soon begin to present themselves again so she needed to be quick. Walking a little way down the street she saw the front had been ripped off of some store that appeared to sell clothes. Stepping inside she quickly stripped out of the ornate armour and leathers she wore and swapped it for simple dark clothes instead. With a wave of her hand her own clothes vanished and, pulling up the hood of her newly acquired jacket, Eldkatla stepped back out into the street and walked with her head down in search for news.
Crono said:
Connor took a deep breath, wondering just where she and Redd had gone...why had they suddenly reappeared and why they'd been unconscious, all in the wake of taking down Thanos as well. The blonde couldn't go after Redd even if he wanted to what with Cassie keeping him here and already being a bit hobbled as it was. "Your alright." He mumbled to her, he hated seeing her like this. Ever since her return a month ago her mental state had always been on his thoughts. "Ease up on the squeezing a little though alright? Everything still hurts." He told her with a light chuckle that ended in a small groan, laughing hurt too apparently. All in all she wasn't actually hurting him, but if it took her thoughts off whatever they we're on then maybe she'd snap out of it. "Where'd you go? What happened?"
Cassie stopped squeezing so hard and looked up at Connor. "I w-went to go g-give the stones t-to a friend..... A-at least..... I th-thought he was a f-friend... And R-Redd was there w-with me s-so I thought everything w-was going to b-be okay.... And.... H-he p-put me in a v-vision....."

Reaper said:
"Uhh surprise me." He said. She could've cooked a cricket on a toothpick and he would've greedily devoured it. He couldn't help but wonder though, why he was wearing such a goofy outfit. "Why the tight clothes?? Am I a higher or something?" He asked her @sitanomoto
Hypnas smiled as she prepared a grilled cheese sandwich. "It's for air resistance, to help you go faster." She brought over the sandwich and a bag of chips and handed them to Dimitri. "There. If you want anything else, let me know."
hudhouse said:
Augustus smiled at this concern, speaking, "Your being to careful Thaddeus. Your worry is leaking... I can feel the effort going through your minds to twist your words! But it is of no matter. You are using your father as more of a excuse then a true reason here, for if many humans don't understand, they won't do it. Plus, even your Father used evil and sinful magic to protect himself, don't you remember when he called upon Dormammu the Soul Eater? But, I propose... magic schools...."
Thaddeus listens to Augustus, listening. He takes a deep breath, and manages a smile.

"Perhaps you are right. I have seen the true, personal tortures of Hell, but you could be right. Alright, let's do that then. We can make a school for the magic, and I will start manufacturing those amulets. However, first thing is first. We must not get ahead of ourselves. We both need rest to relax our minds. Think of all the mental stress you and I have. We won't be able to do anything with this. We must rest before we take the Sentry's powers."

Unbeknownst to Cassie and Redd, Thaddeus has been watching in a different plane of existence. It was interesting to see how they would react, the girl and the robot. @hudhouse
National said:
Thaddeus listens to Augustus, listening. He takes a deep breath, and manages a smile.
"Perhaps you are right. I have seen the true, personal tortures of Hell, but you could be right. Alright, let's do that then. We can make a school for the magic, and I will start manufacturing those amulets. However, first thing is first. We must not get ahead of ourselves. We both need rest to relax our minds. Think of all the mental stress you and I have. We won't be able to do anything with this. We must rest before we take the Sentry's powers."

Unbeknownst to Cassie and Redd, Thaddeus has been watching in a different plane of existence. It was interesting to see how they would react, the girl and the robot. @hudhouse

(My phone autocorrected jogger to higher O.o )

"Air resistance.... So I'm a pretentious jogger. Greeeat." He picked up the sandwich and began to eat it way too fast. When he was finished, he put the plate down. "Thanks, Red. That hit the spot."

Back in New York, Harry had activated the protocol for when his trusty building would be inevitably destroyed. Robotic arms pushed the rubble off of his square block, and began to repair the building like an assembly line. At this rate, the building would be done in a few days.
The stones? Connor turned his head to look at where Kelai's body lay, he hadn't notice her take them only that she'd left. Well this wasn't good, "So someone has all the stones?" If Cassie hadn't just been through whatever she'd been through he might have scolded her for taking them all to a single person or not trusting more people with what she was doing...though the less people that knew the stones locations the better so maybe she'd been in the right, who was he to say? "We'll get them back." The blonde gave her a reassuring smile, "Who'd you give them to?"
Crono said:
The stones? Connor turned his head to look at where Kelai's body lay, he hadn't notice her take them only that she'd left. Well this wasn't good, "So someone has all the stones?" If Cassie hadn't just been through whatever she'd been through he might have scolded her for taking them all to a single person or not trusting more people with what she was doing...though the less people that knew the stones locations the better so maybe she'd been in the right, who was he to say? "We'll get them back." The blonde gave her a reassuring smile, "Who'd you give them to?"
"Th-Thaddeus Maximoff.... Scarlet Witch's son...." She realized the severity of what she had done and she nearly lost it again. "Oh my gosh.... Connor I'm s-so sorry...."
National said:
Thaddeus listens to Augustus, listening. He takes a deep breath, and manages a smile.
"Perhaps you are right. I have seen the true, personal tortures of Hell, but you could be right. Alright, let's do that then. We can make a school for the magic, and I will start manufacturing those amulets. However, first thing is first. We must not get ahead of ourselves. We both need rest to relax our minds. Think of all the mental stress you and I have. We won't be able to do anything with this. We must rest before we take the Sentry's powers."

Unbeknownst to Cassie and Redd, Thaddeus has been watching in a different plane of existence. It was interesting to see how they would react, the girl and the robot. @hudhouse
Augustus suddenly frowned, and allowed his mind to be open, showing its full void. His nigh-invincibility did not just go to his body, it also went to his already disciplined mind! He had simply wanted to wait out some of the more violent changes. He was fully ready to go, and said, "I may be a little damaged, but these new cells and powers? I am a Eternal now... I can rip Hulk's son in half before I fall from fatigue!"
Connor raised a confused brow, "Dimitri's cousin..why...?" The boy wasn't sure why Cassie thought taking them to Thaddeus but she'd had her reasons. "Sssh. No, it's fine. We'll get them back, it'll be alright." Easier said than done for him especially with the state he was personally in. "You clearly had some reason to trust him with the stones, do you still trust him?"
Crono said:
Connor raised a confused brow, "Dimitri's cousin..why...?" The boy wasn't sure why Cassie thought taking them to Thaddeus but she'd had her reasons. "Sssh. No, it's fine. We'll get them back, it'll be alright." Easier said than done for him especially with the state he was personally in. "You clearly had some reason to trust him with the stones, do you still trust him?"
Cassie sniffed and shook her head. "n-no.... He doesn't t-trust me either ... He th-thinks D-Dad was responsible for k-killing his father.... " she closed her eyes and buried her head in Connor's shoulder. "Dad wasn't a killer.... None of the Avengers were...."
Finn watched in shock as Redd ran off and Cassie broke down. He wasn't sure whether he should run after Redd or stay with Cassie. At the mention of being betrayed by Thadeus Finn started pacing the floor. Hurting people was one horrible thing, but hurting your friends? "Do you think Dimitri would know what Thadeus was up to?" Finn tapped his real foot against the floor before taking one last look at the bodies on the floor. That was the last thing Cassie needed right now was to be surrounded by those who had died to save the planet, and the infinity stones, from falling into the wrong hands yet for the stones to fall into the wrong hands anyways.

Carefully he picked up the bodies trying not to be sick with just how horribly real the whole situation was and moved them to an open space. He gave his respects to the dead before heading back to where Cassie and Connor were. "It wasn't your father's fault Cassie. It isn't your fault either that the stones are with him now. You didn't know what was going to happen. Don't beat yourself up for it." He ruffled her hair. "I guess I should go find Redd." He looked back at the two of them before heading out in the direction Redd had taken. "Redd! Redd where are you?"

@Steel Zinogre ((You don't have to have him respond if you don't want to. It's up to you.))
Connor scoffed, "Of course they weren't. Now..." Connor adjusted so that he was sitting up with one leg Indian style while they other was outstretched. Finn had taken the bodies elsewhere and they we're now just sitting out in the destroyed area, "...how about we go back to the tower..." Connor winced, "...that is if the tower is still standing?" The blonde wasn't sure as he'd been fighting Miami until Raitei had brought them back to New York. "I'd really rather sit down on something other than rocks, and we can come up with a plan to get the stones back. Maybe grab Finn and Redd on the way. Though I'm not sure I can walk back on my own." Connor gave a sheepish smile, it was an attempt to get her mind off what she'd seen and these thoughts. If Cassie helping him helped her in someway then that was fine with him. There wasn't much he could do, while they could help anyone trapped or hurt in the city the fact was Connor probably would only be a hindrance at this point.
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Thaddeus mentally tries to focus, hoping to calm his brain.

"I think I will be able to fight the Sentry, if you can as well. I feel on the verge, but I'll push it. What us your first maneuver?"

CasualDragon said:
Finn watched in shock as Redd ran off and Cassie broke down. He wasn't sure whether he should run after Redd or stay with Cassie. At the mention of being betrayed by Thadeus Finn started pacing the floor. Hurting people was one horrible thing, but hurting your friends? "Do you think Dimitri would know what Thadeus was up to?" Finn tapped his real foot against the floor before taking one last look at the bodies on the floor. That was the last thing Cassie needed right now was to be surrounded by those who had died to save the planet, and the infinity stones, from falling into the wrong hands yet for the stones to fall into the wrong hands anyways.
Carefully he picked up the bodies trying not to be sick with just how horribly real the whole situation was and moved them to an open space. He gave his respects to the dead before heading back to where Cassie and Connor were. "It wasn't your father's fault Cassie. It isn't your fault either that the stones are with him now. You didn't know what was going to happen. Don't beat yourself up for it." He ruffled her hair. "I guess I should go find Redd." He looked back at the two of them before heading out in the direction Redd had taken. "Redd! Redd where are you?"

@Steel Zinogre ((You don't have to have him respond if you don't want to. It's up to you.))
"Shit." redd said as he got up and ran deeper into the woods. "I don't want to harm you! STAY AWAY!" he warned as he felt his servos shake with fear and severe trauma from the dream. "It seems the dream really did a number on him. He is quite traumatized, and scared." Howard said in cassie's suit. "Maybe you should talk to him, while the others hide behind the bushes in case something happens." he warned. @sitanomoto @Crono @National @CasualDragon
Jordan stood in the middle of the street and sighed heavily "Humanity...such an ungrateful bunch...well then...no since in leaving it broken, at the very least I can bring Africa back...and California..." Jordan shifted suddenly, and his hair stood up on its ends. His eyes once again glowed orange, but not out of rage, he was gathering his power. "Unfortunate that in this state I don't have all my powers...but this is enough..." Jordan tensed up, the air around him shivering and humming to life with the sounds of energy being gathered, the sound spread across the world, all along it the low humming could be heard and warm sensation could be felt "Yeesh, its a good thing I don't have an inclination towards world domination...I'd rather not be the next person on the Avengers' to punch list...even as...weak as they are right now." Jordan said to himself, Jordan chuckled at his own joke, well, the Phoenix Force laughed at Jordan's joke...[okay stop...I'm writing this and it confuses the hell out of me...good luck everyone else~]
National said:
Thaddeus mentally tries to focus, hoping to calm his brain.
"I think I will be able to fight the Sentry, if you can as well. I feel on the verge, but I'll push it. What us your first maneuver?"

Augustus suddenly put a hand on Thaddeus's shoulder, which was surprisingly gentle. He speaks out, "You can follow me in your sleep for now Thaddeus. You need your rest, I can not live with myself if a innocent got killed by you by accident, or someone kills you. Stay safe, I will craft myself two new suits and a weapon, then march out. I will be heading to South America first, and work from the coast. North Americans always think there is so many drugs and horrific things there... I will truly be the judge of the situation and start our rule..." Augustus opened his palm, and casted a spell. He attempted to force Thaddeus's body to produce a large amount of melatonin to drive him to sleep, and if he could tuck Thaddeus in on the bed Augustus woke from only a few moments earlier.

Augustus went down to the base of the house, crafting a massive second basement to allow him to forge his new weaponry. He began his work...
Finn shook his head although Redd might not be able to see it. "You won't hurt me. And if you did it's not your fault. Something unfair happened to you. Cassie's facing the same trauma right now. That's what friends are for Redd, we're here to pull you down the right path. And right now that path is to come back and be with Cassie, Connor and I. You don't have to face this alone." Finn followed along after Redd.

@Steel Zinogre
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Thaddeus nods, his body agreeing with the falling asleep plan. The infinity gems took so much energy from him, leaving him barely enough energy to stand. Who was he trying to fool that he was capable to fight? Every time he blinked, he struggled to open them back up. His body would be able to get used to the power of the infinity gems, but not yet. Him being able to survive with the gems inside him was a grand feat enough.

He feels Augustus's hand on his shoulder, followed up with the melatonin, forcing him to go to sleep, his body not even putting up any form of a fight. He was much too tired, ready to go to bed. He falls asleep, the color from his rainbow like eyes seeping out a little from his eyelids.

(hooo boy...Jordan is not gonna be happy about the living infinity gauntlet...)

Jordan raised his arms and the humming sound around the world became much more audible, to the point where everyone could hear it. The warm sensation blanketed everyone and was getting warmer.

( Looks like global warming was real bitches!)
Crono said:
Connor scoffed, "Of course they weren't. Now..." Connor adjusted so that he was sitting up with one leg Indian style while they other was outstretched. Finn had taken the bodies elsewhere and they we're now just sitting out in the destroyed area, "...how about we go back to the tower..." Connor winced, "...that is if the tower is still standing?" The blonde wasn't sure as he'd been fighting Miami until Raitei had brought them back to New York. "I'd really rather sit down on something other than rocks, and we can come up with a plan to get the stones back. Maybe grab Finn and Redd on the way. Though I'm not sure I can walk back on my own." Connor gave a sheepish smile, it was an attempt to get her mind off what she'd seen and these thoughts. If Cassie helping him helped her in someway then that was fine with him. There wasn't much he could do, while they could help anyone trapped or hurt in the city the fact was Connor probably would only be a hindrance at this point.
CasualDragon said:
Finn watched in shock as Redd ran off and Cassie broke down. He wasn't sure whether he should run after Redd or stay with Cassie. At the mention of being betrayed by Thadeus Finn started pacing the floor. Hurting people was one horrible thing, but hurting your friends? "Do you think Dimitri would know what Thadeus was up to?" Finn tapped his real foot against the floor before taking one last look at the bodies on the floor. That was the last thing Cassie needed right now was to be surrounded by those who had died to save the planet, and the infinity stones, from falling into the wrong hands yet for the stones to fall into the wrong hands anyways.
Carefully he picked up the bodies trying not to be sick with just how horribly real the whole situation was and moved them to an open space. He gave his respects to the dead before heading back to where Cassie and Connor were. "It wasn't your father's fault Cassie. It isn't your fault either that the stones are with him now. You didn't know what was going to happen. Don't beat yourself up for it." He ruffled her hair. "I guess I should go find Redd." He looked back at the two of them before heading out in the direction Redd had taken. "Redd! Redd where are you?"

@Steel Zinogre ((You don't have to have him respond if you don't want to. It's up to you.))
Cassie smiled as Finn ruffled her hair and then nodded at Connor. "Sure..." She said. She stood and beckoned Connor to get to his feet so she could carry him and take him home.
Connor stood up and raised a brow at her for a moment before huffing in defeat, We're going to fly, of course we're going to fly, why did I think we weren't going to fly? I shouldn't have said anything. I hate flying. "So Redd and Finn first or tower?" He asked allowing her to pick him up, and hoping that her suit could still fly. Though the fact that he could hear some odd hum, plus he was getting warm was a bit odd. It was New York after-all.
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National said:
Thaddeus nods, his body agreeing with the falling asleep plan. The infinity gems took so much energy from him, leaving him barely enough energy to stand. Who was he trying to fool that he was capable to fight? Every time he blinked, he struggled to open them back up. His body would be able to get used to the power of the infinity gems, but not yet. Him being able to survive with the gems inside him was a grand feat enough.
He feels Augustus's hand on his shoulder, followed up with the melatonin, forcing him to go to sleep, his body not even putting up any form of a fight. He was much too tired, ready to go to bed. He falls asleep, the color from his rainbow like eyes seeping out a little from his eyelids.

"You don't know! You don't know the things I have done! Horrible!" he shouted as he ran into a tree, stunning him and sending him to the ground. "I'm sorry...... Ivory....." he said as the sadness and fear of the dream took hold, feeling self hate and loathing. His servos were temporarily disabled as he slowly recovered from the hard hit.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"You don't know! You don't know the things I have done! Horrible!" he shouted as he ran into a tree, stunning him and sending him to the ground. "I'm sorry...... Ivory....." he said as the sadness and fear of the dream took hold, feeling self hate and loathing. His servos were temporarily disabled as he slowly recovered from the hard hit.

Crono said:
Connor stood up and raised a brow at her for a moment before huffing in defeat, We're going to fly, of course we're going to fly, why did I think we weren't going to fly? I shouldn't have said anything. I hate flying. "So Redd and Finn first or tower?" He asked allowing her to pick him up, and hoping that her suit could still fly. Though the fact that he could hear some odd hum, plus he was getting warm was a bit odd. It was New York after-all.
"You first, Connor." She said, picking him up. "It's not going to take very long, alright?" She started up her boots. They sputtered a little before going on full power. She and Connor managed to soar into the air and through a busted window of Stark Tower. The boots sputtered again before going off and they landed, if bumpily, on the floor. She walked him to the couch and set him down gently next to the lightly sleeping Nevermore. She kissed his forehead then blasted out to the forest. There was a loud thud, turning her in the direction of Redd and Finn. She landed next to the Fallen robot and knelt next to him with a soft smile. "Redd...." She whispered. The realization that one of her friends was still alive finally hit home and she burst into tears. She dropped to both knees and put her arms over his chest plate. "You're alive, Redd, I can't believe it...."
sitanomoto said:
"You first, Connor." She said, picking him up. "It's not going to take very long, alright?" She started up her boots. They sputtered a little before going on full power. She and Connor managed to soar into the air and through a busted window of Stark Tower. The boots sputtered again before going off and they landed, if bumpily, on the floor. She walked him to the couch and set him down gently next to the lightly sleeping Nevermore. She kissed his forehead then blasted out to the forest. There was a loud thud, turning her in the direction of Redd and Finn. She landed next to the Fallen robot and knelt next to him with a soft smile. "Redd...." She whispered. The realization that one of her friends was still alive finally hit home and she burst into tears. She dropped to both knees and put her arms over his chest plate. "You're alive, Redd, I can't believe it...."
"Master....... I feel like a failure....... I could not....... Protect him." Redd said with a sad tone. "Ivory is dead because of me...... I'm sorry." he said as his limbs reactivated, and looked at her in a grieved expression.

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