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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Finn's questions we're valid, and Connor would have liked to have had the answers but he kept quiet as he gave it thought. Rebuild, it's what they always did after such catastrophe's, but this one was so big....the word didn't fit. "I--" The boy cut off by the sudden existence of Cassie and Redd lying nearby. Wasn't Redd dead? They we're alive so that was good, Finn was just as lost as Connor was. "I'm not an expert." Connor told him with a sheepish smile, "Just try to wake them." The blonde scooted between the two bodies with his leg elevated so as not to bang it against anything and gave them both a shake with each arm, Redd being a robot and Cassie being in armor it took a bit of force. "No sleeping on the job you two."

@Steel Zinogre
Crono said:
Finn's questions we're valid, and Connor would have liked to have had the answers but he kept quiet as he gave it thought. Rebuild, it's what they always did after such catastrophe's, but this one was so big....the word didn't fit. "I--" The boy cut off by the sudden existence of Cassie and Redd lying nearby. Wasn't Redd dead? They we're alive so that was good, Finn was just as lost as Connor was. "I'm not an expert." Connor told him with a sheepish smile, "Just try to wake them." The blonde scooted between the two bodies with his leg elevated so as not to bang it against anything and gave them both a shake with each arm, Redd being a robot and Cassie being in armor it took a bit of force. "No sleeping on the job you two."

@Steel Zinogre
Redd awakens with a raging scream as he swung his sword around blindly, and screaming about a hand touching him. When he came to his senses, he looked at his hands, and then he backs away. "Stay away from me....... I will tell you this once." he said in an extremely pained tone as he ran off, for the illusion traumatized him majorly, and will stay in place for a long time. "I am not a killer! I cared about him! Only If i weren't made.... none of this shit would have happened!" he thought as he stopped, assuming to be deep enough in the woods to not be followed.
Cassie gasped awake and clung onto the first thing she could.... Which happened to be Connor..... With an iron grip that would have rivaled the Hulk. She was sobbing and hyperventilating, which made it really hard to breathe. She somehow managed to avoid gripping onto Connor's injured leg, which was good. "Don't! Don't let them take me! Please!!!" She managed to choke out between sobs.
It all happened so fast, the robots scrambling and yelling, followed by the pain of Cassie grabbing onto his bruised body. At first he even smiled through it as he thought it was a bit amusing that Cassie's first reaction was to cling to something but he quickly realized she was gripping for her life. "Hey, whoa." He started, soothingly as he tried to get a look at her face with a flinch at twisting his body. "Who? Wha-- your fine. Nobody is taking you, it was just a...bad dream?" His arm looped around her neck while the other was a support beam against the ground to make sure they didn't fall over. Connor gave a confused and concerned look at Finn then spotted Redd moving away. What just happened?
Thaddeus's eyes glimmer as he stands up. So, they were able to escape. How quaint. He knew Cassie would've survived anyway. She had the luck that rivaled Gods. And that robot... It would have survived. He foresaw it. He flexes his arms as he listens to McDoom.

"You are wrong. It may have seemed easy, but my mind is barely hanging by a thread. I'll need several days rest to recover. The stones have given me power, but I still need to get used to them. No, we aren't ready for Sentry yet."

Thaddeus listens to the man as he asks him the two question. He starts by answering the second one first.

"I don't believe that the Avengers can protect this world efficiently. Look at what happened. Half of the world was destroyed. We had to use the real power of the stones. I won't be able to recreate for a while after that. Lives take most of my power. Trust me Augustus, I am not power hungry. However, I believe the Avengers will destroy this world sooner than rescue it."

He looks straight at Augustus, answering the first question.

"Time has taken its toll, but you are the only other person I know who is smart enough to know what is best for the world. Your father was a genius in my opinion. To make sure the world is safe, give all the power to a man who can save it. I believe that is true, Augustus. I know you see it as well."

Crono said:
It all happened so fast, the robots scrambling and yelling, followed by the pain of Cassie grabbing onto his bruised body. At first he even smiled through it as he thought it was a bit amusing that Cassie's first reaction was to cling to something but he quickly realized she was gripping for her life. "Hey, whoa." He started, soothingly as he tried to get a look at her face with a flinch at twisting his body. "Who? Wha-- your fine. Nobody is taking you, it was just a...bad dream?" His arm looped around her neck while the other was a support beam against the ground to make sure they didn't fall over. Connor gave a confused and concerned look at Finn then spotted Redd moving away. What just happened?
Cassie couldn't even say anything, but her grip lessened slightly as she heard Connor's voice. She was still hyperventilating and crying but her breathing was becoming more even. Watching your Father turn into a black hole of nothingness after being berated and blamed for not being able to save him was not something that anyone should experience. "You don't deserve to be a Stark" was what he said....

Maybe he was right.
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National said:
Thaddeus's eyes glimmer as he stands up. So, they were able to escape. How quaint. He knew Cassie would've survived anyway. She had the luck that rivaled Gods. And that robot... It would have survived. He foresaw it. He flexes his arms as he listens to McDoom.
"You are wrong. It may have seemed easy, but my mind is barely hanging by a thread. I'll need several days rest to recover. The stones have given me power, but I still need to get used to them. No, we aren't ready for Sentry yet."

Thaddeus listens to the man as he asks him the two question. He starts by answering the second one first.

"I don't believe that the Avengers can protect this world efficiently. Look at what happened. Half of the world was destroyed. We had to use the real power of the stones. I won't be able to recreate for a while after that. Lives take most of my power. Trust me Augustus, I am not power hungry. However, I believe the Avengers will destroy this world sooner than rescue it."

He looks straight at Augustus, answering the first question.

"Time has taken its toll, but you are the only other person I know who is smart enough to know what is best for the world. Your father was a genius in my opinion. To make sure the world is safe, give all the power to a man who can save it. I believe that is true, Augustus. I know you see it as well."

((I hate you so much @National. So. Freaking. Much.))
National said:
Thaddeus's eyes glimmer as he stands up. So, they were able to escape. How quaint. He knew Cassie would've survived anyway. She had the luck that rivaled Gods. And that robot... It would have survived. He foresaw it. He flexes his arms as he listens to McDoom.
"You are wrong. It may have seemed easy, but my mind is barely hanging by a thread. I'll need several days rest to recover. The stones have given me power, but I still need to get used to them. No, we aren't ready for Sentry yet."

Thaddeus listens to the man as he asks him the two question. He starts by answering the second one first.

"I don't believe that the Avengers can protect this world efficiently. Look at what happened. Half of the world was destroyed. We had to use the real power of the stones. I won't be able to recreate for a while after that. Lives take most of my power. Trust me Augustus, I am not power hungry. However, I believe the Avengers will destroy this world sooner than rescue it."

He looks straight at Augustus, answering the first question.

"Time has taken its toll, but you are the only other person I know who is smart enough to know what is best for the world. Your father was a genius in my opinion. To make sure the world is safe, give all the power to a man who can save it. I believe that is true, Augustus. I know you see it as well."

Augustus listened calmly, before speaking aloud, "Taking Thanos power made my intelligence even more immense then it already was. I see things.. differently now. Life itself is now a game of dancing around the subjects while trying to prove yourself true to all, even yourself. Its a fun one, but what is best for this world?" He leaned in, giving off a strange smile behind his mask, "Freedom, addressing every problem, and being the best police out there. We need a form of Natural Selection that proves... and lets use my father for example. He commands the entire food chain, while also giving his people freedom beyond even America, yet with simple rules that protect. Follow the rules, live, and be done. No exceptions. Super heroes do what they whim, hurt others, destroy things, and since they stopped someone else from doing it, their an exception. I have seen Daemons rule happier places then what I've seen in Manhattan."

Augustus stood up, rather comfortable after helping channel the Infinity Stones. His power was so much, it made him capable of so much. Though to be completely honest he simply was the mind to the body. He made a small fist, before looking at Thaddeus, "I'll bite. I'll help you Thaddeus. Deal for a deal. You help me fix the Eastern part of the world, and I will follow you to Hell and back. But onto another point... do you have anything to do here? I don't want to crush something, yet I would like something to task my mind..."
(Asshole of the year award goes to me, right? @Steel Zinogre )

Thaddeus only shakes his head.

"I have no need for this place anymore. No, this old home is more of an eyesore."

The stones gave the young man overwhelming wisdom. He couldn't believe it, and he could sense Augustus's wisdom and knowledge. Augustus had more than Thaddeus, which didn't surprise him. He has everything Thanos had, and more. He flexes his back as he spreads his arms.

"We shall unite this world. We shall perfect what people believed couldn't have been. The people who want peace, can have peace. The people who want war, may have war. We shall make a world that fits all, with strict guidelines that must he followed for everyone's safety."

National said:
(Asshole of the year award goes to me, right? @Steel Zinogre )
Thaddeus only shakes his head.

"I have no need for this place anymore. No, this old home is more of an eyesore."

The stones gave the young man overwhelming wisdom. He couldn't believe it, and he could sense Augustus's wisdom and knowledge. Augustus had more than Thaddeus, which didn't surprise him. He has everything Thanos had, and more. He flexes his back as he spreads his arms.

"We shall unite this world. We shall perfect what people believed couldn't have been. The people who want peace, can have peace. The people who want war, may have war. We shall make a world that fits all, with strict guidelines that must he followed for everyone's safety."

((how about of the decade because that was pretty sucky of you.))
National said:
(Asshole of the year award goes to me, right? @Steel Zinogre )
Thaddeus only shakes his head.

"I have no need for this place anymore. No, this old home is more of an eyesore."

The stones gave the young man overwhelming wisdom. He couldn't believe it, and he could sense Augustus's wisdom and knowledge. Augustus had more than Thaddeus, which didn't surprise him. He has everything Thanos had, and more. He flexes his back as he spreads his arms.

"We shall unite this world. We shall perfect what people believed couldn't have been. The people who want peace, can have peace. The people who want war, may have war. We shall make a world that fits all, with strict guidelines that must he followed for everyone's safety."

(Up that to century.)
National said:
(Asshole of the year award goes to me, right? @Steel Zinogre )
Thaddeus only shakes his head.

"I have no need for this place anymore. No, this old home is more of an eyesore."

The stones gave the young man overwhelming wisdom. He couldn't believe it, and he could sense Augustus's wisdom and knowledge. Augustus had more than Thaddeus, which didn't surprise him. He has everything Thanos had, and more. He flexes his back as he spreads his arms.

"We shall unite this world. We shall perfect what people believed couldn't have been. The people who want peace, can have peace. The people who want war, may have war. We shall make a world that fits all, with strict guidelines that must he followed for everyone's safety."

Seconds passed before Augustus started to rattled off his version of the rules, working off Thaddeus as he went along...

"First, all well bodied people shall work jobs that they wish to have. If that job is unavailable, they can work whatever they please until a spot is open. This also entails that no one can be lazy and sit on health care checks, but more days off will be fair as consequence. This will allow for a good economy while wasting as little funds as possible on those who do not deserve it.

"Second, no malicious acts will be tolerated unless both people offer consent and it does not effect another person. If a doctor wishes to kill someone to end their pain, as long as the patient and the doctor are willing they shall be allowed. The consequence of breaking this law will be death and or torture. It will be increased to what was planned, to put fear into those who dare harm another living being.

"Third, the police force will be replaced with robots on private servers. They will follow the Doom software, and as such will act like a person without emotions. Keep everyone alive, disarm any person who is doing something with intent to harm, and bring said person in for judging. No corrupt police officers shooting teenagers at their door because they were playing a video game and held their Wii controller.

"Fourth, you are guilty of serving prison and or community service hours for not helping a person out during a crime in stopping it. If you denied helping someone in a actual crime like theft, you will not be guilty. If you denied helping a old woman who had her purse stolen, you will sentenced to a light fine of around $40 or your regional equivalent, while serving 3 hours of community service at least. Every hour extra will shave off $10.

"Fifth, Religion and beliefs are allowed as long as they do not peruse vigilance or violence, and do not actively cause hostile actions.

"Finally Sixth, no person can wield and or own a weapon, unless in a specifically marked environment like a shooting range or forest. The weapon will disable itself if outside the zone, but if they are broken through authorities will be alerted immediately."

Augustus took a breath, before raising a eyebrow. He let off a single word, "Thoughts?"
Thaddeus smiled, his rainbow likebeys gleaning in the dark room. He grabs hisnhoodie a from a recliner chair that was in the corner, and drapes the "Chico State" Hoodie over him. As he zips it up, his hand opens, and green, magical aura starts to pout out. The magic stops right as it finishes taking up his whole arm.

"You and your father, both geniuses, and smart. All of these rules sound perfec . However, I do have one more rule, a rule that is more to protect the people."

He turns to Augustus, his arm now reverting back to normal.

"No one, and I mean no one is allowed to practice magic. It is a forbidden and sacred act."

National said:
Thaddeus smiled, his rainbow likebeys gleaning in the dark room. He grabs hisnhoodie a from a recliner chair that was in the corner, and drapes the "Chico State" Hoodie over him. As he zips it up, his hand opens, and green, magical aura starts to pout out. The magic stops right as it finishes taking up his whole arm.
"You and your father, both geniuses, and smart. All of these rules sound perfec . However, I do have one more rule, a rule that is more to protect the people."

He turns to Augustus, his arm now reverting back to normal.

"No one, and I mean no one is allowed to practice magic. It is a forbidden and sacred act."

Augustus suddenly laughed! He spoke out in joy, "Then we both would be forbidden! I believe magic requires a license, just like our current fire arms, and must wear a amulet that restricts their power by allocating it into a shield. That way, by me wearing a amulet, everyone around me is safe while I can not harm them! Plus, I do not find it fair to block advancement in a field like psychology because of taboo and censorship by the leaders of a new world order. We are here to help, free and enrich the lives of those around us, not condemn. The only magic I would forbid are those that use sacrifices, like a lamb or a person. The only exception to this is if it's your own property, and its not a living thing, like a cube of metal for alchemy.... rebuttal my good sir?"
sitanomoto said:
Cassie couldn't even say anything, but her grip lessened slightly as she heard Connor's voice. She was still hyperventilating and crying but her breathing was becoming more even. Watching your Father turn into a black hole of nothingness after being berated and blamed for not being able to save him was not something that anyone should experience. "You don't deserve to be a Stark" was what he said....
Maybe he was right.
Thaddeus listens, taking this all in. He speaks, his words careful, and worried.

"There are some things that need to be kept away. I am sure you know of Hell. I have been there before, searching for my father. I learned much, much that taught me. I couldn't find him, but then I thought: would he even want to be brought back like that? I doubt it. I believe my father would rather be dead then return to this world. However, many humans won't understand. I believe everyone should be restricted from the Demonic worlds." @hudhouse
Connor took a deep breath, wondering just where she and Redd had gone...why had they suddenly reappeared and why they'd been unconscious, all in the wake of taking down Thanos as well. The blonde couldn't go after Redd even if he wanted to what with Cassie keeping him here and already being a bit hobbled as it was. "Your alright." He mumbled to her, he hated seeing her like this. Ever since her return a month ago her mental state had always been on his thoughts. "Ease up on the squeezing a little though alright? Everything still hurts." He told her with a light chuckle that ended in a small groan, laughing hurt too apparently. All in all she wasn't actually hurting him, but if it took her thoughts off whatever they we're on then maybe she'd snap out of it. "Where'd you go? What happened?"

"Uhh surprise me." He said. She could've cooked a cricket on a toothpick and he would've greedily devoured it. He couldn't help but wonder though, why he was wearing such a goofy outfit. "Why the tight clothes?? Am I a higher or something?" He asked her @sitanomoto
National said:
Thaddeus listens, taking this all in. He speaks, his words careful, and worried.
"There are some things that need to be kept away. I am sure you know of Hell. I have been there before, searching for my father. I learned much, much that taught me. I couldn't find him, but then I thought: would he even want to be brought back like that? I doubt it. I believe my father would rather be dead then return to this world. However, many humans won't understand. I believe everyone should be restricted from the Demonic worlds." @hudhouse
Augustus smiled at this concern, speaking, "Your being to careful Thaddeus. Your worry is leaking... I can feel the effort going through your minds to twist your words! But it is of no matter. You are using your father as more of a excuse then a true reason here, for if many humans don't understand, they won't do it. Plus, even your Father used evil and sinful magic to protect himself, don't you remember when he called upon Dormammu the Soul Eater? But, I propose... magic schools. Protected and regulated by us or whatever leader of course with machines. This way everyone will have been registered at some point who does magic, and if their ID is not in the system, we can take them down. Also, it helps us go into personality and see who is most likely to do dark magics. We can not stop people from trying Thaddeus, the key is to give them another option that is more enticing and pleasurable. If I can protect your family from a army of murderers and thugs, or sacrifice your wife for the same thing from a Daemon, which would you choose? Besides... if my amulet idea works then the regulation works and people will be safe. No one will have a reason to go to the Daemon Worlds, and if they do we can just improve our dimensional relationships with the world of Hell. We have the stones that can change law itself! If you are so adamant on no magic... simply make it cease to exist."
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