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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

National said:
Thaddeus sighs, waving his hand, his magic popping open Thanos's tube.
"I already know the procedure. I already put down all the guards here. Take your power, as I already have mine."

Raising his hand, a wand shows in his hand.

"The Wand of Watoomb. I stole it, and it shall aid us to defeat and steal the powers of the Sentry."

He taps the wand on Thanos's chest, and a magical seal appears.

"I have opened his gate of consciousness. Claim the power."

Augustus stood baffled, this easy huh? He stated, "You expect much McStrange, but I will apologize. Sentry has the power to repair the damage that Thanos did, plus he is already damaged from healing that child... first I thank thee." He brought forth his hands, opening them wide and roaring as he for the third time he committed the dark spell, infusing it into Thanos and feeling the magic he had pulsed into him. His essence was weakened, but it allowed Gus to feast on it! His entire body erupted into small robotic scarabs that grew his suit to help keep his new form, growing vast amounts of muscle in a moment. He was 4 inches taller, but all around he now looked much more menacing.

Augustus simply stated, "...With this strength I can lift over a hundred tons... If Sentry is said to be on the same level if not stronger then I do believe Thaddeus I will need your assistance... but not now. I must return to Latveria first, you have my communications. Let me test out my new power, and I will help you with this act!"

The child of Doom waited for a response... before flying off to Latveria.
Thaddeus only nods, his hands flexing.

"I shall start my plan. Soon, I will have possession of the infinity stones. Once I have them, we should strike."

"Hold your tongue Asgardian...lest it be torn from your head" Jordan smiled again, his voice showed no signs of actual anger, but who could be sure with the Phoenix Force "You humans just don't get it do you...I'm almost sure that Jordan has explained it to you at least thrice before...I am no longer able to take human hosts. I am not possessing Jordan Grace and Jordan Grace is not borrowing my power...Jordan Grace and I are the same entity in two separate bodies...Honestly, if I must explain again, I'm going to stamp dumbass on all of your foreheads..." Jordan stopped, looking a bit confused by what he just said "Ah...I believe some of his mannerisms are starting to blend with mine now, but I digress...I cannot take over Jordan's body unless he agrees to it...I don't CONTROL Jordan.I only told him not to reveal his our presence too early."
Augustus was silent, starring at a vast void of ocean that masked what once was. He knew not what to feel... sorrow, anger and regret all were vastly wedged into his body at the moment. Europe was dead, and Thanos's dead ship caused this. The Omega Tyrant bots had waited for him, unable to feel or think by themselves. They simply did his tasks, and held the software he could scrape off the the dead things' thoughts. It was not worth it, these powers were ones of death an destruction! Sword Logic that was deemed to powerful for Man, and thus was given to a mutant eternal.

Gus had stolen it back, now standing as a equal to Thanos if he learned to control it properly. This time he would have to work from extremes backwards, to understand just how complex and deep this strength is. He lifted his hand to the air, feeling the raw instinct of the power within. He had the ability of the Eternals, this power being one casted multiple times had not stolen just the powers.. but the cells. He had the powers of being a Eternal, a child of Doom, and a Mad titan all at once.

He was now a Homo Immortalis in the making, so it was his rite of life to fix the damage done by Thanos! He began to meditate above the roaring waves, resting and seeing if he can explore his new powers in his mind...
Fortune huffed, "Why even come here huh?! To wave around your giant bird ego?! To remind us that your here?! WE GET IT! You're all powerful and all knowing, but too damn lazy to do anything with any power you have. Look here you overgrown Thanksgiving turkey, unless you can rebuild entire cities, or bring back up the continents that are fucking missing, then just shut up!"

LucianGrey7971 said:
"Hold your tongue Asgardian...lest it be torn from your head" Jordan smiled again, his voice showed no signs of actual anger, but who could be sure with the Phoenix Force "You humans just don't get it do you...I'm almost sure that Jordan has explained it to you at least thrice before...I am no longer able to take human hosts. I am not possessing Jordan Grace and Jordan Grace is not borrowing my power...Jordan Grace and I are the same entity in two separate bodies...Honestly, if I must explain again, I'm going to stamp dumbass on all of your foreheads..." Jordan stopped, looking a bit confused by what he just said "Ah...I believe some of his mannerisms are starting to blend with mine now, but I digress...I cannot take over Jordan's body unless he agrees to it...I don't CONTROL Jordan.I only told him not to reveal his our presence too early."
"Like to see you try it, of course even if you managed to it would actually regenerate but you get the point." Raitei said. "Phoenix and Jordan are same just not in the same body. Honestly you two should just become two separate entities. I am sure the all powerful Phoenix can do that without much trouble or is their some problem with that not even you can fix. If you're the same entity then why do you fear the death of Jordan's body? Or is that part of the problem? Honestly as dumb as the humans and I may seem, your relationship with Jordan will be more herendous."
"Thermonuclear Astrophysics." Steve repeated teasingly before turning and pointing out into the opening at another building, "Spotted it jabbed into the wall over there earlier, it wasn't hard to figure out it was part of your armor. What with the color scheme and all."

Connor's leg was beginning to tire from holding the majority of his weight, deciding to sit down on a piece of wreckage behind him to rest. The whole Jordan and Phoenix force being the same thing but not was just in general making his headache worse a partial scowl on his face, "Either way you told him not to interfere, that's what I meant."
Thaddeus looks at the now weakened Thanos, still sleeping. The young man snaps his fingers, all the guards glowing a vibrant green. They would be awake in five minutes with no recollection. Thaddeus smiles as he teleports away from the space ship. Something, is going to come. Doomsday, is coming.

The infinity gems were now in Kelais open left hand, gleaming with power. Such powerful weapons, out in the open. @sitanomoto (psst that's your cue)
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Crono said:
"Thermonuclear Astrophysics." Steve repeated teasingly before turning and pointing out into the opening at another building, "Spotted it jabbed into the wall over there earlier, it wasn't hard to figure out it was part of your armor. What with the color scheme and all."
Connor's leg was beginning to tire from holding the majority of his weight, deciding to sit down on a piece of wreckage behind him to rest. The whole Jordan and Phoenix force being the same thing but not was just in general making his headache worse a partial scowl on his face, "Either way you told him not to interfere, that's what I meant."
National said:
Thaddeus looks at the now weakened Thanos, still sleeping. The young man snaps his fingers, all the guards glowing a vibrant green. They would be awake in five minutes with no recollection. Thaddeus smiles as he teleports away from the space ship. Something, is going to come. Doomsday, is coming.
The infinity gems were now in Kelais open left hand, gleaming with power. Such powerful weapons, out in the open. @sitanomoto (psst that's your cue)
Cassie laughed and then looked at the Fallen Kelai's hand. She gasped and picked up the infinity stones, carefully cradling them in her gauntleted hand. She put the spinal piece under her other arm and said "I just remembered something! I'll be right back!" She tried to fly, but her boots sputtered and gave out. "Great. I'll have to run like a normal person." She sprinted to Thaddeus's house and knocked on the door. "THADDEUS?" She called. "THADDEUS ARE YOU THERE?"
sitanomoto said:
Cassie laughed and then looked at the Fallen Kelai's hand. She gasped and picked up the infinity stones, carefully cradling them in her gauntleted hand. She put the spinal piece under her other arm and said "I just remembered something! I'll be right back!" She tried to fly, but her boots sputtered and gave out. "Great. I'll have to run like a normal person." She sprinted to Thaddeus's house and knocked on the door. "THADDEUS?" She called. "THADDEUS ARE YOU THERE?"
(Next battle...... I think one of my characters are going to the chopping block. Idk why, but a lot of new character ideas come up every day.) redd followed cassie to Thadeus' home, and landed as soon as he reached the destination. "Master, i doubt he is home." he said as he looked around.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](Next battle...... I think one of my characters are going to the chopping block. Idk why, but a lot of new character ideas come up every day.) redd followed cassie to Thadeus' home, and landed as soon as he reached the destination. "Master, i doubt he is home." he said as he looked around.

Cassie jumped. "Good grief, Redd! Don't sneak up on me like that!!!"
sitanomoto said:
Cassie jumped. "Good grief, Redd! Don't sneak up on me like that!!!"
"Not the first time I scared someone shitless." he said with a sigh. "Anyway, sorry about that." he said as he scanned the area, but found nothing yet.
The looming house looked like a straight up Haunted Mansion. The two gargoyles that always stand at the door were still, unmoving. As Cassie yells, nothing happens for a few minutes.

Suddenly, the Gargoyles open their eyes, their purple, glowing eyes glowing. They both stand up to their full 6 feet, and they open the massive doors, creaking as the hinges open up, revealing a dark hall. The gargoyles motion the two in, following close behind as they walk down the hall. As they look around, several pictures were in the hall, all of them mysteriously giving a mysterious aura off, as if they were all watching.

The gargoyles lead the two into the main hall, where it was massive empty room, the size of a church, also decorated Luke a church, with only a singular chair in the middle of the room. Sitting down on it, was none other than Thaddeus Maximoff. His purple eyes stare at Cassie and Redd. He opens his mouth, speaking.

"Cassie. I haven't seen you for two years. Why have you come? After what your father and the late avengers did to my father, you dare come into my home? You better have a good reason."

@Steel Zinogre

The alien scurried off and Smasher turned his attention to getting the people off of the sinking chunk of land. Hopping back and forth probably wasn't helping the situation any. He landed back one last time to do a quick scour for civilians. After finding none he jumped back over to the side that wasn't sinking. Switching back to Finn he watched sadly as the state crumbled into the ocean almost like it had never existed in the first place. Wincing he rubbed his shoulder. That alien had put a lot of force into that car. Finn was about to transform and head back to New York when he assessed the situation around him. What looked like hundreds of thousands of people were out of homes and jobs. People cried out looking for missing family and friends. He could just imagine a similar picture across the globe.

One extremely mad man made his way over to Finn and pushed his finger into the boy's chest. "Isn't it your job to stop this stuff? Why'd you just let it happen?" Finn stammered but couldn't think of an answer. After a moment he spoke up. "We tried our best. I know this looks bad, actually I know this is bad, but we worked as hard as we could to stop them. We stopped the worst of it. We'll help you to find homes and jobs. We can try to fix this too." People didn't look too pleased at that answer and many people were quick to demonstrate it. Many civilians threw things, cursed, and denounced the heroes. Finn warded off the rubble thrown at him before he changed to Smasher and headed back to New York.

When he had arrived in New York he stumbled to a stop at the base of a wrecked up Stark Tower and switched back again. His shoulder stung and was probably sprained. "Well that doesn't happen often. Kudos to you alien guy." After walking around aimlessly for what seemed like hours he came across the other heroes... and bodies. He sat down tiredly. "You know. We're too young for this. The whole world was just placed on our shoulders. How are we all still in one piece? How are we not super messed up?" He spotted Connor's pierced leg and tore off a strip of fabric from his already torn shorts. "You okay?"

@WhoeverReally @Crono
National said:
The looming house looked like a straight up Haunted Mansion. The two gargoyles that always stand at the door were still, unmoving. As Cassie yells, nothing happens for a few minutes.
Suddenly, the Gargoyles open their eyes, their purple, glowing eyes glowing. They both stand up to their full 6 feet, and they open the massive doors, creaking as the hinges open up, revealing a dark hall. The gargoyles motion the two in, following close behind as they walk down the hall. As they look around, several pictures were in the hall, all of them mysteriously giving a mysterious aura off, as if they were all watching.

The gargoyles lead the two into the main hall, where it was massive empty room, the size of a church, also decorated Luke a church, with only a singular chair in the middle of the room. Sitting down on it, was none other than Thaddeus Maximoff. His purple eyes stare at Cassie and Redd. He opens his mouth, speaking.

"Cassie. I haven't seen you for two years. Why have you come? After what your father and the late avengers did to my father, you dare come into my home? You better have a good reason."

@Steel Zinogre
"Thaddeus? I don't.... What are you talking about!?!" She said. "My father never-" she looked at him in amazement. "Two years?" She looked at the floor. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know it had been that long." She looked back up at him again. "Your mother is the only one who can hold these and keep them safe. I need you to keep them safe in her stead...." She attempted a smile.
The shadows of the Mansion seemed to darken more and more, thickening, and tightening. Thaddeus raises up from his chair, his purple eyes now glowing, leaving a misty purple fog from his eyes trailing behind him. He walks over to her, only seven feet away.

"You forgot? Two years ago, your father, and The Avengers, killed my father. Once I arrived, you already killed him. You killed a fellow member! You killed my father!"

(Just so you know, the reason he is mad is because he thinks that the Avengers killed his father, because he was corrupted from sealing the Demon world away from Earth. But what actually happened, was that Dr. Strange sacrificed himself, taking in the dark energy, closing the portal. But if Thaddeus knew the truth, then he would try to save his father. Because if you sacrifice yourself, you would be able to be ressurected for a massive price. However, if you are killed, then there would be no way to bring you back from the demon world. Knowing that his son would pay this massive price, Dr. Strange made the avengers swear to make it sound as if Dr. Strange was corrupted, and they had to kill him. Cassie also knows this truth, because Tony told her. Just so you two knew why he is angry ;) @Steel Zinogre )

His hands clench into fists. He was furious. He hears her bring up the stones, and he couldn't help but laugh.

"The stones? Of course, I'll take them off your hands. But not to give to my mother."

He points his index finger at Cassie, and she starts to see figures as her mind swirls. As she opens her eyes again, she sees the room, but Thaddeus and Redd were gone. In front of her, was her father, his arms outstretched, his familiar grin on his face.

"You gonna leave your old man hanging?"

Back in the real world, Thaddeus turns to Redd.

"What a magnificent creation. A robot with humanoid characteristics. A marvel indeed. That gives you humanistic weaknesses, however."

He points his finger at Redd, and his world as well starts to swirl. For Redd, once he opens his eyes again, he is on top of a cliff, overlooking a grassy meadow. Sitting on top of the cliff was Ivory, looking over the meadow.

@Steel Zinogre

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National said:
The shadows of the Mansion seemed to darken more and more, thickening, and tightening. Thaddeus raises up from his chair, his purple eyes now glowing, leaving a misty purple fog from his eyes trailing behind him. He walks over to her, only seven feet away.
"You forgot? Two years ago, your father, and The Avengers, killed my father. Once I arrived, you already killed him. You killed a fellow member! You killed my father!"

(Just so you know, the reason he is mad is because he thinks that the Avengers killed his father, because he was corrupted from sealing the Demon world away from Earth. But what actually happened, was that Dr. Strange sacrificed himself, taking in the dark energy, closing the portal. But if Thaddeus knew the truth, then he would try to save his father. Because if you sacrifice yourself, you would be able to be ressurected for a massive price. However, if you are killed, then there would be no way to bring you back from the demon world. Knowing that his son would pay this massive price, Dr. Strange made the avengers swear to make it sound as if Dr. Strange was corrupted, and they had to kill him. Cassie also knows this truth, because Tony told her. Just so you two knew why he is angry ;) @Steel Zinogre )

His hands clench into fists. He was furious. He hears her bring up the stones, and he couldn't help but laugh.

"The stones? Of course, I'll take them off your hands. But not to give to my mother."

He points his index finger at Cassie, and she starts to see figures as her mind swirls. As she opens her eyes again, she sees the room, but Thaddeus and Redd were gone. In front of her, was her father, his arms outstretched, his familiar grin on his face.

"You gonna leave your old man hanging?"

Back in the real world, Thaddeus turns to Redd.

"What a magnificent creation. A robot with humanoid characteristics. A marvel indeed. That gives you humanistic weaknesses, however."

He points his finger at Redd, and his world as well starts to swirl. For Redd, once he opens his eyes again, he is on top of a cliff, overlooking a grassy meadow. Sitting on top of the cliff was Ivory, looking over the meadow.

@Steel Zinogre
Cassie flinched. "Thaddeus, no! You've got it all wro-" she was cut off by her "Father". Her fingers went slack and all of the stones dropped to the floor with a clatter.

"D-Dad!" Cassie said, running forward and hugging him. "What.... But you were....." She was in her normal clothes now, a T-shirt and sweatpants. She breathed in the smell of his shirt and all of her misgivings were dissipated. "Daddy..."

((@National you need to be tony cause I have no idea where you want to go with this.))
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National said:
The shadows of the Mansion seemed to darken more and more, thickening, and tightening. Thaddeus raises up from his chair, his purple eyes now glowing, leaving a misty purple fog from his eyes trailing behind him. He walks over to her, only seven feet away.
"You forgot? Two years ago, your father, and The Avengers, killed my father. Once I arrived, you already killed him. You killed a fellow member! You killed my father!"

(Just so you know, the reason he is mad is because he thinks that the Avengers killed his father, because he was corrupted from sealing the Demon world away from Earth. But what actually happened, was that Dr. Strange sacrificed himself, taking in the dark energy, closing the portal. But if Thaddeus knew the truth, then he would try to save his father. Because if you sacrifice yourself, you would be able to be ressurected for a massive price. However, if you are killed, then there would be no way to bring you back from the demon world. Knowing that his son would pay this massive price, Dr. Strange made the avengers swear to make it sound as if Dr. Strange was corrupted, and they had to kill him. Cassie also knows this truth, because Tony told her. Just so you two knew why he is angry ;) @Steel Zinogre )

His hands clench into fists. He was furious. He hears her bring up the stones, and he couldn't help but laugh.

"The stones? Of course, I'll take them off your hands. But not to give to my mother."

He points his index finger at Cassie, and she starts to see figures as her mind swirls. As she opens her eyes again, she sees the room, but Thaddeus and Redd were gone. In front of her, was her father, his arms outstretched, his familiar grin on his face.

"You gonna leave your old man hanging?"

Back in the real world, Thaddeus turns to Redd.

"What a magnificent creation. A robot with humanoid characteristics. A marvel indeed. That gives you humanistic weaknesses, however."

He points his finger at Redd, and his world as well starts to swirl. For Redd, once he opens his eyes again, he is on top of a cliff, overlooking a grassy meadow. Sitting on top of the cliff was Ivory, looking over the meadow.

@Steel Zinogre
Forming from the shadows came a astral form of the Prince, who spoke to the group. He spoke with sadness drowning and overwhelming each and every word, "...Thaddeus, I am not that proficient with Sentry's powers... will it be able to resurrect half a planet?! Thanos destroyed all of the land and people... my Father, mother, land and all my people are dead.." He starred through the vision at Cassie, Stark, and Redd, before returning his gaze to Thaddeus. He was a little desperate, and was blind to the Infinity Stones after what had just happened.

@Steel Zinogre @National
hudhouse said:
Forming from the shadows came a astral form of the Prince, who spoke to the group. He spoke with sadness drowning and overwhelming each and every word, "...Thaddeus, I am not that proficient with Sentry's powers... will it be able to resurrect half a planet?! Thanos destroyed all of the land and people... my Father, mother, land and all my people are dead.." He starred through the vision at Cassie, Stark, and Redd, before returning his gaze to Thaddeus. He was a little desperate, and was blind to the Infinity Stones after what had just happened.
@Steel Zinogre @National
"Oh goody, it's the sheriff of Power Whore town. Nice to see you again." he said with a chuckle. "no hard feelings, for you are the kind of guy that I would want to be friends with." he said as he extended the dragon-head hand to him, for a handshake.
Connor gave a soft smile at the sight of Finn, it would be hard to see who would return and who wouldn't as the heroes inevitably trickled in. How many lives we're lost this day, human lives, not just heroes. A huff escaped his lips before he heard Finn talk, "Speak for yourself, it hurts to move. I'm not sure I've ever been thrown through two buildings in one-- haiyak!" The blonde's outburst at Finn suddenly wrapping his leg, the sting being a surprise moreso than painful. "I was getting to that..." Connor mumbled.


"Glad to see your alright Finn." Steve said as he returned from helping Cassie, a smile on his face from seeing his sons outburst. "I'm going to go help out with the evacuations and civilians. You going to be alright with...?" The man started to look up at the others and Jordan before Connor just nodded. "Yeah dad, go do your thing, I'll be fine." It was all Steve needed to here before he turned and left.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"Oh goody, it's the sheriff of Power Whore town. Nice to see you again." he said with a chuckle. "no hard feelings, for you are the kind of guy that I would want to be friends with." he said as he extended the dragon-head hand to him, for a handshake.

The Astral projection simply blinked at the response, and stated bluntly, "I take what I will for the betterment of my goals and my coun-" He choked up at country, and just decided to drop the subject all together. He stated, "Thanos's power and durability allows for me to not have to rely on bots, and be able to live assassination free, even if over kill. Besides, I could kick your ass if I wanted." He offered his false hand for the gesture.

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