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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

National said:
Richie stands there, looking down at the dead corpse of another of his best friends. His comrade, a brother in arms. And now, they were both gone; Kelai and Marko were now both dead. Richie just grabs his gun, his head still bowed.
"Yeah you're right about that. Guess that means I gotta take on those two idiots responsibilities."

Richie manages a small grin as he walks by Strout, patting the trees knee since that is the farthest he can reach.

Suddenly, Jordan appeared, and the guys speech pissed him off. He turns around, his RPG pointed at the so called "god."

How about ya Shaddup asshole?! You always say you're trying to help the world, always letting us do our own battles, and that I can understand. But then, you come here to mock us and then to try to correct our decisions?


@Steel Zinogre
"What Is richie yelling about?" maxton asked strout as he woke up. "I am strout." the tree said, meaning, 'some guy is mocking us, but yet he has done no thing to help us." the tree said as maxton sighed. "Put me down, I oughta give this guy a piece of my mind." he said as the tree did so.
Dimitri limped to her. "Hey..." He felt stupid. The last time he saw her was when he told her it couldn't work. "I... Uh.... I didn't die!" He blurted out. Not actually answering the question.

Harry folded his arms and shook his head at Dimitri. "Smooth." He said under his breath.
Jordan tilted his head ever so slightly towards Richie and listened, the RPG did not scare him one bit, in fact it would have been a mild inconvenience at best. He put his finger to his chin thoughtfully, as though he had forgotten the situation. "Ah, yes...that is correct...I DID tell Jordan not to interfere didn't I~?" He said after a while and turned towards Richie. "I have no need of mocking you...that would be quite cruel on my part...Death is quite an inescapable thing for the most part...in fact you should be congratulated...this is one of the...BETTER outcomes. Besides, I was quite hoping you humans would win...you're the only planet in this universe with edible ball bearings..." Jordan said doing something that he never had done before, he ignored being called a God.

By Jordan's very nature, he should have rained hell fire and brimstone down upon Richie for calling him a God, but he didn't even flinch at it, he didn't even acknowledge it. "Now if you would be so kind as to not point your weapon at me...a weapon that amounts to no more than a nuisance to me, even in my weakened state, but a weapon nonetheless. I can only tolerate such actions for so long...Honestly, humanity and its toys..." Jordan shook his head more amused than anything else
Reaper said:
Dimitri limped to her. "Hey..." He felt stupid. The last time he saw her was when he told her it couldn't work. "I... Uh.... I didn't die!" He blurted out. Not actually answering the question.
Harry folded his arms and shook his head at Dimitri. "Smooth." He said under his breath.
Hypnas raised an eyebrow at Dimitri. "I can see that," she said. "Want to let me know why you wanted to see me?" She asked, crossing her arms.
Steve didn't reply to the hooded figure, instead listening to Cassie ask for assistance he walked over to the building and crouched down inspecting the rubble on her legs. "How are you feeling?" He asked her before getting a grip on the rubble, of course his strength was that of your average human now so it took some straining to lift it up and slide it over so it didn't impede her any longer. "You'd better run a systems check." It was nothing new to him, pulling a Stark from rubble so that they could find out just how damaged the suit and them in general we're.

Connor would have gone with and helped had it not been for the fact that the first step he'd taken on his injured leg nearly had him falling over, instead he'd watched until Richie began shouting, his attention going back to the group. The blonde leaned on his good leg as he listened to the way Jordan spoke of himself in third person, "So it's speaking then...If you root for us and enjoy us so much then why not give us a hand every once in a while? Or at the very least let Jordan do as he wishes, he's one of us after-all."
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"Uh.... I forgot...."

"Void!" Harry said loudly.

"Void! Right. I'm kinda.... The sentry now. I need to forget everything. Thanos, sentry, avengers.... All of it." Dimitri said, looking at his feet as he thought of the implications of it all.
Crono said:
Steve didn't reply to the hooded figure, instead listening to Cassie ask for assistance he walked over to the building and crouched down inspecting the rubble on her legs. "How are you feeling?" He asked her before getting a grip on the rubble, of course his strength was that of your average human now so it took some straining to lift it up and slide it over so it didn't impede her any longer. "You'd better run a systems check." It was nothing new to him, pulling a Stark from rubble so that they could find out just how damaged the suit and them in general we're.
Connor would have gone with and helped had it not been for the fact that the first step he'd taken on his injured leg nearly had him falling over, instead he'd watched until Richie began shouting, his attention going back to the group. The blonde leaned on his good leg as he listened to the way Jordan spoke of himself in third person, "So it's speaking then...If you root for us and enjoy us so much then why not give us a hand every once in a while? Or at the very least let Jordan do as he wishes, he's one of us after-all."
Cassie grinned at Cap's question. "Well, I've been worse." She stood and had Friday assess her suit. "Good greif... Damn aliens did so much damage to my freaking suit...." She tapped her wrist and a hologram of her suit popped up, turning red where the damage was the greatest. "Boosters down.... shoulder armor gone.... Chestplate... Yeesh...." She spun the hologram around to look at the back again. "Oh, REALLY?!?" She looked at her back. An entire section was missing on the spinal column of the armor.

Reaper said:
"Uh.... I forgot...."
"Void!" Harry said loudly.

"Void! Right. I'm kinda.... The sentry now. I need to forget everything. Thanos, sentry, avengers.... All of it." Dimitri said, looking at his feet as he thought of the implications of it all.
Hypnas bit her lip. "Dimitri.... I can't....." She looked at him and nearly burst into tears. "You'd be forgetting your friends, your family....." She didn't say "not to mention me..." But the words were nearly on her lips. "Cassie and Connor have lost so much already..... What would this do to them?" She said instead.
"Nothing. Not compared to what the void could do. The void makes Thanos look like a jaywalker. I'm sorry, but this has to happen. You know it's true." He said, trying to be firm, though his voice betrayed him.
Hypnas nodded. "Alright." She pulled him into a kiss as she put her hand on the back of his head. She went through his head, pulling out memory after memory. Since Dimitri was basically born to an Avenger, she had to wipe EVERYTHING. Tears ran down her face as she pulled out memories of Connor and Cassie, Perry and Tony and Finn.... His Father's death.... Even meeting her for the first time.... Though she threw that away without much thought.

Now memories can't just be wiped into oblivion. They have to be put somewhere.

Hypnas's turquoise necklace glowed a bright blue as it began to absorb all of the memories.

When she was done, only one thing remained. Dimitri's personality and his penchant for being a hero. She couldn't get rid of that. If he were to fall into the wrong hands in a complete blank state, he could be manipulated to evil, which she didn't want. She pulled away and wiped her eyes. "I love you, Dimitri." She whispered. Her hair now had a Silvery, Mercury-looking streak in it.
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Dimitri slumped down, falling onto one knee. He held his head with one hand for a while in confusion. Why was he so exhausted? Why was he wearing something so strange and uncomfortable? Why is everything around him destroyed? Looking up at Hypnas, he asked, "What... What happened?" In Romanian. @sitanomoto
Jordan turned towards Connor and Connor caught a glimpse of his eyes. Instead of their normal Icy-grey look, the irises of his eyes were now bright orange "Because everytime someone with my powers helps you, they end up dying...I'll not see this one end that way"
"Mult sa întâmplat , prietene. Dar acum nu este momentul pentru a vorbi despre asta. Vin , ai nevoie de odihnă." Hypnas said. She put his arm over her neck and supported him to stand.

(Translation: Much happened, my friend. But now is not the time to talk about it. Come, you need rest.")

((Yeah, that's right. Hypnas knows how to speak several foreign languages fluently! ( :) )
Dimitri stood with her and rested his head on her. "Where are we going? Who are you?" He asked, still in his first language.

Harry laughed. "You speak Russian?" He asked her. @sitanomoto
Connor looked into the bright eyes on Jordan's face wondering if Jordan was even aware the Phoenix was in control, or aware of this conversation. He'd consider it a mutual consciousness if it wasn't for the fact that he spoke of Jordan as a separate entity. "Just because you inhabit him doesn't meant you should control him. You want to let humanity fight for itself, give it free reign, yet you won't give Jordan that same freedom. It's a bit hypocritical don't you think? He's not a toy." Connor was holding back from trying to insult the Phoenix Force, he didn't exactly feel up to getting flayed alive though Richie clearly didn't care.


Steve walked back over to Cassie with a piece of armor in hands, "This spinal piece still usable?" He asked, having picked it up off the ground nearby and holding out to her.
Richie grits his teeth. This guy, it wasn't Jordan. It was actually someone a bit more tame. Still an asshole though. He snarls as he puts away His gun. He knew the weapon wouldn't do much, but he had to try. Sadly, he had to go, and put Thanos away. He gets in his space ship, and blasts away, before yelling at Dimitri in Romanian "Du-Te Dracului!" (Love you google)

Down in a Galactic Prison, Thank was being out away in a large, very heavily guarded jail cell. The two guards putting him away, suddenly drop to the floor as a green energy blast blow them both down to the floor, dead. Thanos, still unconscious, sits vulnerable in his tube, as Thaddeus walks inside.

"What a nice specimen. Augustus shouk be here soon."

Augustus stood there, watching all the death and slaughter. He had spent his time here for nothing, and it was about time he got something for helping out. These damned Avengers were going to at any moment turn around and start trying to arrest him for 'property damage', killing Zar, and testing out EXECELS. That machine was already at home by the looks of it. He felt for Thanos, sensing where Richie took him. He began flying and warping towards the Galactic Prison...

The Prince stood there, starring at Thaddeus, "...I have arrived, just do not expect me to allow you to put him down yet..."

Reaper said:
Dimitri stood with her and rested his head on her. "Where are we going? Who are you?" He asked, still in his first language.
Harry laughed. "You speak Russian?" He asked her. @sitanomoto
Hypnas rolled her eyes at Harry. "Obviously," she said to him. "After learning French, Romanian came easy. The languages are very similar." Then, in a gentler tone to Dimitri, "Vom undeva că vă va ajuta să se odihnească. Numele meu este Lisa."

((Translation: we are going somewhere where you can rest. My name is Lisa.))

Crono said:
Connor looked into the bright eyes on Jordan's face wondering if Jordan was even aware the Phoenix was in control, or aware of this conversation. He'd consider it a mutual consciousness if it wasn't for the fact that he spoke of Jordan as a separate entity. "Just because you inhabit him doesn't meant you should control him. You want to let humanity fight for itself, give it free reign, yet you won't give Jordan that same freedom. It's a bit hypocritical don't you think? He's not a toy." Connor was holding back from trying to insult the Phoenix Force, he didn't exactly feel up to getting flayed alive though Richie clearly didn't care.

Steve walked back over to Cassie with a piece of armor in hands, "This spinal piece still usable?" He asked, having picked it up off the ground nearby and holding out to her.
"Oh my gosh, Cap!" She grabbed it from him gratefully. "Yes!" She turned it over in her hands and ran a finger over the surface, which was slightly dented. "darnit.... Stupid alien blood is corroding the metal." She wiped off the black blood from the armor piece. "All she needs is a little buffing and a little bit of fire and she'll be good as new, maybe better, before you can say thermonuclear astrophysics." She smiled up at Steve Rogers. "Geez, where did you find it?"
"Then what would your power be for if not to be used. There's no reason for you to remain as powerful as you are if you're not going to help anything. Maybe you should take on your own physical form rather then possessing people. I always did like Odinforce better, despite the sleep times that come after channeling it into one's body. Though now you're probably gonna give some speech for justify your possession of Jordan." Raitei said appearing on the scene.
Thaddeus sighs, waving his hand, his magic popping open Thanos's tube.

"I already know the procedure. I already put down all the guards here. Take your power, as I already have mine."

Raising his hand, a wand shows in his hand.

"The Wand of Watoomb. I stole it, and it shall aid us to defeat and steal the powers of the Sentry."

He taps the wand on Thanos's chest, and a magical seal appears.

"I have opened his gate of consciousness. Claim the power."


Nevermore sat on the couch by Pyrite's dead body that was wrapped up in her cloak. She stood and picked him up, walking to the top of the tower and to the teleporter. She punched in some Coordinates and disappeared.

In next to no time, the teleporter glowed with blue energy and she was back, her cloak clean and white, around her shoulders, the body of Pyrite gone from her arms. She went to the couch and sat down heavily and put her head in her hands. He was gone. He was really gone for good. The person who trained her to be a hero was dead. She flopped sideways on the couch and let her hood cover her face as she felt her body shut down to sleep.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](There it is. *Facepalm* Should I delete that rather angry post?)


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