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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

It happened in a flash, one moment Connor thought they we're atleast slowing him down for Kelai and Sentry to finish Thanos off. The next an explosion of fire and ice that disoriented him. One after another Thanos took them down, Connor watched his friends being attacked and didn't have the reaction time to prevent his own attack. In the brief seconds he had to try he'd tried to coat himself in a defensive layer of thin ice, this however proved ineffective as he was smashed into the ground below by the purple giant before thrown who knows how far into a building.

Connor found himself halfway in and halfway ontop of a pile of rubble, rubble that his body had smashed into and broken. Everything hurt to be honest, his suit and ice only able to soften the impact so much.
No...we can't lose. Not like this, too much is at stake. The blonde raised his throbbing head to look out of the hole he'd been thrown through, trying to see if the fight was still going. One of his eyes was being slack and swollen but he could see and hear that something was happening still. That was good...one arm up..the other arm up...push up, and... "S-shit!" He partially shouted and gasped in surprise at the realization that something was protruding through his thigh, and upon inspection it was a rebar that had been a part of the buildings wall. There was a moment of defeat as he let his head fall back against the rubble with a sigh, he knew he was out of this fight and that it was up to his friends.
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Sarah finally approaches the aftermath, Fortune right behind her, Sarah took one look at Thanos and scoffed, "Really?! After everything he did we're just gonna cuff him and say that's it?! An entire part of the world is gone, my brother is gone, Alexandra is gone, hell even Marko is gone! And guess what? We're about to lose Kelai! The world is in shambles, entire continents were lost, so many dead! Half of our own dead of MIA, there isn't ONE good reason to keep him alive!" She walked up to Gus and stole his gun, pointing it at the Mad Titan's head, "There is no good reason for him to stay alive!"

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype @The Unamed Character @LiteracyUnmatched
Raitei stayed but didn't intervene in the battle. He would have jumped in if the others failed but after a hard fought battle it seems they defeated Thanos. He saw someone about to shoot Thanos, all Raitei could think as she spoke is that she was right. He had ravaged so much of Midgard and letting him live is to invite that again one day not too long or one day far into the future from now. "If you think you should, then do it." Raitei boomed. He looked down at her with his one uncovered eye in his Asgardian Armor. "Squeeze the trigger or drop the gun, do not take too long deciding."
LokiofSP said:
Sarah finally approaches the aftermath, Fortune right behind her, Sarah took one look at Thanos and scoffed, "Really?! After everything he did we're just gonna cuff him and say that's it?! An entire part of the world is gone, my brother is gone, Alexandra is gone, hell even Marko is gone! And guess what? We're about to lose Kelai! The world is in shambles, entire continents were lost, so many dead! Half of our own dead of MIA, there isn't ONE good reason to keep him alive!" She walked up to Gus and stole his gun, pointing it at the Mad Titan's head, "There is no good reason for him to stay alive!"

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype @The Unamed Character @LiteracyUnmatched
Luna then appeared from an alley, and walked up to Sarah, as well as cindy droping in from the rooftops. "I may be one for being irrational here, but you need to really calm the hell down there. Your brother would want you to be the bigger person here, not let the anger get the best of you." she said as luna got a piece of Bob's armor from his abandoned room. and laid it in front of her, and shed a tear, showing that she misses bob deeply.
Sarah shook her head, "That's stupid and you know it Cindy! This ass hat nearly committed genocide! What happens if he breaks free huh?! We have no better chance than now!"

@Steel Zinogre @National (I kinda want to do it but I also know I need your okay)
If Smasher wasn't so serious he would have laughed at the sight of the big shot five dollar horror movie villain tossing half of a dead carcass out of the way. Smasher however isn't one for laughing and instead ducked and rolled to avoid the huge car hurtling his way. The car clipped his shoulder and pushed him to the ground. Rolling his shoulder in discomfort Smasher pulled a lamp post from the ground and pierced it through the already smashed front windshield as well as the back one. With a grunt he hefted up the car and makeshift spear and hurtled it back the alien's way. Why destroy more of peoples personal property when you could keep destroying the same property. However right after he tossed the car back the ground started to shake. Smasher looked around in confusion to what was happening. He took a moment to leap up to a tall building and look around and saw not too far away the splitting of California. The building collapsed from the split and Smasher ended up on the ground. Water was building up and it seemed like the chunk that had broken up was going to collapse into the sea. He hoped that the people would be smart enough to get off of the sinking land. At the moment though he had an alien to fight.

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LokiofSP said:
Sarah shook her head, "That's stupid and you know it Cindy! This ass hat nearly committed genocide! What happens if he breaks free huh?! We have no better chance than now!"

@Steel Zinogre @National (I kinda want to do it but I also know I need your okay)
"Sarah, listen to me. Mercy is much better than killing a big villain. Let the smarter villains kick his ass, and the dumb ass ones will help...... Or so I hope." Cindy said as Cassie Heller rode up to the scene. "Do not do it sarah. Everything will be screwed up if you do so..... just trust me on this."
(Alright, alright, figured, just checking @National.)

Sarah ignored everyone began to squeeze the trigger, only to get clocked on the side of the head by one Fortune Johnson, Sarah fell to the floor unconscious, "Sorry...She was getting really fucking annoying though..." She looked around at the destruction around them and sighed, "Damn....So what now?"
LokiofSP said:
(Alright, alright, figured, just checking @National.)
Sarah ignored everyone began to squeeze the trigger, only to get clocked on the side of the head by one Fortune Johnson, Sarah fell to the floor unconscious, "Sorry...She was getting really fucking annoying though..." She looked around at the destruction around them and sighed, "Damn....So what now?"
Cassie gets a massive Migraine as she became possessed by Mephisto. "time will only tell what to do next. But as of now, my son will be coming to aide your recovery. But you must start reconstruction without him." Mephisto said through the daughter of War. "And also, If thanos would have died, hell would not be the same if he manages to take my throne." he added.

The familiar voice came from nearby and Connor again raised his head up in surprise, "Dad!?" Connor watched as his father, Steve Rogers dressed in his everyday normal clothes but with his shield, looked him over briefly with concern before smiling. "Looks like you'll live." The older man said with a sarcastic tone which Connor might have laughed at if it wasn't for the discomfort and the utter surprise at seeing his father here.

"What are yo--?" Connor stopped himself as he watched his father give him the look, anyone that knew Steve Rogers long enough knew the look well. "Thanos attacks, aliens are crawling all over the city, and you expected me not to fight? I stayed out of the big stuff, scouts honor. Now I'm going to lift your leg off the rebar so hold still and relax." Connor did as he was told, doing his best not to cry out as he was pulled off the metal rod. "I know you did your best, you don't have to be brave with me." Steve told his son, who just shook his head.


Meanwhile in San Diego

Raknor watched as the odd vehicle he'd thrown at the green one was thrown right back at him, his attempt to dodge distracted by the transmission he was getting. The car struck him partially and at the sight of a crack on his helmet he let out a low growl, "Thanos has been captured, retreat for now!" He roared into his transmitter, angrily he had to take his own advice as it was likely that these heroes allies would be showing up soon, the alien wasn't one to retreat and it infuriated him but he also knew what was at risk. His tool changed to billow out black thick smoke as he retreated further into the already created white phosphorus smoke where he proceeded to call his ship closer before being beamed up to the metal beast as it recalled as many aliens as it could from the city.

"One day earthlings, one day."
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Kelai stumbles, the life of his eyes fading.

A flashback, a flashback of Kelai, with his mother and father. This was at his toddler years, days he did not remember, not until now. He saw himself, playing in the fields by his house with a very fat cat. The front screen door opens, and a younger, much prettier Maria Hill stepped out, smiling as she watches her child. His father, Daniel Rand, had a nice , blonde beard, his cowlick pushed to the left in a flannel shirt. Suddenly, the sky turns red, and the flashback transitions to a crying Kelai, as the entire house was up in flames.

10 years later,when he was 11, he was at the same house, the house being rebuilt after it burned down. It was night time, and there was a very black fog rolling around the house, consuming the house. A slam of the front door was heard, and Kelai looks up from his cellphone screen, only for his eyes to be terrified and worried. In front of him was a very angry Daniel Rand, his eyes an in natural red, his hair scraggly and tossled, his clothes ripped up. He chases Kelai around the house, Kelai doing his best to keep his dad a way from him. He continues to chase him, and Kelai round house kicks his dad back down the stairs. His father just got right back up, and chased Kelai into his fathers room. Kelai trips, falling onto the bed. His father jumps and pounces at his child, ready to rip the boys throat open, until Kelai screams, and a mysterious black mist forms around his fingers. He jabs his father in the neck, blood sputtering from his fathers death. He falls down, on top of his crying son.

A different flashback, one only two years ago, showed. Kelai was with a young girl. She had beautiful dark hair that touched the middle of her back, her olive colored skin adorned with abred flannel, her black jeans tipped off with black boots. Her beautiful white smile sparkles as she speaks in a soft, playful tone at Kelai. "Come on, slowpoke, you're going to be late for the mission." She walks out of the room, and then flash back transitions again.

This time, it showed Kelai on his knees, deep wounds in his body, being surrounded by corpses, and burned down buildings. This was at the time of when he was with Luke Cage, doing missions for him. The girl was Liliana Cage, the daughter of Luke, and the girl friend of Kelai. But at this flashback, he was holding the dead, and broken body of Liliana. She was killed in a mission that Barry anyone survived. The only one who did, was Kelai. He cries into the girls shoulder, tears splattering her battle vest.

He opens his eyes, looking straight up into the night sky. Everyone thought that Kelai was evil, but who wouldn't think that? If only people knewnwhat he went through. Everything he did was to set up for this day. If anyone knew of his plan, they would've intervened, and Thanos would've surely conquered the earth. He was hated, despised, untrustworthy. And he did it all just to make sure he could save the world. He wonders if anyone would know the real truth. But for now, at least he knew he could sleep well, knowing he helped the earth live for another day. Two, small singular tears roll down his bloodied face as he smiles.

"I'm....coming.... Marko..."

A rolling star passes by as he closes his eyes, his life now gone.

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype @LiteracyUnmatched @The Unamed Character @hudhouse

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Fortune sighed making a cross over her body, "Da- I mean man..." She caught herself due to her brother berating her for cursing in front of Captain America himself, "So...I think we should help re-build, then bury other's dead...After all...We lost so much...An entire part of the fucking world is gone..." She sat down, the weight of the situation finally hitting her, "After that, we send off our own...God it feels like by saving the Earth, we fucked it up more! We 'Assembled' but it didn't work! *Sigh*...So...I call dibs on medical attention...)

(Okay...So I know this was @National's event so...What do we do now? Time skip to funerals, what?)
Cassie had a tear roll down her face, much as cindy looked to the sky, and smiled under her helmet. She knew he is in a much happier place now. "See ya, Kelai." she said with a sigh as luna looked to the sky also, and found a star that just appeared. Strout sighed and sadly said, "I am Strout." what he meant was 'death...... it is everywhere. we do everything to avoid it, but it claims its prize eventually.' then redd dropped his sword and shield, and oily tears dropped down his face. "How many ffffffffffucking deaths does there have to be?! Are you happy now? HUH?!" he said with rage as he shouts at the sky, as if he were talking to a higher being. Charlize then came up in a beat up car, having heard the news of thanos' capture. "What happened? I was told of the big alien, but it seems like someone left a bit out." she said as she walked over to the group. "How ya doin' Cap?" she asked Captain America. Jade then ran up to the group, and saw the disdain in everyone's eyes. "Who died?" she asked. @LokiofSP @Crono @sitanomoto @National @Reaper
Steve and Connor came out of the building through the hole Connor had made, Steve taking the weight from Connor's limp as they grew closer. "Told you it was too quiet." The older man said, Connor had a smile on his face at the sight of Thanos being flown away, that same smile quickly fading as he realized why everyone was crowded around. There on the ground was Kelai's body and it was clear by the looks on their faces that he was gone. I told him swallowing those stones didn't sound healthy.

With the two stopping near the others Steve arched a brow at Connor who nodded, then his father released the arm that was over his shoulders allowing Connor to stand on his own. The man giving a courteous nod to Jade but not speaking casually to be respectful. The blonde watched Ritchie momentarily, unsure of how he was thinking. Connor finally speaking up, "He's up there in those shining stars with Marko now."

It was clear to Connor that even after all the preparation and training they we're never really ready, and nobody was to blame. But something had to change with the Avengers or they'd continue to fall, and the people of earth with them. Kelai wasn't technically an Avenger but not only was he a hero at heart but he avenged Marko in his own way, and that counted for something. The squeeze Connor felt from his fathers hand that now sat on his shoulder acted almost as a confirmation on his thoughts.
The abrupt sound of clapping should have been enough to shake the Avengers out of their celebrations. Chaos walked towards them, his hood pulled over his face so that only his mouth was showing, that in and of itself should have been a warning especially since Jordan never made any attempts to hide who he was before. The clapping continued, from the way he clapped, the others could tell he was not being wholeheartedly sincere, it was mocking, condescending and yet it still had just enough sincerity to make it sound neutral. "Congratulations. You managed to beat Thanos without my power....and what a nail bitter it was. Well...TECHNICALLY you did need the power of the infinity stones but..that's just nitpicking...." Even his voice was off, the usual level of arrogance, impatience and sarcasm was not there...he seemed completely different. Jordan stopped a few yards from the group and folded his arms, waiting on a response, his posture completely straight, his weight balanced on both feet...a far cry from his usual slouching and leaning to one side or the other.

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype @National @LokiofSP
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Connor would have likely snorted among other things at Jordan's little display had he not been standing next to the dead body of a friend. Instead he didn't really look over at him, recognizing the voice and talking very plainly. "From what I can tell all you did was try to hurt Thanos' feelings and mock him. Not helping, so honestly Jordan you can take the condescending judgmental attitude and blow it out your--" His voice cutting of as the same hand of his fathers that just a moment ago had given him a sort of comfort now squeezed his shoulder with a warning and the blonde flinched following up with a huff.
Jordan inclined his head towards Connor, the way an adult would towards a child it was indulging. He merely smiled slightly, no words, just a small smile. "Ah yes, how could I not mention the presence of the might Captain America? It has been too long since we last spoke Captain...and I was quite...livid...at the time."
Dimitri fell to his hands and knees panting. "I-.... I need her. Where is she..."

Harry grabbed his arm and pulled him back to his feet. "Who? What are you on about?"

"Red... She needs to... The void...." He replied wearily. @sitanomoto
Cassie felt herself get slammed into the floor and the world spun. She coughed up some blood and had Friday do a damage assessment as Kelai uttered his last words, and then heard the familiar voice of Steve Rogers talking to Connor. "Umm... Cap? Sir?" She said as she spat out some more blood. "D'you think you could help me get this chunk of building off of my legs? Because while this is fun and everything, I'd really like to be able to stand up and assess he damage."

Hypnas, who had her comm link on at the time, heard through Harry's link that Dimitri needed 'red' and she smiled. "About time." She said. She walked out from the alleyway and looked up at the building where everyone was. "Oi!" She yelled. "Need something?"
Richie stands there, looking down at the dead corpse of another of his best friends. His comrade, a brother in arms. And now, they were both gone; Kelai and Marko were now both dead. Richie just grabs his gun, his head still bowed.

"Yeah you're right about that. Guess that means I gotta take on those two idiots responsibilities."

Richie manages a small grin as he walks by Strout, patting the trees knee since that is the farthest he can reach.

Suddenly, Jordan appeared, and the guys speech pissed him off. He turns around, his RPG pointed at the so called "god."

How about ya Shaddup asshole?! You always say you're trying to help the world, always letting us do our own battles, and that I can understand. But then, you come here to mock us and then to try to correct our decisions?


@Steel Zinogre

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