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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Crono said:
Team Miami
"That's good." He told Cassie with a smile just as Xander charged at the Zombies, Connor nearly stumbled. "Wait, no! Those guys are on our side!" He called out. I think. But before he could try to intervene a fog set in, making it difficult to see. The blonde could hear Raitei's booming voice and tried to move closer to try and stop him from doing whatever it was he was going to do, "Don't be rash jus--" A light flashed telling Connor that the lightning wielder had teleported causing Connor to huff and mumble in his wake, "...wait." One moment Raitei wanted to conserve power and the next he wanted to go off fighting whatever this was on his own.

"Doesn't help that he was our ride out of here either, or that he still has the fake stone." Quickened footsteps from behind told Connor that someone was coming up on him, but with the fog he had no chance of seeing who it was so he quickly threw his leg up to catch an alien in the jaw with his foot just as it closed in.

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype @Lemoncakes
(What just happened?)
The initial blast flung Dimitri back, far. He felt broken ribs as he did his best to get back to his feet. Once he did, he turned on his comlink and said, "I'm sorry Connor. In going to have to do plan B.... I'm sorry." Before taking his earpiece off and breaking it.
Crono said:
Team Miami
"That's good." He told Cassie with a smile just as Xander charged at the Zombies, Connor nearly stumbled. "Wait, no! Those guys are on our side!" He called out. I think. But before he could try to intervene a fog set in, making it difficult to see. The blonde could hear Raitei's booming voice and tried to move closer to try and stop him from doing whatever it was he was going to do, "Don't be rash jus--" A light flashed telling Connor that the lightning wielder had teleported causing Connor to huff and mumble in his wake, "...wait." One moment Raitei wanted to conserve power and the next he wanted to go off fighting whatever this was on his own.

"Doesn't help that he was our ride out of here either, or that he still has the fake stone." Quickened footsteps from behind told Connor that someone was coming up on him, but with the fog he had no chance of seeing who it was so he quickly threw his leg up to catch an alien in the jaw with his foot just as it closed in.

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype @Lemoncakes
Cassie grew angry at Xander's sudden impusle of assault on the hamrless hoard. "Hey! They have done nothing to you, and yet you have provoked them?! And yet you call yourself a hero!" Cassie heller said as she turned to her chaos form, and roared at Zander. "They are mine to command, not for you to just kill whenever." she said as she sent a wave of flame towards Xander, and then swung her massive sword at him. @LiteracyUnmatched @Crono
Team Miami

Something caught in Connor's throat as he heard Dimitri, "Don't you--!" The split second feedback went through the comm that told him that Dimitri likely destroyed his and the blonde grit his teeth in anger. If Dimitri was doing it then things with Thanos must be going worse than he initially thought, and here he was stuck in Miami. Maybe if they weren't so spread thin they could deal with Thanos...if they weren't so damn distracted with his soldiers, they we're supposed to have prepared for this so why did it seem like it was for nothing? Sentry should be enough, he was supposed to be able to deal with Thanos. They had a plan. "I am so sick of people sacrificing themselves. We're strong together, we're a team." Within his distress another alien flew out of the fog and decked him right in the jaw, recovering he came right back with his shield bashed against the things head before nursing his jaw with his hand. "Raitei I need you to get me there, to wherever Dimitri is!" He called into his comm almost frantically, he couldn't get there on his own and he knew that. "I have to do something." The blonde was practically ignoring the bright blaze that was shining through the fog as Cassie attacked Xander.

Team San Diego

Raknor stared at the heroes before him, none making a move to fight against him. "Oh! Have I scared you all into submission already!?" There was a deep laughter behind his helmet before getting hit by half of one of the underlings with a grunt. The alien sneered as he stomped the already dead carcass out of frustration, "How rude, you there..the abomination with strength. I think I'll kill you next." Reaching over he grabbed an abandoned car, lifted it overhead, and with a strained toss threw it at Smasher. It'd been heavier than he'd expected.
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Crono said:
Team Miami
Something caught in Connor's throat as he heard Dimitri, "Don't you--!" The split second feedback went through the comm that told him that Dimitri likely destroyed his and the blonde grit his teeth in anger. If Dimitri was doing it then things with Thanos must be going worse than he initially thought, and here he was stuck in Miami. Maybe if they weren't so spread thin they could deal with Thanos...if they weren't so damn distracted with his soldiers, they we're supposed to have prepared for this so why did it seem like it was for nothing? Sentry should be enough, he was supposed to be able to deal with Thanos. They had a plan. "I am so sick of people sacrificing themselves. We're strong together, we're a team." Within his distress another alien flew out of the fog and decked him right in the jaw, recovering he came right back with his shield bashed against the things head before nursing his jaw with his hand. "Raitei I need you to get me there, to wherever Dimitri is!" He called into his comm almost frantically, he couldn't get there on his own and he knew that. "I have to do something." The blonde was practically ignoring the bright blaze that was shining through the fog as Cassie attacked Xander.

Team San Diego

Raknor stared at the heroes before him, none making a move to fight against him. "Oh! Have I scared you all into submission already!?" There was a deep laughter behind his helmet before getting hit by half of one of the underlings with a grunt. The alien sneered as he stomped the already dead carcass out of frustration, "How rude, you there..the abomination with strength. I think I'll kill you next." Reaching over he grabbed an abandoned car, lifted it overhead, and with a strained toss threw it at Smasher. It'd been heavier than he'd expected.
Raitei heard Connor's transmission and teleported back to Connor before his blade could near Edkatla. "II am guessing New York near Thanos and Sentry. So somewhere in that proximity of large presences clashing." Raitei said as he targeted the area to teleport to. Then in a bolt of lightning he in Connor we gone and then in New York, near the area where Sentry and Thanos were mixing it up.
Eldkatla sensed the disturbance behind her, a different magic that was almost familiar. She didn't turn but just took a breath and waited. At the last possible moment she ducked low and twisted around to see her attacker for the first time. His attack had faltered, almost as if his attention was elsewhere, and - oh gods - he was Asgardian for sure, meaning the chances of him being a Thorson were high. She didn't wait for his attention to turn back to her or for any potential family reunion, instead quickly stepping deeper into the fog and wrapping it thickly around her. She paused for a moment, posed for an attack until she heard the crack of lightning.

She released the breath she had been holding but that proved to be premature. The earth started to shake around them and maintaining the fog was all but forgotten as she quickly threw up a protective shield to save her from the falling rubble of already destroyed buildings. Thanos was going to win this planet regardless of the cost and her life certainly meant nothing to him. How in Hel's name was she going to get out of this cursed realm?
Team New York?

Connor had admittedly been surprised at Raitei's sudden appearance, while he'd asked for help he expected Raitei to be fighting with the fog master. "Thankyou." He muttered just before they teleported, and upon arriving Connor gasped at the devastation that ranged in a very wide circle that they stood on the edge of. "I uh..." Connor was momentarily speechless before getting a small grasp on himself and turning his head to look for Thanos, Sentry, or Dimitri. "Raitei you can go back if you want. I'm sure the others might need you..." Though with the looks of the chaos they might need him as well but the blonde wasn't exactly sure what to do or say at the moment.
Xander paused when he heard the other Avengers telling him to stop. He was confused. Wasn't the horde of zombies the enemy?

Well, Xander didn't have time to find out when a fan of scorching hot flames burned the ground where he stood just moments before. The young Asgardian was just about to react to the flames when a huge sword sent him crashing to the ground.

Luckily, the blade only slashed through his armour and digged a bit inside his mesh shirt. If he had still been wearing the designer clothes he had on before, he would've been six feet under.

Xander's eyes darted around for the attacker when it landed on a girl.
LiteracyUnmatched said:
Xander paused when he heard the other Avengers telling him to stop. He was confused. Wasn't the horde of zombies the enemy?
Well, Xander didn't have time to find out when a fan of scorching hot flames burned the ground where he stood just moments before. The young Asgardian was just about to react to the flames when a huge sword sent him crashing to the ground.

Luckily, the blade only slashed through his armour and digged a bit inside his mesh shirt. If he had still been wearing the designer clothes he had on before, he would've been six feet under.

Xander's eyes darted around for the attacker when it landed on a girl.
A zombie then pounced on cassie, screaming and moaning at her. She then took a deep breath, and reverted to her normal form. "Sorry about that.... That happens when I get pissed off. So to keep a repeat happening again, do not touch my children again." she warned Xander, despite him being an asgardian, he had no right to attack anyone that was not harming him. "Come children, for connor's sake, we must go. We must help the people of this realm recover from this atrocious attack." she said as the tortured souls walked behind her, screaming, groaning, and moaning.
Xander eyed the girl, taking in her appearance. Though he was from a godly species, Xander wasn't exactly quick to understand.

After a minute of eyeing the girl, Xander looked away, and rubbed his head sheepishly.

"I apologize.." He began awkwardly. "For attacking your children."

His eyes darted to the ground as he spoke. He had never felt so embarrassed.

When he finished apologizing, he quickly leapt into the air, wanting to get as far away from the girl as possible.

@Steel Zinogre and @Cronos

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LiteracyUnmatched said:
Xander eyed the girl, taking in her appearance. Though he was from a godly species, Xander wasn't exactly quick to understand.
After a minute of eyeing the girl, Xander looked away, and rubbed his head sheepishly.

"I apologize.." He began awkwardly. "For attacking your children."

His eyes darted to the ground as he spoke. He had never felt so embarrassed.

When he finished apologizing, he quickly leapt into the air, wanting to get as far away from the girl as possible.

@Steel Zinogre and @Cronos

(mmmmmmmhhhmmmm, That's right, fly away with that armor that is slightly dented.)
Dimitri clutched his side. "Connor! Damnit Raitei... Connor. Please don't try to stop me... I need to save us. All of us. I need the gauntlet." He fell to a knee. @Crono

Sentry finally regained his bearings after the blast by Thanos, and looked down at the Titan. He zoomed toward him, with the intent to plow into him from directly above. @National
Connor turned at the sound of Dimitri's voice, just in time to see him fall to one knee. "Of course I'm going to try and stop you. You already know this won't work, you we're told so." Connor's eyes wandered over him worriedly as he moved closer. "Besides, whether we win or lose I wanted a shot at Thanos ya know?" Connor chuckled in a measly attempt for...something. "If I had known it was this bad I would have come sooner. Miami was too warm anyways."
The giant wave of water continues to tower over the city. The little Alexandra continues to stare at it, her dormant powers being unleashed, but the little baby had no idea. How did she even get here?

Suddenly, the baby claps her hands, giggling, and the entire tsunami starts to come down. Before the city is entirely enveloped by ocean water, the wave stops. The wave starts to rewind, as if someone caught it into a timezone. The huge wave starts to shrink, and the ocean calms down. Kelai stands there with the baby in his hands, as his body glows in several different colors, immense power emanating from him. He teleports away quickly to the house of the Visions, dropping of the child, then teleporting right back, right next to Dimitri and Connor. "All the infinity stones are inside me. I am the gauntlet ."
As the water came, sentry landed in front of Dimitri and Connor to protect them from the wave, only to relax in confusion when he saw it dissapear.

"Kelai...." Dimitri smirked as he saw the water recede. "We just might stand a chance.... Go give Thanos hell, glove boy!" He checked his hand that clutched his ribs to see blood covering it. @Crono @National
Cassie crashed through the window, one of her rocket boots sputtering and sending her into a power dive. Several alien soldiers had latched onto her faulty boot and were dragging her down faster. She was going to get squished to a pulp. Lovely.

She yelled in frustration as she crash landed a few yards away from Connor and Dimitri. "SHIT!" She yelled, plunging her arm into the chest of the alien that was trying to eat her face. The alien squirmed and then held still as she pulled out her hand. She threw the body aside as the other two aliens converged on her at the same time. "Oh, for real?" She said as she freoned them in the face. "Two against one? You guys are so unfair!" She killed both of them and a chunk of her armor on her back came off.


"Is that healthy?" Connor asked with a glance at Kelai before scooting closer to Dimitri's side at the sight of the blood, "Let me try something." Connor told him before placing one hand on the wound and his other hand over the first. "It'll probably sting for a while but it might stop the bleeding." The blonde took a nervous breath, concentrating the cold energy through the palm of his hand to freeze the area around the wound with just a simple layer. He didn't exactly want Dimitri to get frost bite or anything, it was by no means a patch job but it would at the very least stall or slow the bleeding.

Cassie's crash and shout had Connor pulling his hands away quickly in surprise. "Looks like your benched Maximoff, Oh fearless leader." Connor told him after looking the immediate area over by turning his head to be sure no more surprises we're going to jump at Cassie.
Xander was confused. The incident later had him shaken up. He didn't know friend from foe. With an aggravated grunt, Xander landed back on the ground and searched for something to do.

Everyone was all over the place, and the city was full of Zombie guts and rotting corpses. After looking around for anything to do, Xander sighed and took off.

After flying a couple miles away from the battle, Xander landed on the roof of a skyscraper and pulled up a portal to Asgard.

He was not needed, so he left.

(I think It's time to bring Redd back.) Redd awakens from the abandoned barn he had switched bodies in, since he copied his AI to the second body. He looked around, and saw a massive ship in the distance, and had just received a message from Cassie stark, asking where he was, and pleading for his return. "Shucks, I did not think anyone cared." he said as he got up, joints grinding due to an allotted time to rust over. He runs Diagnostics, and and tested his thrusters, which sputtered at first, but worked as the systems warmed up. He then shuts down the thrusters, and then walked outside, and slowly transformed as his red paint turned silver, reinforcing everything except for the wings, feet, and tip of the tail. "Here I come master." he said as he then flies off. Some time has passed, and he found the spot where his second body died. So he landed on the site and transformed to his robot mode, and took out the memory core of his second body. What he found literally had him crying as he saw Ivory angry and enraged towards him, and then dying due to an exploding building on an island. "This....... Ivory died because of....... NO!!! This can't be real!" he shouted angrily and sadly as he collapsed to his knees, and cried. "This is my fault....... This is all my fault......" he said, having second thoughts of whether to return to Cassie, or to go back into sleep mode, and rust away in guilt and depression. "Why....? Why was I built......? Why does everyone I know and love keep disappearing or dying on me......?" he said, oily tears rolling down his silver painted face. "I'm sorry....... I'm sorry Ivory......" he said. (And there you have it, how you get to him is all up to you all.) @sitanomoto @Crono @LokiofSP @Reaper @National
Thanos looks around angrily, and he sets his eyes on Dimitri, Connor, and Cassie. He grins as he starts to walk. However, before he could take another step, The Sentry plowed him unto the floor, the shockwave destroying a nearby building. He grabs the Sentry's leg, and tosses him to the floor with amazing strength. Thanos spits blood out of his mouth, and he grins cruelly.

"Three new dead corpses!"

He yells this at the top of his lungs, and charges at the three, his hand only inches away from Cassie's throat. Suddenly, Thanos stops in his tracks. A fist appeared right into his chest, knocking the enormous titan back into a building with tremendous force, the building caving in on Thanos. Standing there, Kelais glowing body stares at where he sent Thanos.

"Damn Eggplant. Know your place."

@sitanomoto @Crono @Reaper
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National said:
Thanos looks around angrily, and he sets his eyes on Dimitri, Connor, and Cassie. He grins as he starts to walk. However, before he could take another step, The Sentry plowed him unto the floor, the shockwave destroying a nearby building. He grabs the Sentry's leg, and tosses him to the floor with amazing strength. Thanos spits blood out of his mouth, and he grins cruelly.
"Three new dead corpses!"

He yells this at the top of his lungs, and charges at the three, his hand only inches away from Cassie's throat. Suddenly, Thanos stops in his tracks. A fist appeared right into his chest, knocking the enormous titan back into a building with tremendous force, the building caving in on Thanos. Standing there, Kelais growing body stares at where he sent Thanos.

"Damn Eggplant. Know your place."

@sitanomoto @Crono @Reaper
(Dammit, where's the badass rating?)

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