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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Drumonkey said:
"I'm not stupid and neither is my friend. He threw me because I am pretty resilient." Then Kidpool pulled out a rocket launcher from his bag and fired it in the face of the alien standing on him then he called out to seemingly no one "The three of us agree that you typing there should do something about this fog or whatever? Don't think you would get off the hook that easily."
(Totally thought I'd already replied to this.)

Team San Diego

The rocket sent him flying up and backwards, crashing into the building. The alien grunted as he stood back up, small chunks of the wall falling to the sidewalk as he did so, there was a black smudge where the rocket had hit his helmet that angered him. "What was that? More smog you say? Thicker smog? If you insist." The smoke billowing out of his pipe changed, now thick with Phosphorus. "Have fun breathing this in, and being burned by it. I wouldn't use anymore explosives if I we're you, it's flammable. Would you risk the lives all those poor pathetic creatures in the streets running through my smog by lighting it up?" A grin crossed his face and without waiting for an answer he started running at Fahy with the intent to smash into him and pile drive him through the building across the street.

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype @The Unamed Character @DemonGirl27 @LiteracyUnmatched [/color]
Gwen was hollering. She was still electrified and was a bit bloody frooom flying straight through the Behemoths head.

Jaon just watched her friend with amazment
Crono said:
(Totally thought I'd already replied to this.)
Team San Diego

The rocket sent him flying up and backwards, crashing into the building. The alien grunted as he stood back up, small chunks of the wall falling to the sidewalk as he did so, there was a black smudge where the rocket had hit his helmet that angered him. "What was that? More smog you say? Thicker smog? If you insist." The smoke billowing out of his pipe changed, now thick with Phosphorus. "Have fun breathing this in, and being burned by it. I wouldn't use anymore explosives if I we're you, it's flammable. Would you risk the lives all those poor pathetic creatures in the streets running through my smog by lighting it up?" A grin crossed his face and without waiting for an answer he started running at Fahy with the intent to smash into him and pile drive him through the building across the street.

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype @The Unamed Character @DemonGirl27 @LiteracyUnmatched [/color]
Helga growled at the alien who released a volatile cloud of phosphorus. she was used to the smell, and she does in fact, have phosphorus in her slime, as well as a strange mold that holds it together. Her fists were dark yellow, meaning that the slime needs to be primed in order to work right, and leave puddles. But she knew better than to lick her hands, for one explosion would set off a chain reaction that could kill everyone in the city. so she slowly walked up to the alien, and sized him up, studying him.
Fahy pulled out his katana and charged at the alien using throwing knives to try and pierce his chest and face. His blades were made of adamantium so he only had so many of them but he hoped that they would pierce his armor and skin. Then he got hit and slammed into the building letting out a grunt as he died but that allowed Dru to fall out of the smoke and land on the aliens back and coat his knife in energy that would vibrate fast enough to allow him to stab into the aliens neck. @Crono
Ray was sad to hear friend in sorrow but she just pushed it aside as she continued fighting.

Corvus and Odis were doing somewhat well as they used they sparring training to good use

Vision and Mega Vision didn't tell Victoria anything, though they know that seems needs time to heal. But the world is in danger right now and they need her to get keep her emotions in check
Gwen lands on the ground next to Jaon. She is acting Like an animal as she hunches down and is grumbling

Jaon looks at her "Gwen...... Come on.." she said as she shook her head "It'll wear off... in the mean time.." Jaon smiled

Gwen looked at Jaon as she said that

Jaon smiles "Sick em" she said smiling

Gwen tears through the alien minions like she is a metallic beast
Rickey used the Doom brat as a distraction to sneak up behind the alien general. When he found the right moment, Rickey jumped out with his vibranium claws extended. "Hey bub! Remember me?" Rickey slashed at Zar with his claws, looking to damage him or her or.....it? He didn't know what Zar was, but he knew he had to be dealt with.

Kal came from the ditch, he stretched out, the lighting adding more to his reserves (Sorry, the only way he could last was if he got a recharge, that blow would have killed him otherwise.) He looked at Conner and Ratei, "Okay, lets try this again..." He rushed to Ratei and kicked out his knees.

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype
In San Diego

Smasher huffed and dropped to one knee with the gas that was being pumped into the air. It was thick and his heavy breathing was dragging it into his lungs quicker than ever. He huffed one last time before pushing himself back to his feet. As long as nobody tried to be smart and used explosives they would be sort of fine. He quickly ran forward to intercept the alien before he could crash into Fahy. The Phosphorus caused his lungs and the rest of his body to burn. Almost like it was a dangerous substance to be putting into your system. Smasher put his head down and ran in the direction of the alien hopping to headbutt him.

@Steel Zinogre @SanDiegoCrew

In New York

Zar felt the burning shrapnel enter zis flesh. This still shocked zim. The initial bullets had done more damage than ze had thought a bullet possibly could. Zar's bigger and clumsier body could only slowly rotate just in time to be hit by numbing blows. Zar found zis thoughts to be turning towards Thanos. How disappointed zis lord would be to hear that his best and most important commander had been brought down by the likes of these. In a last effort Zar pushed out zis foot in an attempt to trip the fast moving figure. Then not only was this one pest onto zim, but another was now digging something into zis back. Zar let out a piercing yelling, screaming noise before heavily dropping onto the ground in a sad attempt at crushing the figure on zis back. @hudhouse @Ethan Hart
LokiofSP said:
Kal came from the ditch, he stretched out, the lighting adding more to his reserves (Sorry, the only way he could last was if he got a recharge, that blow would have killed him otherwise.) He looked at Conner and Ratei, "Okay, lets try this again..." He rushed to Ratei and kicked out his knees.

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype
((Gwen and Jaon are in Miami too))
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]((Gwen and Jaon are in Miami too))

(I know, they were just not at the fight location)
The alien screamed. Good. That proved that his new metal bones was worth the time. Suddenly, he felt like he was being crushed. "You brute! Get the hell off me bub!" He tried to push him off him. At first, no luck. "I...can...do...this!" Shacking, Rickey tried once more to lift the alien off of him. Zar was heavy, that was certain. But it didn't feel like a weight he couldn't lift. "If this is the best Thanos can do, he is DOOMED!" He tried to give the hint away before putting more force into pushing up Zar.

@hudhouse @CasualDragon
CasualDragon said:
In San Diego
Smasher huffed and dropped to one knee with the gas that was being pumped into the air. It was thick and his heavy breathing was dragging it into his lungs quicker than ever. He huffed one last time before pushing himself back to his feet. As long as nobody tried to be smart and used explosives they would be sort of fine. He quickly ran forward to intercept the alien before he could crash into Fahy. The Phosphorus caused his lungs and the rest of his body to burn. Almost like it was a dangerous substance to be putting into your system. Smasher put his head down and ran in the direction of the alien hopping to headbutt him.

@Steel Zinogre @SanDiegoCrew

In New York

Zar felt the burning shrapnel enter zis flesh. This still shocked zim. The initial bullets had done more damage than ze had thought a bullet possibly could. Zar's bigger and clumsier body could only slowly rotate just in time to be hit by numbing blows. Zar found zis thoughts to be turning towards Thanos. How disappointed zis lord would be to hear that his best and most important commander had been brought down by the likes of these. In a last effort Zar pushed out zis foot in an attempt to trip the fast moving figure. Then not only was this one pest onto zim, but another was now digging something into zis back. Zar let out a piercing yelling, screaming noise before heavily dropping onto the ground in a sad attempt at crushing the figure on zis back. @hudhouse @Ethan Hart
Helga looked at smasher and looked back at the alien, then growled again, feeling as if he were to make a move at any moment now. She moved out of Smasher's way, her dark yellow slime glowing brighter slightly than the powdery cloud can.
The Prince looked down at Zar, who fell over onto a new person in the battle. The clumsy brute was pathetic, leaving Gus to place his knife back into his chest pocket. He looked down to the son of James, and stated, "He only attempts to bring out a foot to stop me, yet he somehow hits you on the back trip? Amusing. Back to the actual matters at hand, your damned ruckus allowed me to track your DNA towards that giant ship and helped me pinpoint a location." The Prince raised a single hand, using magic to form talons that attempted to plunge deep into the body of Zar. If he was successful at destroying him at the molecule level, he would cauterize his throat and take the head with him. Otherwise, he would let the tortured alien go for McJames to handle. Equipped with either a 3D printed head or Zar's actual head, he warped forward to the actual meat of the evening party...

A emerald ball of magic wrath formed from a rather close distance to Sentry and Thanos, spying out the battle. God on Titan, something that was rather unfortunate. It would be a more fortunate situation for the Prince as he warped into the main ship of Thanos that was in the Pacific. Oh magic what would he do without it? Gus started to do complex scans of the equipment while forming small spacial rifts for small scarab bots to form in. They stayed in the shadows while collecting as many details as they could, directly uploading them into armor Gus wore and a second link to a orbital satellite. Better make the best of it!

@CasualDragon @Ethan Hart @Reaper @National @ThanosCrew
(Thanos's ship has a purpose I should've put that into ooc. Please don't hack @hudhouse )

The ship rumbles, and all the robots and equipment the figure put into the computer froze and broke down. A small jolt of electricity pushes back the Prince as several aliens rush towards him. @hudhouse

Thanos grunts as he gets flown with The Sentry. Once in New York, Thanos piledrives the Sentry into the floor. "Pitiful trash." He mutters in disgust as he slams his foot into the Sentry.

Kelai grabs Dimitri, and throws the speedster at a swarm of aliens. "What a great throwing object." Kelai mutters amusingly to himself.
Sentry coughed hard as he was slammed into the ground, the noise likely shattering nearby Windows. The stomp pushed him further into the ground. After a few seconds of not moving, he grabbed Thanos' foot and opened his eyes, where light shone through bright enough to blind Thanos' for at least a few seconds.

Dimitri flew into the aliens, before standing up and engulfing his entire body into flames. He slammed the floor with his hands, erupting fire around him to about a meter radius. "Your mom is a throwing object!" He shouted across the room.
LokiofSP said:
Kal came from the ditch, he stretched out, the lighting adding more to his reserves (Sorry, the only way he could last was if he got a recharge, that blow would have killed him otherwise.) He looked at Conner and Ratei, "Okay, lets try this again..." He rushed to Ratei and kicked out his knees.

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype
Raitei bursted into sparks of electricity as Kal kicked him. Then suddenly Raitei himself was next to Connor this would no doubt stupefy Kal for a moment as Raitei had dodged the kick but deposited a lightning after image clone in his place as he dodged. "I have to ration out how much power I use, I still want to assist in defeating Thanos. According to that transmission Sentry sent, he is currently fighting Thanos."

Team Miami

"So your asking me to use mine then?" Connor arched a humored brow then thought the situation over for a moment. Corvus, Odis, and Mega Vision we're all dispatching of the aliens as well as helping with evacuations, then Gwen and Jaon we're dealing with the pair of behemoth aliens. Cassie was unconscious though she'd left a few un-dead behind and Xander was nearby, then there was Alex's sudden arrival. "If your really that worried you can go now if you want, I won't stop you." To be fair Connor himself was worried, Sentry was their only shot at winning so the man would need all the help he could get. But at the same time how many Civilians and Heroes would they be willing to sacrifice to ensure that victory?

With that he passed by Raitei, heading for Kal. The blonde throwing his shield on ahead of him vertically, the chill energy flowing from his hands as he clenched them, forming a layer of ice over his fists and forearms almost like gauntlets.

Team San Diego

The Adamantium blades Fahy threw stuck fast into the chest of his suit, they'd punctured into it he could tell, one even embedding into his body. But those that aimed at his helmet dinged off due to it's resilience. Raknor didn't stop his attack or slow down as he slammed Fahy into the building with a grin at the limp body of the human before him, he'd been distracted to not notice Dru's appearance until he'd felt him. Raknor wasn't very quick so while he started to counter Dru's position he felt Dru's blade pierce into his suit as well. The alien laughed while angling his organic pipe over his shoulder directly at Dru, and with a simple squeeze it would release a thick phosphorus gas into the heroes face. Though Raknor had no time to check on if it had worked because the next thing he knew there was a hard impact into his side which threw him sprawling down the pavement. Standing up to one knee slowly he worked his thermal vision on his helmet, able to see the batch of them. "Well well! They sent quite the bunch to save this wretched city didn't they!" He called out.
Crono said:
Team Miami
"So your asking me to use mine then?" Connor arched a humored brow then thought the situation over for a moment. Corvus, Odis, and Mega Vision we're all dispatching of the aliens as well as helping with evacuations, then Gwen and Jaon we're dealing with the pair of behemoth aliens. Cassie was unconscious though she'd left a few un-dead behind and Xander was nearby, then there was Alex's sudden arrival. "If your really that worried you can go now if you want, I won't stop you." To be fair Connor himself was worried, Sentry was their only shot at winning so the man would need all the help he could get. But at the same time how many Civilians and Heroes would they be willing to sacrifice to ensure that victory?

With that he passed by Raitei, heading for Kal. The blonde throwing his shield on ahead of him vertically, the chill energy flowing from his hands as he clenched them, forming a layer of ice over his fists and forearms almost like gauntlets.

Team San Diego

The Adamantium blades Fahy threw stuck fast into the chest of his suit, they'd punctured into it he could tell, one even embedding into his body. But those that aimed at his helmet dinged off due to it's resilience. Raknor didn't stop his attack or slow down as he slammed Fahy into the building with a grin at the limp body of the human before him, he'd been distracted to not notice Dru's appearance until he'd felt him. Raknor wasn't very quick so while he started to counter Dru's position he felt Dru's blade pierce into his suit as well. The alien laughed while angling his organic pipe over his shoulder directly at Dru, and with a simple squeeze it would release a thick phosphorus gas into the heroes face. Though Raknor had no time to check on if it had worked because the next thing he knew there was a hard impact into his side which threw him sprawling down the pavement. Standing up to one knee slowly he worked his thermal vision on his helmet, able to see the batch of them. "Well well! They sent quite the bunch to save this wretched city didn't they!" He called out.
"More so asking if we should put our powers together." Raitei replied. "Esoteric Lightning Spell, Supercharge!" A magic circle appeared on Raitei's finger tips and another would appear in front of Connor. "Put you hands through it to supercharge then let it rip." Raitei explained. The Supercharge would increase the power of Connor's attack Tenfold.
Connor frowned as he closed in on Kal, "Why does everyone think that using my shield against me is a good idea? Does not one of you think that I might know it's weakness's better than anyone?" When the electric energy circle appeared Connor didn't hesitate to shove his hands through, Ice plus Electricity...what could go wrong? There was admittedly a tingling sensation that ran up and down Connor's arms to the point of being uncomfortable as the sensation went through the half of his arms coated in Ice.

When Kal and Connor neared the blonde slid like he was going for home base, going straight for the aliens legs, and if he somehow managed to get in the spot he'd throw a punch upwards at Kal's upper body.
Kal went flying up and a punch was delivered to his face, in return he threw Conner's shield back at him and landed attempting to grab the boy and throw him into a nearby building.

Connor was having an issue with actually thawing out the Ice on his arms, which was new, so he went with the assumption that the electricity from before had done something to the molecules...or something along those lines. He had little time to think about it as his own shield was sent flying his direction, and without the use of his fingers he was forced to simply collide a fist to the bottom and the top at the exact moment it entered arms length. This of course only slowed it slightly in that one or maybe two seconds, what was left of the force from the shield hitting him in the chest. Before the blonde could recover and get his breath back the alien was on him in a flash, Connor swung his left fist wildly to attempt to stop what was happening but inevitably he was thrown into the nearby building. The heroes body colliding with the window which shattered as he passed through it. (Jordan would be proud.)

Connor ended up among what he could only assume was the remnants of a lobby of the building, grunting as he lifted himself from the coffee table. The screams concerned him as he spotted a few civilians scurrying deeper into the building and even a pair of alien grunts, looking at him dumbfounded as their prey escaped. Before they could move, whether to attack him, or go after the civilians Connor sent a small frigid blast at their feet to freeze them in place. "Do me a favor,
In New York

Zar was pleased by how things were going. Ze was crushing one of the avengers below him while another watched. Maybe the other would realize that he was a villain and choose Thanos' side. Things however took a different turn. Zar would have been fine with being stabbed had ze not been pushed up. When the villain's claws pierced through the previous wounds the hero below him pushed up forcing the claws completely through Zar's system. Zar slumped back with the claws pushing through zis back. With one last angry hiss Zar felt a knife pass through zis neck and everything was over. @hudhouse @Ethan Hart

In San Diego

Smasher did not like their city to be called wretched. Too many people, good people, had been hurt or killed to keep this great city alive. And there was no way that he was going to let this giant snow globe talk smack about their city. He growled and advanced towards the alien while pounding his fists together trying to look threatening. Smasher picked up a chunk of unknown substance that seemed of decent heft and tossed it as hard as he could in the general direction of the alien. @Crono
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