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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

LokiofSP said:
Kal grit his sharp teeth as the shield hit his shoulder, he looked over at Conner and sighed, the blades barley affecting him but lowering his shields drastically. He turned his full attention to Conner and the small zombie army, "...Say you defeat me? What happens? You've left your city and your people to be overrun by my masters army, you have to face Thanos himself...Face it, no matter what you do you shall still lose." He flicked his tail and slowly began to disappear, his voice becoming an echo, "There is nothing you can do...Lay down your arms and your deaths shall be slow."

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype
The zombies behind connor did not like what they heard, and then one of them screams as loud as a howler monkey, and charged at kal, as the others followed suit, But stopped as Kal disappeared, they grew confused, and growled as they spread out in a search group. The undead being clad in armor set cassie heller down in an empty bed in an empty hospital. Then he walked out with his small group, knowing that his master will be fine.
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[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]The zombies behind connor did not like what they heard, and then one of them screams as loud as a howler monkey, and charged at kal, as the others followed suit, and began to fade as Kal fought back, but new ones arise from the ground, but this time in a different appearance, wearing ww2 Axis uniforms from germany, and piles and piles of undead continued to rise as one died after the other.

(He's camouflaged)
Team Miami

Connor watched the shield arc after it hit its mark, and caught it with ease. Aware of the zombies that took Cassie as well as those that now stood behind him, "An arrogant alien presuming we are a weak species, way to be stereotypical and all. But your wrong, your forces may be everywhere but so are ours. And we'll win at every turn and drive you out." The fact that the alien was camouflaged told Connor that he was waiting for his chance to strike, look for vulnerable points and take advantage of them. There was no way to tell who he'd go for, so Connor did what his instincts told him, leave himself open to attack...or atleast make it look that way. While he did so he clenched both fists, charging his hands with ice energy. "Your going to lose, and so is your lousy boss. So how about you stop hiding?" Maybe a little egging on would help, though to be fair he wasn't completely sure of what he was doing...a mini flash freeze crossed his mind but the last time he'd tried a full on flash freeze had been during training and he'd nearly destroyed the sim he'd been practicing in by freezing the training rooms circuits...Cassie was so pissed.

Team San Diego

Raknor took the full brunt of Helga's slam with his arms up to keep him balanced. "Out of the way pet!" He spouted in an annoyed tone, "I want to fight your masters, not some degenerate being that doesn't belong on this planet!" The alien squeezed the pipe and smoke started billowing out as he ran at Helga then latched onto her tail with both arms in an attempt to toss her out of the way into a building similarly to what he'd done to the woman moments before.
Kal appeared above a zombie solider and took it out before disappearing....Then another....And another....And on and on in odd and unpredictable pattern, until he reached Conner, he rushed forward ready to strike, "I gave you a chance....I suppose long and terrible death will have to do..." He passed Conner, as he did so he raised his tail once more, and prepared to slash the boy's throat.

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype
LokiofSP said:
Kal appeared above a zombie solider and took it out before disappearing....Then another....And another....And on and on in odd and unpredictable pattern, until he reached Conner, he rushed forward ready to strike, "I gave you a chance....I suppose long and terrible death will have to do..." He passed Conner, as he did so he raised his tail once more, and prepared to slash the boy's throat.

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype
Brutus,the big zombie, stomped towards kal, and smacked him with his pipe. "Hello Handsome! How about you come and play with us!?" he shouted angrily in a dead, and distorted voice, grabbing kal, and smacked him on the head before grabbing him, and slamming him to the ground, being roughly the same size as his extraterrestrial adversary. "MY masters will relish in seeing you as a sacrifice, The cycle is nearly broken! Thanos will fall before my masters and their allies!" he shouted.
Crono said:
Team Miami
Connor watched the shield arc after it hit its mark, and caught it with ease. Aware of the zombies that took Cassie as well as those that now stood behind him, "An arrogant alien presuming we are a weak species, way to be stereotypical and all. But your wrong, your forces may be everywhere but so are ours. And we'll win at every turn and drive you out." The fact that the alien was camouflaged told Connor that he was waiting for his chance to strike, look for vulnerable points and take advantage of them. There was no way to tell who he'd go for, so Connor did what his instincts told him, leave himself open to attack...or atleast make it look that way. While he did so he clenched both fists, charging his hands with ice energy. "Your going to lose, and so is your lousy boss. So how about you stop hiding?" Maybe a little egging on would help, though to be fair he wasn't completely sure of what he was doing...a mini flash freeze crossed his mind but the last time he'd tried a full on flash freeze had been during training and he'd nearly destroyed the sim he'd been practicing in by freezing the training rooms circuits...Cassie was so pissed.

Team San Diego

Raknor took the full brunt of Helga's slam with his arms up to keep him balanced. "Out of the way pet!" He spouted in an annoyed tone, "I want to fight your masters, not some degenerate being that doesn't belong on this planet!" The alien squeezed the pipe and smoke started billowing out as he ran at Helga then latched onto her tail with both arms in an attempt to toss her out of the way into a building similarly to what he'd done to the woman moments before.
Unlike the woman that was smacked, helga used her forelegs to grip onto the ground, thanks to hidden claws in her fist. With her tail being the heavies part of her body, she swung it around with all of her muscles, and having some success in throwing off his balance, but not his grip. She roared, causing a sharp, but severely intense pain to ring in Raknor's ears. "And here you say I am a degenerate, you will soon become a puddle of bloody slime." she though as she looked at the Pained Raknor.
(*Stamps feet like a fussy child.* Guuuys. xD I wanted to do a ting, was setting up for ting, and Mr. Alien was going for ting and you both just want to ruin my fun. lol And Imma do it anyways. Pfff)

Team Miami

Connor could only watch as the zombies we're taken out, the pattern was random and his fists clenched harder as the mist slowly rose from his hands. There was a crack, an ever so slight noise to his right, which told Connor that Kal was there and without hesitation he turned and threw his left fist that was coated in ice in his direction though whether it connected or not didn't matter because the energy he'd been storing up would follow and anything in the direction his fist was thrown would be hit with a frosty blast of ice. The road coated in ice in a straight line and the buildings wall straight ahead was as well.
Kal suddenly found himself sliding uncontrollably, he only got his balance when he stuck his tail into the ground, forcing him to stay in one spot.

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Team San Diego

Raknor became more frustrated at the fact that he could not heave the beast out of his way, the smoke still billowing out as the two scuffled. The roar started and Raknor flinched before saying "Mute." In his native tongue, which turned off his communicator and muted the outside world, nothing but silence inside his helmet as he stared at the open mawed beast in front of him. The alien grinned while regaining his balance and released the grip on Helga's tail instead gripping one hand on her upper jaw and the other on her lower jaw and attempted to pry them apart, "You are not worthy!"
Crono said:
Team San Diego
Raknor became more frustrated at the fact that he could not heave the beast out of his way, the smoke still billowing out as the two scuffled. The roar started and Raknor flinched before saying "Mute." In his native tongue, which turned off his communicator and muted the outside world, nothing but silence inside his helmet as he stared at the open mawed beast in front of him. The alien grinned while regaining his balance and released the grip on Helga's tail instead gripping one hand on her upper jaw and the other on her lower jaw and attempted to pry them apart, "You are not worthy!"
Her muscles were strong, but not enough to save her from being grabbed by the mouth as Raknor pulled a King Kong. She gained a burst of adrenaline, and out of reflex, shuts her maw completely, having no control of her muscles. They clamp tightly around his fingers, but not tight enough to cut them off.
(Smasher took out the squishy alien right? The one with the fists is still around in San Diego correct?)

Team San Diego

Raknor gave a light growl, pulling his hands away before the creature's maw could shut. "Fine, we'll pit beast against beast." Now the smog was getting thick and Raknor jumped backwards to disappear into the smog though he whistled as he did, the call bringing the behemoth alien that had dropped into San Diego not long ago. He'd let the two mindless beings fight each other, he had his plans but he also had his mission. One of these fools was supposed to have an infinity stone, or so he was told...that person would meet their end at his hands.

@Steel Zinogre

Team Miami

Connor pulled the fake Power stone from his pocket and showing it to Kal and flashing a smile. "Aren't you and your boss here for these? It's a good thing we have this one all the way out here where he can't get his hands on it right? Rai head's up!" He called out before tossing the stone Raitei's way.

@Newtype @LokiofSP
Crono said:
(Smasher took out the squishy alien right? The one with the fists is still around in San Diego correct?)
Team San Diego

Raknor gave a light growl, pulling his hands away before the creature's maw could shut. "Fine, we'll pit beast against beast." Now the smog was getting thick and Raknor jumped backwards to disappear into the smog though he whistled as he did, the call bringing the behemoth alien that had dropped into San Diego not long ago. He'd let the two mindless beings fight each other, he had his plans but he also had his mission. One of these fools was supposed to have an infinity stone, or so he was told...that person would meet their end at his hands.

@Steel Zinogre

Team Miami

Connor pulled the fake Power stone from his pocket and showing it to Kal and flashing a smile. "Aren't you and your boss here for these? It's a good thing we have this one all the way out here where he can't get his hands on it right? Rai head's up!" He called out before tossing the stone Raitei's way.

@Newtype @LokiofSP
Helga grew furious as her adversary disappeared. and a beast worthy of her time appeared, she seemed to smile as she looked at her new foe.
After a few minutes, Kelai runs down the canyon that Thanos was at with Alexandria and Pyrite. He sprints downthe canyon, dodging the large rocks and tumble weed on his way. He stops at the bottom, three miles down. He falls to his knees as he sees the two bodies. Thanos was gone, leaving the corpses out for the wild. Before anything could get to them, Kelai picks up the two bodies. He grabs his comm, and calls in. "Hey, Victoria. I'm sorry, but it wasn't fake. Alexandria is dead. I have her body here, because I know you'd want it. I'm waiting here at my location. Just track the comm. And I didn't know this Pyrite kid that well, but if anyone wants to get his body as well, I am waiting, just track my location." @DemonGirl27 @sitanomoto
Crono said:
(Smasher took out the squishy alien right? The one with the fists is still around in San Diego correct?)
Team San Diego

Raknor gave a light growl, pulling his hands away before the creature's maw could shut. "Fine, we'll pit beast against beast." Now the smog was getting thick and Raknor jumped backwards to disappear into the smog though he whistled as he did, the call bringing the behemoth alien that had dropped into San Diego not long ago. He'd let the two mindless beings fight each other, he had his plans but he also had his mission. One of these fools was supposed to have an infinity stone, or so he was told...that person would meet their end at his hands.

@Steel Zinogre

Team Miami

Connor pulled the fake Power stone from his pocket and showing it to Kal and flashing a smile. "Aren't you and your boss here for these? It's a good thing we have this one all the way out here where he can't get his hands on it right? Rai head's up!" He called out before tossing the stone Raitei's way.

@Newtype @LokiofSP
Raitei caught the stone and held it firmly in one hand. He said "Come get it and your death." His arm glowed with white lightning signifying the holy, divine, and the sacred. This is what he has decided to use to end this foe so he can mop up the rest of this city and then go see and or aid the cutting of the head off the snake.
Kal slowly got to his feet and walked forward with determination, he was GOING TO GET THE STONE!

(Taping out for the night @Newtype )
The Sentry felt in his ear. He didn't realize he had a comlink in his ear until they started speaking. Flying to Thanos' last known location, he scanned the area to see no trace, before zooming into the sky, past the clouds, with the intent of smashing through a weak part of his spaceship. @National
National said:
After a few minutes, Kelai runs down the canyon that Thanos was at with Alexandria and Pyrite. He sprints downthe canyon, dodging the large rocks and tumble weed on his way. He stops at the bottom, three miles down. He falls to his knees as he sees the two bodies. Thanos was gone, leaving the corpses out for the wild. Before anything could get to them, Kelai picks up the two bodies. He grabs his comm, and calls in. "Hey, Victoria. I'm sorry, but it wasn't fake. Alexandria is dead. I have her body here, because I know you'd want it. I'm waiting here at my location. Just track the comm. And I didn't know this Pyrite kid that well, but if anyone wants to get his body as well, I am waiting, just track my location." @DemonGirl27 @sitanomoto
Nevermore's form continued to flicker in and out of visibility. She checked her tracker and hooked onto Kelai's location. She ran to the top room of Stark Tower invisibly for the most part, going to the teleporter that she had been working on. She plugged in the Coordinates and teleported there. She knelt next to Pyrite's dead body and closed her eyes. Tears from her face dripped down onto his as she closed his open unseeing eyes for the last time. "Thank you for being a good friend and never giving up on me," she whispered. "Even when I was so low I was almost gone, you never lost hope in me. Thank you for that." She brushed the hair out of his face again. "I love you, Py. Thank you for everything." She leaned over and kissed his forehead then stood and picked him up bridal-style as if he weighed no more than a doll. She took out the mini teleporter and plugged the tower's Coordinates into it and teleported herself back to the living room. She took off her cloak and wrapped it gently around the boy, then set him down. "Watch him." The cloak rustled in acknowledgement as she stood and pulled out her daggers. A blue aura glowed around her again as she ran to the base of the tower, slashing aliens left and right.
Xander crashed into the battle field as his cape rustled behind him. His eyes glowed a bright blue as he looked at his surroundings.

His blue orbs lingered at his teammates before he quickly switched them back to the enemy.

The air around Xander rose a few degrees as he summoned his powers. The light hum of lightning flickered on and off as Xander conjured the powerful element to his hands.

The lightning danced across his arms unpredictably forming arcs of electricity.

His mouth twisted into a grim line as he concentrated on his power.

After a few minutes of powering up, he sighed and released his concentration and glanced at his teammates.

His expression twisted into that of amusement and his hands curled on the hilt of his sword.

"I've been here for only an hour.. I don't know you.. And I don't know anything about this enemy or battle we are fighting..." His eyes squinted as he stared into the distance. "But what I do know, is that I am lucky to be fighting beside you. May Odin give us strength."

Xander's eyes gleamed as his mouth curled into a proud smile. He unsheathed his sword and pointed the blade towards the enemy.

"Tell me what to do and I will do it...even if it kills me!"
LokiofSP said:
Kal slowly got to his feet and walked forward with determination, he was GOING TO GET THE STONE!
(Taping out for the night @Newtype )
As he saw the alien coming for him his lightning went from white to black now channeling darker forces into it. This lightning was more on the destructive side rather then White Lightning. Raitei then unleashed a breath of black lightning at Kal.
Crono said:
Team Miami
Connor could hear what was going on through the comm as he escaped Kal's grasp, and he pushed himself to ignore those emotions as much as possible. There was an enemy right in front of him, and the friends he had here needed him to keep calm, he could pay Thanos back for Alexandra and Pyrite later. Of course after he was dropped the alien went for Cassie, though before he could move closer to help Raitei had intervened. Though before he could call Cassie's cousin's to evac her away something started happening. She's fine, I think. He told himself, focusing on the alien that now threatened Raitei so he moved forwards and threw his shield horizontally like a frisbee in Kal's direction.

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype @LiteracyUnmatched

Team San Diego

Raknor descended from above, cratering into the street below on one knee. Laughing as he stood up, holding the organic device that was pumping out the thick smoke-like air in his hand. He'd been letting it pump the smoke out a while but now that he was on the ground it would start covering the city street by street. "Let us see if any among you earthlings can give me a worthy challenge!" He bellowed, then charged down the street with grin on his face behind his helmet. A civilian crossed his path as he did and he wasted no time smacking the woman with his arm, her body flying into the nearby building. If there was one thing Thanos told them it was that this species protected one another and that a majority of this planets strongest would not sit idly by while innocents we're attacked. That was clear when the Avengers had split up to fight his leader's forces, so if he had to kill a few ants to get a good fight so what? He took no satisfaction in killing small fries, but if that led him to fighting stronger beings then so be it.

@Steel Zinogre
@CasualDragon @National @Pyosimros @Reaper @Drumonkey @TKolord
Dru and Fahy had helped finish the crazy beast that fell from the ship when they felt a shudder from something else dropping into the city and then there was the smoke that moved towards them from up the street. Dru decided that he and Fahy needed to take care of this or at least help anyone moving to respond to it. Dru used his concussive force to launch himself up onto a roof dragging Fahy with him and then ran towards the being causing a disturbance. Once Dru got a clear sight of the being he absorbed energy from the building under him causing his muscles to bulge outwards a little more then he threw Fahy at the beings face coating Fahy in an explosive energy that would cause an intense explosion around Kidpool that would only damage him a little while damaging the being even less.
Drumonkey said:
Dru and Fahy had helped finish the crazy beast that fell from the ship when they felt a shudder from something else dropping into the city and then there was the smoke that moved towards them from up the street. Dru decided that he and Fahy needed to take care of this or at least help anyone moving to respond to it. Dru used his concussive force to launch himself up onto a roof dragging Fahy with him and then ran towards the being causing a disturbance. Once Dru got a clear sight of the being he absorbed energy from the building under him causing his muscles to bulge outwards a little more then he threw Fahy at the beings face coating Fahy in an explosive energy that would cause an intense explosion around Kidpool that would only damage him a little while damaging the being even less.
Team San Diego

Raknor stayed hidden within the smoke as it filled the streets, spreading outwards. The area the smog like air would swallow was maybe a quarter of the city. With the thermal vision on his helmet turned on he could see any and all movement through it, he caught sight of Fahy being thrown towards him. Lucky shot. The blast sending the alien tumbling back, with a snort he stood and stepped over to where Fahy lay and stomped into his chest, "What good are you if all you can do is be used and thrown? Whelps!" They we're small, insignificant, and he detested them. But if he'd learned one thing in his years of fighting tough opponents it was that size didn't truly matter, there could be a diamond in the rough. "That he'd throw you into the fray without vision of what would follow immediately shows your species stupidity."
She flies over there quickly and takes her body, she cries and holds her daughter's body. "Please come back to me, I lost your father I don't want to loose you to. I was suppose to die, not you. Alexandra! My daughter, please don't leave!" She cries out, holding her close still. Victoria wiped her tears and then growls dangerously low as a dark red aurora suddenly surrounded her as she had her daughter's body in her hands. A new source of power went through her systems, feeding her memory banks with negative emotions. A new goal setting in her processor @National and @others
Jordan's broadcast was still going,he walked back on to the screen and gasped in mock horror "TECH! What have you done to Thanos' throne?! It's covered in spray paint! Can't you keep your vandalism under control" Tech merely shrugged and Jordan turned his attention to the camera "Don't worry Thanos...I'll clean it." Jordan turned and blasted the thrown to pieces "There, all bett-" Jordan staggered a bit when something punched its way through the ship "Well, ladies and gentlemen...seems we have guests~"

@National @Reaper

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