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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Ori dodged an incoming attack, before she gets a piece of rubble and slams it against the alien, before sending punches at it like there was no tomorrow before moving on to a different alien.

Vision and his daughter were fighting together, taking down aliens.

the others were also working with each other or not
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Gwen first looked down in pain but then looked back up. Her face was that of determination, "We need more....... This is a behemoth we are talking about so for that...." she said as she turned into the that formed thors hammer "We need this..."

" If I charge you too much you'll explode." Raitei replied slowly applying more electricity.
Newtype said:
" If I charge you too much you'll explode." Raitei replied slowly applying more electricity.
Gwen nodded. "I know..... But take me to the max...." she looked at the behemoth "I can charge straight into its body..... Kill it from the inside..... But electricity amplifies my fighting..... But I can only control it for so long..." she said as her eyes started to become silver and Her wings became sharper
In San Diego

Smasher was arm deep in one of the big creatures stomach. It wasn't doing much other than annoying the creature, but Smasher was in heaven with the true difficulty of the creature. With a small sound of surprise something grabbed him by his leg and tossed him into the side of a building. His back slammed into the wall and found himself going right through it. After skidding to a stop he pushed himself to his feet and set off at a run back towards the creature choosing to this time plunge his hands into the side of its face. He continued to pummel the tar out of it but had no idea if he was even doing any damage.

In New York

Zar quickly found zimself overwhelmed. There was a moment of fleeting urgency at the sight of being surrounded before the feeling of calm settled in. One of these guys was floating.
Floating. These humans seemed to become more and more abnormal as ze found them. "Thanos? Sacrifice me? It would be an honour to be sacrificed for the great master's plan for this pitiful disgusting world. Death will be kind to you if you choose to follow him. If you choose to oppose me, and in turn our great and glorious Thanos, death will be cruel. Why brother would you fight me? Are these not the ones you seek to destroy every other day? On my side we will demolish them. They will beg for your mercy before we tear them limb from limb. We will force them to watch their families die. We will make them an audience at each others torture sessions. They will pay for all that they have done to you. They have a lot to pay for."

@LokiofSP @Reaper @hudhouse @sitanomoto
CasualDragon said:
In San Diego
Smasher was arm deep in one of the big creatures stomach. It wasn't doing much other than annoying the creature, but Smasher was in heaven with the true difficulty of the creature. With a small sound of surprise something grabbed him by his leg and tossed him into the side of a building. His back slammed into the wall and found himself going right through it. After skidding to a stop he pushed himself to his feet and set off at a run back towards the creature choosing to this time plunge his hands into the side of its face. He continued to pummel the tar out of it but had no idea if he was even doing any damage.

In New York

Zar quickly found zimself overwhelmed. There was a moment of fleeting urgency at the sight of being surrounded before the feeling of calm settled in. One of these guys was floating. Floating. These humans seemed to become more and more abnormal as ze found them. "Thanos? Sacrifice me? It would be an honour to be sacrificed for the great master's plan for this pitiful disgusting world. Death will be kind to you if you choose to follow him. If you choose to oppose me, and in turn our great and glorious Thanos, death will be cruel. Why brother would you fight me? Are these not the ones you seek to destroy every other day? On my side we will demolish them. They will beg for your mercy before we tear them limb from limb. We will force them to watch their families die. We will make them an audience at each others torture sessions. They will pay for all that they have done to you. They have a lot to pay for."

@LokiofSP @Reaper @hudhouse @sitanomoto
Helga looked at smasher, and charged in to help him out, the slime on her body turning to a shade of orange as she sprints toward the massive beast, jamming the dull horn into its hide. Multiple explosions occur inside the beast, but all it caused was a slight tear of the beast's stomach, lungs, and heart, but the tears are not big enough to be lethal. she roared as she got even angrier, and circled around the beast, finding the right time to strike.

In new york, Cindy was busy burning the small troops alive as they fled from her ungodly fury. She did not think with anything but anger in mind, and used it in her fighting. She even chain electrocuted 2 titan class troops, which only keppt them still for 3 seconds, which allowed her to send out a swarm of bees that she can do anything with. She electrocutes the bees, charging them with an electric sting.
Miami (South beach flow)

Kal had enough, these ants were getting annoying at this point, watching them fight such a hopeless fight was getting on his nerves. He jumped down fromt he building he was watching from and picked up the one who seemed weakest by the neck (Sorry @Newtype @Steel Zinogre @ANYONE IN MIAMI
Gus' eyes shined with a dark power that seemed to drain the light of the room. He spoke with a whisper that seemed to echo from everywhere, clearly yet ghastly in presence, "Torture, is not my game. Nor is servitude! Father may be highly interested in magic, but he let himself go! I study both magic and science, training my skills and using them to such a degree that I have surpassed Father! I am strong enough that I have a magic only my Father's friend Doctor Strange knows. I can 'TAKE'! Thanos does not have will, he merely has devotion! I will take-" Bullets flew past him towards Zar, which irritated Gus. He held the bullets in mid air with might of magic, and said, "I'll cut to the chase. I will personally fight Thanos if you tell me where he is Zar. Otherwise, just tell me so I can accelerate these bullets past Mach 4 and destroy your organs..."

@LokiofSP @CasualDragon @sitanomoto
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Gwen nodded. "I know..... But take me to the max...." she looked at the behemoth "I can charge straight into its body..... Kill it from the inside..... But electricity amplifies my fighting..... But I can only control it for so long..." she said as her eyes started to become silver and Her wings became sharper

Raitei turned as he sensed a stronger pressure appear in the city. He turned to see Connor in he hand of one of the aliens. He couldn't let Connor be killed here so he gave Gwen one last burst of super charged electricity before turning around and targeting Kal.
LokiofSP said:
Miami (South beach flow)

Kal had enough, these ants were getting annoying at this point, watching them fight such a hopeless fight was getting on his nerves. He jumped down fromt he building he was watching from and picked up the one who seemed weakest by the neck (Sorry @Newtype @Steel Zinogre @ANYONE IN MIAMI

Cassie grabbed out her magical pistol that Strife had given her for her 10th birthday. And shot a few rounds at Kal, forcing him to drop connor. "If you want to kill him..... You will have to kill me and my family first!" she said as a dark energy covers her, and bursts, leaving a massive, flaming demon that is cassie in her place. It's sword bigger than her two arms, she slams it into the ground, causing a small tremor.
Newtype said:
Raitei turned as he sensed a stronger pressure appear in the city. He turned to see Connor in he hand of one of the aliens. He couldn't let Connor be killed here so he gave Gwen one last burst of super charged electricity before turning around and targeting Kal.
Gwen roared... It seemed like she wasnt herself. Her wings and hands were spiked and it seemed that electricity was sparking all over her. She took off like a rocket towards a behemoth
While Alexandra was fighting the aliens, a robot the size of a babies palm floated above her face. It spoke in a very dramatic robot voice. "Dear Alexandria, child of Marko Boltaggon! Follow the little robot if you want to finally avenge your fallen father. You always wanted to fight me, didn't you?" The robot flies out to the south, and Alexandria angrily chases it, blinded by anger, not knowing what she is getting herself into. (Its time @LokiofSP
Everything was fine, everything was great, well...As great as a fight for the end of the Earth could go. He was juggling so many things at once that he began too lose focus on the outside world, well, at least until he saw Alexandra begin to leave the main fight. He turned on his comm to a private channel between them, "Alexandra, what the hell are you doing?! Did you forget we're fighting for the fate of the world or something? Head back now before everything else falls apart!"

@National (Ready)
Alexandria only shouts back. "I need to do this Pyrite. There's something I just have to do!" She continues to fly off, following the little robot. After a minute or two, the robot leads her up to a canyon as it just sits there, floating. Alexandria lands down, glaring at the robot. "Welll?! What now?!"
Gwen was tearing up the Behemoth, Seeming to almost paralyze it. Although she was making small scratches on it, She decided to do something crazy. She didnt want to but it had to be done.

((I'm fighting one of the behemoths not one that you guys are talking bout))
Pyrite punched the wall, "DAMMIT! WHY NOW?!" He grabbed his sword and a few pieces of under armor, he used the tracker on his phone and began to head to Alexandra's location...

He arrived minutes later, huffing as he entered. He caught his breath and checked his phone, going deeper inside,
"Dammit...I swear this girl is getting on my last nerves."

As Alexandria screams at the robot, the camera inside watches her reactions. From the other aide, the purple titan laughs. "Time to end this pitiful bloodline."

The camera opens a small hole, and a projector shoots out. The projection solidifies, and standing in front of Alexandria, at his full 10 foot height, his purple skin gleaming in the sun. Thanos smiles cruelly, as Alexandria looks up in horror. Her emotions were mixed, she didn't know what to fully think. She was so angry, so sad, so scared. However, the anger won. She clenches her fists as she whispers through clenched teeth. "You killed my dad...." Suddenly, her fist connects with the large titans jaw, lifting him up an inch off the ground. "YOU KILLED HIM!!!!" She shouts angrily. Thanos's eyes widen a little, but he grabs her fist, slowly crushing her arm. "Pitiful little girl. You are going to meet the same end as your father did." @LokiofSP
Pyrite looked at the scene before him and a scream caught in his throat as Thanos himself appeared, he quietly turned on his comm, "Everyone, Alexandra and I are see Thanos himself! We need backup immeadiatl-" He cut himself off at the sight of the Mad Titan clutching Alexandra's fist and crushing it, he began to think in a panic and he bit his arm, trying to tear off a morsel of flesh, "I have to save her, no matter what! Please, just this one, give me something to work with, give me power to save her!"

....He couldn't do it....The pain was to much as he let go of his arm. He gritted his teeth and picked up his sword, "Guys....Hurry please..." He rushed at Thanos with his sword drawn, "SCREW IT ALL!"

Thanos slams Alexandra to the floor, the girl gasping in pain as blood coughs up from her throat. Thanos looks up as he sees another mortal run towards him. "Brave lad. Sadly, this will be your final day as well. You should have stayed with the others and play hero for as long as you can. Now, I will end your pitiful life right now." Thanos charges at Pyrite, and swings his large fist. @LokiofSP
Pyrite flew across the room and into a wall, he coughed and fell to his hands and knees, gasping for breath, "God no, NO! Just give me five seconds, five seconds to grab her and go! PLEASE, I CAN'T FUCK UP NOW!" He got to his feet slowly and laughed, putting on a confident facade, "That the best you can do? I've killed five other versions of you who hit ten times harder."

Thanos only laughs as he closes in on Pyrite. Just as hengoesnto slam his fist into him, however, Alexandria tackles Thanos, yelling into his ear. "LEAVE US ALONE ASSHOLE!!" The supersonic scream hit Thanos like a nuke, sending the titan into the floor, an enormous crater forming, a dust cloud forming. Alalexandria stands up shakily, going over to Pyrite. "Let's go before he wake-" she screams in pain as Thanos slams her into the floor, his eyes glowing purple. He stands over Alexandria, and his hand goes straight for her chest. @LokiofSP
Adrenaline pumped through his veins as Pyrite stumbled up and ran for Alexandra, tears in his eyes, "...I got a second chance...Please....Don't do this." He jumped down and closed his eyes, grabbing Alexandra and tumbling, he opened them to see he got her, he began to try to get the girl to her feet, "Come on, COME ON! We need to get out, the others are on their way...."

Just as he was finishing his sentence, however, the entire world got silent. It was as if time stopped, as if it knew what it was about to happen. Standing, right behind Pyrite, was Thanos. Thanos raises his hand up, and plunges it through the boys chest, the world still silent. @LokiofSP
Pyrite's eyes widened as the hand plunged through his chest. He looked down in shock as tears began to well up....

...This damn move....It was his favorite move for awhile, he'd used it on more than a few people, it was how he'd killed Marko, it was fitting in a twisted way, "No....Not now...." He collapsed as memories began to flood his mind, the very little time he had left spent reminiscing about his failure of a life. He'd failed his Avengers in his world, he'd failed to stop himself from being tested on, he'd failed to kill the Avengers, he'd failed to kill himself, and now....He'd failed at beating Thanos, he'd failed to save someone.

Life had never been fair to the boy, and it seemed even in death he'd have a hard break.

He clutched desperately at Alexandra's skin and clothing, trying to pull on something as if that'd stop him from dying,
"No...I'm not ready! I-I'm scared! I don't...wanna.......die...."

Then the silence resumed as he fell to his knees, his hands finally leaving the girls frame as he finally fell lifeless.

@Steel Zinogre @Pyosimros @Everybody who has a comm...If I didn't list you by name it's because I'm tired

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