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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Sarah finally got the final piece of her equipment and headed to join in the fight, she ran down the hall to see Zar standing before a boy, she quickly tapped her comm as she ran to the room, "We got a possible commander on floor *Enter floor number here :P * as well as the multiple boogies throughout the city, remember to take caution." She jumped off Zar's back and stood between him and the boy, holding her stun rifle at level with Zar's head, "Don't take another step! You and youur little buddies have one last chance to get off our planet before we REALLY start trying."

@CasualDragon @GoldenCharizard4
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Helga grew enraged as she saw aliens overwhelm Smasher, and decided to help him, but seeing that he has it handled, she charged towards a big alien, and punched it in the stomach, then the face, her slime exploding on contact as the force of the explosions cause his internal organs to bleed as her punches broke bones. she then slams her horn into the ground, and 3 rings of explosions happen, one second after the other, one weaker than the other.
Minerva looked at Zar and beats her chest as she gets an electrical surge to her arms, allowing them to turn red. Jade then stood next to her ape-like friend, and took an offensive stance.

(Zar is in New York, You're in San Diego with Helga)
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](Minerva IS in new york. I forgot to mention it in my post.)

(But Finn is in San Diego)
"There are two so you get the smaller one with the wrecking ball hands. I got the one that looks like corned beef."Raitei said as he teleported in a flash electricity to above the larger of the two colossal monsters. He thought for a second and decided regular lightning strikes would take too long so he went with the next level up Thunder. He focused on the beasts head and targeted and unleashed a shockwave of thunder into it's eardrums or where they're supposed to be with the intention of making it's brain explode. If this strategy proved ineffective Raitei would find himself having to choose from a range of options from his next level to techniques.
CasualDragon said:
Smasher took no notice in the suspicious looking spaceship in the sky, nor did he really think anything about seeing a Helga show up. Helga? He did a double take at seeing his comrade and almost changed back. The last time he had seen Helga she was a spatter on the floor. Food for dead zombie Nazis or something like that. He didn't allow it to shock him for long though as he was quickly being overwhelmed by aliens due to his shock. He brought himself back into the moment to body slam into the ground crushing a small wave of aliens under his bulk. He was perfectly content fighting the aliens. @SanDiegoCrew @Steel Zinogre
In New York

Zar looks on in shock as the heroes seemed to forget zis existence there. They went back to focusing on the smaller aliens right after the green one punched zim in the face. Zar took the opportunity to retreat into the building. Against them all ze was useless. Against one at a time though ze would triumph. Zar called zis tougher minions and sent them to the group of heroes. "Kill them! If you can't then lure them down one at a time. Actually I thought I saw some good bait earlier." Ze grinned and moved towards the area where ze thought ze had seen a young boy earlier. Zar quickly found the room and walked in menacingly. "Scream, pray, do what you need to. Your time is up." @NewYorkCrew @GoldenCharizard4
Cassie saw Zar retreat to the Medical Ward and her eyes widened. That was where the boy was! "Friday....." She whispered.

"On it." At that moment, four robotic hands descended from the ceiling and grabbed each of Zar's limbs. "I don't think so, Alien scum," the AI said, audibly smiling. "Put a hand on this boy and you'll answer to me."
Newtype said:
"There are two so you get the smaller one with the wrecking ball hands. I got the one that looks like corned beef."Raitei said as he teleported in a flash electricity to above the larger of the two colossal monsters. He thought for a second and decided regular lightning strikes would take too long so he went with the next level up Thunder. He focused on the beasts head and targeted and unleashed a shockwave of thunder into it's eardrums or where they're supposed to be with the intention of making it's brain explode. If this strategy proved ineffective Raitei would find himself having to choose from a range of options from his next level to techniques.
Jaon flew towards Wrecking ball hands while Gwen flew to Raitei. "I have an idea Rai..." she said with a grin "You have to trust me though.." she sighed but she was excited to be doing this idea again
In New York

Zar grinned. One moment Ze was on zis own and the next there was one and a computer ai. "Careful computer. Some people may like that." Zar looked towards the spitfire with the gun. "As if you have anything better than what you've got now? Our Lord Thanos will destroy you pitiful creatures. You humans have had your time on this planet and you've destroyed it. When we take over we'll bring this planet back to it's original glory." Zar felt in no way threatened by the gun or that ai system. With zis superior strength ze could probably break out of the hold right now but there was nothing wrong with a little fun.
@sitanomoto @LokiofSP @GoldenCharizard4
(You guys can control the monsters. Just make sure you don't op wreck them. That's all I ask)

Kelai chucks his golf club down the alleyway, knocking over some of the aliens
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Sarah took a few step back, getting ready to move if needed, "Destroyed it? Please, we're doing no worse than Thanos himself would do."


Sarah edged through the White House halls, she was already out of breath from the few brawls she'd had with the aliens. She grabbed a piece of expensive artwork from the walls and smacked a nearby alien with it, she breathed heavily, "Please tell me these things are thinning in numbers. I don't know how much longer I could do this."

@National @Pyosimros @Crono ((I think that's the DC team at least :P )
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Jaon flew towards Wrecking ball hands while Gwen flew to Raitei. "I have an idea Rai..." she said with a grin "You have to trust me though.." she sighed but she was excited to be doing this idea again

The monster let out a grunt of pain and leaned back on a building momentarily stunned. "What do you have mind?" Raitei asked Gwen. Then monster then recovefed and swung it's massive fist at Raitei who dodged at the speed of lightning and then began bombarding beast with lightning bombs to slow it down. He was considering using an esoteric property or electromagnetism.
Newtype said:
The monster let out a grunt of pain and leaned back on a building momentarily stunned. "What do you have mind?" Raitei asked Gwen. Then monster then recovefed and swung it's massive fist at Raitei who dodged at the speed of lightning and then began bombarding beast with lightning bombs to slow it down. He was considering using an esoteric property or electromagnetism.
"Electrocute me.." Gwen said as she turned to copper "im going to pile drive the beast"
Team Miami

When the giant behemoth Aliens came out of the sky Connor could do nothing but gape at them, and again he thanked the stars for having the Thor kids along. I mean, they fought giant beasts all the time right? Connor shook his head at the thought, and while he'd like nothing more than to help them deal with the beasts he wasn't sure exactly sure how useful he'd be bashing his shield against them. The blonde's head leaned to the side in thought, then again..."Jaon, keep big ugly busy. I'm going to welcome him to our planet with a display of one of Earth's elements." Connor said through the comm, rounding the side of a building he stopped along the same street it was currently standing on. "Let's see how well you Ice skate big man." Connor mumbled as he started kneeling on the street with one knee, placing both hands flat on the ground. Ice started forming a slow layer heading the aliens direction, slow at first but picking up speed. Connor wasn't dumb, one sheet of ice wasn't going to be enough...the aliens weight would just crush through it, no it had to be strong enough to support the behemoth, so he concentrated on adding layer after layer. At this point he was just hoping none of the small fries caught sight of what he was doing and tried something while he was distracted.

@Newtype @Steel Zinogre

Team Washington

Carter slashed through a pair of aliens before a roaring noise caught his attention, looking up at the sky with his brows as the two aliens came crashing from above, destroying buildings instantly. "Oh...forget this. There is no way in hell I'm taking on either of those things, nuh uh."

@Steel Zinogre
Crono said:
Team Miami
When the giant behemoth Aliens came out of the sky Connor could do nothing but gape at them, and again he thanked the stars for having the Thor kids along. I mean, they fought giant beasts all the time right? Connor shook his head at the thought, and while he'd like nothing more than to help them deal with the beasts he wasn't sure exactly sure how useful he'd be bashing his shield against them. The blonde's head leaned to the side in thought, then again..."Jaon, keep big ugly busy. I'm going to welcome him to our planet with a display of one of Earth's elements." Connor said through the comm, rounding the side of a building he stopped along the same street it was currently standing on. "Let's see how well you Ice skate big man." Connor mumbled as he started kneeling on the street with one knee, placing both hands flat on the ground. Ice started forming a slow layer heading the aliens direction, slow at first but picking up speed. Connor wasn't dumb, one sheet of ice wasn't going to be enough...the aliens weight would just crush through it, no it had to be strong enough to support the behemoth, so he concentrated on adding layer after layer. At this point he was just hoping none of the small fries caught sight of what he was doing and tried something while he was distracted.

@Newtype @Steel Zinogre

Team Washington

Carter slashed through a pair of aliens before a roaring noise caught his attention, looking up at the sky with his brows as the two aliens came crashing from above, destroying buildings instantly. "Oh...forget this. There is no way in hell I'm taking on either of those things, nuh uh."

@Steel Zinogre
Jade saw the giant beasts as minerva roared, wanting to punch something. "Easy girl, these things are way above our level." she said as minerva ignored her, and went up to the beast, and bounced on it with her Thunderwheel attack, landing on the last hit on its belly as she began punching with all her might as she gripped the alien's flesh with her Razor sharp claws.

In san Diego, Helga had just finished a wave of aliens off, she started to drool, and he stomach growled. She did not want to eat her fresh kill, but had to in order to stay alert. so she began to dine on a big alien's corpse, which to her, tasted a lot like fish. The point of fullness was when she ran out of fleshy parts on the torso part of the corpse, leaving only a rib cage of emptiness.
Kelai watches as one of the aliens with the wrecking ball fists charges at him. He grimaces as it slams him into the skyscraper. He flies out from the rubble, and chucks the alien down the street. He was getting slightly pissed, ripping off the things arm and beating it with its own arm. Kelai continued to beat the lifeless corpse over and over.

Braziel roars, and slams his fist into the large alien, barraging it with punches
Maxton eventually shot down the wave of flying aliens, and took the time to reload his weapons. "Strout! can you check on Richie while I ready up for another wave? I am starting to worry about our little friend with a big attitude." he called, with strout already doing so. "I am Strout?" the tree asked in his comm, saying 'Are you alright, Richie, Maxton is beginning to worry about you. I see no reason for it, but it shows that he cares.' strout then looked out through the front window, and saw a bigger wave coming towards the ship. "I am Strout!" the tree exclaimed in fear, saying 'Maxton! A bigger wave is coming from the front!' @National
Dru saw the two beings fall from the sky and decided to take on the smaller of the two with the kid that pretty much couldn't die. Dru grabbed Kidpool by the scruff of his costume and dragged him through the rubble and wave of enemies, killing them as he went. Once he got closer he began to hide then he looked at Kidpool and slapped him once for good measure then spoke once he had his attention. "Ok you go see what that creature can do. I think you should try and tame it." "why in the name of chimichangas would i want to go do that? Just because i don't stay dead doesn't mean it doesn't hurt." Dru smiled at him and said "Well i didn't want to have to tell you this but that thing told me earlier that it hates chimichangas and tacos. it also said that if it wasn't stopped then there would never be tacos again." Dru waited a moment to see if the suggestion would take hold or not and let out a subtle breath when kidpool hopped out from their hiding place and ran towards the creature yelling "FOR THE LOVE OF CHIMICHANGAS!!!" @Crono
Harry fought back to back with his own glider, before reeling back to punch another one. Just before he made contact, a whooshing sound passed him and the enemy popped into the air. Harry grabbed his ankle and slammed him into the floor, as Dimitri saw him finish him off. "Bet I can get more than you, Harry." Harry chuckled as he hit a button on his watch, and around fifty other gliders came flying by, all taking firing machine guns into the invaders. "Good luck with that."

The wall of the medical ward broke, as the Sentry floated through, looking at Zar, his arms folded. It had begun. @CasualDragon @sitanomoto
In the heart of New York, there was nothing but desperate screams of distress...but not from humans. A black mass had taken over the streets and upon closer examination, the shadows of the aliens had turned against them and were dragging them towards a cloaked figure. The cloaked figure donned the mask of a crow and its cloak flowed openly in the wind, but there was nothing but eternal darkness. One by one the aliens were being sucked into the cloak, a sickening crunching of bones and splitting of flesh could be heard as the eternal darkness crushed ther bodies into nothingness. Soon there were non left on the street and the cloak closed, leaving the hooded figure standing in a frighteningly quiet street as the battle raged on.

The Harlequin that had been around earlier stood facing a few aliens, his flashy and distracting gestures all on display as he turned a card into a large satin cloth. One alien rushed him and the Harlequin swooped the cloth over the alien and pulled it away and the alien had disappeared, the Harlequin made very amused gestures towards his audience of aliens as if this were a magic show and NOT life and death. Another charged at him, weapon ready to strike, which should be noted was a foolish strategy, the Harlequin once agai made a large swooping gesture, this time around himself. When the cloth lowered, the alien that had disappeared and the one charging continued there attacks, unwittingly killing each other. The Harlequin appeared to the side of them and bowed slightly.

Jordan had watched all this from his perch "I don't know which was worse, that crow thing sucking up aliens like a giant shop vacuum...or the jackass jester and his magic tricks...Why can't I ever meet normal people?"
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]"Electrocute me.." Gwen said as she turned to copper "im going to pile drive the beast"

Raitei did as Gwen said and charged her with his red supercharge electricity. The difference is that super charge he normally used to boosts other's abilities like he is doing now compared to his regular blue electricity.
The giant beast in NY was reeling in pain from his last blow, and why wouldn't he?! The MG prototype flew at terminal velocity at slightly over a 1000 tons, and then tackle the beast! Cracks and dents in the concrete began to become visible as the dust cloud vanished. The plasma cannons heated up the air, flooding it with powerful energy while turning some sand dust into super heated glass. Then a monkey, bull hybrid at the size of a small bus came out of nowhere, punching the atrocity.

Gus roared out, "Stay out of the way!" The energy cannons glowed bright, unleashing twin streams of plasma that lit up the entire sky in bright oranges, reds and yellows. The super-heated plasma burned through all, turning flesh and bone into ash and gas when he was done! The robot pressed on it's assault, unleashing missiles and its heated chainsaw swords to force the monster back, or be diced!

@Steel Zinogre

The child of Doom however, was no longer piloting the machine. He had his readings, and the machine was fully operational, so why stay and watch the show? He had more pressing matters, for example, his scanners picked up a AI in the vicinity that was picking up the audio between a person and... one of the aliens. Gus snapped as he always did, expending his rather safe magic to appear at the other side of the two. Almost immediately he had to laugh, Cassie Stark! Then there was Sarah, who he did not notice that quickly. He snapped his attention to Zar, speaking bluntly, "Do you think Thanos will save this world? No, I studied all the records of my father. Thanos wishes to court Death herself by worshiping her as a god, killing everything in his wake. Your invasion is just another sacrifice, and he is even willing to sacrifice you to get what he wants, though your so indoctrinated into his cult you probably couldn't tell the difference between Christianity and Islamic Terrorism. I can reforge the world once I finish my plans, but Thanos? That's like asking a nuke to save people."

@CasualDragon @sitanomoto @LokiofSP
Newtype said:
Raitei did as Gwen said and charged her with his red supercharge electricity. The difference is that super charge he normally used to boosts other's abilities like he is doing now compared to his regular blue electricity.
Gwen first looked down in pain but then looked back up. Her face was that of determination, "We need more....... This is a behemoth we are talking about so for that...." she said as she turned into the that formed thors hammer "We need this..."
hudhouse said:
The giant beast in NY was reeling in pain from his last blow, and why wouldn't he?! The MG prototype flew at terminal velocity at slightly over a 1000 tons, and then tackle the beast! Cracks and dents in the concrete began to become visible as the dust cloud vanished. The plasma cannons heated up the air, flooding it with powerful energy while turning some sand dust into super heated glass. Then a monkey, bull hybrid at the size of a small bus came out of nowhere, punching the atrocity.
Gus roared out, "Stay out of the way!" The energy cannons glowed bright, unleashing twin streams of plasma that lit up the entire sky in bright oranges, reds and yellows. The super-heated plasma burned through all, turning flesh and bone into ash and gas when he was done! The robot pressed on it's assault, unleashing missiles and its heated chainsaw swords to force the monster back, or be diced!

@Steel Zinogre

The child of Doom however, was no longer piloting the machine. He had his readings, and the machine was fully operational, so why stay and watch the show? He had more pressing matters, for example, his scanners picked up a AI in the vicinity that was picking up the audio between a person and... one of the aliens. Gus snapped as he always did, expending his rather safe magic to appear at the other side of the two. Almost immediately he had to laugh, Cassie Stark! Then there was Sarah, who he did not notice that quickly. He snapped his attention to Zar, speaking bluntly, "Do you think Thanos will save this world? No, I studied all the records of my father. Thanos wishes to court Death herself by worshiping her as a god, killing everything in his wake. Your invasion is just another sacrifice, and he is even willing to sacrifice you to get what he wants, though your so indoctrinated into his cult you probably couldn't tell the difference between Christianity and Islamic Terrorism. I can reforge the world once I finish my plans, but Thanos? That's like asking a nuke to save people."

@CasualDragon @sitanomoto @LokiofSP
Cassie rolled her eyes. "Hello, Gus." She said.

CasualDragon said:
In New York
Zar grinned. One moment Ze was on zis own and the next there was one and a computer ai. "Careful computer. Some people may like that." Zar looked towards the spitfire with the gun. "As if you have anything better than what you've got now? Our Lord Thanos will destroy you pitiful creatures. You humans have had your time on this planet and you've destroyed it. When we take over we'll bring this planet back to it's original glory." Zar felt in no way threatened by the gun or that ai system. With zis superior strength ze could probably break out of the hold right now but there was nothing wrong with a little fun.
@sitanomoto @LokiofSP @GoldenCharizard4
Cassie growled at Gus. "Uh-huh, because you trying to take over the world worked SO well last time."
hudhouse said:
The giant beast in NY was reeling in pain from his last blow, and why wouldn't he?! The MG prototype flew at terminal velocity at slightly over a 1000 tons, and then tackle the beast! Cracks and dents in the concrete began to become visible as the dust cloud vanished. The plasma cannons heated up the air, flooding it with powerful energy while turning some sand dust into super heated glass. Then a monkey, bull hybrid at the size of a small bus came out of nowhere, punching the atrocity.
Gus roared out, "Stay out of the way!" The energy cannons glowed bright, unleashing twin streams of plasma that lit up the entire sky in bright oranges, reds and yellows. The super-heated plasma burned through all, turning flesh and bone into ash and gas when he was done! The robot pressed on it's assault, unleashing missiles and its heated chainsaw swords to force the monster back, or be diced!

@Steel Zinogre

The child of Doom however, was no longer piloting the machine. He had his readings, and the machine was fully operational, so why stay and watch the show? He had more pressing matters, for example, his scanners picked up a AI in the vicinity that was picking up the audio between a person and... one of the aliens. Gus snapped as he always did, expending his rather safe magic to appear at the other side of the two. Almost immediately he had to laugh, Cassie Stark! Then there was Sarah, who he did not notice that quickly. He snapped his attention to Zar, speaking bluntly, "Do you think Thanos will save this world? No, I studied all the records of my father. Thanos wishes to court Death herself by worshiping her as a god, killing everything in his wake. Your invasion is just another sacrifice, and he is even willing to sacrifice you to get what he wants, though your so indoctrinated into his cult you probably couldn't tell the difference between Christianity and Islamic Terrorism. I can reforge the world once I finish my plans, but Thanos? That's like asking a nuke to save people."

@CasualDragon @sitanomoto @LokiofSP
Minerva looked at gus, and simply continued her assault on the monster, while dodging Gus' artillery barrage on the same enemy. Jade then grabbed a piece of Rebar that was on the ground, and charged towards the monster, swinging the rebar as hard as she could, but found no result that was good. @hudhouse

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