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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Pyosimros said:
Terry didn't know where to go. But Washington seemed like the best place to be right now. And he might be accredited with saving the president if he was lucky. It wasn't very hard to find Kelai, and nearby he say someone he believed was named Fortune. He dropped down and landed in front of Kelai's motorcycle. "You're not actually driving there right?"
Ori flies to Pheonix, Arizona to join the others. Excited yet nervous as to what will happen once she arrves ,but she is glad to have some friends there so she can fight alongside with. Once she did arrive, Ori joined the others who have came.

Victoria, Vision, and Daerick all went to Washington together. Even though Daerick could not fly, he had his undead steed (courtesy to Death) and rode there while Victoria and Vision few there.

Corvus, Odis, and Mega Vision went to Miami to join four people they don't know they're names. Well except the guy named Connor but still, they arrived in the nick of time and joined the team.
Kelai looks at Terry as he kills some aliens on his way to the white house. "My motor cycle got us here though, am I right? Well, I think Carter is okay." Kelai grabs an alien, and throws it so hard, that it knocks down several other aliens. @Pyosimros

Braziel jumps into the air, slamming right down into the middle of a swarm of aliens, smashing them into a crater. @DemonGirl27
"Hey! Just sayin' I could've given you guys the best piggyback of your lives. Plus I would've gotten us here in like, one minute," Terry smiled and shot a few energy blasts at the select aliens who came close to the iconic building.
All ( Daerick, Odis, Corvus, Ori, Vision, Mega Vision,and Victoria) got to work on taking down the aliens. Each having they're own way of fighting to take them down.

Ori then turned into her hero form, grabbing an alien and took the two to space. She then fought the alien there before teleporting them back, kicking it or him in the stomach and threw him to others. She dodges a blast before flying and attacking from air @National
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National said:
Braziel nods at Ori, and he races down to San Diego. It may be far, but Braziel would be able to get there fast.
Kelai jumps out of the stark tower, and he lands on his motorcycle. The touch sensor bike starts up, and he races over to Washington D.C. He called on his comm. "I need people to come to Washington with me."

Alexandra flies next to her mother, a bit scared on what was going to happen. Thanos is even stronger than he was before.

Richie gets into his spaceship, and makes Strout and Maxton get on. They hover up, and fly off to Arizona, Phoenix
Maxton and Strout wait in the ship as richie drove. "I am Strout?" The tree said, saying. "Where are we going?" Maxton then looked at Strout. "By the looks of it, we are going to Arizona." he answered. "Richie, what is the ETA?" he asked.
Richie looks at Maxton. "Wing it."and with that, Richie puts the plane on autopilot, jumps out of ship, and turns on a jetpack, shooting down aliens as he hovers down. @Steel Zinogre

Braziel slams into the aliens, turning them into mush as he slams through an entire swarm. However, everyone they took down, it was just replaced with a different alien. @DemonGirl27

Kelai grins as his tendrils of black chi rip down a few more. He runs into the white.house, chucking aliens outta the window. Once at the presidents desk, who was evacuated, slams on a silver button with a skull face. @Pyosimros @LokiofSP

A minute passes, and suddenly, several stealth planes start to shoot down on the aliens. A large air carrier hovers through the air, and thousands of troops parachute down on the aliens. Troy Cage grins as he walks out. "Good to be back." (Remember that group Kelai was with that tried to kill Maria Hill? They're here to help)
National said:
Richie looks at Maxton. "Wing it."and with that, Richie puts the plane on autopilot, jumps out of ship, and turns on a jetpack, shooting down aliens as he hovers down. @Steel Zinogre
Braziel slams into the aliens, turning them into mush as he slams through an entire swarm. However, everyone they took down, it was just replaced with a different alien. @DemonGirl27

Kelai grins as his tendrils of black chi rip down a few more. He runs into the white.house, chucking aliens outta the window. Once at the presidents desk, who was evacuated, slams on a silver button with a skull face. @Pyosimros @LokiofSP

A minute passes, and suddenly, several stealth planes start to shoot down on the aliens. A large air carrier hovers through the air, and thousands of troops parachute down on the aliens. Troy Cage grins as he walks out. "Good to be back." (Remember that group Kelai was with that tried to kill Maria Hill? They're here to help)
"Well, Time to help him out. And I thought i was crazy." he said as strout stood behind maxton, while he sniped from the cargo dropping area. Maxton started shouting, "That's ONE! That's Two!" and so forth, until he hit seven. "That's Seven Mother Fuckers!" he said as he reloaded his sniper. (and this is a gears of war moment.)
Over the past couple of weeks that came after the last Hulk out. Thomas had spent it trying to be hidden, which has been difficult because a good portion of the city knew what he looks like. So he's been spending most of his time in hissing at the docks, living in one of the cargo boxes living in the cargo boxes. He heard someone yelling a line taken from Gears of War 2, but he didn't care because gunshots were followed afterwards. "What the Hell?" He asked himself as he left the cargo box he was currently using. He then saw a large group of familiar looking faces, along with a few new ones. He could tell they were doing something big, but what the hell was it? He wanted to help out. So he was starting to Hulk out. Within a few short moments he was ready. He let out a large bellowing roar, and for some reasons, the weather was starting to change, it started to look like a storm was coming.
Terry was lost amidst the chaos. He thought these aliens in a solo venture and tourist trip to space, but it was never a direct army. Just a few xenophobic drunks. While he was finishing up with a couple aliens, he say Fortune arrive on a bike. "We don't have time to walk. Let's just... Take the the sky! Or some other cool line," Terry mumbled the last part to himself and picked up Fortune. "We're coming over Kelai. The president's gone right?" He said through his comm but he got the answer when he arrived. "Oh well, he is. Y'know we should've called him if anyone has his number."

"Hey, Terry right? What's your power. 20/20 hindsight? Yah that won't help us here," Hazel argued and tried to fight with the metal powers she acquired a while ago. The lack of mutants upset her. Behind her, she heard someone references Gears of War. At a normal moment, she would've called him out but at this point she was too busy fighting.
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The skies over Miami darkned with storm cloud formingma sort of net overhead as lightning flashed through them. Anything flying through would taste one billion volts of electricity. He then expanded his senses through Miami targeting several close groups of aliens and then with a gesture of his hand called down bolts of lightning on them repeatedly to fry them. He then moved now at the speed of Lightning beyond the sound barrier though thankfully not producing any sonic booms, he drew his six swords and cut through alien after aliens with lightning infused swords. The aliens looked like they were almost standing still as Raitei moved at such incredible speeds. The aliens likely didn't even know they were dead yet.
Harry swooped in on his glider, his machine guns automatically taking aim at the aliens, and the rockets firing at clusters of them. He did a back flip off of the glider and exposed his forearm blades. As he began to fight the aliens on the ground, he said to the others in San Diego through his comlink. "Hey, assuming we win this, we gotta come back here sometime."
Gus marched through the halls of his own private castle, Castle Argus, in his signature combat suit. Every step he took left a boot print of glowing power, light laced with magic just to leave the warming pseudo flame. The child starred at the alien invasion rampaging through four different locations at the world. It was enough to get a man excited! Gus yanked up his left forearm to form a hologram data pad. He plugged in a few numbers and launch coordinates, marking which bot would be best for each location. The child snickered and said, "If this works, I can start fixing those fractures... maybe even manage to get a spy into the newest variant of the Illuminati. To wishful thinking, but hey, who cares? Do some good here, public speeches and protect the innocent. Do what father told ya Gus..."

From Latveria came out large missiles that flew over to the United States with technology that would make their SR-71 Blackbirds drop in awe. Though it wasn't fast enough for a quick arrival! A hour and a half was the total travel time, hopefully his toys would work. He always had a fondness over how original video games were. He modeled some of his bots on those that interested him, which one of those prototypes were heading towards NY city. Gus went back to tinkering on his toys, but kept a close eye on the developing situation.
Team Miami

Connor could hear crackles of lightning coming different directions, and the blonde took a moment to thank whoever it was he had to thank for the Thor kids being on his side. Then Connor threw himself against an alien with his shield, rolling over it's descending body he flung his shield at a small group just behind. Whilst the shield distracted them momentarily and managed to knock out two he was already sprinting at them, catching his shield and jumping into their midst with a flurry of blows and once he was done he took a moment to catch his breath. His mind went to work, though at first he hesitated he turned his comm on to speak to those who'd come to Miami as well. "We need someone to focus on protecting any civilians and assist in their escape."

Team Washington

Carter had enjoyed the ride much to his surprise and considered taking Kelai's bike just to spite him for his threats. Amnesty only went so far so he couldn't kill the guy. Once the fighting had started the others had essentially ditched for the whitehouse much to his annoyance, Isn't there some hero motto or code they are meant to go by? The clone shoved his vibranium sword between the eyes of one of his attackers. To be fair he hadn't signed on for this, fighting annoying whiny aliens. His little contract stated he'd help them stop Thanos, plain and simple, now he just needed to find out where Thanos was exactly.

Team San Diego

Raknor looked down at the city in amusement from his ship, he'd soon join the masses but first he wanted a good look at what was happening from up high to decide where he'd strike first.
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Smasher was doing what he did best which was smashing aliens. People were speaking into the comm but he could only huff in a sort of reply as he focused on the fighting. He jumped into the air and rushed towards the ground with his shoulder down. Upon impact with the ground he flattened a whole group of the weaker ones and a couple of pounds with his fists dealt with the more powerful ones. Something sharp jabbed into his back but slid off for the most part harmlessly thanks to his tough skin. He turned around and grabbed the alien around the waist before chucking it as far as he could. Whirling around he grabbed a slightly toasty vehicle and launched it towards a gathering of aliens.

Back in New York

Zar looked up at the fabled Avengers tower and chuckled. It was a nasty laugh that people would dread ever hearing again as ze strode towards the building. At the twin doors Zar pushed out his foot to successfully kick in the glass. The shards scattered on the ground with a sound like angels and Zar stepped through the door frame into the building. "Fellows, the rest of the building follows the doors examples. Destroy everything." With a sweep of zis arm Zar swept pictures from the walls and decorative objects from shelves. Ze pushed over and smashed bookshelves, smashed chairs against the walls, and smashed any window that was visible. When the entirety of the first floor was good and destroyed Zar swept zis arms out. "Make our great saviour Thanos proud." And with that Zar and zis minions leaped up the stairs and repeated the process on other floors.
"Not a cool welcoming party the-" The sound of smashing glass caught Rickey's attention. It wasn't far, an easy sprint. Rickey also had a hunch as to where it was. Without saying anything, Rick jumped forward to gain a bit of momentum before he ran off. As soon as his feet touched the concrete ground, Rickey dashed towards the avengers building. Hopefully he would make it before everything was destroyed. It would be even better if he had a good match up. The more he ran, the louder the sound of things being destroyed appeared. His hunch was right.

After a minute or two of running, Rickey found himself staring at the broken doors of the Avengers building. Perfect. "Listen here bub!" He said as he walked towards the entrance. "You made a mistake trying to take over my planet. But don't worry bub, it's your lucky day. I will make your death quick and painful." Suddenly, purple vibranium claws shot out of his knuckles. If this metal worked how it was meant to, these monsters should be no problem. Rickey spotted one of the aliens. This one looked like he was in command. So, he decided to follow them to the next floor.

"Why'd you send the weaklings away? Don't want them to see you loose?" Calmly, he walked on the smashed glass and picked up a picture. It had a few people he didn't know in. He didn't get time to meet them. So, this impression was an important one. "After you, Thanos is next."

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CasualDragon said:
Smasher was doing what he did best which was smashing aliens. People were speaking into the comm but he could only huff in a sort of reply as he focused on the fighting. He jumped into the air and rushed towards the ground with his shoulder down. Upon impact with the ground he flattened a whole group of the weaker ones and a couple of pounds with his fists dealt with the more powerful ones. Something sharp jabbed into his back but slid off for the most part harmlessly thanks to his tough skin. He turned around and grabbed the alien around the waist before chucking it as far as he could. Whirling around he grabbed a slightly toasty vehicle and launched it towards a gathering of aliens.
Back in New York

Zar looked up at the fabled Avengers tower and chuckled. It was a nasty laugh that people would dread ever hearing again as ze strode towards the building. At the twin doors Zar pushed out his foot to successfully kick in the glass. The shards scattered on the ground with a sound like angels and Zar stepped through the door frame into the building. "Fellows, the rest of the building follows the doors examples. Destroy everything." With a sweep of zis arm Zar swept pictures from the walls and decorative objects from shelves. Ze pushed over and smashed bookshelves, smashed chairs against the walls, and smashed any window that was visible. When the entirety of the first floor was good and destroyed Zar swept zis arms out. "Make our great saviour Thanos proud." And with that Zar and zis minions leaped up the stairs and repeated the process on other floors.
Jade was helping the military with evacuating the citizens, knocking back some goons in the process. "That's right! Keep Coming!" she shouted with confidence, and saw Zar. Minerva was not too far behind Jade as she assisted with medical transport.
Towers Top Floor:

Panic began to set in as Pyrite's attention was taken away from the computer screens and to the security feed, "Crap! A lackey already? I thought we'd have a bit more time!" He turned on his comm, "Everyone in New York, we have a top priority threat in Stark Tower!"


Kal looked at the bugs as they crawled around on the ground confused, he knew they would all soon fall under the heel of Thanos
Ori was about to get grabbed, so she made herself heavy enough to grab the alien and throw him. She then went back to her normal weight and ran straight towards some aliens with guns. She dodged they're attacks and attacked back @National

The others were just fine even though the aliens proved to not give up
Reaper said:
Harry swooped in on his glider, his machine guns automatically taking aim at the aliens, and the rockets firing at clusters of them. He did a back flip off of the glider and exposed his forearm blades. As he began to fight the aliens on the ground, he said to the others in San Diego through his comlink. "Hey, assuming we win this, we gotta come back here sometime."
From the com he could hear Dru speak up "in not sure there will be 92nd to come back to with my partner here fighting with me." in the background he could hear small explosions along with some maniacal laughing but it stopped then he could hear the shooting moving closer and then Fahy spoke "These goons are fun, maybe we should blow up the city for good measure." Dru sighed and shot the voice "Don't worry about him too much by the time he comes back to life he should have forgotten about that."
Cassie heard the alert and she whirled around to the doors. "Damn." How could she have missed those aliens!?! She flew to the floor where Zar and his minions were and held out her hands, Replusors forward. There was a high pitched noise as the repulsors charged. "Shouldnt you have knocked first?" She she asked.

Nevermore stood Invisible in the hallway leading to the room where Pyrite was. If push came to shove, she would strike the Aliens outside the door.
Zar turned around and scowled at the newcomer. "Who are you to threaten me or the lord Thanos? Well no matter. I'll offer you one chance. Come with me. Announce Thanos as your saviour and denounce your hero friends. Aid us in our mission." A new hero showed up and Zar rolled zis eyes. "My offer is witheld. You will be destroyed." Ze started towards the flying being before quickly changing course and lunging towards the boy. Ze held his hands out to grab the boy around the neck and choke the life out of him. @sitanomoto @Ethan Hart
CasualDragon said:
Zar turned around and scowled at the newcomer. "Who are you to threaten me or the lord Thanos? Well no matter. I'll offer you one chance. Come with me. Announce Thanos as your saviour and denounce your hero friends. Aid us in our mission." A new hero showed up and Zar rolled zis eyes. "My offer is witheld. You will be destroyed." Ze started towards the flying being before quickly changing course and lunging towards the boy. Ze held his hands out to grab the boy around the neck and choke the life out of him. @sitanomoto @Ethan Hart
Jade just finished with the evacuation, when she saw Minerva charging towards Zar, Roaring with rage as her fur turned gold, and stood up on end, and arms turning red. Jade followed the raging beast as minerva jumped up, and spun in the air like a wheel as she bounced three times before landing with a spinning attack, tripping up the alien.
Gwen and Jaon stood ontop of a pile of alien bodies. They high five each other and take off to fight more. Jaon riding Gwen like she was a surfboard while Jaon held out both of her hammers to the side whacking the aliens.

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