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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Dru was heading towards the launch zone carrying a bloody sack with him. He looked at the ship and decided to fill up while he could so he surreptitiously leaned near a power outlet and drew some power from the building. Once he went back to his bloody sack a voice could be heard from inside it "Get me the hell out of here. If you don't let me out I will tell the guy at the keyboard to break your nose!!" Dru sighed and opened the sack only to shoot the person that was inside it causing them to shut up and make the bag bloodier. "Well I am ready to go."
Nevermore smiled. "They're strong, so are you. These people aren't just fighting for their lives, they're fighting for everyone else's too, and they made a promise to do that or die trying. We will win."
Nena was chilling on her bike she was had on her dad's leather jacket he told her to wear it for good luck and she had his famous chain 'This is it the day that everyone has been talking about ' she was a little nervous who would not be if we don't stop everything is dead no presser right where's Cassie she calm down but she probable doing her double checks and triple checks

Finn stared in shock as the building rattled a little. "What..." He quickly turned on a T.V and switched to the news. The colour drained from his face and he pushed himself off of the medical table. "Oh man. I hope you're ready. Ready or not here he comes." Finn quickly noted the places where the aliens were pouring out of. He pushed on his comm. "Alright everybody! New York, Miami, San Diego, Washington D.C, and Phoenix are where the aliens are coming from. I'll head to San Diego because it's the furthest and I can get there pretty quickly. Everybody else listen to Connor, Cassie Stark, or Dimitri. They know the best out of all of us what the plan is I think." He pushed off the microphone of his communication device and turned back to Marth. "Hey buddy. Listen to these guys here. They'll keep you safe. I'll be back." He ruffled the kid's hair again before sprinting down the stairs of the tower. "I hope." He said quietly when he was out of Marth's earshot. Outside he 'hulked out' and flung himself in the direction of San Diego.

@GoldenCharizard4 @EverybodyLet'sDoThis!

Zar grinned. "Oh yes mighty one! I'll do it! I'll crush those fake hero children! You can count on me Lord Thanos!" Ze smirked maliciously at the other generals. "You can trust Zar with this important task. Zar's soldiers are more than enough to crush them!" Ze saluted hastily before rushing back to zis own ship. Zar quickly hurried zis own soldiers to their tasks before they set off towards New York. "Oh yes. We will crush them! We'll crush those puny fakers. Lord Thanos will be pleased with me. He'll treat me like a true leader when I bring back all of their heads! Maybe I'll even decorate them and immortalize them so that he can celebrate this victory forever!" Zar grinned and rubbed zis hands eagerly when the skyline of New York was in their sights. "Now my soldiers! Bring me their heads!" Together Zar and zis loyal following leaped from their ship and hurried towards Avengers Tower.

@National @OtherGenerals

((If you're interacting with Zar's minions you can simply NPC them. Unlike other aliens though Zar's soldiers [the Phalanax] are tougher. So you probably will have to fight a bit more than a simple one hit kill.))
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Gwen and Jaon are zooming through the streets. They stop on the outskirts of the battle and wait. Jaon jumps off of Gwen. Gwen gets infront of Jaon and camoflauges herself into a metal building so Jaon isnt seen
"Damn! The fatass is here!" maxton shouted as he grabbed a Sniper Rifle from the armory, and also as much ammo as he could carry for his magnum, smg, and M4 assault rifle. "Richie, Tree man group, You ready?" maxton asked as the strout trio slammed their fists together. "I AM STROUT!" they shouted in unison, saying "We are ready!" Charlize growled as she readied herself with tough, and light armor made by SHIELD engineers. @National
Pyrite sighed, "I-I guess your right...Look, you need to get out there, as much as I hate it, we need all hands on deck." He stood up and pecked her on the cheek, sitting back down, he gave her a small smile as he put back on his headset, "Go give 'em hell."

( Decided to do it again lol :P ) Ori gets ready, though she wants to wake Xander up. She let's him stay before she joins Braziel once she was ready. 'This is the moment of truth....we have to win this for everyone.' She comms Victoria before turning it off afterwards, having a determined expression on her face.

"Alright guys...it's time." Victoria changes to her hero form just like Vision and Mega Vision. She smiles and let's the babysister in so that little Alexadra could be watched over while they were gone and fighting to protect earth.

Daerick, Corvis, and Odis nods and turns into they're other forms. Before the three follows her, having the power of they're parents watching over them. Each one with determination to show they're enimies no mercy, and they get to fight together as the four horsemen like how they're parents were when they were fighting together as a team.
Rickey was still getting adjusted to the new metal in his system. The only person who knew about his new asset was the person who fused it to him and Rick himself. It hadn't really affected him either. The purple metal was shockingly light. Lighter then steel for sure. Despite it being lighter then steel, it was definitely stronger then steel. The ore was natural to. Not like the metal his father has.

Rickey decided to get himself an upgrade shortly after he joined the Avengers team. He thought he was useless with only bone claws. What can bone do? Cut through stone? It can, if you want the bone to shatter. Can it take hits from super powered people? No, it will break. Every way Rickey looked at it, bone claws were pointless. In his eyes, his skeleton was just an area which was meant to be smothered in metal.

Due to him leaving early, he hadn't had the time to make friends on the team. That would sure be a pain for him in the biggest fight of his life. This fight was one of the reasons why he needed to take himself to the next level. Now that he had, he returned. "I'm ready to win this." Rick said as he came into view. "I've got a secret weapon. Before you ask, you'll find out on the battlefield. Now, are we gonna do this or not?"
(Hate to do this, but

I need every single person in this rp to please go to the OOC TAB and please say where you would Like your characters to go. Thank you, have a great day

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Xander awoke suddenly. His eyes glowed a royal blue as he scanned his surroundings.

Chaos ran about, as Avengers raced towards their armour and weapons. An intercomm beeped as a voice started talking.

The war had begun. He sat up, blinking slowly as his brain processed the information. The war had begun.

His Asgardian blood fired up as a warm feeling swept over his body. His flight or fight instincts kicked in as lightning flickered in and out.

His face switched into an indifferent expression as he flexed his hands. His body seemed to be working right.

He called upon his powers and was fortunate to see sparks of lightning flickering in and out.

'Father.. This is for you.' Xander muttered softly as a broad sword materialized in his hands.

With a few choice Norse charms, his Asgardian armour appeared on his person.

He expanded his senses when a tingling flooded through his system. His lips curled into a smile.

"Brother... Your here." He smiled as the air warmed from his brothers mastery of lightning. He shook his head and put on his helmet. If he made it out alive he'd greet his brother.

He floated above the floor as his cape rustled behind him. The air pressure hardened around him creating a makeshift shield.
Dimitri arrived at stark tower to see Robert hiding in a bedroom. Robert stood with a horrified look on his face. "What the hell is happening out there??"

Dimitri withdrew a vial of blue liquid from his pocket. "Drink this. I'll answer after."

Robert hesitated, but took it and swished it around, looking at it. After downing it, he fell to one knee and began grunting, before falling unconscious. He thrashed and murmured like someone might do while having night terrors, before Dimitri picked him up and placed him on the bed. He would have to wait this part out.
Marth Flames

Marth clicked the comm on without realizing it and he growled "nu! help tew!" he exclaimed as the button pressed up, signaling they couldn't hear him anymore. he sat in the hospital bed and tried to grab his stuffed animal, unable to.
Braziel nods at Ori, and he races down to San Diego. It may be far, but Braziel would be able to get there fast.

Kelai jumps out of the stark tower, and he lands on his motorcycle. The touch sensor bike starts up, and he races over to Washington D.C. He called on his comm. "I need people to come to Washington with me."

Alexandra flies next to her mother, a bit scared on what was going to happen. Thanos is even stronger than he was before.

Richie gets into his spaceship, and makes Strout and Maxton get on. They hover up, and fly off to Arizona, Phoenix
Fortune stepped out from across the street, when she had heard the tremors, she had come running, "D.C.? Why D.C.? Gonna go visit the president and tell him how screwed we are?"

Terry didn't know where to go. But Washington seemed like the best place to be right now. And he might be accredited with saving the president if he was lucky. It wasn't very hard to find Kelai, and nearby he say someone he believed was named Fortune. He dropped down and landed in front of Kelai's motorcycle. "You're not actually driving there right?"
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite sighed, "I-I guess your right...Look, you need to get out there, as much as I hate it, we need all hands on deck." He stood up and pecked her on the cheek, sitting back down, he gave her a small smile as he put back on his headset, "Go give 'em hell."

Nevermore smiled and turned invisible so that he couldn't see her blush. "Sir, yes sir," She said, an invisible hand ruffling his hair. Footsteps could be heard as she ran outside and drew two knives.

GoldenCharizard4 said:
Marth Flames

Marth clicked the comm on without realizing it and he growled "nu! help tew!" he exclaimed as the button pressed up, signaling they couldn't hear him anymore. he sat in the hospital bed and tried to grab his stuffed animal, unable to.
Friday extended a robotic hand and picked up the stuffed animal, giving the small boy the toy. "You can help here, Marth." The AI said. A small TV screen dropped from the ceiling. "I need you to keep tabs on all of the team."
Dru looked into his sack and slapped Fahy causing him to jerk away and mutter incoherently in another language. Dru sighed and said "teleport us to San Diego so we can fight a general of some sort." Fahy slapped his teleporter at his wrist and said in german "Bodyslide by two!" there was a quiet woosh and the two of them teleported from Avengers tower to San Diego a little ways from the action. @anyone in sandiego
Jordan stood on a roof in New York with his arms folded across his chest, watching the aliens pour down into the city. "And thus the symphony of Chaos sounds once more...I wonder if it shall be the last time this planet hears it"
Connor's hands clenched as he watched the news, people we're calling in left and right over the comm-link. Thanos was here, and he was early. Specific cities we're being hit and people we're splitting, which...well that was kind of the plan so it seemed to be going like they wanted...kinda. The blonde clicked on his earpiece, "Everyone group up, the last thing we need is people fighting all over with no one to watch their backs. Raitei, think you can do that teleport thing and get the two of us along with a few others to one of the epicenters? Miami to be specific, your way of traveling is quick afterall." And it's better than flying.

Carter slipped onto the back of Kelai's bike with an amused look, "Nice bike. Mind if I catch a ride? Course not, you owe me one after that sucker-punch."

@Newtype @PeoplewithComms
First day back, and Perry was welcomed by an alien invasion. It's been a month and a half since he left, and he kind of wished he was still traveling the world. All the sights he saw, all the minor supervillains he's defeated was not the main purpose of the trip he took. Rather it was a business trip to expand his company to the global status it used to have. While in Europe, his last suit was ripped apart and he created a more lightweight suit. While he was deep in his thoughts, he heard a familiar voice through the comm he turned back on after a long time on the shelf. "I'm guessing that Thanos thing's happening right now?"

"Roger." Raitei said as he teleported himself first to Connor placed one hand on his shoulder. Then he said over the comms and waves "Anyone going to Miami get outside and raise your hand." Raitei raised his hand and fired a ball of lightning into the sky tethered to his arm several other bolts branched off each to go attach to the others going to Miami. The bolts tagged Jaon, Xander, Mega Vision, Corvus, and Odis. Then they were all teleported in a bolt of lightning to the center of Miami. The ground beneathed then scorched from the output of power from the bolt a few severed alien parts on the outside suggested the bolt struck some aliens as well.
Kelai smirks as he stops, hearing Fortune. "Just follow me. They sent a huge army over there. I'm not wasting time. We can't afford it."


He looks behind him, feeling Carter slip on. "You're right. I owe you a beat down after this. But sadly, I have to put up with you. Let's just get there." He revs up his motorcycle, and he smiles as he slams down a button. "You better hold on Carter." The motorcycle adjusts a little, when suddenly, they start going 450 mph, racing down to Washington D.C.

An hour later, Kelai jumps off the motor cycle, and he races off to the white house. @Crono

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