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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Oh send it to Corvus, he's more of a computer geek than I am.." Odis replies. Pyrite could hear a voice in the background say, "Hey! Just because I like hacking things doesn't mean I am a computer Geek!"
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite went over the bike as fast as possible, trying to distract himself as he went over multiple ideas, "Okay lets see, these tires should create less friction, put some boosters over here, wait! Those wouldn't break the sound barrier..." He was stopped by a voice in his comm, he quickly tapped his ear, "Hey! I'm on, me Pyrite, the one who tries to help make the team look cool and you know...Not die! How can I help you?"

@Steel Zinogre
"Listen, when you are done being a spastic little gremlin, we could use some help with making a plan of battle." Cassie said in annoyance. She remembered pyrite being a grump, not a spastic gremlin.
"Spastic gremlin? Look man, I'm running on over a month of no sleep, and we're hours from possible death, cut me some slack okay? I'm a bit on edge." He opened his laptop from his bag and typed a few things in, "Come on Cassie, we've been over the plan hundreds of times already, we're a team, start acting like you're part of it." He took out an energy drink from his bag and downed it before continuing, "Look, I just sent it to you guys. Review it, study it, learn it. I don't want anyone dying, got it?"

@Steel Zinogre @DemonGirl27
"Yes sir!" He spoke up, before looking over at Corvus. He was on his computer typing away at stuff before giving a thumbs up. "He is ready....thanks for your help." @Steel Zinogre @LokiofSP
Crono said:
I understand what your saying, and I know who I trust to have my back and who I don't. Though... Connor eyed up Kelai for a second, Some don't like to make it easy. While it's important to have those you trust around you, with the way things are and the things that are at stake we can't be choosy on who we let help. That idea had to be drilled into me but I got it eventually. I may not trust them but I trust them to fight because everything they want, and who they are, are at stake as well. But if you have personal reservations on anyone you can always speak freely with me.
Of course as soon as Raitei mentioned Pyrite there he was. The blonde grinned, "Well you could checkup on my bike if your really that bored. Was gonna ask Cass but she's busy I think. Though I'm not taking it with us or anything so it's not really a necessity."
Carter chuckled as he put an arm on Pyrite's shoulder, "Oh yeah. Wouldn't want any holes in those tires or anything." Connor glared at his clone, "Contract or not you mess with my bike and you won't be happy." "Literally shaking in my boots over here."
'I'm fine I can handle it if someone stabs me through the back once we defeat Thanos, I wouldn't however like to see any other of the Avengers meet their ends like that. I am sure you and Dimitri have a plan that accounts for such problems.' Raitei replied telepathically from the roof of the Stark Tower.
"Yeah yeah, no problem." He shut off his comms and turned back to the bike, "Now let me think... Thrusters? Or boosters?"
LokiofSP said:
"Spastic gremlin? Look man, I'm running on over a month of no sleep, and we're hours from possible death, cut me some slack okay? I'm a bit on edge." He opened his laptop from his bag and typed a few things in, "Come on Cassie, we've been over the plan hundreds of times already, we're a team, start acting like you're part of it." He took out an energy drink from his bag and downed it before continuing, "Look, I just sent it to you guys. Review it, study it, learn it. I don't want anyone dying, got it?"
@Steel Zinogre @DemonGirl27
"Understood, and just so you know, you do not need to worry about me." she said before turning her comms off.
Odis walks over to Corvus and looks over his shoulder, watching him work while Daerick went to go make tea. "How's it looking Corvus?" he asks. "Just a few more minutes...maybe more.." He replies back not tearing his eyes off the screen @Steel Zinogre
A portal opened up to midgard as a blond haired boy approached it. The portal swirled in a bright burst of color as the boy snapped his fingers.

He glanced around the human world as he bit his lip. "..Hope dad doesn't find out I left."

The thought set his nerves on edge, as he warily looked behind him.

He calmed his nerves by taking in a deep breath and looking around. A place stood out in front of all others. A huge skycraper that painted the beautiful background of New York.

The blonde haired boys mouth twisted in a scowl. "..I should've found out where they lived before coming."

He rubbed his temple, before taking in his surroundings. Buildings, trees, people as far as his eyes could see.

He was currently on a roof overlooking the huge building he has seen earlier. He looked at his clothing before shaking his head.

"First I need human clothes.. But where do I find that?"

With a swift motion, he jumped off the three story building and crashed to the ground. He remained unfazed as he looked at the damage his fall had caused. He forgot... This world and its people were extremely fragile.


After asking around for a place to find clothing. He finally found one. It was a huge department store, with designer clothing adorning the windows. Though he hadn't been to the Human world..ever, he still wasn't worried about running low on cash. On his way here, he'd stolen a couple million dollars of gold from there palace. It's not like anyone would notice it was missing.

He entered the clothing store sniffed in the scent of rich fabric. He wandered around, unsure of what to buy, until a clerk approached him.

"Hello there, I've seen you wandering around. Do you need some help choosing clothing or are you okay?" The shopkeeper looked at the boy suspicously.

The blonde haired boy blinked in confusion. "...Ah yes, I'd love if you'd show me what's 'in' right now in human clothing. I'm a bit new here."

The shop keeper backed away slowly, the boy was weird. That's for sure.

"Great sir, if you'd follow me. I can show you some options."

She kept her distance as she quickly walked to the teen isle.


Twenty-five minutes later, the blonde walked out of the store in a designer pair of jeans, a silk long sleeved, and a pair of converses.

The clerk who'd helped him, stared in awe at the piles of gold that was on her works space.

The blonde left the woman with several million dollars of gold. The woman was set.

The blonde smiled, as he pulled on the designer sun glasses the woman helped pick out. In a bag was his asgardian wear, and his mind was thinking of a place to find the Avengers.

He looked up at the huge tower, ans decided to start there.

The boy blinks in surprise. He'd only reached the tower a few minutes ago, deciding on wether to come in, or take the next portal to Asgard. But the door seemed to open for him. A female held the door open, with a sceptical look on her face.

The blonde broke the silence, by introducing himself. He took of his designer shades while looking at her with his ice blue eyes.

"Hello miss. I am Xander. I am here for the Avengers."
"I'm Ori...well my real name is Rayne. Um...I am part of the avengers....and a few others are inside if you want to meet them. Everyone else is somewhere.." she stated stuttering before looking away and rubs her arm. @LiteracyUnmatched
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LiteracyUnmatched said:
The boy blinks in surprise. He'd only reached the tower a few minutes ago, deciding on wether to come in, or take the next portal to Asgard. But the door seemed to open for him. A female held the door open, with a sceptical look on her face.
The blonde broke the silence, by introducing himself. He took of his designer shades while looking at her with his ice blue eyes.

"Hello miss. I am Xander. I am here for the Avengers."
Minerva, the massive Rajang, awakens, and stretched out. she saw Xander and Rayne and slowly walked towards them gorilla style, towering over them as she grew closer. @LiteracyUnmatched @BeamMeUpScotty @DemonGirl27
Xander squints as a tall giant like humanoid approaches them. He protectively jumps forward and pushes the girl behind him, while adopting a fighting pose.

His eyes gleamed dangerously trying so see if the figure was going to fight. He didn't want to resort into fighting. Especially in front of a human.

@DemonGirl27 and Steel Zinogre
LiteracyUnmatched said:
Xander squints as a tall giant like humanoid approaches them. He protectively jumps forward and pushes the girl behind him, while adopting a fighting pose.
His eyes gleamed dangerously trying so see if the figure was going to fight. He didn't want to resort into fighting. Especially in front of a human.

@DemonGirl27 and Steel Zinogre
Minerva snorts, and held out her massive hand as her black fur shines in the light of day, her horns stained with blood from previous battles.
She pokes her head out from behind him, looking at the humanoid. Ori tilts her head looking at the humaniod with curious eyes, her clohting turned into her hero form. Though the stars and the blackness only appears when she needs to travel between space. @Steel Zinogre

Minerva looked at ori, and studied the girl. She had not seen a woman as beautiful as her in her entire life. she then looked at xander and snorted, shaking to fluff up her fur, and to get blood flowing throughout her body. @LiteracyUnmatched @DemonGirl27

(<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-15_21-55-34.jpeg.e2b56d6542a2f1ef5c709a3e88ba2fc8.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80661" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-15_21-55-34.jpeg.e2b56d6542a2f1ef5c709a3e88ba2fc8.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>This is what minerva looks like, and her species is Rajang.)



  • upload_2015-10-15_21-55-34.jpeg
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Xander gasps at the sudden movement of the creature. His body tenses up, while his eyes turns a shade of Glacier blue.

He turns around at surprise at the clothes the girl behind her dressed in. "By Odin; your an Avenger?!"

He gives the girl an incredulous look, and turns back to the monster in front of him. A spark of electricity forms around him, as the air heats up.
LiteracyUnmatched said:
Xander gasps at the sudden movement of the creature. His body tenses up, while his eyes turns a shade of Glacier blue.
He turns around at surprise at the clothes the girl behind her dressed in. "By Odin; your an Avenger?!"

He gives the girl an incredulous look, and turns back to the monster in front of him. A spark of electricity forms around him, as the air heats up.
Minerva backs up, her fur turning gold as electricity started to flow throughout her body. "Don't provoke a Rajang, unless you want to become a pancake." Charlize warned Xander, coming downstairs. "Rajang are very brutal and fast beasts, despite being so big." (and enraged rajang with golden fur, much like mineva in this situation.
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Jumps back by the sudden question and then nods, "I did say I am..." she replies before walking backwards starting to see electricity forming around before looking over at Charlie. "So that's a Rajang?" she asks curiously looking at Minerva @Steel Zinogre
Xander spun around to a feminine voice. His voice seemed to be forced as he tried keeping the Rajang at bay.

"No need to worry.. I've faced worst than this." He grunted as he studied the beast and gritted his teeth.
DemonGirl27 said:
Jumps back by the sudden question and then nods, "I did say I am..." she replies before walking backwards starting to see electricity forming around before looking over at Charlie. "So that's a Rajang?" she asks curiously looking at Minerva @Steel Zinogre
Charlize nods. "Rajang are very feisty buggers. they will even flatten someone just because they looked at them funny. But this one is a curious one, and likes to get to know others." she said as minerva calms down, her fur turning black again. "The rajang is also a raging tank, once you get her started.
LiteracyUnmatched said:
Xander spun around to a feminine voice. His voice seemed to be forced as he tried keeping the Rajang at bay.
"No need to worry.. I've faced worst than this." He grunted as he studied the beast and gritted his teeth.
"Nothing is worse than what I have had to face. Many elder dragons that could level entire cities at their will." charlize replied to Xander. "Have you ever seen a Dalamadur? No? well you would not want to meet one."
She changes back and slowly walks over before looking as if she was sitting on the ground but using her feet and ankles to balance herself as she tilts her head and looks over Minerva curiously. Ori never seen one before, she heard of them but never thought to see one in person @Steel Zinogre
DemonGirl27 said:
She changes back and slowly walks over before looking as if she was sitting on the ground but using her feet and ankles to balance herself as she tilts her head and looks over Minerva curiously. Ori never seen one before, she heard of them but never thought to see one in person @Steel Zinogre
Minerva looked at ori curiously, and comes closer, face to face. She then picked her up and lands on her back, with ori laying on her belly in a gentle embrace. "I think minerva likes ya miss." Charlize chuckled.

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