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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"It's...complicated" she mumbles laying her head under his chin, and sighs holding him still. "You wouldn't be mad if I told you right?" she asks glancing up at him @National
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Connor furrowed his brow, "Call us idiots again and I'll show you just how ready I am." Right about then is when Carter strolled in spinning an apple with a bite in it on the top of his finger, "Oh, please do. It'd be a great show and I've already got a front row seat. Murderer Vs the one who refuses to murder, think of the press."
Braziel looks at her with a confused and very puzzled face. "What would I be mad about?" @DemonGirl27

Kelai turns around, and he sees the guy who acted like Connor. Kelai fully stands up, his black chi starting to wrap around his hands. A few seconds pass by, when suddenly, Kelai throws his fist right at Carter's face @Crono
"Nevermind but anyways..." she sits in mid air and looks at him still being shorter than him. "I can use my powers even without my costume, but it only amplifies my power. If I don't have my costume on when I am in space, certain conditions will show. So I have to wear it while I am in space...the conditions I will talk about later of course. And at times my powers would get unstable, and if I don't control them then I would create a black hole....so I would have to be careful with them." Ori sighs @National
Carter might have sided with them for now but he wasn't stupid, any time he was in any heroes vicinity or the tower in general he never let his guard down. Though as he watched Kelai's movements he had the chance to dodge but an idea struck him in that moment, so he feinted to the right slightly like he was attempting to dodge but the fist still caught him straight in the face and sent him sprawling backwards into the nearby medical cabinet. The clone had to admit, he hadn't expected to get a rise out of Black Fist so easily.

Connor's reaction was to hop up from his seat on bed in surprise, "Not that he doesn't fully deserve it, but the hell!?" Connor was already moving to position himself to intercept if the fight escalated.

Carter rubbed at his jaw as he stood up, "Pretty sure that breech's the terms of my contract with you heroes so--." Connor turned to glare at Carter cutting him off, one hand raised at Carter and the other at Kelai. "You shutup." The clone grinned, "I was going to say that I'd look past it."
Braziel looks into her beautiful eyes before smiling. "Everyone has a weakness, something they need to hold back. And whatever pierced my skin seemed to have affected me, whatever it was." @DemonGirl27

Kelai's face stays emotionless as he looks at Carter and Connor. "I am neither a hero nor a villain, even though I am still the most wanted man in the world. I'm a paid mercenary. I don't kill for fun, I only kill as a job. Thought you would've known that by now Connor. To be fair, however, I love to fight." A small grin cracks his stone cold face. @Crono
Blushes behind her mask from the staring before giggling, "How so exactly?" she asks. Before she flies behind him and just hugs him from behind, laying her head against his back sighing softly. @National
Braziel smiles as he feels her warmth coarse through his own body. When she asked "how so", however, a horrible flashback went through his mind.

When Braziel was 16, he was with the Spartan Warriors, ready to fight the Persian Army. They were demolishing the army, tearing the huge Persian at to pieces. However, a naive Braziel ate an apple that was planted by a Persian witch doctor, which out Braziel into a powerful rage. Braziel slaughtered the entire Spartan army, but he also slaughtered half of the Persian army before running away from the battle, trying to forget what happened.

Braziel shutters. "Sometimes, it is hard to control yourself." @DemonGirl27
"Hmm..." she nods and then smiles "That's true...but, as long as we are there to help one another. It shouldn't be to bad....................now that I think about it. Your very warm." Ori says the last part out of the blue @National
A rush of wind came to the room with Kelai and the others, as Dimitri stood behind him. "You love a fight huh? Well this isn't the time. If we survive this, you can punch Zachary and Cody over there all you want. As of right now though... You try to hurt either of them again and I'll break your neck before you can blink." @National
Everything happened very fast. When Kelai was done the first thing he did was to immediately pick a fight of course. Finn facepalmed. "Yeah I would say that we're ready for it." Ignoring the whole stupid part. Connor however was very quick to respond in a more negative way. Then there was fighting, and Carter showed up, and then Dimitri showed up. A ton happened in a short time.

"If we can't get along now how are we going to band together to beat Thanos? I've been a broken record for the past... Forever about how we can't win if we can't cooperate. Last time Marko died, and if you can't all learn to play nice then any of us could be the next to go. So let me ask you a question, how many more funerals do you want to put on?" He was almost yelling by the end. He was tired of only hearing people fight. Some tensions should have worn off by now. Or the tensions should be put aside until Thanos was no longer a problem.

@Crono @GoldenCharizard4 @National @Reaper
Connor huffed, "Yeah I get that, but today? I mean you'll have the fight of your life later and you want to start something up now? If I can't hit him, nobody can." Carter chucked from the side, "It's almost cute, like your defending my honor." "Zip it!" He shouted, then Dimitri was there and Connor arched a brow, "Did you just give him permission to hit me later?" Then Finn started shouting much to Connor's surprise, and while he felt he wasn't instigating anything he still felt like he was being scolded and took a step back. "See? Finny here gets it, why else do you think I'm here with you losers. Save the planet and yada yada." Connor rolled his eyes, "Let's not forget that fat stack of cash your getting from Perry as well as the amnesty." Carter smiled, "Oh, that too."
Braziel smiles as he looks down at her. "You are too. Like a warm star"


Kelai stands up fully, seeing Dimitri approach him. When Dimitri said he could snap his neck, the black fist only laughs as the black chi starts to swirl around, huge tendrils slithering around. "That's cute Dimitri. But I'm here to do my job, and my job only."

He sees Finn snap at him, the mini hulk telling them them to work together.

Kelai looks at them, and he bluntly says. "Its fine. This'll probably be the last time you see me." @Crono @Reaper @CasualDragon
"Oh yea?" Dimitri said. "And what is your job? If it's to hurt anyone who's fighting with us, I would suggest the unemployment line for you." Dimitri said, walking around and standing next to the others, as Harry stayed back and hid. He might need to catch Kelai by suprise if it turns ugly. @National
The chi around him stops, and aoment of silence passes, the eerie chill of the wind floating across the top of the roof. Kelai bluntly says, "For once Dimitri, I'm not here to kill. I'm here to save." Kelai said with a strange commitment to his voice, as if he was being serious. @Reaper
"Save who?" Dimitri asked, looking at carter whom Kelai had punched a few moments ago. He then motioned for Harry to come out, which he did. @National
Kelai only takes the box that was finished healing Mark, and throws it off the building. He looks at Dimitri, walking up to him. He stands right in front of Dimitri, only a few inches away. "How about you don't worry about it? You do your job, I do mine." Kelai looks at Harry, and Kelai gets ready for a fight. @Reaper
Dimitri was relieved that Kelai wasn't looking for a fight. He nodded and began to walk away. "We don't need to fight you. If you won't help, stay out of the way."

Harry smirked at Kelai as he walked by him to follow Dimitri out.
Suddenly, Kelai laughs as they start to walk away. "Your new plan. The Sentry, correct? What if I told you that I knew who he was, and where he is? I know about Thanos more than you do Dimitri. Of course I'm helping. On a side note, if I see you smirk again, I'll make sure that's the face you have when they put you in your casket." @Reaper
Connor sighs as he watches Dimitri go, though his eyes hadn't left Harry since he'd entered the room. It was like Dejavu back to the registration act, seeing the two of them around each other again. Once the two started to leave Connor crossed his arms over his chest and looked at Kelai as he spoke about Sentry, his eyes immediately going to look at Carter who hadn't been told of the plan. "My god you have a big mouth Kelai." Though it seemed he knew of Sentry's identity and location, or so Kelai thought. Since Kelai wasn't even aware that they pretty much already had Sentry here at the tower, working in the tower as any average person.
As if reading Connor's mind, he points down at Stark tower. "Sentry located at Stark Tower as an "employee." Yeah, I know everything. I have more secrets than everyone here. I already know what's going to happen. I know the result. I know that Alexandra is from the timeline if you did the original plan. Guess who also knows? Thanos knows about the Sentry. This is the who I am here to protect. No, I'm not telling you how I know this. Should've gone to Marko's funeral, he already predicted this. He had it all in his journal." @Crono @Reaper @CasualDragon
Raitei didn't move from his location on top of the Stark Tower. He used electric signals to perform a form of telepathy to Connor. 'Captain Connor, has a nice ring to it by the way, maybe you should take who you believe the best team would be and leave the others. We can't have these sort of distractions on the mission and we know some grudges won't cease during this mission. Also you should have Dimitri stick close to Sentry in case any of the other individuals decides they want to screw over the world to Thanos. If you chose to go with my suggestion I'll tell you all about my power so you know what else you need and who you don't need." He telepathically communicated.

@Crono (just pretend like Raitei gave you the rundown on his powers, you can check his power in his CS)
"We've been prepping for this for over a month Kelai, maybe if you'd been around more and worked with us you'd understand what we have planned. Believe it or not you don't know everything. We're the one's who have been protecting him, Thanos' knowledge is limited because we've been limiting what we say to the others and who knows it."

Connor's mouth snapped shut at the sudden intrusion into his mind,
Didn't anybody teach you to knock first? Though Dimitri's the leader remember? I mean I'd like to think he listens to me from time to time. As for those staying behind, I think we just let those who don't wish to fight to stay, but this is more of an all hands-on-deck kind plan. If it fails, we die, and the Earth will be in danger of being destroyed. Captain Connor sounds an awful lot like Captain America, but you can call me what you like Sparky. A smirk played across his face at the teasing nickname.

@Newtype @National @CasualDragon @GoldenCharizard4

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