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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Xander shook his head, letting go of his powers, and glancing curiously at the huge creature.

"You are 100 percent sure that it won"t attack us, right?" Xander asked his body still tense, and his eyes darting around his surroundings.

"If he tries something.. I will fight." He said his voice sceptical.
LiteracyUnmatched said:
Xander shook his head, letting go of his powers, and glancing curiously at the huge creature.
"You are 100 percent sure that it won"t attack us, right?" Xander asked his body still tense, and his eyes darting around his surroundings.

"If he tries something.. I will fight." He said his voice sceptical.
"SHE won't try anything unless you give her a reason to kick your ass." Charlize told xander. "Rajang are all the more docile unless provoked." (Last post, Goodnight!!!)
Xander nodded. His english was not as good that he could distinguish between he and she. "Ah.. Okay." He replied uncertainly. He turned his attention to Ori. "..Avenger I am Xander Odinson, son of Thor. I came because I heard my dad had died... I want to help you against your enemies."
Smiles and laughs before looking at Xander, ",She isn't that bad, she is actually nice." Before adding on, "I am sorry to hear that. My parents died when I was still a kid. Anyways, that's amazing! We are going to fight Thanos"
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Xander nodded. "My father died a noble death. I am thankful for that. He died a hero with his comrades."

He looked down at his hands, as lightning flickered on and off of it. A humming sound emitted from it, before Xander looked at Ori seriously. "Duck."

Just as the words came out of his mouth a cracking sound came about, as a piece of the sky begin to crack.

A giant golem stepped out of the hole with a huge axe. The golem than jumped off of the holed and crashed to the ground, while swinging it's axe at Ori.

Xander responded with a powerful punch, which sent the creature backwords.

"That crack must be sealed. In my time of haste I forgot to hide my presence. Those are my guards.. There here to return me home. And as of right now. Your there number one enemy."

He looked at her and with a leap, flew towards the crack.

His eyes lit up as he tried stitching it back, but a fist came out of the crack and knocking him to the ground creating a crater.
She ducks when told to, but then watches him. She panicked on the inside as she saw the giant golem swing its axe at her. She listens to what he said before running towards him in worry after witnessing the event. "Xander!" She yelled @LiteracyUnmatched
Jordan landed next to the crater that the fist had made "....Either Thanos has gotten a lot bigger, or some idiot brought ANOTHER threat to this planet...seriously, WHY this planet? All the goddamn time with this planet..."
Xander slowly got up as he brushed the dust and debris off of his clothes.

He smiled sheepishly before running his hand through his hair.

"I'm okay.. They won't hurt me to much. My mom wouldn't let them. We only need to seal that. If you guys buy me sometime, I can seal it off."
Xander looks at her serious. "Wonderful, watch my back... If all goes well, I should be back in a minute or two." He smiled warmly before waving a goodbye and leaping towards the sky. The hissing of the wind as he flew well over the speed of sound, burned against his asgardian skin. With a grim smile, he tucked his arms in and barreled through the stone golems.

He increased his speed as the bitter wind whizzed past. With a hoarse cry, he barreled through another group of Golems before he reached his destination. He set his mouth into a grim line as he stared at the cracks. His eyes glowed a pale sky blue, before he waved his hands around the cracks.

The cracks shimmered as if it was an illusion. "...God I wish I payed attention on Mastery and Manipulation of Air."

He scowled as a fist protruded from the crack and attempted to knock him to ground. Xander ducked before swerving to the side, a javelin of electricity formed in his hands as he glared at the fist. After a few minutes, the Golem revealed itself but was destroyed by the bolt of electricity.

The sky flickered on and off as Xander nimbly manipulated the air. His body dripped with sweat at the intense concentration. He muttered a few norse charms and waved his hands over the cracks.

"Dichtung bind!" He yelled his eyes glowed a glowing blue before he fell to the ground from extreme exhaustion. The last thought on his mind was on his resolve to destroy Thano's.
Things became a little more quiet and awkward. When Carter had the nerve to call him Finny he cringed very visibly. "Yeah no. Don't call me that." He mumbled. The arguing continued and he simply sat down beside Marth and watched it. There was obviously nothing he could do. Dimitri left almost as soon as he had arrived but this time had Harry in tow. A bouncing Pyrite also entered the room looking for work. It was almost remarkable that he hadn't felt the tension and stayed at least two floors away. Marth twitched beside him and happily exclaimed that his legs worked. It was also a shocker that he wasn't very effected by the tension. He smiled and ruffled the boy's hair. "Hey good for you little man! Let's not stand up though for a bit so that you don't hurt yourself too soon." He looked over at Kelai. "Thank you. He might not have been able to walk again." @National ((If Kelai's in the room still)) @Whoever'sStillInThisRoom @GoldenCharizard4
(Time to get this shitshow started kids)

The Reckoning

The deadly fight was ready to begin. Thanos fully stands up, his massive 10 foot stature towering over most. He looks at his generals, and he grins.

"My loyal generals, my loyal helpers, my loyal servants. We stand here, today, ready to completely destroy this problem planet named Earth. We shall start it with the little children."

Thanos presses a small button, and suddenly, a huge titanic blast of energy slams into Australia, blasting the country into three different pieces. The hatch of the humongous ship opens, and countless aliens start to swarm down to New York, Miami, San Diego, Washington D.C, and Phoenix. He turns to the generals, and smiles

"Go and have your fun"

(I'm not going to tag since this is basically just for everyone)
Ori and her friends sensed it, "Braziel! It's time!" she yelled to him before running out of the tower and fights in her casual form. Being serious about what she does just how her friends split up to cover more ground as they fight in they're anti-hero forms
National said:
(Time to get this shitshow started kids)
The Reckoning

The deadly fight was ready to begin. Thanos fully stands up, his massive 10 foot stature towering over most. He looks at his generals, and he grins.

"My loyal generals, my loyal helpers, my loyal servants. We stand here, today, ready to completely destroy this problem planet named Earth. We shall start it with the little children."

Thanos presses a small button, and suddenly, a huge titanic blast of energy slams into Australia, blasting the country into three different pieces. The hatch of the humongous ship opens, and countless aliens start to swarm down to New York, Miami, San Diego, Washington D.C, and Phoenix. He turns to the generals, and smiles

"Go and have your fun"

(I'm not going to tag since this is basically just for everyone)
Jade lost her balance as the blast of Australia was felt. "What hell?" she said aloud as she dialed finn on the comms. "Finn, something is wrong, very wrong..... OH SHIT!!" she shouted as she saw the titan's ship. "IT has begun, come my cousins." cassie said as she walked outside.
( They already left @Steel Zinogre ) Victoria and her family left the house to go fight, as little Alexandra was being taken care of by a baby sister
The ground shook, Pyrite shook, he had just finished picking out the rockets he would put on the bike, he shook a bit, "It's time...." He stood up and ran as fast he could to the room were he had been operating out of. His little base, the place he was going to make sure people stayed alive. He got into his chair and put on his headset as quickly as possible, he typed a few things into his larger monitor and brought up his programs. He took a breath, "This is it, everything we've done has been leading up to this moment....This plan HAS to work."

He steadied his voice as best he could and spoke into his comm,
"This is Pyrite everyone, it's starting... Drop whatever your doing and get into your groups, we're about to do the thing that people have been trying to do for years now...We're gonna beat Thanos."

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype @BeamMeUpScotty @Robin man @Ethan Hart (Sorry if I missed you, I'm going off of all the people I can remember joining the RP,and I don't have the best memory)
Gwen and Jaon were talking when they heard it over the comm. Gwen nods to jaon as she turns to metal and her wing come out. Gwen lays out flat and is hovering. Jaon hops onto Gwen and they fly to the spot.
Nevermore appeared behind Pyrite. "How are you feeling, big guy?" She asked softly. Her cloak was on and her knives were in her hands.

Hypnas grimaced. "Alright." She said quietly. She closed her eyes and distached herself from any emotions she felt and instead put in place determination. She walked out of the room she was in and took her place.
Raitei inhaled deeply then exhaled deeply. "It's time for them to know why I am called the Lightning Emperor. Supernatural and Electrical Conditioning: Advanced Level on." Raitei said he briefly gave of a several sparks of electricity as he activated his conditioning. His senses picked up Jaon moving out but he also sensed another of his siblings Xander. He decided he had no time to go and get his brother.
Pyrite took a deep breath, "Honestly? I'm more scared than I've ever been. I just want everyone to make it out alive, and I feel like they might not, if even one of us goes this entire operation goes to hell."


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