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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

CasualDragon said:
Zar turned around and scowled at the newcomer. "Who are you to threaten me or the lord Thanos? Well no matter. I'll offer you one chance. Come with me. Announce Thanos as your saviour and denounce your hero friends. Aid us in our mission." A new hero showed up and Zar rolled zis eyes. "My offer is witheld. You will be destroyed." Ze started towards the flying being before quickly changing course and lunging towards the boy. Ze held his hands out to grab the boy around the neck and choke the life out of him. @sitanomoto @Ethan Hart
Cassie glared and then shot two repulsors at Zar's hands to make him drop the boy. "Get out of my home and back to whatever interplanetary hole you crawled out of." She smiled when she saw Minerva and Jade. "'Bout time!" She said as she flew above the two.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Gwen and Jaon stood ontop of a pile of alien bodies. They high five each other and take off to fight more. Jaon riding Gwen like she was a surfboard while Jaon held out both of her hammers to the side whacking the aliens.

sitanomoto said:
Cassie glared and then shot two repulsors at Zar's hands to make him drop the boy. "Get out of my home and back to whatever interplanetary hole you crawled out of." She smiled when she saw Minerva and Jade. "'Bout time!" She said as she flew above the two.
"Sorry, but I was helping evacuate, Now if you don't mind...!" jade said as Minerva stood at a defensive stance, ready for whatever move Zar had. "Monsters vs. Aliens, It's deja vu all over again." jade said, having seen the movie somewhere.
Perry heard Pyrite's call form help. It seemed like Thanos was finally bringing in the challenge. He sprang into the air with his catapult boots and ran up the side of the building. It didn't take long until he saw Cassie, Minerva, and some other person on the roof. "Long time no see people! I'm guessing nothing happened during the month I was gone?"
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Pyosimros said:
Perry heard Pyrite's call form help. It seemed like Thanos was finally bringing in the challenge. He sprang into the air with his catapult boots and ran up the side of the building. It didn't take long until he saw Cassie, Gwen, and Jaon on the roof. "Long time no see people! I'm guessing nothing happened during the month I was gone?"
((Depends if Cassie is in Miami...))
Pyosimros said:
Perry heard Pyrite's call form help. It seemed like Thanos was finally bringing in the challenge. He sprang into the air with his catapult boots and ran up the side of the building. It didn't take long until he saw Cassie, Minerva, and some other person on the roof. "Long time no see people! I'm guessing nothing happened during the month I was gone?"
"Other than your girlfriend going into a deep ass depression with you gone? No, not at all." Jade said sarcastically as Cindy came out of a laundromat, with an ear-piercing scream, she incinerated an alien with her highest form of the Incinerate! Plasmid. "Speak of the devil, there she is." Jade added.
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"Hm? Okay," Perry said as it the comment didn't phase him. It did however and he had to admit that he was being a dick. Maybe his company led him to his negligence, he didn't know. All he knew now was that he needed to defeat the alien, defeat Thanos, and maybe make up later. When Perry thought he was about to fight, he heard a deafening scream and Cindy appearing out of nowhere. Well then. This fight just got from hard to impossible.
Pyosimros said:
"Hm? Okay," Perry said as it the comment didn't phase him. It did however and he had to admit that he was being a dick. Maybe his company led him to his negligence, he didn't know. All he knew now was that he needed to defeat the alien, defeat Thanos, and maybe make up later. When Perry thought he was about to fight, he heard a deafening scream and Cindy appearing out of nowhere. Well then. This fight just got from hard to impossible.
(Impossible? I think not.) Cindy then turned in a direction away from perry, since she was too deep in blood lust to even care at the moment as she electrocuted another alien, and drilled into a third one. "You are dating that? You two must have some rough nights in bed, eh?" Jade joked as she punched a big alien in the gut, which only enraged it.
Perry ignored her comment and swung a punch at the big alien. Which obviously seemed to do less damage than the She-Hulk child. Perry brought up his other fist and shot some Antarctic Vibranium, melting the alien's face. It took him a long time to find the blueprints for weaponized Antarctic Vibranium and he plans to keep them secret. But if Cassandra were to know she'd probably kill him. Since weaponized Antarctic Vibranium was what her dad fought against.
Pyosimros said:
Perry ignored her comment and swung a punch at the big alien. Which obviously seemed to do less damage than the She-Hulk child. Perry brought up his other fist and shot some Antarctic Vibranium, melting the alien's face. It took him a long time to find the blueprints for weaponized Antarctic Vibranium and he plans to keep them secret. But if Cassandra were to know she'd probably kill him. Since weaponized Antarctic Vibranium was what her dad fought against.
Luna then came in, launching poisonous barbs from her tail at 2 more big aliens, the poison was just enough to paralyze them, as Minerva then picked up a chunk of ground that was 2 boulders big, and threw it at the incapacitated aliens, crushing them flatter than a pancake.
Jordan heard a small noise on the roofbehind him abd looked back to see an alien ready to strike at him "Oh~? Now, now, let's be sensible, I am not part of this fight, I'm just an...observer." Jordan said but his eyes and grin told a different story, he was starting to be swept up by his own Chaotic nature. Everything was born through Chaos just as it ends through Chaos and that was something Jordan had understood from the moment he touched the consciousness of the Phoenix Force.

The alien surged forward to kill Jordan, primed to do its master's bidding...but Jordan was no longer on the ledge of the roof. He was behind the creature holding its head in his left hand "One should not take another's neutrality for weakness~" Jordan tossed the head over the side of the building as the body collapsed harmlessly to the ground.
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As Dimitri heard the fights on the comlink, he gritted his teeth in frustration that he wasn't helping. He grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down what was happening, before pinning it above the unconscious Robert's head. "That'll have to do." He said, switching his communicator on. "All avengers, this is Dimitri. If your team is being overwhelmed, tell me where you are. I'm jumping in."
One. Two. Three. Four. Kelai swings a golf club he stole from the white house, nailing the aliens in the head, alien genitals, and ribs. "Fore!" He shouts as an alien careens down the alley way.

Braziel claps his hands, knocking over a large section of the aliens. His blood lust was rising as he was smashing and crushing the puny aliens. He had to calm himself down, however. He needed to make sure he was calm.

Richie fires his giant cannons from his airship with a button, the aliens screaming as they were being blasted away. Richie flies around on his jetpack, shooting down the aliens. "There's a lot more than I thought."


Thanos laughs as he watches the fighting go on. It definitely amused the large titan, watching from his large ship. He turns around, and pulls out a board with several buttons. He presses the first one, and several huge hatches drop down to earth. The hatches slam down in each of the five cities, and they open to reveal huge, behemoth like monsters

Thanos presses another button, and one hatch for each city drops down, and the five hatches open, to reveal hulking monstrosities that easily scaled to building height. Thanos laughs as he continues to watch.
Gus had seen enough. His eyes glowed pure blue for a moment as he cloaked himself in shadow. He vanished from Latveria before reforming halfway to America to take one of his missiles with him. Test 003 - MGE is ready. His contact with the missile made some of the others detonate early, releasing hundreds of android fighters the size of a man's fist. The plasma trailing fighters would catch up eventually, but they were going to miss the battle if it went the way Augustus Von Doom wanted it to be!



A missile formed nearly instantly in mid air, with Augustus Von Doom standing on top in his battle suit, standing 10 feet tall in his detailed Tyrant-Class Destroyer. Gus laughed to the air, "10 Avengers can not even take down a mere invasion, a revolting of beasts and monsters? I'll help you just once Avengers, I needed an excuse to test out a idea..." The missile exploded violently above the city, sending a massive spider-like robot crashing down into the monster. The giant spider bot was drenched in this strange acidic coolant, designed to protect machinery in high speed flight.

The McDoom smiled a wide grin of joy behind his three suited layers, deciding to flip on the tune from the game. It was a excellent idea in his eyes, a nuclear powered walker with massive high frequency chainsaw blades allowing for piercing even the thickest material! Let alone plasma cannons for deep excavation of material or foe's flesh and concrete. The spider machine leaped back from the colossal beast, raising up it's cannons to discharge super heated plasma lasers forward. The beast would probably survive, but he was damned sure he was going to make a dent! It would take 25 seconds for the beams to fire, giving a vast opening point for retaliation.



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Pyosimros said:
Perry heard Pyrite's call form help. It seemed like Thanos was finally bringing in the challenge. He sprang into the air with his catapult boots and ran up the side of the building. It didn't take long until he saw Cassie, Minerva, and some other person on the roof. "Long time no see people! I'm guessing nothing happened during the month I was gone?"
Cassie smiled. "Perry!" She said as she punched an alien in the face with a rocket fist, sending its head flying off and splattering her white suit with green alien goop.
A truck arrives in San Diego, and a group of Shield agents, along with a general, crowd around the back of the trailer, where Helga stood, waiting to be released. "LET HER OUT!" the general commanded as the agents open the heavy doors, and allowed the raging beast to see daylight. she walked out of the trailer, growling. "Easy girl, you need to find your master first, then you can go ham, now go." an agent said as she held up a piece of Finn's torn clothing, letting her smell it to find a trail. she picks up a scent trail, and roars, then going off into a really swift sprint as she squished the grunt aliens in her way, looking for Smasher, a scent she is all too familiar with. @CasualDragon @Anyone in san diego
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In San Diego

Smasher took no notice in the suspicious looking spaceship in the sky, nor did he really think anything about seeing a Helga show up. Helga? He did a double take at seeing his comrade and almost changed back. The last time he had seen Helga she was a spatter on the floor. Food for dead zombie Nazis or something like that. He didn't allow it to shock him for long though as he was quickly being overwhelmed by aliens due to his shock. He brought himself back into the moment to body slam into the ground crushing a small wave of aliens under his bulk. He was perfectly content fighting the aliens. @SanDiegoCrew @Steel Zinogre

In New York

Zar looks on in shock as the heroes seemed to forget zis existence there. They went back to focusing on the smaller aliens right after the green one punched zim in the face. Zar took the opportunity to retreat into the building. Against them all ze was useless. Against one at a time though ze would triumph. Zar called zis tougher minions and sent them to the group of heroes. "Kill them! If you can't then lure them down one at a time. Actually I thought I saw some good bait earlier." Ze grinned and moved towards the area where ze thought ze had seen a young boy earlier. Zar quickly found the room and walked in menacingly. "Scream, pray, do what you need to. Your time is up." @NewYorkCrew @GoldenCharizard4
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CasualDragon said:
Smasher took no notice in the suspicious looking spaceship in the sky, nor did he really think anything about seeing a Helga show up. Helga? He did a double take at seeing his comrade and almost changed back. The last time he had seen Helga she was a spatter on the floor. Food for dead zombie Nazis or something like that. He didn't allow it to shock him for long though as he was quickly being overwhelmed by aliens due to his shock. He brought himself back into the moment to body slam into the ground crushing a small wave of aliens under his bulk. He was perfectly content fighting the aliens. @SanDiegoCrew @Steel Zinogre
In New York

Zar looks on in shock as the heroes seemed to forget zis existence there. They went back to focusing on the smaller aliens right after the green one punched zim in the face. Zar took the opportunity to retreat into the building. Against them all ze was useless. Against one at a time though ze would triumph. Zar called zis tougher minions and sent them to the group of heroes. "Kill them! If you can't then lure them down one at a time. Actually I thought I saw some good bait earlier." Ze grinned and moved towards the area where ze thought ze had seen a young boy earlier. Zar quickly found the room and walked in menacingly. "Scream, pray, do what you need to. Your time is up." @NewYorkCrew @GoldenCharizard4
Helga grew enraged as she saw aliens overwhelm Smasher, and decided to help him, but seeing that he has it handled, she charged towards a big alien, and punched it in the stomach, then the face, her slime exploding on contact as the force of the explosions cause his internal organs to bleed as her punches broke bones. she then slams her horn into the ground, and 3 rings of explosions happen, one second after the other, one weaker than the other.

Minerva looked at Zar and beats her chest as she gets an electrical surge to her arms, allowing them to turn red. Jade then stood next to her ape-like friend, and took an offensive stance.
Gwen looked at the gigantic Alien that had touched down in Miami. "That is one Hell of a titan Jaon..." she said as she turned Jaon to see the new alien. "What now....."

Jaon sighed "We kick its ass.... That's what we do" she said with a smile "Hey Rei...... Get over here!" she yelled to her brother


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