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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

(And that isn't the end folks)

Alexandra's eyes widen as the boy's eyes widened. The huge hand of Thanos was inside of Pyrite, the boys eyes sending tears down his cheeks. Alexandra was horrified as the boy slid into her arms.

LokiofSP said:
dying, "No...I'm not ready! I-I'm scared! I don't...wanna.......die
Her eyes tear up as she holds the dead body of Pyrite. This was her fault. She was the reason why he died. He followed her to make sure that she wouldn't do something stupid, but she instead brought him to his death.

Thanos calmly walks over to the kneeling Alexandria, holding the dead body of Pyrite. The purple behemoth grins as he picks up Pyrite's commlink. The deadly titan speaks into the commlink. "hello, wonderful earthlings! I am sure you all know me, Thanos the Grand Titan. I am sure some of you have already seen me. Sadly, the destruction of your earth was so rudely interrupted by your meddling friend, Marko Bolraggon. I remember seeing that boys face as I killed his father in front of him. And then, I was the reason why he died! JUST SO HE CAN BUY YOU SNIVELING WHELPS MORE TIME. TWO MORE MEASLY MONTHS OF HUMAN LIFE. I HOPE TO TELL YOU ALL THAT THIS ISNT EVEN CLOSE TO THE CLIMAX OF MY WRATH." Thanos smashes Marko's mask in his hand, the iconic White Bolt mask now gone. Thanos laughs into the commlink, as he towers over Alexandria. She looks up at him, terror and anger mixed in her eyes. She stumbles up, and tries to punch him. He grabs her fist, slowly crushing it as she screams in pain. "And now, how lucky can I be! I know you can all hear those screams. Those are the screams of the child of Marko! How wonderful! I am able to kill three generations of the Boltaggon family! And not only that, but I also took more prey. I hope you have all bid farewell to your friend Pyrite." He let's his words sink in. The only thing heard was the screams of pain from Alexandria. "Not only shall you hear the death of this poor girl, but I have also already killed that sniveling brat! And he was a large thorn in my side. As you all know, he was never from this dimension. Unless you haven't known, you now know. He has successfully defeated many versions of me. They are not like me, however. His blood still stains my hand. And now, the girls blood shall as well."

He holds up Alexandria from her neck, laughing as he twists her arm, making her scream more. He holds up the comm the entire time, letting everyone hear the screams of Alexandria.

Of course, I am not cruel enough to not let the girl mutter her last words. Say your last sentence."

Alexandria coughs up blood, Thanos slowly cutting off her air supply. "M...mom... Uncle.... Everybody... I am so sorry... If I wasn't so hellbent on revenge, Pyrite would still be here... I'm sorry mom. Please, everyone.. Kick this guys ass for me, ple-"

Her last words gets cut off, as Thanos's arm was through her chest. She coughs up blood as he holds her up, smiling cruelly at the heart wrenching sight. "M-mom... I'm so sorry.." And with those last words, Alexandria passes away. Thanos tosses her body to the floor, next to Pyrite.

Five small drones appear, and they circle Thanos. He grabs Pyrite and Alexandria, each by the throat, one in each hand, as he raises them both up. The robots fire out projectors, and every single televeisikn screen, computer screen, anything with a screen, is shown this image.
"My two first kills. Avengers, this is only the beginning!" Thanos cruelly laughs as he drops the two bodies. Their bodies fall down next to each other, like two beautiful birds, shot down by the cruel gun of fate. @Steel Zinogre @Newtype @The Unamed Character @sitanomoto @Ethan Hart @Pyosimros (all of the people I can think of. Sorry if I missed you)
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Team Miami

Connor never got to see if the ice did it's thing or if Jaon had managed to help use it to her advantage, because the next thing he knew he was getting grabbed up by an alien by the neck. Momentarily cursing himself for having left himself wide open for this to happen. There was a slight panic to escape the grip at first before he realized he was in a good spot. "You grabbed the wrong guy on the wrong day." He gasped out and through the pain and discomfort Connor grabbed on tightly to Kal's forearm with a smirk, then he focused the ice through his hands once again.

@LokiofSP (Was waiting for Kal's reaction to Cassie's attacks but got bored. x3)
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Jordan appeared on Thanos' ship and had the complete and utter audacity to sit in his throne and put out a little broadcast of his own with Tech's powers. On Earth, small holographic projectors popped out of rubble, and showed Jordan and all of his antics "Honestly, you do all that work to rally troops, and come from the future just to die? And the REAL kicker is the fact that WHEN the Avengers finally kill mister Infinity Gauntlet over there, your future wouldn't have changed anyway...you just created a different universe..." Jordan said with a hint of sympathy for the girl, why did everyone insist on attempting to change their pasts? The future they would go back to would be the same, all they did was create a second timeline...Well, one timeline that isn't the hell their escaping from must be enough I guess...

Jordan rested his head on the back of his right hand and stared at the camera, still in his throne...no fear in his eyes...just an amused look on his face. The look was very deceiving, Jordan still was unwilling to jump into the fray, but his eyes couldn't hide his excitement. For Jordan, this wasn't a confrontation between good and evil, it was Jordan standing before an agent of Chaos. ".I don't think that FRIEND...is the word for what that douche-nozzle is...to anyone...in this universe...or, actually any universe. But, douche-nozzle that you were, you still had enough sense to kill Thanos every time that you came across him"

Jordan shifted in the throne and yawned, he knew he couldn't beat Thanos alone, not now anyway, give or take 50 years? Bloodbath. But now, it would just be a waste of his time, especially seeing as Thanos had no way of knowing who he was. Jordan hadn't participated in Thanos' first attempt on Earth, and he had done well to keep the Phoenix Force's power under wraps...well...not from the Avengers...or New York...but as for the universe, to them the Phoenix force was still floating in the multiverse...which was odd that the Phoenix Force's conscious spread throughout the whole of the multiverse, but it seemed took different forms and had different personalities, he had been told that one of them had taken to calling itself the Speed Force? Stupid name.

The absolute cherry on the top of this arrogant display of audacity by Jordan, was that he hadn't addressed Thanos personally at all, he mentioned him, but up until this point, he had said no words to Thanos. Slowly, a predator like grin spread across Jordan's face as he finally addressed Thanos, Jordan looked into the camera, his voice dripping with arrogance. "Well... I suppose I should acknowledge your existence...Hello Thanos....what a lovely ship you have~ Looks like you're not here...what a shame...well, let's see what kind of trouble I can get up to~"

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Gwen heard that over the comm Before she struck at the behemoth. "This is....... THIS IS FOR THEM" she yelled as she pile drove straight through the behemoth she was fighting. She drove through its head and came through the other side
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite's eyes widened as the hand plunged through his chest. He looked down in shock as tears began to well up....
...This damn move....It was his favorite move for awhile, he'd used it on more than a few people, it was how he'd killed Marko, it was fitting in a twisted way, "No....Not now...." He collapsed as memories began to flood his mind, the very little time he had left spent reminiscing about his failure of a life. He'd failed his Avengers in his world, he'd failed to stop himself from being tested on, he'd failed to kill the Avengers, he'd failed to kill himself, and now....He'd failed at beating Thanos, he'd failed to save someone.

Life had never been fair to the boy, and it seemed even in death he'd have a hard break.

He clutched desperately at Alexandra's skin and clothing, trying to pull on something as if that'd stop him from dying,
"No...I'm not ready! I-I'm scared! I don't...wanna.......die...."

Then the silence resumed as he fell to his knees, his hands finally leaving the girls frame as he finally fell lifeless.

@Steel Zinogre @Pyosimros @Everybody who has a comm...If I didn't list you by name it's because I'm tired
Nevermore's form flickered as she heard her best friend die. "PYRITE!! NO!!!" He fell to her knees and let out a roar of anguish, blue aura energy radiating from her body (ooooh new power!) killing several aliens at once. Tears streamed down her face as she looked up in the sky. "Pyrite..." She collapsed to the floor and her body was surrounded by a blue shield of energy, protecting her from alien attacks. She was wracked with sobs, her body convulsing in greif and anger.

Cassie stopped. "Pyrite...." Her eyes filled with flames as they did the day her father died. "AAAAAUGHHH!!!" She plunged her fist into the head of an alien and riped out the brain. The alien collapsed and then she went on to another, blasting it several times. "NO! NEVER AGAIN!"

Cassie blamed herself. She blamed herself for every death. She should have been there. It should have been her. Should have been her who died, not Pyrite. Not Alexandria. Not Marko. Not Ivory. Every death she hadn't been there for had been her fault. Every life lost, every living being erased from time, every loss... All hers. She continued on with a newfound fury and vengeance, her punches stronger, her blasts harder....

((Call it hubris or conceit, but that's Cassie's character flaw.))
San Diego:

A giant metal suit walked into the scene where all the aliens were, it's style similar to what the hulk buster looked like the color was blue instead and the helmet design was allot smaller from the machine you could hear a familiar voice, "Honestly I come to this city to relax and have some nice times but lo and behold an alien invasion." The suit sighed as its arm morphed into an anti-tank rifle "I guess there is no rest until I'm dead." It unloaded a few shots onto surrounding aliens, unfortunately the firepower of this gun was enough to make the aliens violently explode after a few seconds so he ended up attracting allot more attention then he should have, "Well At least now everyone within a few miles should know I'm here. Actually that begs the question, who is here?"
sitanomoto said:
Nevermore's form flickered as she heard her best friend die. "PYRITE!! NO!!!" He fell to her knees and let out a roar of anguish, blue aura energy radiating from her body (ooooh new power!) killing several aliens at once. Tears streamed down her face as she looked up in the sky. "Pyrite..." She collapsed to the floor and her body was surrounded by a blue shield of energy, protecting her from alien attacks. She was wracked with sobs, her body convulsing in greif and anger.
Cassie stopped. "Pyrite...." Her eyes filled with flames as they did the day her father died. "AAAAAUGHHH!!!" She plunged her fist into the head of an alien and riped out the brain. The alien collapsed and then she went on to another, blasting it several times. "NO! NEVER AGAIN!"

Cassie blamed herself. She blamed herself for every death. She should have been there. It should have been her. Should have been her who died, not Pyrite. Not Alexandria. Not Marko. Not Ivory. Every death she hadn't been there for had been her fault. Every life lost, every living being erased from time, every loss... All hers. She continued on with a newfound fury and vengeance, her punches stronger, her blasts harder....

((Call it hubris or conceit, but that's Cassie's character flaw.))
Jade felt bad for cassie, and felt the same pain as her, since she had most of her friends die in a school shooting back when she lived with Jennifer, her mom. "Cassie! I know how you feel! I went through the same old shit as you did! Most of my friends died in one day thanks to a school shooting!" she shouted with emotion matching saddened Cassie Stark. "We all love you girl! I bet Pyrite, Marko, and everyone else would want you to be strong, just like before....... DO NOT LET THEIR DEATHS BE IN VANE!"
(Sorry guys, thought I replied to this, got caught up)

Kal winced at Conner's ice, letting go just in time to get out of the way of Cassie's bullet, he looked at them and chuckle, "So the boot it is....." In a flash he was gone, he came up behind Cassie and stabbed her with his tail before camouflaging and stalking them silently....

"There's no hope for you...I shall claim your lives....And then Thanos shall claim your planet."

@Steel Zinogre
Victoria's eyes were filed with tears, "Alexandra no!" She screamed into the comm link, anger filling her up as she was going into a blinding rage. "Thanos you will pay for this!" She yelled, her voice laced with venom as her eyes were glowing a dark blue color as she was in her hero form. Her form changed to a black and blood red color, and her hands were fists now glowing a dark blue color @National
LokiofSP said:
(Sorry guys, thought I replied to this, got caught up)
Kal winced at Conner's ice, letting go just in time to get out of the way of Cassie's bullet, he looked at them and chuckle, "So the boot it is....." In a flash he was gone, he came up behind Cassie and stabbed her with his tail before camouflaging and stalking them silently....

"There's no hope for you...I shall claim your lives....And then Thanos shall claim your planet."

@Steel Zinogre
"I will.... not fall today!" she said as she angrily screams with rage, and swinging her sword wildly before collapsing onto the ground, weak, but her natural healing sealed the wound, but was bleeding internally, but was healing that also. "Connor...... Call my cousins........ Bring them to me......" @Crono @LokiofSP
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Jade felt bad for cassie, and felt the same pain as her, since she had most of her friends die in a school shooting back when she lived with Jennifer, her mom. "Cassie! I know how you feel! I went through the same old shit as you did! Most of my friends died in one day thanks to a school shooting!" she shouted with emotion matching saddened Cassie Stark. "We all love you girl! I bet Pyrite, Marko, and everyone else would want you to be strong, just like before....... DO NOT LET THEIR DEATHS BE IN VANE!"

Cassie nodded, tears of fury streaming down her face as she flexed her hands. The gauntlet's fingertips sharpened into claw like shapes and she stabbed them right through alien after alien, determined to make them all meet the same sticky end as her friends.
LokiofSP said:
(Sorry guys, thought I replied to this, got caught up)
Kal winced at Conner's ice, letting go just in time to get out of the way of Cassie's bullet, he looked at them and chuckle, "So the boot it is....." In a flash he was gone, he came up behind Cassie and stabbed her with his tail before camouflaging and stalking them silently....

"There's no hope for you...I shall claim your lives....And then Thanos shall claim your planet."

@Steel Zinogre
"Looks like you guys could use some help." Raitei said as arrived on the scene six sword charged with one billion volts of electricity. He moved at massively hypersonic speeds to slash Kal in back of the knees, ankles, wrists, and armpits each slash would electrocute Kal especially if he blocks them somehow and the lightning infusion would increase their penetration and how deep they cut. Raitei didn't expect this fight to end here as he was just warming up.
In New York

Zar laughed. "As if you could pierce my flesh with your mortal bullets. Thanos did not put his faith in me in vain. He knew that I would be capable of the job." Anything in the room that was electronic flickered on and Zar turned to watch. Ze smiled gleefully at the sight of the two dead avengers. "You see that. That is your fate. Your fate is to lie dead at the feet of Thanos. He'll use your bodies as a red carpet to the most premier event of the year! I hope those two suffer." Ze added wistfully. Ze finally decided that the charade was over. Using zis strength Zar pulled zimself free of the bonds that were restraining zim. Ze leaped through the ceiling above them before smashing down in another spot bringing down debris as well as his powerful body towards the one stopping the bullets.

In San Diego

Listening to somebody they thought was bad wish he had more time to live was not fun. At the end of Thanos' speech Smasher completely lost it. Bellowing in rage he tore a hole through the creature's chest and pushed himself right through to the other side while grabbing and yanking on organs on his way through. On the other side he dropped to the ground still dragging what he thought looked like an intestine. Furiously he dropped it from his grasp before tearing into the aliens. They were tough buggers but if he put effort and a few hard hits to their heads first he would be able to rip them in half. He stopped for a moment, and breathing heavily he turned in the direction of New York. He was going to tear Thanos a new one. He was going to shred Thanos. He was going to make Thanos wish he had never been born. @SanDiegoCrew
CasualDragon said:
In New York
Zar laughed. "As if you could pierce my flesh with your mortal bullets. Thanos did not put his faith in me in vain. He knew that I would be capable of the job." Anything in the room that was electronic flickered on and Zar turned to watch. Ze smiled gleefully at the sight of the two dead avengers. "You see that. That is your fate. Your fate is to lie dead at the feet of Thanos. He'll use your bodies as a red carpet to the most premier event of the year! I hope those two suffer." Ze added wistfully. Ze finally decided that the charade was over. Using zis strength Zar pulled zimself free of the bonds that were restraining zim. Ze leaped through the ceiling above them before smashing down in another spot bringing down debris as well as his powerful body towards the one stopping the bullets.

In San Diego

Listening to somebody they thought was bad wish he had more time to live was not fun. At the end of Thanos' speech Smasher completely lost it. Bellowing in rage he tore a hole through the creature's chest and pushed himself right through to the other side while grabbing and yanking on organs on his way through. On the other side he dropped to the ground still dragging what he thought looked like an intestine. Furiously he dropped it from his grasp before tearing into the aliens. They were tough buggers but if he put effort and a few hard hits to their heads first he would be able to rip them in half. He stopped for a moment, and breathing heavily he turned in the direction of New York. He was going to tear Thanos a new one. He was going to shred Thanos. He was going to make Thanos wish he had never been born. @SanDiegoCrew
Helga roared, mirroring Smasher's rage. she had no control as she made massive explosions when landing multiple punches, leaving bloody messes of her victims. She then stopped as she was dogpiled by two piled by two titan class aliens, in which she struggled to get off of her.
New York (Concrete jungle were dreams are made of)

Sarah snarled and jumped after him, she had tears in her eyes that were covered by her helmet, "You can mourn later! You have a mission....Complete it, focus right now!" She said nothing as she simply jumped after Zar, begining to pull out the sword her brother had made, "IT'S ONLY FITTING I TAKE OUT ONE OF YOU WITH ONE OF HIS CREATIONS! I'LL DO IT, I SWEAR IT!"

@Newtype @Steel Zinogre @Crono
LokiofSP said:
New York (Concrete jungle were dreams are made of)
Sarah snarled and jumped after him, she had tears in her eyes that were covered by her helmet, "You can mourn later! You have a mission....Complete it, focus right now!" She said nothing as she simply jumped after Zar, begining to pull out the sword her brother had made, "IT'S ONLY FITTING I TAKE OUT ONE OF YOU WITH ONE OF HIS CREATIONS! I'LL DO IT, I SWEAR IT!"

@Newtype @Steel Zinogre @Crono
Casie felt her life force dwindle, until she felt an evil force grabbing her, and lifting her up. "You are not allowed to fall, not on my watch." an eerie voice said as it manifested her body. "Use the power I have given you, and turn the tide!" she was told in her head as her massive gauntlet glowed, and hordes of undead that appeared to be tortured souls rising from the ground, with moans, groans and screams as they awaken from their graves. "I call upon the tortured souls of the past, aid me in this battle, and free this world of supernatural tyranny!" she shouted, as the closed her hand, a massive zombie, clad in armor, with Smoke grenades strapped to his chest, appeared from the ground. He screams as he angrily ran, the earth trembling with every step.



The appearance of the tortured souls.

And the zombie covered in armor, note the smoke grenades on his chest.)
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Team Miami

Connor could hear what was going on through the comm as he escaped Kal's grasp, and he pushed himself to ignore those emotions as much as possible. There was an enemy right in front of him, and the friends he had here needed him to keep calm, he could pay Thanos back for Alexandra and Pyrite later. Of course after he was dropped the alien went for Cassie, though before he could move closer to help Raitei had intervened. Though before he could call Cassie's cousin's to evac her away something started happening. She's fine, I think. He told himself, focusing on the alien that now threatened Raitei so he moved forwards and threw his shield horizontally like a frisbee in Kal's direction.

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype @LiteracyUnmatched

Team San Diego

Raknor descended from above, cratering into the street below on one knee. Laughing as he stood up, holding the organic device that was pumping out the thick smoke-like air in his hand. He'd been letting it pump the smoke out a while but now that he was on the ground it would start covering the city street by street. "Let us see if any among you earthlings can give me a worthy challenge!" He bellowed, then charged down the street with grin on his face behind his helmet. A civilian crossed his path as he did and he wasted no time smacking the woman with his arm, her body flying into the nearby building. If there was one thing Thanos told them it was that this species protected one another and that a majority of this planets strongest would not sit idly by while innocents we're attacked. That was clear when the Avengers had split up to fight his leader's forces, so if he had to kill a few ants to get a good fight so what? He took no satisfaction in killing small fries, but if that led him to fighting stronger beings then so be it.

@Steel Zinogre
@CasualDragon @National @Pyosimros @Reaper @Drumonkey @TKolord
Crono said:
Team Miami
Connor could hear what was going on through the comm as he escaped Kal's grasp, and he pushed himself to ignore those emotions as much as possible. There was an enemy right in front of him, and the friends he had here needed him to keep calm, he could pay Thanos back for Alexandra and Pyrite later. Of course after he was dropped the alien went for Cassie, though before he could move closer to help Raitei had intervened. Though before he could call Cassie's cousin's to evac her away something started happening. She's fine, I think. He told himself, focusing on the alien that now threatened Raitei so he moved forwards and threw his shield horizontally like a frisbee in Kal's direction.

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype @LiteracyUnmatched

Team San Diego

Raknor descended from above, cratering into the street below on one knee. Laughing as he stood up, holding the organic device that was pumping out the thick smoke-like air in his hand. He'd been letting it pump the smoke out a while but now that he was on the ground it would start covering the city street by street. "Let us see if any among you earthlings can give me a worthy challenge!" He bellowed, then charged down the street with grin on his face behind his helmet. A civilian crossed his path as he did and he wasted no time smacking the woman with his arm, her body flying into the nearby building. If there was one thing Thanos told them it was that this species protected one another and that a majority of this planets strongest would not sit idly by while innocents we're attacked. That was clear when the Avengers had split up to fight his leader's forces, so if he had to kill a few ants to get a good fight so what? He took no satisfaction in killing small fries, but if that led him to fighting stronger beings then so be it.

@Steel Zinogre
@CasualDragon @National @Pyosimros @Reaper @Drumonkey @TKolord
Cassie then clollapses on the ground, an black mist leaving her body. "My power... Is now yours." it said in a raspy, and grim voice, neither demonic, or spiritual. The massive zombie clad in armor stood over his master, and lifted her up, He screams and grunts, commanding some to go with him to lay her down somewhere, and the others to remain with connor. With heads shaking, some of the smaller zombies ran with the big one, while the rest stood behind connor, waiting for orders to attack, defend, etc.

In san diego, Helga grew furious as she saw a woman being smacked by Raknor, and shook off the titans, and smashed their heads in. she then leaped a great distance, landing on her forelegs first, leaving two puddles of slime that changed color, before knocking the alien back, and caused minimal damager
LokiofSP said:
New York (Concrete jungle were dreams are made of)
Sarah snarled and jumped after him, she had tears in her eyes that were covered by her helmet, "You can mourn later! You have a mission....Complete it, focus right now!" She said nothing as she simply jumped after Zar, begining to pull out the sword her brother had made, "IT'S ONLY FITTING I TAKE OUT ONE OF YOU WITH ONE OF HIS CREATIONS! I'LL DO IT, I SWEAR IT!"

@Newtype @Steel Zinogre @Crono
Kal's fist appeared to go right through Raitei until he was standing in full form behind Kal but his six blades were still in Kal's grasp. Raitei had briefly turned into esoteric lightning and reformed behind Kal in other words. With a simple whisper of "boom". The blades began to glow and then then they detonated unleashing a large explosion of electricity point blank to Kal. If his bolts and other electric attacks didn't work he would have to break out some of the higher chain stuff which doesn't include Thunder.
Kal grit his sharp teeth as the shield hit his shoulder, he looked over at Conner and sighed, the blades barley affecting him but lowering his shields drastically. He turned his full attention to Conner and the small zombie army, "...Say you defeat me? What happens? You've left your city and your people to be overrun by my masters army, you have to face Thanos himself...Face it, no matter what you do you shall still lose." He flicked his tail and slowly began to disappear, his voice becoming an echo, "There is nothing you can do...Lay down your arms and your deaths shall be slow."

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype
(Which alien is in Washington DC? And @Newtype not calling you out or anything, but you might wanna tone down the op. And saying you have to pull out stronger moves just signals more op, doesn't balance it out.)

Kelai flies into a building, blood dripping down his chest. He grunts asnhe hears the comm. He was.blind with rage. The child of his best friend was dead. The child that he was the god father of. Pure rage infuses into his black chi, shredding at the aliens around him. He charges into the big globby alien, ripping at its leg. The alien looks down, only to be punched in the face by a flying Kelai, who jumped up and punched it.

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