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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

The throne was the very final straw. Out of nowhere, Tech was thrown unto the wall at alarming speeds as Thanos slams his foot into Jordans chest. (Sorry gotta godmod just a tad. Its Thanos. I gotta keep it interesting.) Thanos stands up to his full height, his deadly presence masking the room.

At the time of this little tustle, the continent sized ship lands on the pacific ocean. Thanos was now on Earth. He smiles as he looks up at the Sentry.
"Hello. Protector of Earth."
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"How the hell should I kn-" Jordan hit the ground and coughed up a bit of blood "To answer your question...right fucking here..." Jordan weakly pointed at Thanos
Crono said:
Team San Diego
Raknor stayed hidden within the smoke as it filled the streets, spreading outwards. The area the smog like air would swallow was maybe a quarter of the city. With the thermal vision on his helmet turned on he could see any and all movement through it, he caught sight of Fahy being thrown towards him. Lucky shot. The blast sending the alien tumbling back, with a snort he stood and stepped over to where Fahy lay and stomped into his chest, "What good are you if all you can do is be used and thrown? Whelps!" They we're small, insignificant, and he detested them. But if he'd learned one thing in his years of fighting tough opponents it was that size didn't truly matter, there could be a diamond in the rough. "That he'd throw you into the fray without vision of what would follow immediately shows your species stupidity."
"I'm not stupid and neither is my friend. He threw me because I am pretty resilient." Then Kidpool pulled out a rocket launcher from his bag and fired it in the face of the alien standing on him then he called out to seemingly no one "The three of us agree that you typing there should do something about this fog or whatever? Don't think you would get off the hook that easily."
He tapped his ear to communicate with the entire team. "The ship landed at my location." And then he turned to Thanos. "Hello, Mad Titan." Sentry said as he clenched his fists and his hands began to glow.

Upon hearing the news, Dimitri ran to the ship. Since he was in San Diego, it wasn't quite as far as it would've been had he been in New York. He ran past the water and onto the top of the ship, blasting fire downward in the hope that it would melt and let him in.

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The ship is very resilient and heatproof, but Dimitri stumbles upon a niche that can grant him access inside. @Reaper

Thanos laughs as he cracks his knuckles. "I remember the old days of when we fought. I remember defeating you sometimes as well. And the other way around, of course. However, this shall be your final battle." Thanos flies up, and throws a deadly punch at the Sentry.

After a few minutes riding from a stealth jet, Kelai jumps down into the large ship. He looks around, spotting Dimitri. "Hey, speedster!"
"Hey, K. There's a gap right here that'll let us in. Are you sure you want to fight him? Robert might be alright, but the odds of us making it aren't good." Dimitri said, standing over the hole.

The sentry ducked under the fist and flew up at Thanos, spearing him and attempting to push him against the wall with flight.
Kelai grimaces his teeth as he rips the niche open, gesturing to Dimitri. "I could give a damn. That asshole killed my beat friend, and he killed the child I swore to protect. There is a lot that I have to do, and this is easily one of them. Let's go Dimitri." Kelai jumps down, and sprints out to the hall, somehow knowing where it is. (How does Kelai know this? Find out more!)

Thanos grunts, and he raises up both of his fists, smashing them down onto the Sentry. @Reaper
Dimitri followed Kelai to the room with Thanos. He arrived just in time to hear the impact of Thanos' fists on Sentry's back. Robert's back curved and he grunted under the pressure, before he changed his flight path and flew Thanos into the ground. @National
Kal jumped forward and in the blink of an eye, he was behind Ratei, "To slow..." He then elbowed the back of the demi-god's head (Sorry if I'm god-modding, I just had no idea how to survive that without doing so @Newtype )

The child of Doom starred into the cold, heartless murder of the two Avengers. His eyes burned with hatred, and all the mercy in him was replaced with malice. Ze flew straight towards him with strength comparable to the Hulk, everything in his power ripping the world apart as if it was made of cardboard. The city of glass, shattering to his beck and call. Gus was stronger.... He super heated the bullets while adding a spinning motion to them, transforming them into plasma disks burning hotter then Lightning itself. The volcanic material was fired twice as fast as a bullet towards the speeding monster while Gus unleashed his vast arsenal of weapons in his Tyrant-Class Mech. Teal lightning, one from each spike, burned and scarred the building around him with a tesla field. Missile valleys flew from his shoulder plates, accompanied by four laser platforms firing from his chest. His right arm blade unfolded into a high frequency plasma blade, vibrating the electromagnetic field to make it melt and chew away at foes! He brought it forward so that if Ze were to fight him in close combat, it would be nearly impossible to!

Gus then unleashed his thrusters, attempting to ram and impale Ze through the chest! McDoom roared out, "Do not judge me by my legacy beast, judge me by my might, for I am the Prince of Latveria!"

@CasualDragon @LokiofSP @sitanomoto @Reaper @NewYorkCrew
LokiofSP said:
Kal jumped forward and in the blink of an eye, he was behind Ratei, "To slow..." He then elbowed the back of the demi-god's head (Sorry if I'm god-modding, I just had no idea how to survive that without doing so @Newtype )

"Like mouse to cheese." He replied just as he was hit in the back of his head he unleash best amount of that destructive, poisonous, and dark lightning which reduced the surrounding area to crater for about 20 yards in any direction. Though he felt concussed it was worth it to trap this alien.
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In New York

The bullets pierced through Zar's tough exterior but did not bring zim down. A bit shaken from the experience, Zar stared in horror at the boy that had wounded zim. "How
dare you wound the trusted general of Thanos himself. He will make you pay for that. I will make you pay for that." Zar hoisted up the heaviest piece of furniture in the room and glared towards the kid. "This is the end." With that Zar pulled back the heavy object and hurled it as hard as Zar could.

@NewYorkPeople @hudhouse
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Gus watched the creature react, boasting about how Thanos will kill him, make him pay? The Prince's suit ripped open, sending a explosion of compressed gas towards Zar. The teen stepped out from the suit and starred down Zar. The furniture slammed straight into the Prince who went flying over his Tyrant-Class suit, which then promptly got hit the furniture. The prince landed completely limp on the ground, before snapping back to reality. The programming glitched up again?! The suit was ejected through a wall and out the building, leaving Gus with his standard armor. He needs to fix that damned simulation! He charged forward towards Zar, firing rounds from his revolver to try and scar Zar's flesh forever with flaming gel shrapnel. The prince wasn't fast for a super human, but he would definitely be a hard target to hit in boxing.

He sparked up the blade with electricity, making each and every close strike numb his muscles further. If a opportunity ever opened, the Prince would attempt to assassinate Zar with a side neck impalement.

Thanos gasps in pain as the Sentry slams him down. Thanks grabs Sentry by the neck, and slams him into the floor over and over again.

Kelai fires a huge blast of chi, pushing Thanos off of The Sentry. He looks over at Dimitri. "Try to distract him so Sentry can get some hits in."
"Good idea!" Dimitri said as he ran behind Thanos and lobbed a flurry of tiny fireballs at the back of his head. They wouldn't necessarily hurt him, but they would certainly annoy him. @National
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Thanos growls angrily as he stands up, firing a kinetic blast of energy straight at Dimitri. Kelai jumps up and kicks Thanos in the head, annoying the titan even more, keeping him away from Sentry.
Dimitri zipped out of the line of fire, just late enough to trip a bit, but caught his footing after stumbling from the blast. "Too slow!"

Sentry stood up and flew at Thanos, punching him in the temple from the side, before grabbing him by the neck and attempting to fly upwards, and smash through the ceiling. Hopefully he could take the fight to somewhere the avengers could get to easier, like a field.
Thanos grabs Sentry's neck, and tries to pull him off. They crash through half a mile of steel, through the ship.
Dimitri looked at the holes they made on the way up. "Greaaaaat. Now I understand why we usually need to fly."

Sentry was pushed away, off Thanos as they were half a mile in the air. As Thanos fell, he readjusted his grip, wrapping his arms around his torso from behind and flying east as fast as he could.

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"Well if you Avengers will excuse me..." Jordan said and picked the unconscious Tech up "I have things to do, cosmic beings to avoid...do hurry up and defeat Thanos...oh, and if somethin' comes this way that's...y'know...big, cosmic and lookin' for the Phoenix Force...point them in a different direction will ya? Might want to help what's his face....don't think he's gonna last to long against Thanos." Jordan winked and took off through the hole that Sentry and Thanos created.
Team Miami.

From a rooftop, Alex looked on as the fight continued. His hair was held in a ponytail, his hair now orange, and his armor changed to a gray-ish vest that seemed like it was made of honeycombs, and his pants were a pair of black jeans, being filled with many things ranging from grenades to magazines. His t-shirt was bright red, and a smile flushed on his face. "Need some help?!" Alex yelled towards the fighting avengers, flushing his assault rifle.

@Steel Zinogre @everyone-in-miami
Nevermore breathed heavily as she stabbed the final alien soldier on the roof. Four dozen (ish) aliens lay dead around her feet. Her face was covered in scrapes and her side had a big gash in it. She was limping from a cut in her calf and her arm's skin was blackening around a poisoned stab wound. She fell to her knees, the poison weakening her to the point where she couldn't stand. Her vision was blurring in and out of focus and her breathing was beginning to get labored.

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