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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

The mansion and hill was quiet. The winds made no noise. They are fierce and cold, a snowstorm wind, but there was no noise. The heavy snowfall and hail were slamming against the floor, caking everything in frost and ice. However, there was still no sound.

Thaddeus wakes up from his short rest, his body and eyes humming in power. As he stands up, everything in the room slowly starts to float up. He opens the door, and walks out of his room. He looks around, the house being empty since Augustus left.

"How nice. I guess that means I'm all by my lonesome. Guess its my time to make my move, then."

With a snap of his fingers, everything stops moving. The snow, the hail, the wind, everything. He snaps again, and he stands there, floating, the mansion now gone. Everything was gone, except the hill a foot under him, and the snow. The storm dispersed, and the wind died instantly. He walks through the fabric of reality and time, and appears in New York. He grins, looking down at the city, since he was floating in mid air. The air around him hummed with power, his power making the very fabric of space and time waver. He teleports over to Augustus.

"I see that you have started."

Crono said:
Connor had been trying his best to find out what was going on in the city by using the towers access to camera feeds. Just so happened most weren't operable, so he went for the satellite access. That's when he heard the noise from somewhere in the tower, one that didn't sound natural and not one of the many sort of noises coming from outside,. The blonde looked at Nevermore, still sound asleep, before reaching over and grabbing the crutches he'd procured earlier and made his way towards Cassie's lab following the noise. It was clear that's where it was coming from, so the blonde used the access door which opened at his presence....
A Groan from the lab and then a clatter should alert Connor to the presence of someone there. It was a boy's voice.... Strange....
National said:
The mansion and hill was quiet. The winds made no noise. They are fierce and cold, a snowstorm wind, but there was no noise. The heavy snowfall and hail were slamming against the floor, caking everything in frost and ice. However, there was still no sound.
Thaddeus wakes up from his short rest, his body and eyes humming in power. As he stands up, everything in the room slowly starts to float up. He opens the door, and walks out of his room. He looks around, the house being empty since Augustus left.

"How nice. I guess that means I'm all by my lonesome. Guess its my time to make my move, then."

With a snap of his fingers, everything stops moving. The snow, the hail, the wind, everything. He snaps again, and he stands there, floating, the mansion now gone. Everything was gone, except the hill a foot under him, and the snow. The storm dispersed, and the wind died instantly. He walks through the fabric of reality and time, and appears in New York. He grins, looking down at the city, since he was floating in mid air. The air around him hummed with power, his power making the very fabric of space and time waver. He teleports over to Augustus.

"I see that you have started."

Augustus nodded, simply stating, "The Eastern world so far is now completely under our command, and the government is being taught as we speak. South America is in the middle of conversion, same as Antarctica. To be honest that one is just to mine for Antarctic Vibranium to help with a design i'm making. Here, we have to many heroes to go hostile. What do you think we should do?"
Connor narrowed his eyes thinking of who might be in the lab as he took a step forwards. To his knowledge only he and Nevermore we're in the tower, everyone was still out dealing with the Thanos aftermath. Yet no alarms had triggered, he found it strange... So the blonde put one of his crutches against the wall, using the other one to keep his balance he reached around with his right arm and grabbed his shield. With a crutch in his left and a shield in his right he moved...or well..hobbled, slowly into the lab. "Alright, somebody is in here that shouldn't be. I'd suggest you come out now and start explaining before I turn you into a Popsicle."
Thaddeus ponders on what he said. He could feel everything around him. The infinity gems let him feel everything, EVERYTHING. The him and breeze of the air, the power emitting from Augustus, the curiosity from Cassie's voice.

"I believe that we should start to broadcast our message to the heroes as well. They must know as well."

Cassie Heller rides up on her horse, which collpased and died of starvation, and exhaustion. She was wounded from an immense battle against the imps and wicked souls. She saw thaddeus and Gus and grabbed out her mystical pistol, and shot many rounds at gus, thinking that he was an enemy, the bullets bounce off, and disable her shooting arm. @National
Dimitri shot up as he awoke in the hideout. In the process he knocked his cup over, and it was then that he noticed time was going extremely slow. The cup fell at a snails pace, the water flowing out of it splashed in every direction like a flower blooming. He grabbed the cup and scooped the water back into it, before setting it back down. Then time returned to normal. "What the hell was that?" He asked himself out loud.
Augustus snarled to Thaddeus, "They already almost tried to hurt me for just popping up over here! I am now bloody allowed in Avengers tower! But to the real matter at hand, if you truly believe they should know, say it yourself. There are to many of them here, plus they simply think for themselves and that's it. Their excuses of not having an opportunity, or destroying in able to help, are pathetic at best." As soon as that happened, bullets started to bounce off the crimson window, which Augustus twitched towards and roared out, "Do you see that?! Oh who am I kidding mister infinity." A single machine swooped in to grab Cassie Heller by the back, and fly her to the heli-pad of the Avengers Tower. In some sick sense of comedy, in a spongebob voice the robot spoke out, "Cassie, Augustus has a package for you. One asshole vigilant-tie. It whispered on the way back, "Back to work!"

@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto @National
hudhouse said:
Augustus snarled to Thaddeus, "They already almost tried to hurt me for just popping up over here! I am now bloody allowed in Avengers tower! But to the real matter at hand, if you truly believe they should know, say it yourself. There are to many of them here, plus they simply think for themselves and that's it. Their excuses of not having an opportunity, or destroying in able to help, are pathetic at best." As soon as that happened, bullets started to bounce off the crimson window, which Augustus twitched towards and roared out, "Do you see that?! Oh who am I kidding mister infinity." A single machine swooped in to grab Cassie Heller by the back, and fly her to the heli-pad of the Avengers Tower. In some sick sense of comedy, in a spongebob voice the robot spoke out, "Cassie, Augustus has a package for you. One asshole vigilant-tie. It whispered on the way back, "Back to work!"
@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto @National
(I'm pretty sure that Cassie Heller is pretty much dead now..... especially if she is in front of augustus.)
Crono said:
Connor narrowed his eyes thinking of who might be in the lab as he took a step forwards. To his knowledge only he and Nevermore we're in the tower, everyone was still out dealing with the Thanos aftermath. Yet no alarms had triggered, he found it strange... So the blonde put one of his crutches against the wall, using the other one to keep his balance he reached around with his right arm and grabbed his shield. With a crutch in his left and a shield in his right he moved...or well..hobbled, slowly into the lab. "Alright, somebody is in here that shouldn't be. I'd suggest you come out now and start explaining before I turn you into a Popsicle."
From the darkness of the lab came a figure. It was as tall as Connor, if not slightly taller, with shaggy brown hair. He was wearing a black T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. He groaned again. The boy looked just like Cassie as a guy....

Weirder and weirder.
Thaddeus sighs, patting his friends shoulder.

"Augustus, I didn't mean it like that. I meant that we should tell them in a friendly broadcast AFTER the world is in better hands, your hands. Trust me, I understand that it might be a scary move for you Augustus. But don't worry about it. I got your back."

Suddenly, he sees bullets come out of nowhere, bouncing off the body of Augustus. Thaddeus looks down, furious that this person should attack. Thaddeus looks at Cassie, and she gets trapped in a psychic field, floating up next to Thaddeus and Augustus.

"The hell do you think you're doing?! The Avengers, selfish brats! They attack us when we try to help. Just the same thing when my father truednto help! How did you reward him?! DEATH!"

The psychic field was only condensing more and more around Cassie, specifically her neck, tightening and crushing her windpipes.

@Steel Zinogre @hudhouse

National said:
Thaddeus sighs, patting his friends shoulder.
"Augustus, I didn't mean it like that. I meant that we should tell them in a friendly broadcast AFTER the world is in better hands, your hands. Trust me, I understand that it might be a scary move for you Augustus. But don't worry about it. I got your back."

Suddenly, he sees bullets come out of nowhere, bouncing off the body of Augustus. Thaddeus looks down, furious that this person should attack. Thaddeus looks at Cassie, and she gets trapped in a psychic field, floating up next to Thaddeus and Augustus.

"The hell do you think you're doing?! The Avengers, selfish brats! They attack us when we try to help. Just the same thing when my father truednto help! How did you reward him?! DEATH!"

The psychic field was only condensing more and more around Cassie, specifically her neck, tightening and crushing her windpipes.

@Steel Zinogre @hudhouse
"I'm not..... an...." she was cut off, due to her wind pipes being crushed. she was now dead, and a demonic laugh echoes throughout the city. "Thanks! Now I am free to come out!" Azazel, the half blood son of Mephisto, pops out through a hellish portal. "HI! Azazel Akihiro here, and I've got a great deal of thanks to give, just for the both of you!" he said with a smile, his white hair flowing with the wind, and his piercing, yellow eyes look at Thaddeus and Gus. "OOOOOOH, shiny armor, did you make it yourself?" he asked Gus. @hudhouse @National
Connor raised the brow above his good eye, the guy looked oddly familiar but at the same time he didn't. "Alright you." The blonde said placing his shield on his back, not particularly threatened. Grabbing the other crutch he moved closer to the boy, and if he'd been in better shape he would have led him out by the ear. Instead Connor got behind him, herding him by poking at the back of his legs with the crutches. "Move it, you don't belong here."
"Ow!" The boy said. "Oi, watch the calves, man! Don't you know who I am?!" He stopped. "Of course you don't. Sis hasn't told you yet, has she?" He smiled in a goofy way that was a signature of the Stark's. "Now if you'll put that thing down and listen for a second, I'll explain."

Reaper said:
Dimitri shot up as he awoke in the hideout. In the process he knocked his cup over, and it was then that he noticed time was going extremely slow. The cup fell at a snails pace, the water flowing out of it splashed in every direction like a flower blooming. He grabbed the cup and scooped the water back into it, before setting it back down. Then time returned to normal. "What the hell was that?" He asked himself out loud.
Hypnas looked up from her book. "What the hell was what?" She asked, concerned. "You alright?"
Connor regarded the boy suspiciously, and again his smile seemed familiar. "Who hasn't told me what?" He asked in an almost annoyed tone, as he backed off momentarily as he looked the stranger over. "You can explain but you try something and the human Popsicle is still on the table."

Crono said:
Connor regarded the boy suspiciously, and again his smile seemed familiar. "Who hasn't told me what?" He asked in an almost annoyed tone, as he backed off momentarily as he looked the stranger over. "You can explain but you try something and the human Popsicle is still on the table."

@Steel Zinogre
Cassie nodded."sounds like a plan to me. I'm starving for something sweet." As she got to the base of the Tower, she looked up. It looked good. No one in it had been disturbed. "Redd, can you fly us up to the top please? I want to check on Connor and Nevermore."

"Does everyone have a clone these days?" Connor had to admit once he'd been put along the thought process it was suddenly obvious how much he looked like a Stark. "Did...? Surely Tony didn't clone his daughter so..." Well they we're technically in Cassie's lab. "Did she clone herself? I'm hoping your not one of these malicious clones. I've had more than enough of those." So was he what she's kept hidden down here?

Crono said:
"Does everyone have a clone these days?" Connor had to admit once he'd been put along the thought process it was suddenly obvious how much he looked like a Stark. "Did...? Surely Tony didn't clone his daughter so..." Well they we're technically in Cassie's lab. "Did she clone herself? I'm hoping your not one of these malicious clones. I've had more than enough of those." So was he what she's kept hidden down here?

"Nah," Terry said, shaking his head. "I'm not malicious. No hostility here. And Yeah, Cass cloned herself. She figured two of her could get things done faster and that we'd be a pretty unstoppable team. But something went weird in my DNA splicing and I ended up a guy." He shrugged. "Not that I'm complaining. I think she likes having a brother. You're Connor, right? Cass told me all about you. You're Cap's son? That's cool."
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Connor sighed, deciding to lean on the table since it was clear they weren't leaving the lab now. "She's an idiot." He muttered under his breath, the fact that she'd do something so foolish like clone herself. And to top it off do it in secret? What if the clone had decided to kill her and take her place, it's what Harry tried to do with Connor and Carter after-all. "So you know who my father is but not me, that's....confusing. Exactly how long have you been down here?"
Meanwhile in Asgard, Raitei watched as Doom Jr. and his partner were in progress of taking over the world. He had summoned all the children of Thor to meet him. But he alsl was with someone else who he met recently and decided to bring her back to Asgard with him. "You know, your brother is so two faced. One side he is violently taking over the world and the other he is doing things like rebuilding the Avenger's Tower but that could just be a ploy to get the Avengers in his debt." Laxus remarked.

@The Unamed Character @LiteracyUnmatched @DarknessSpirit
National said:
Thaddeus sighs, patting his friends shoulder.
"Augustus, I didn't mean it like that. I meant that we should tell them in a friendly broadcast AFTER the world is in better hands, your hands. Trust me, I understand that it might be a scary move for you Augustus. But don't worry about it. I got your back."

Suddenly, he sees bullets come out of nowhere, bouncing off the body of Augustus. Thaddeus looks down, furious that this person should attack. Thaddeus looks at Cassie, and she gets trapped in a psychic field, floating up next to Thaddeus and Augustus.

"The hell do you think you're doing?! The Avengers, selfish brats! They attack us when we try to help. Just the same thing when my father truednto help! How did you reward him?! DEATH!"

The psychic field was only condensing more and more around Cassie, specifically her neck, tightening and crushing her windpipes.

@Steel Zinogre
Augustus swore and stared down Thaddeus, "You imbecile! You kill someone who couldn't even harm a fly with that gun?! My damn eye is stronger then her, and I don't even have the gems that bend space time! Wait..." He felt a link to Azazel... his father had fought him and won once, stealing Doom's mother's soul back. Augustus decided to ignore the Daemon for now, and used a spell to speak privately to Thaddeus, "--How in the name of Mephisto did you manage to absorb the Infinity Stones anyways?--"

Augustus allowed his personal war walker to unleash a vast core that flew high into the atmosphere, producing a giant space ship over time. His entire spaceship should be able to help this vastly...
"Aye, I don't know what game he's playing, or side. My brother as I have warned countless times, needs to pick his side. But he is stubborn, his own man." She said while crossing her arms, her wavy blond hair down.
sitanomoto said:
"To put it bluntly, Kiddie Cap," the boy said, "You're looking at Cassie Stark. Well... What she would look like if she was a guy anyway." He held out his hand. "The name's Terry Carter Stark, Cassie Stark's clone brother."
Cassie nodded."sounds like a plan to me. I'm starving for something sweet." As she got to the base of the Tower, she looked up. It looked good. No one in it had been disturbed. "Redd, can you fly us up to the top please? I want to check on Connor and Nevermore."

Redd Nodded. "Aye Aye Cap'n" he said as he picked them up, and flew to the top using the thrusters in his legs.

hudhouse said:
Augustus swore and stared down Thaddeus, "You imbecile! You kill someone who couldn't even harm a fly with that gun?! My damn eye is stronger then her, and I don't even have the gems that bend space time! Wait..." He felt a link to Azazel... his father had fought him and won once, stealing Doom's mother's soul back. Augustus decided to ignore the Daemon for now, and used a spell to speak privately to Thaddeus, "--How in the name of Mephisto did you manage to absorb the Infinity Stones anyways?--"
Augustus allowed his personal war walker to unleash a vast core that flew high into the atmosphere, producing a giant space ship over time. His entire spaceship should be able to help this vastly...
"You know it is rude to ignore someone who is trying to talk to you." Azazel said as he tried to get gus' attention. "Oh...... She is very dead. Too bad that she was my dad's favorite." he said as he looked at the body more closely. "Did one of you choke her out? Or was all just an 'accident'?" he asked as he looked at thaddeus and Gus. @hudhouse @National

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