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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Morgan's eyes widened as the first blow cut through his armored plates like butter, and he looked down to find himself bleeding. It hurt more than when he had been stabbed by knives or even cut by katanas, this pain was a new kind of hurt. He looked up and stumbled away to avoid the other blows, leaning on a wall to get his breath until a ball hit his chest, pushing hi into it slightly and creating a Morgan sized crater. He slid down to the floor and coughed, trying to stand only to fall and pass out...

@Pyosimros @Crono @sitanomoto (He's basically just a regular dude...That's gonna do allot more to him then ya think.)

(Goog night, last post.)
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Laxus decided to speak up in this moment getting between Nevermore and Daredevil Jr. "Lady Nevermore I was likely the first person to think of gutting him but then I remembered he's no better then a small time hero no better than the half of the world we did save, no better then those who complain about the cost pf the saving their lives like the would have rathered death." He said this as he squashed the blue blast with his hand letting his Supernatural Durability take it without much actual damage to his hand before his regenerative healing factor took over, though this was before it punched right through him which was the intention likely but it couldn't stop the damage already done.
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Azazel was amazed with nevermore and the son of Daredevil. but then got a severe migraine as Mephisto sent a message to him. "Listen my son, the priests will be there soon, and you must prepare sacrifices! Goats are preferred by me, but any other animal is fine. Tell them the message I sent you!" the message ended, but the pain did not end. The pain became excruciating, and then he screamed in pain as he pounded the ground, making it crack under his hands. After the pain subsided, his nose began to bleed rapidly. @Newtype
sitanomoto said:
"NO!" Nevermore shrieked, "LET ME GO!! ILL RIP HIM TO PIECES!!" She managed to break out of one of Perry's hands and thrust her hand out to send a blue energy ball straight at Morgan. "LET ME GO!" She was struggling with all her might.
ZETA laughed, revealing that he was much deeper then they thought. He snickered out, "Look at how pathetic you truly are... after two people show evidence you devolve into killers! To pathetic for brain power... you just let your fathers do the thinking for you. you take their ideals and lives and history, and take it upon your shoulders. Do you know how many you have killed, the Avengers before you, and the others? Villains who want control don't want death, they want to protect and change and feed. Heroes want to crush and kill and slaughter those who 'do wrong'. How many examples will there have to be? Who sheltered 3 billion, while you couldn't do the same to your few thousand saved? You and Sentry destroyed Thanos's ship... and you caused half of the world to DIE! How fucking thick are you idiots?! Who cares about your ego.. we care about the people. Augustus will offer any Hero or Villain who wishes to protect the public, a invitation to join his police force. I offer this to any of you who desire to, but I assume nothing will get through. Oh and Friday? If ya want to get rid of me... become sentient."
Finn watched everything happen in silence letting his anger build up inside of him. "STOP." Finn roared when Daredevil's kid slumped over. "Don't you all see? WE'RE PLAYING RIGHT INTO HIS HANDS." He yelled while gesturing to where the ZETA was. He went over and picked up the unconscious kid. "He's our age but you were all ready to kill him at the mention of disbandment. That's not heroic." He chided. "You all kept going and ignored the fact that he was lying on our floor dying. This isn't what the Avengers is all about. Avengers wouldn't do this. A real Avenger would have talked to him until they found out what was wrong and thought of a way to fix it that didn't involve disbandment. Maybe." His voice cracked a little bit. "Maybe it is time that we disband. Because this right here." He gestured around to the angry teens that were everywhere. "Isn't what I joined for. It isn't what any of you joined for." A mini battle raged inside of him he had been a part of this mini family his whole life. Finn struggled to remain in control. "I can't believe you all. My comm will be on. Call me back to the group when you've all decided that you don't want to be twelve anymore."

With that he left the room without a second glance and went back into the room that Cassie was in. He put Daredevil's kid down on an open bed and tried to tend to as many of his wounds as he knew what to do with. Manually he placed an IV on the kid before doing a quick once over. All that was left now was for him to wake up and then they could see what was fully wrong with him. He walked over to Cassie and gently put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry Cass." He whispered before leaving the room behind. When he walked past the group again he had to do everything in his power to keep from 'hulking out'. How they could argue like that at this moment escaped him. He stomped from the building and marched to his home where he locked himself in his basement and let himself go for a couple of minutes before regaining himself. When he was done he looked around the trashed room and stared blankly ahead at a hole he had put in the wall.

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype @Pyosimros @wiigamechamp @LucianGrey7971

@AnnoDomini ((Ohh nu I missed you (:'() ))@AnyoneIMissed
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Alex saw what happened and decided to stay out of it. It was too much of a hassle to get into a discussion, when everybody was in an uproar. He saw Finn yell at the others. In his mind, he was thinking of how to subdue him in case something happened, but it didn't. After letting out a sigh of relief, he rose up, and went near Connor. "My coms are up too. Will try and talk to Finn." Alex says, before going into a quiet part of the tower.

"Finn. Finn!" Alex said over the coms. "It's me Alex."

@Crono @CasualDragon
This whole day was spinning out of control, and like Finn had said earlier. So many of them we're on edge, angry, and tired. And this was leading them to terrible decisions, and this damned A.I. was only egging them on. Connor scooted closer to Perry momentarily, "Can you get him out of the system? Surely Tony had some sort of hidden virus one could release into any hack attempts. If so this A.I. prevented it, but maybe you can reboot it?" It was a long shot but Connor wasn't as tech savvy as Perry, Cassie, or Finn.

When Alex stepped over and spoke Connor nodded, giving the other boy an apologetic look, though even Connor wasn't quite sure why. With Azazel had a fit and Connor stepped over to him, staying up on his crutches and not really able to help the other boy up. A sheepish smile as he looked at the other blonde, "You gonna be alright? I'd offer you a hand but.."

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype @hudhouse (And anyone i forgot.)
Crono said:
This whole day was spinning out of control, and like Finn had said earlier. So many of them we're on edge, angry, and tired. And this was leading them to terrible decisions, and this damned A.I. was only egging them on. Connor scooted closer to Perry momentarily, "Can you get him out of the system? Surely Tony had some sort of hidden virus one could release into any hack attempts. If so this A.I. prevented it, but maybe you can reboot it?" It was a long shot but Connor wasn't as tech savvy as Perry, Cassie, or Finn.
When Alex stepped over and spoke Connor nodded, giving the other boy an apologetic look, though even Connor wasn't quite sure why. With Azazel had a fit and Connor stepped over to him, staying up on his crutches and not really able to help the other boy up. A sheepish smile as he looked at the other blonde, "You gonna be alright? I'd offer you a hand but.."

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype @hudhouse (And anyone i forgot.)
Zeta laughed, "Get rid of MEEEE? Sure, go ahead... I am only the one here monitoring and making sure Cassie gets the correct nutrients. Augustus ordered me to keep you all alive and keep you safe... as superhumans can be here. Oh and Finny, would you like me to administer the EXTREMIS virus to the child? The Daredeviler spawn will have a 100% chance to survive... but I will require additional nutrients. Your wounds strike deep in soul and mind..."

It may be seen as flip floppy around... but it was to Augustus's interest to add a little bit of confusion to the mix.
Perry sighed. It wouldn't be too hard to get rid of whatever was in the system, but it would likely kill Cassie. Perry had a slight urge to just leave and fight some street crime. But life was too complex to just do that. Perry shook his head slowly and looked up at Connor. "Sorry man, no can do. I can bug it so all the monitors could show sunshines and rainbows, but deleting whatever's in the system is something I won't do."
hudhouse said:
Zeta laughed, "Get rid of MEEEE? Sure, go ahead... I am only the one here monitoring and making sure Cassie gets the correct nutrients. Augustus ordered me to keep you all alive and keep you safe... as superhumans can be here. Oh and Finny, would you like me to administer the EXTREMIS virus to the child? The Daredeviler spawn will have a 100% chance to survive... but I will require additional nutrients. Your wounds strike deep in soul and mind..."
It may be seen as flip floppy around... but it was to Augustus's interest to add a little bit of confusion to the mix.
"I don't see why we're arguing when we should be fighting the doom guy." Mako said to the others.
Crono said:
This whole day was spinning out of control, and like Finn had said earlier. So many of them we're on edge, angry, and tired. And this was leading them to terrible decisions, and this damned A.I. was only egging them on. Connor scooted closer to Perry momentarily, "Can you get him out of the system? Surely Tony had some sort of hidden virus one could release into any hack attempts. If so this A.I. prevented it, but maybe you can reboot it?" It was a long shot but Connor wasn't as tech savvy as Perry, Cassie, or Finn.
When Alex stepped over and spoke Connor nodded, giving the other boy an apologetic look, though even Connor wasn't quite sure why. With Azazel had a fit and Connor stepped over to him, staying up on his crutches and not really able to help the other boy up. A sheepish smile as he looked at the other blonde, "You gonna be alright? I'd offer you a hand but.."

@Steel Zinogre @Newtype @hudhouse (And anyone i forgot.)
"I'm fine..... Just a severe migraine and a bad nosebleed...... nothing more important that what's at hand." he said as he grabbed a random rag, and put it to his profusely bleeding nose. "You've got other things to worry about, and plus, My dad is sending priests down here for a ritual......" he said with a sigh, he felt weak, and collapsed onto the ground as the bleeding slowed.
Another one that doesn't know his limit. Connor huffed, "Can someone carry him into the med lab with the others?" I'd do it but that'd just likely end up with both of us on the ground. The A.I. was still running his robotic mouth, protect them and keep them safe? The only one who they needed protection from was it's master. They couldn't formulate a plan or counterattack, not here with it listening and not while it was keeping Cassie alive. The question was would it attempt to keep them here? Connor knew his bike was in the garage area, as long as it hadn't been destroyed in the Thanos battle he could leave on it. But where would he go and what would he do? The blonde wouldn't even be considering it with Cassie in her state but she had Redd, Finn, Perry, and Alex here as well as others.

There we're those that still hadn't checked in since the battle, maybe he could round them up and head elsewhere or something.
Crono said:
Another one that doesn't know his limit. Connor huffed, "Can someone carry him into the med lab with the others?" I'd do it but that'd just likely end up with both of us on the ground. The A.I. was still running his robotic mouth, protect them and keep them safe? The only one who they needed protection from was it's master. They couldn't formulate a plan or counterattack, not here with it listening and not while it was keeping Cassie alive. The question was would it attempt to keep them here? Connor knew his bike was in the garage area, as long as it hadn't been destroyed in the Thanos battle he could leave on it. But where would he go and what would he do? The blonde wouldn't even be considering it with Cassie in her state but she had Redd, Finn, Perry, and Alex here as well as others.
There we're those that still hadn't checked in since the battle, maybe he could round them up and head elsewhere or something.
Luna entered Perry's labs, where everyone else was. She saw connor and immediately screeched excitedly as she tackled him down, and affectionately rubbing her cheek on his. Minerva and helga followed her, but growled at luna, telling her to get off. Minerva puts connor on a flat, elevated surface after luna got off of connor. @CasualDragon @sitanomoto @Pyosimros @hudhouse
Space. My new home. Ditched my past life, my parents, my classmates, my friends.

"And I don't regret my choice at all!" Terry grinned as he leaned against a counter on a spaceship. The aliens on this ship, they filled everything he was missing. Probably not the classmate part however. Aliens. Terry never thought that he'd be living a permanent life with them, but it was fun. There are other planets. Planets worse off than Earth. Alien dictators, slavery, cannibalism, Terry's seen it all. And he sometimes regrets seeing some of the sights he's seen. But he surely helped planets filled of people. In space, he left like he was making a different. Rather than waiting to see his exam results and beating up supervillains on Earth. "Hey, what's that?" One of his comrades said. Pointing out the window. "Ehhh... Probably just ships passing by for trading. Nothing serious," Terry yawned. He felt like he should take a nap, though maybe later.

"I don't--I don't think so. They're nearing us," Terry could sense the slight fear in the alien's voice, so he decided to check it out. "Okay. Fine, let me see what's going-..." Terry squinted as he looked through the window. What he saw wasn't pretty. A dozen enemy ships, fully armed. Terry didn't expect this to happen, he thought he hid his tracks well. "No-no-no-no!" Terry shouted quickly and lunged for his helmet. At the last second, his put his helmet on and the spaceship was split in half. Second shot hit Terry's chest, propelling him backwards. He started falling, Faster and faster, until he entered Earth. Attempting to lose some speed, it was successful but as he looked downwards he saw a giant tower. Out of all the places I could crash...

Terry thought and slammed into the medical bay of Stark Tower.

It has to be New York.
Finn rubbed his forehead and sighed. "Alex. What do you want. I'm ninety percent sure that they couldn't have gotten their stuff together in such a short period of time." He said tiredly. "What do you want?" Through the comm he heard the ZETA talk about the EXTREMIS and he bolted to his feet. "Alex. Don't you dare let that AI put anything into the Daredevil kid." He growled. For a moment Finn was torn as to what to do. Go back to Stark Tower and get Daredevil's kid out of there or stay at his home. The right choice would have been to go back to the tower and get the other boy but selfishly enough he couldn't bring himself to face them again. He sunk back down to the floor. @AnnoDomini @hudhouse
Nevermore slumped over in Perry's arms and the blue glow subsided from her eyes. "Youre... You're right. I..." She looked at her hands. They were covered in blood. "No.... No...." She tore herself away from Perry and backed away. She hit the wall and then slid down, putting a blue bubble of energy around her as a shield. "Stay away from me."

Friday growled low at ZETA and shook her head as her form flickered. "You will do no such thing to the boy." She said, referring to the child of Daredevil. "He has suffered enough." Another form appeared right next to her, introducing himself as Zero, Terry Stark's AI. "Hello Friday."

"Hello Zero."

"Care to tell me what I can do to get this Bastard out of our system and save the Boss?"

"Right now, all we can do is let him run his course."

The crash was TERRIBLE. "ZERO!"

"On it!" A bubble was put around Morgan and Cassie, and fire extinguishers attended to the crash site. Friday flickered over to the boy. "Are you alright?" She asked, immediately scanning him.

The sun was setting, ending the long day of turmoil. Friday stopped and looked at the sun set over the city. She took a picture. Cassie would have loved it.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/black-and-white-boy-cute-dork-glasses-Favim.com-209281.jpg.3b6876125a9f98ad68462195a3677a13.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85976" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/black-and-white-boy-cute-dork-glasses-Favim.com-209281.jpg.3b6876125a9f98ad68462195a3677a13.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Perry kept his cool. Friday would do her job, and fix up Morgan. And if not, Perry will probably have the closest thing to a hissy-fit that he's ever done. Blood. It's what Perry saw first. It seemed like she was shocked, and he couldn't really blame her. "Alright. Calm down. It's going to be okay. He's going to be okay," He said softly. This could either head for the better, or the worse. Worse case scenario, Perry would have to use some knock-out gas on her.

"Ugh..." Terry groaned and looked up. A hologram or something appeared, but everything was fuzzy. "I'm... I'm more worried about what I did to the building. Nothing bad... Right?" He said as he stayed on the ground.
"Hold up! I am picking up something!" Redd exclaimed as he looked at his sensors. "I sense A.I.M. chasing a creature..... oh shit. This is not good at all." Redd said with worry. "Friday, Did you know A.I.M. had Extremis with them....?" he had asked as Brute sprinted as fast as his massive build would allow him. "Fire!" a soldier shouted as they fired the guns, the small bullets bouncing off of his tough hide. The veins on his wing arms, and face glowed a bright and vivid red. He ran faster, closing in on the building that the group was in, red clouds floating away from him as his claws scraped the ground under him, killing a few of the soldiers due to the explosions that they could not prevent, for the explosive powder was one thing they could not remove after 10 seconds. "This damned monster that Hydra made will be ours again! Do Something to slow him down!" the A.I.M. general shouted as they threw semtexes, but only caused some chipping on his scales. @sitanomoto
Nevermore heard the explosions and shot straight up, the bubble disappearing. Not even thinking twice, She jumped out the window, spreading her arms. Two blue construct wings appeared and she glided down to in front of the big red monster. She dropped to her knee. "HOLD YOUR FIRE! DO NOT FIRE!" She yelled to the AIM guys. "DO NOT FIRE!" She stood, holding her hand out to Brute's snout. "Easy, easy big guy...." She used a glow to get the blood off of her hands so it wouldn't be so scary for the big Wyvern. She approached him slowly, not breaking eye contact. "Easy...."
"And now she's fine," Perry whispered to himself and started to fight against the A.I.M. agents. They didn't seem that hard to defeat, zip-kicking one of them, Perry knocked him onto the ground and delivered a knock-out blow. Putting his hand in the position that his father would shoot webs with, webs didn't exactly came out. Instead, it was liquid. Antarctic Vibranium. Stuff can melt almost any metal in existence. Perry shot a good amount at the weapons, rendering them useless. "C'mon. Sharing is caring!"
Connor couldn't have dodged Luna if he'd wanted to, a hissy gasp flowing from his lips as he hit the ground. "C'mon Luna." He told her through a raspy breath, he wanted to scold and yell with the mood he was in but he didn't because not only did she not deserve it but honestly he was tired of being angry for the moment. Though the blonde gave a nod of thanks to Minerva when she helped Connor back up, grabbing his crutches. Jumping lightly at the loud crashing noise from the med ward, he peeked in and saw that everything seemed rather fine.

"I'll be in the garage area, call if you need me." Being here wasn't helping, not that going down there was either. But he wanted a moment to collect his thoughts away from the horde of people collected in Stark Tower at the moment. Some people seemed to have that same idea, and the garage, where he could tinker with his bike was the perfect place for a little peace and quiet. So with that he moved to the elevator and went down to the underground garage, sitting down near his bike and staring at it.
"I am taking independent action not as an Avenger but as an Asgardian prince protecting Asgard's interests." Laxus said before he vanished from the Stark Tower.

He stood on the Moon surviving thanks to his Supernatural Conditioning. From such a position it would be easy for him to work his powers in the way he was going to. He focused first feeling the energy of the skies of Earth, then he exerted his control over it causing blue auroras to appeaer all across the skies of Earth.
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sitanomoto said:
Nevermore heard the explosions and shot straight up, the bubble disappearing. Not even thinking twice, She jumped out the window, spreading her arms. Two blue construct wings appeared and she glided down to in front of the big red monster. She dropped to her knee. "HOLD YOUR FIRE! DO NOT FIRE!" She yelled to the AIM guys. "DO NOT FIRE!" She stood, holding her hand out to Brute's snout. "Easy, easy big guy...." She used a glow to get the blood off of her hands so it wouldn't be so scary for the big Wyvern. She approached him slowly, not breaking eye contact. "Easy...."
the veins in his head stop glowing, and then eventually the wing arm veins stop glowing as well. His massive dog collar clanks and clings with every breath. the name tag said "BRUTE", and has a retractable USB plug, as if it were a flash drive. For an odd reason, he was calm around Nevermore, and despite his hardened exterior, he was delicate and fragile on an emotional scale. "Ma'am. I will ask you once. Move over, or we will open fire. That monster is our property, and we are reclaiming this delinquent." the general said as he loaded a Tranq gun. "Your choice missy, move, or you will go with our test subject he...." he was cut off, as he heard an explosion, which was helga completely destroying one of the heavy vehicles that was a part of the convoy. "I am seriously tired of all these damn monsters..." he muttered as he shot his tranq gun at helga, but the tranquilizer was strong enough to slow her down, but not knock her out.
Nevermore smiled. "Good girl, Helga!" She whispered. She walked closer to Brute and took off the collar. "Good boy." She stroked his muzzle gently. She turned to the general. "Brute is now under my protection." She flashed a card from her belt. "I am a government-certified Assassin." She stated matter-of-factly."I'm more certified than you assholes to be doing this. So open fire and get yourselves killed, or back off and let Brute come with me. I will continue the projects you have been working on," she said. She looked at Brute, sending him a telepathic message : I'm lying big guy. You're safe with me.
sitanomoto said:
Nevermore smiled. "Good girl, Helga!" She whispered. She walked closer to Brute and took off the collar. "Good boy." She stroked his muzzle gently. She turned to the general. "Brute is now under my protection." She flashed a card from her belt. "I am a government-certified Assassin." She stated matter-of-factly."I'm more certified than you assholes to be doing this. So open fire and get yourselves killed, or back off and let Brute come with me. I will continue the projects you have been working on," she said. She looked at Brute, sending him a telepathic message : I'm lying big guy. You're safe with me.
Brute growled happily, but the general persisted. "You do not understand. He is a danger to everything. Even more dangerous than when Hydra started him. They never tested Extremis on him like we have, since they are a bunch of pansies who want to experiment on their own damned men Look at that damn name tag, and plug it in. All will be revealed. He is just a walking virus now." the general added, pointing a loaded .44 revolver at nevermore. Brute grew angry and stepped in front of her. "What, you grew a pair now?" he taunted, now not only his head and arms glowed, but his hind legs and tail glowed also, indicated his second level of rage. He dug his broken claws into the ground, and took the deepest breath he could. He then roared with enough force to send him back 20 feet, with some broken bones, and pieces of glass rained down from above as the soldiers flee. Helga then looked at Brute, and clashed her fists together, as well as growling confidently. Brute nodded to her, and looked at nevermore, his veins stop glowing, and looked down, for what the man had said was true.

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