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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Cassandra looked over at Hypnas with a confused face for a second. Why is she touching him so much? She wondered. Cassandra wasn't sure if it was a flirting technique or something but she didn't really care now. As long as Hypnas left her alone. "So we're pretty much using Sentry as our secret weapon?"

"Uhm... Hi! Sorry I've been kind of standing in the background since that guy broke that window... I was wondering if I could help as well," Hazel said over to them as she walked.
"What's a sentry?" Robert Reynolds said.

"N-nothing! Just Avengers talk." Dimitri replied, giving the cut it out signal to Cassandra. "We need your expertise on... On computers! Yes. We could pay you to stay and work on computers here for about a month or so, what do you say?"
Cassandra nodded in response to his signal and she raised an eyebrow at his request. She wasn't really sure if he was serious or not, but she would assume it was a joke. "Are you being serious? I can't tell if you are. My pay comes from saving the world from moustache twirling villains by myself around the world."

(Gtg, cya everyone)
There was a mix of emotions when Connor realized that Robert Reynolds, or Sentry was standing there. First off was confusion on how Harry had known about him, figured out the same plan that Dimitri came up with, and then managed to find the guy. The second was relief that Harry atleast brought Sentry to them, rather than doing something...stupid. Then came the worry of Harry basically knowing the plan against Thanos, if the guy decided to mess with it, or twist it in his own selfish favor...he probably could.

Then Cassandra blurted it, and Connor visibly flinched. Though he was curious as to how
she knew who Sentry was, and was beginning to wonder if he needed to have a better look into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s database himself at this point. Luckily the speedster was quick to cover, and not only cover but if Robert accepted they had an easy way to keep an eye on him and protect him without anyone knowing, including the man himself.

The girl at the window was letting herself be known as she moved closer and Connor faked a smile, followed by a nod. "We'll likely need all the help we can get."
"Sure!" Robert blurted out, still gawking at the strange group of people and the size of the penthouse.

"So maybe you can get shit done, Harry. I'm still watching you though. You try anything, and I'll get Lisa to make you believe you're a chicken." He said, side hugging her. "Ain't that right?"

Harry shrugged. "Like I said, I don't want to die either. You have nothing to worry about."
Pyrite wheeled up to the others in a wheelchair, having heard everything that transpired, "So, we're together finally? Ready to start the fight? All for one and one for all and all that jazz?"

@Crono @Reaper @Anyoneelseon
Jordan stretched his neck and said "Finally, you're all in the same book..I highly doubt you'll ever be on the same page but this should be enough...now how bout you actually, oh I don't know...train? Seriously, all that's been happening is drama, drama and more drama. Go lift weights...do push-ups."
"Push ups? I pictured you guys sparring with each other. I myself would offer to, but there's no shortage of people around here who want to beat me up." Harry said. @LucianGrey7971
((Hope it's ok for a debut post! (':3)))((I actually had to do a bit of research in the last few pages, I have a page of notes for the post and such in front of me on my desk (BU)(*U*)))

Aleena Meredith Quill, had just settled on a building within New York City, her helmet getting a little stuffy she decided to let it open and she pressed a small button around the neck and to the right. Her helmet opened up and cralwed back into her suit with a few tiny whirs and the action of little blocks moving into eachother before it was gone completely. "That's better." She sighed and breathed in the nice cool air, eyes closed for a moment. She opened them once again and her hands went to the back of her head to remove her wavy and curly "bronde" hair from it's ponytail. With a smile of satisfaction her hair fell freely around her head, it made no means of disruption and some feel into the little cavity of her suit around her neck. The rest feel around her metal and advanced fibre encased shoulders and chest.

Aleena had, prior to taking her seat on the edge of a building, been on a routine patrol of her's. She had been a little paranoid after Thanos appeared for the first time and wanted to make sure that all was safe each day, assigning herself to patrols around the city. Because that was the kind of girl she was. She didn't have to do it, but she wanted to.

Finally thinking enough was enough Aleena spoke to her A.I, Amelia, though she preffered Amy. "Amy, can you call the Tower please? I need to speak to someone, anyone," she asked calmy. The A.I was built into her suit. Much like Tony once had J.A.R.V.I.S, and Veronica, and Friday..... Aleena wiped away a memory and she listened for Amelia. "My apologies Ms, but the call has rung out, perhaps those at the Tower are busy, preoccupied," Amelia informed Aleena with her light and sophisticated voice. Aleena bit her lip, a habit of her's, and she nodded a little. "Alright, thankyou Amy." "My pleasure Ms. Quill."

Aleena finally stood up and pressed the small button again, her helmet forming over her head again. Her display came up in front of her and she pinpointed the noticeable and large Avengers Tower a block away. This time she hadn't put up her hair but still, it was no bother as it was all encased in her suits helmet. Starting up the engines and things over her back and in her feet, Aleena started to lift off of the ground and she put her hand out either side her, the repulsers there starting up aswell. She breathed out then in a flurry she lifted up into the sky and headed towards the Avengers Tower. It took her under 2 minutes to reach the tower and her display clearly showed the body's of the others behind the glass, wait, the glass was shattered. "What the hell?" So she headed to the level they were on, lucky it was the main area with the balcony. She furrowed her eyebrows as an extra unfamiliar signature came up, two in fact she was sure, but she continued on and landed on the balcony.

Now with her suit turning down it's power she walked into the Tower, towards the others. She gave Connor a small nod of recognition as she passed him first, and only. Her helmet fell back into nothing again as she walked in and her hair sprawled around her shoulders again. She didn't take the suit off straight away like most times. Just incase. She spoke as she walked in, looking around at everyone she recognised. "Guys, what happened? I called but no-one ever answered the phone, the windows are shattered," she questioned them, speaking in a shouted whisper as she noticed beforehand that Cassie was sleeping in the same area. "And where is Max?" "Ms. Quill." "What-." Aleena was cut off as she finally rested her eyes on that signature she hadn't recognised as her own, that's because it wasn't her own. Standing there was Harry Osborne. Immediately her demeanor changed and she stood still. To his left, Robert Reynolds. Her eyes lit up with her static blue iris's and she stepped forward once, eyes on Harry only. "You little prick."
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Harry stood to greet her. "Now I suppose you think I made this mess, eh? You would be sadly mistaken. All I've done is bring someone to help our... Eh.... Computer... Problem." He said, gesturing to Robert. @BeamMeUpScotty
Reaper said:
"Sure!" Robert blurted out, still gawking at the strange group of people and the size of the penthouse.
"So maybe you can get shit done, Harry. I'm still watching you though. You try anything, and I'll get Lisa to make you believe you're a chicken." He said, side hugging her. "Ain't that right?"

Harry shrugged. "Like I said, I don't want to die either. You have nothing to worry about."
Hypnas blushed but nodded, leaning into the hug that Dimitri gave her.

Nevermore reappeared next to Pyrite. " they should be on their way, Py." She looked around the room. "Oh, good. You guys have stopped acting like class-a dipwads and started coming together." She nodded in Aleena's direction and then glared at Harry before taking off her cloak. It held itself up like it was on Invisible shoulders, and then turned towards Harry. The cloak rustled in question, and Nevermore said "leave him be, for now." The cloak floated over to Cassie and gently covered her like a blanket.
BeamMeUpScotty said:
((Hope it's ok for a debut post! (':3)))((I actually had to do a bit of research in the last few pages, I have a page of notes for the post and such in front of me on my desk (BU)(*U*)))
Aleena Meredith Quill, had just settled on a building within New York City, her helmet getting a little stuffy she decided to let it open and she pressed a small button around the neck and to the right. Her helmet opened up and cralwed back into her suit with a few tiny whirs and the action of little blocks moving into eachother before it was gone completely. "That's better." She sighed and breathed in the nice cool air, eyes closed for a moment. She opened them once again and her hands went to the back of her head to remove her wavy and curly "bronde" hair from it's ponytail. With a smile of satisfaction her hair fell freely around her head, it made no means of disruption and some feel into the little cavity of her suit around her neck. The rest feel around her metal and advanced fibre encased shoulders and chest.

Aleena had, prior to taking her seat on the edge of a building, been on a routine patrol of her's. She had been a little paranoid after Thanos appeared for the first time and wanted to make sure that all was safe each day, assigning herself to patrols around the city. Because that was the kind of girl she was. She didn't have to do it, but she wanted to.

Finally thinking enough was enough Aleena spoke to her A.I, Amelia, though she preffered Amy. "Amy, can you call the Tower please? I need to speak to someone, anyone," she asked calmy. The A.I was built into her suit. Much like Tony once had J.A.R.V.I.S, and Veronica, and Friday..... Aleena wiped away a memory and she listened for Amelia. "My apologies Ms, but the call has rung out, perhaps those at the Tower are busy, preoccupied," Amelia informed Aleena with her light and sophisticated voice. Aleena bit her lip, a habit of her's, and she nodded a little. "Alright, thankyou Amy." "My pleasure Ms. Quill."

Aleena finally stood up and pressed the small button again, her helmet forming over her head again. Her display came up in front of her and she pinpointed the noticeable and large Avengers Tower a block away. This time she hadn't put up her hair but still, it was no bother as it was all encased in her suits helmet. Starting up the engines and things over her back and in her feet, Aleena started to lift off of the ground and she put her hand out either side her, the repulsers there starting up aswell. She breathed out then in a flurry she lifted up into the sky and headed towards the Avengers Tower. It took her under 2 minutes to reach the tower and her display clearly showed the body's of the others behind the glass, wait, the glass was shattered. "What the hell?" So she headed to the level they were on, lucky it was the main area with the balcony. She furrowed her eyebrows as an extra unfamiliar signature came up, two in fact she was sure, but she continued on and landed on the balcony.

Now with her suit turning down it's power she walked into the Tower, towards the others. She gave Connor a small nod of recognition as she passed him first, and only. Her helmet fell back into nothing again as she walked in and her hair sprawled around her shoulders again. She didn't take the suit off straight away like most times. Just incase. She spoke as she walked in, looking around at everyone she recognised. "Guys, what happened? I called but no-one ever answered the phone, the windows are shattered," she questioned them, speaking in a shouted whisper as she noticed beforehand that Cassie was sleeping in the same area. "And where is Max?" "Ms. Quill." "What-." Aleena was cut off as she finally rested her eyes on that signature she hadn't recognised as her own, that's because it wasn't her own. Standing there was Harry Osborne. Immediately her demeanor changed and she stood still. To his left, Robert Reynolds. Her eyes lit up with her static blue iris's and she stepped forward once, eyes on Harry only. "You little prick."
((You really have it all together! Are you sure this is your first RP?))
"Sparring? That actually sounds like a great idea harry! Why don't we? I promise I won't use fire." Dimitri said. "Last time we fought, you won if I remember."

"Oh... No honestly. I mean there isn't even a place around here that we could do that safely..." Harry replied.
"You mean all for one and one for all? I don't know about that, but it's something." He said in reply to Pyrite. When Aleena arrived Connor nodded back to her in greeting, trying not to look like he was in a bad mood, which he was. "The windows would be a certain millionaire's fault, and you can probably guess why we didn't answer." Which she had considering Aleena was giving Harry the death stare.

"I'd be
more than happy to spar with Harry." Connor grinned, "And of course we have the space for it, training area's in the lower levels."
"But.... Oh alright. Maybe if it'll help you get your anger out, Connor." Harry said, standing and walking to the elevator.

"I've gotta see this." Dimitri said, joining him and pressing the down button.
Connor shook is head with a snort and stood his ground, "No, honestly I don't fully trust myself to not go too far." Maybe he wouldn't have felt that way if he didn't have these powers, or if he had them under better control. But it was clear when he got emotional that he lost that control over them. It was difficult enough keeping them in check with Harry in the same room, but actually fighting or sparring with him? He was afraid he'd bring about the next Ice Age. (In theaters March 31st.)
Harry took a deep breath. "Oh that's a shame, isn't it? Well I guess I don't have to-" He went to step out of the elevator, but Dimitri stopped him with a hand in his shoulder.

"Looks like it's just me and you then." Dimitri said as he pressed the down button, and the doors closed.
Connor's frame relaxed more once the doors closed and Harry was out of the room. Letting out a sigh as he sat down on the couch, "If someone would go...watch the sparring, I'd be grateful." Watch sounded much better than babysit, Dimitri was Dimitri. Connr allowed his head to rest on the back of the couch and closed his eyes, if he wanted to he could always watch the footage of the spar later.
Hypnas sighed. "I will." She said. "I can always make both of them go to sleep of things get too tough." She got up and walked to the elevator. "Please watch over Cassie, OK?" She said as the elevator doors closed.

"Nnnhh..." A small groan came from next to Connor, and Cassie shifted slightly, not awake, but coming to.
Connor nodded lightly in thanks, and in agreement. Though she didn't have to ask him, that was his plan, to stick close to Cassie, and when the girl made a noise and moved slightly on the couch he smiled and turned his head her way, it still resting on the couch. "Is sleeping beauty waking up?" He asked in a low amused voice out of curiosity.
"I thought you said she was kidnapped," Cassandra said over to Connor. They probably rescued her, and she didn't pay that much attention to any of the past conversation. Cassandra was pretty sure she only talked to Cassie once. And it was just offering help.

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