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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Raitei joined Nevermore in the elevator and then hit the button. ”My real name is Laxus Thorson." He said. "What is the name of the young maiden I have the pleasure of partnering with today? By the way we could still do the other form of sparring.'
Dimitri dusted himself off, embarrassed. "Whatever..." He grumbled at Hypnas' comment. "I was going easy on him."

Harry laughed. "Right. Whatever makes you feel better."

"If it was fair I would use fire!"

"Yea, and I would use my glider."
Connor shrugged, "I really don't want to talk about it. He and Dimitri went to spar, I figure Dimitri might go for a low blow. I opted out of it. Figured I'd watch you sleep a bit, cause that's not creepy or anything." Everytime the conversation veered back towards Harry it made him plain uncomfortable.
Hypnas rolled her eyes. "Of course."

Nevermore huffed. "My real name," she said, "is none of your business. You can call me Nevermore." She looked at him, a spark of pride glinting in her eyes. "I'm the world's greatest assassin." She paused. "Well, I was, and then I started doing this whole 'hero' thing." The elevator dinged and they got to the training room. She looked at Dimitri and Osborn and raised an eyebrow. "Are we interrupting something?"
Crono said:
Connor shrugged, "I really don't want to talk about it. He and Dimitri went to spar, I figure Dimitri might go for a low blow. I opted out of it. Figured I'd watch you sleep a bit, cause that's not creepy or anything." Everytime the conversation veered back towards Harry it made him plain uncomfortable.
"OK," Cassie said, then laughed. "Yeah, because you're totally not a creeper or anything."
Dimitri looked up at her and cocked his head. He hadn't met her yet. "Who are you? And maybe. I was just in the middle of teaching Richie Rich a thing or two." Harry snorted in laugher.
"Oh!" Nevermore said. "Right....." She cleared her throat again. "I am Nevermore, the world's greatest Assassin!" She turned to Raitei. "And this is Laxus Thorson, the world's biggest ass. I'm here to knock some sense into his flirtatious , inappropriate brain."
sitanomoto said:
Hypnas rolled her eyes. "Of course."
Nevermore huffed. "My real name," she said, "is none of your business. You can call me Nevermore." She looked at him, a spark of pride glinting in her eyes. "I'm the world's greatest assassin." She paused. "Well, I was, and then I started doing this whole 'hero' thing." The elevator dinged and they got to the training room. She looked at Dimitri and Osborn and raised an eyebrow. "Are we interrupting something?"
" World's greatest assassin huh well I guess I am this worlds greatest Lightning and electricity user haha. But my title is the Lightning Emperor but Raitei is nice and short which is why I normally go by that. Anyways I shall call you Lady Nevermore has a kind of what you'd call a European sound to it, until you tell me your real name at least. " Raitei replied to Nevermore before the the elevator doors opened. After she spoke to the previous combatants Raitei asked "Could you clear the way please unless you're going another round in which case I need some mutton and ale?"
Connor smirked, "Watch it or your head wont be able to use me as a pillow for much longer." Again he tapped her on the forehead with his finger, "Before you left do you remember Dimitri ever mentioning his being half-inhuman? If that's a thing... well I guess I'm technically one now as well?" Connor shrugged, was he considered a human or inhuman, it was a difficult question. For now he'd leave the fact that this power and change in DNA had been forced on him, maybe later he'd tell Cassie who did it and let her knock the raccoon upside the head a few times.
"Alright then "Nevermore", do me a favor. Go rap on someone else's chamber door for a while. This court is taken." Dimitri replied.

"Oh, so you wanted to go another round?" Harry asked.

"Eh... Well... Alright Hot Topic, courts all yours."
Reaper said:
"Alright then "Nevermore", do me a favor. Go rap on someone else's chamber door for a while. This court is taken." Dimitri replied.
"Oh, so you wanted to go another round?" Harry asked.

"Eh... Well... Alright Hot Topic, courts all yours."

Nevermore smiled. "Nice." She said, stepping into the room.

Crono said:
Connor smirked, "Watch it or your head wont be able to use me as a pillow for much longer." Again he tapped her on the forehead with his finger, "Before you left do you remember Dimitri ever mentioning his being half-inhuman? If that's a thing... well I guess I'm technically one now as well?" Connor shrugged, was he considered a human or inhuman, it was a difficult question. For now he'd leave the fact that this power and change in DNA had been forced on him, maybe later he'd tell Cassie who did it and let her knock the raccoon upside the head a few times.
"No, Connor, please! You're too comfortable!" She said jokingly. "Wait, you're inhuman? Or at least, inhuman-ish?"
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Raitei teleported to the center of the training room. "Okay lay it on me, the sooner we get this over with the sooner I reach your heart as your beauty has reach mine." Raitei decided to go with a not to inappropriate choice of words on that one. "Just so you know they say I hit pretty hard." Raitei added going back to his inappropriate lines.
Dimitri stepped back into the elevator and held it open. "You coming, Red?" He asked before being joined by Harry, who was putting his jacket and glasses back on. @sitanomoto
"I ran into some Terrigen Mist, soooo, yes?" Connor ran his hand through his hair with a light groan, "With powers and all." He said solemnly looking at his un-gloved hand, "I'm a walking freezer. That reminds me, I might need you to make some adjustments to my suit at some point. It could probably use some better cold resistance, just in case. I'd hate to accidentally freeze it and then have it shatter or something, might frighten the neighbors to see me in the nude is all."
Newtype said:
Raitei teleported to the center of the training room. "Okay lay it on me, the sooner we get this over with the sooner I reach your heart as your beauty has reach mine." Raitei decided to go with a not to inappropriate choice of words on that one. "Just so you know they say I hit pretty hard." Raitei added going back to his inappropriate lines.
Nevermore smiled coldly and punched him in the nose, then aimed a kick at his legs to knock him on the ground.....

Reaper said:
Dimitri stepped back into the elevator and held it open. "You coming, Red?" He asked before being joined by Harry, who was putting his jacket and glasses back on. @sitanomoto
Hypnas looked at Dimitri and nodded, walking to the Elevator.

Crono said:
"I ran into some Terrigen Mist, soooo, yes?" Connor ran his hand through his hair with a light groan, "With powers and all." He said solemnly looking at his un-gloved hand, "I'm a walking freezer. That reminds me, I might need you to make some adjustments to my suit at some point. It could probably use some better cold resistance, just in case. I'd hate to accidentally freeze it and then have it shatter or something, might frighten the neighbors to see me in the nude is all."
Cassie laughed weakly. "Might also give you a reputation as a guy with sweet abs." A thought just struck her. "Wait a minute.... You don't wear underwear with that!?!"
"Underwear under the super suit?? Who does?" Dimitri said, exiting the elevator with the rest of them and sitting down.

"I think everyone else does..." Harry said back

"One thing is for sure, the goblin didn't." Dimitri bantered back.
Cassie rode on ruin to the tower, after a long time searching for an artifact of ancient proportions. she had found nothing, and was tired. She donned her battered armor, and dismissed Ruin as she entered, blood dripping from her face, major wounds on her arms, and chunks of flesh on her abdomen are missing. She tried to stay balanced, but grew weaker with every step, and eventually fell onto the kitchen counter upon reaching it, and fell to the floor as she knocked down many dishes and metal cookery, breaking the dishes, and denting the metal cookware. "Help me...... Please." she said as she tried to get up, but could not muster the strength. @Newtype @Pyosimros @LokiofSP @CasualDragon @Reaper
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sitanomoto said:
Nevermore smiled coldly and punched him in the nose, then aimed a kick at his legs to knock him on the ground.....
Hypnas looked at Dimitri and nodded, walking to the Elevator.

Cassie laughed weakly. "Might also give you a reputation as a guy with sweet abs." A thought just struck her. "Wait a minute.... You don't wear underwear with that!?!"
" Looking to climb on top?" Raitei asked from the ground, he provided no resistance for the sake of the line which is how he ended up on the ground. "I do kind of like this view." Raitei added.
Sarah was walking past the kitchen thinking when the sound of rattling and crashing filled her ears. She looked inside to see Cassie (Not Stark) on the floor in pain. She rushed to the girls side and pulled her up, "Easy, you look like you've been to hell and back."

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Sarah was walking past the kitchen thinking when the sound of rattling and crashing filled her ears. She looked inside to see Cassie (Not Stark) on the floor in pain. She rushed to the girls side and pulled her up, "Easy, you look like you've been to hell and back."
@Steel Zinogre
"That is where I've been..... Looking for a way to help with an incoming foe...... But lo, I have not found it yet." she said as she leaned on the counter, using it for support. "Sameal was not as willing to help me as I thought he would...... he helped my dad before......." she said, thinking about what went wrong.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"Excuse me cindy, I must see who called me." Maxton said as he gets up. "Let me know if you need a shoulder to cry on." he said before leaving the room, and leaving cindy happy to know that someone was listening. "Do you remember Aleena?" Ruby asked, "Who?" maxton replied, not remembering his younger sister. "WOW, that is sad really." Ruby sarcastically said as maxton groans. "I never met her! why do you even ask me anyway?!" he snapped, "she is your sister." ruby replied, which hit maxton like a truck.

Aleena heard Maxton's raised voice coming from a room down the hallway and she went in quickly. Ruby was in there with him and she gave her a small smile. She smiled wider when she saw Maxton, going to make her way towards him when she realised something was off. She stopped walking and stood about 3 metres away from him and Ruby. The look on his face wasn't right. Like he didn't know who she was. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly and she hoped her thoughts were so wrong. "Max....," she looked to Ruby questioningly then back to Maxton. "You don't remember me, do you....." Her voice was a little flat, laced with a fear and a worry.

@Steel Zinogre
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Sarah got under her arm and began to carry her to the medical beds, "Look, it isn't wise to go and do something like that without telling anyone or at least bringing us along. We're a team, and going it alone is usually a recipe for sucide."

@Steel Zinogre
Newtype said:
" Looking to climb on top?" Raitei asked from the ground, he provided no resistance for the sake of the line which is how he ended up on the ground. "I do kind of like this view." Raitei added.
Nevermore glared and turned Invisible, then stomped on his nose. "Like the view now?" She asked.

Reaper said:
"Underwear under the super suit?? Who does?" Dimitri said, exiting the elevator with the rest of them and sitting down.
"I think everyone else does..." Harry said back

"One thing is for sure, the goblin didn't." Dimitri bantered back.
Cassie Stark's eyes got wide when she heard the crash from the kitchen and she tried to stand to see what happened. She ended up falling on her face. "Agh!" She said. "Can someone please check it out!?! Someone's hurt and I can't move!" Her urge to protect had kicked in and wiped most of the grogginess away.

Hypnas looked at Dimitri. "That is disgusting." She said, trying not to laugh.
BeamMeUpScotty said:
Aleena heard Maxton's raised voice coming from a room down the hallway and she went in quickly. Ruby was in there with him and she gave her a small smile. She smiled wider when she saw Maxton, going to make her way towards him when she realised something was off. She stopped walking and stood about 3 metres away from him and Ruby. The look on his face wasn't right. Like he didn't know who she was. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly and she hoped her thoughts were so wrong. "Max....," she looked to Ruby questioningly then back to Maxton. "You don't remember me, do you....."
"No...... I do not remember much of our family, except for mom and dad......" he said as he hugged Aleena. "I'm sorry..... I really am." he said as he silently cried.

LokiofSP said:
Sarah got under her arm and began to carry her to the medical beds, "Look, it isn't wise to go and do something like that without telling anyone or at least bringing us along. We're a team, and going it alone is usually a recipe for sucide."
@Steel Zinogre
"Suicide is much better than losing a team mate to forces that you cannot comprehend." Cassie said as she laid on the bed, blood gushing out of her wounds. "I grow weak with every movement i make..... I require souls of the damned to repair the damage done..... they are in my room in a jar, the souls glow green."
Sarah snorted and looked Cassie in the eyes with a smile, "Hey, don't underestimate us alright? We might just comprehend more than you think." She left and a few moments later came back with the jar, she looked at it skeptically, "So you use souls...Like actual peoples souls to heal?"

@Steel Zinogre

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