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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Raitei strode into the room in his drastically different outfit compared to his monk outfit. This outfit was a little more asgardian and he no longer carried a golden rod but a sword. Of course he didn't get rid of his rod but turned it into the blade that now hung at his waist. As he entered the room he asked "Why does everyone bear such a tense expression? So much tension I could cut it with my sword. Or is it over my change in appearance."

(Sorry, I ditched to go to bed)

Current "Thanks...?" Hazel said in a decently slow pace to Jordan. She wasn't sure if that even was for her but it was a way of getting in and she wasn't complaining. "Hi. I'm here to help. If you guy'd let me in the future."

"Here. I took some info from an alien captured by A.I.M. a few hours ago. Perry used some Antarctic Vibranium on it, her, him, or whatever. Long story short, the alien probably won't be back soon," Cassandra explained and her symbiote spit out a folder, which was tossed onto the table. Once she was done, she heard someone. Looking behind her, Cassandra saw Harry (National can decide how much info was spilt.) Once she was done, he heard Harry Osborn behind her. Out of impulse, she quickly pinned him onto the wall and her head morphed into something similar to Eddie Brock's Venom. It was a scare tactic however, since she was still in full control.

4 hours ago "Look, I want you to talk for your well being. If you don't, my associate will likely hurt you," Cassandra said calmly as she crouched down to get face-to-face with the person she was talking to. "Yea, Spider-Man doesn't kill. I'm not telling you anything," The A.I.M. scientist said. Though Cassandra could feel a slight falter in his voice. "That may be true, but it doesn't mean he can't melt your skin with his heat gadgets," She said. Cassandra wasn't even sure if Perry had any and she could assume he didn't. Either way, it gave the scientist something to get worried about.

A few moments later, Perry jumped off a nearby building and in front of the scientist. "You better talk. Or I'll uh...."

"Or you'll what?"

"Or I'm going to... Get really...." Perry groaned for a second until he frowned. "Upset."

"I'm not telling you anything," The scientist said and he spat on the ground.

"Great. I have to do everything when I'm with you," Cassandra mumbled and morphed one of her hands into a blade and grabbed the scientist with the other.
Maxton was in the weapons bay, since he wanted to do some maintenance on his guns, and be sure everything is working as they should be. "Max, you seem upset. Why is that?" Ruby asked him, who simply looked at her. "I miss my dad..... We would do this together all the time, and even test them if we had time, but now that he is gone, I got no one to do it with." he said with a sigh, and put his tools down as he removes his helmet, his blue hair shining in the bright light. @Anyone
Hypnas looked at Harry uncertainly. She didn't fully trust him, but he apologized so.... "Please don't wake her...." Hypnas said, putting a hand on Cassie's shoulder gently. "She's had a rough day..."
(@Reaper Harry got pinned onto the wall

Once she was done, he heard Harry Osborn behind her. Out of impulse, she quickly pinned him onto the wall and her head morphed into something similar to Eddie Brock's Venom. It was a scare tactic however, since she was still in full control.

So much for earning trust xD )
(Did you get whooped? And Connor had actually not come back in but I'll bring him in anyways. :P )

Connor entered the room once again, noting Raitei's sudden change and another newcomer. The blonde snorted at Harry's words, he was going to let it go for the moment he really was, but Harry had to address him. "I'm pretty sure you could never earn my trust, but goodluck with that." He spoke in a sarcastic tone. And the day you become a part of this team is the day I walk.

Connor did walk slowly over to the table with the folder Cassandra had brought, flipping it open to get a view of what was inside. "How confident are we that this intel isn't fake?"
Harry's head snapped back as he was thrown against the wall. He turned his head to the side as Cassandra's face changed. When he saw that no one reacted in shock, he realized this venom wasn't completely feral. "I said I was sorry. Please.... Let me go." He said, his anger showing in the last few words. @Pyosimros
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Hypnas glared at everyone. "Guys, really? He said he was sorry. Can we stop beating him up and listen to what he has to say and THEN beat him up if its beat him up worthy?"
"Good idea," Cassandra smiled and let go of Harry. If he was about to do anything bad, she was a second away from impaling him anyways.
Harry brushed himself off. "Now then. I've bought a friend. Dimitri, what is your plan to stop the apocalypse, if you don't mind."

Dimitri scoffed. "I certainly do mind. I wouldn't tell anyone who isn't an avenger, much less someone who has went against them. Don't think I forgot what happened to our "partnership", Harry."
"Dimitri!" Hypnas said. "Look, I don't trust him either, but we need to hear him out. If anything else, he might have valuable information. If he doesn't, then we can give him a butt-whoopin." She looked at Harry warningly.
"Dimitri is right we just finished going through the same thing with Pyrite. We are not going back to this smoke and mirrors anymore. We need to hear Osbourne out but he doesn't need to here our plans." Raitei chimed in with sideways glance at Osbourne.
"Jeezus, Grudges much?" Jade asked Dimitri, as she walked into the room where everyone was talking, since she wanted to feel a part of the conversation. "What's going on? Battle Plans? Teamwork exercises? A surprise visit to an elementary school?" she asked, pulling the last part out of thin air, as she is one of those who does not think on the fly. @Crono @Reaper @sitanomoto @Pyosimros @LokiofSP
Newtype said:
"Dimitri is right we just finished going through the same thing with Pyrite. We are not going back to this smoke and mirrors anymore. We need to hear Osbourne out but he doesn't need to here our plans." Raitei chimed in with sideways glance at Osbourne.
Hypnas pointed at Raitei. "See?" She looked at Raitei. "Thank You."
Harry smiled. "Come on in... Robert." He said as a blonde man walked in, looking around. "Oh my. This tower really is something."

Dimitris jaw dropped as if he recognized the man.
Pyosimros said:
(Sentry's powers are mutant based right?)
"Is that really him?" Cassandra asked and looked at Sentry in disbelief.
(Nah, they're science based, though I forget exactly how)
LokiofSP said:
Sarah finally got her bearings and noticed the strange blonde man, "Who exactly is Robert?"
Hypnas's eyes got large. "What.... The.... Hell....." She looked at Robert and then at Dimitri, and she had to laugh at his expression. She stood, walked over to him, and closed his jaw for him with her hand.
(Yea, I was wondering cause if Robert has mutant based powers... There's pretty much going to be two Sentries with Hazel standing in the background)
"No... No!" Dimitri said. "How the hell... Did you... No!"

Harry laughed and clapped at his reaction. "Always one step ahead."

Robert looked around confused. "Are you alright... Umm... Mercury?"

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