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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Cassie relaxed immediately as the girl calmed her. Her nightmare began to fade and it turned into a dreamless sleep.

"No, but we can hlp her all the same." Hypnas smiled. "What did his mind feel like?" She asked, kneeling next to the girl.

Nevermore turned visible as she approached Pyrite's bed. She brushed the hair out of his face and the cloak rustled in joy at seeing its master again.
When Sarah mentioned her parents it all came flashing back to him, along with another realization. Connor's mind ticking away as they got the child to speak, something he'd been unable to do. During the reprieve after he'd been rescued from Oscorp he'd spent alot of time tracking what Carter had done in his place, Sarah was one of those who'd shown up near the end of the impostor's reign. Finally he put things together, "You! You we're the one who was fighting alongside my clone, well, so we're half of those who knew me. And how have you managed to stay under the radar all this time? Ivory's sister?"

"The girl just showed up at the tower earlier today." He commented on the subject at hand.
Sarah whipped around and pointed her finger at Conner, "Ivory is not my brother!" She pointed at Pyrite, "He's a disgrace, the one who killed my parents! The reason my future was in ruins! And I'm sorry I helped in keeping you under, but I have doubt in my mind that Harry would have let you out soon, he had a plan for the greater good, he ALWAYS did!"

Connor blinked at Suki's words, Chaos huh? Wasn't that Jordan's alias? The blonde thought about it a second. Nah, couldn't be.

When Sarah spoke he was a bit thrown off and stared at her in disbelief and confusion, "So your...from an alternate dimension's future?" Thinking about it made his head throb. Wait, you we're working with them? I thought you we're just fooled like the rest." Connor started pacing lightly behind the couch, "Harry Osborn never did a thing for the greater good." His emotions and anger growing with each word. "And he got exactly what he deserved." A part of the blonde was surprised at his final words internally, and while he regretted saying them, he still agreed with them.
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Sarah nodded, "Well yeah, NOW it's an alternate future.... I hope" Anger built up inside her as Conner went on, she clenched her fist and closed her eyes as tears welled up just a bit, but she kept them down.

"Harry Osborn practically raised me... He taught me how to use my powers, trained me, gave me an education, took me in after my parents died." She opened her eyes to give Conner a stare that would have probably killed him if looks could kill, "He's the REASON I'm here, he sent me back to the origin point where everything happened, where things went to hell!" She pointed at Pyrite again, "The moment my "brother" lead a team to storm the agent Harry put in place, and killed him!"

"Oh? Was it for the greater good when he stopped Dimitri's heart with a chip he'd placed in him? Was it for the greater good to have my father almost killed? Was it for the greater good when his hands tightened around my throat as he tried to kill me? After what he did to me, to Dimitri, to my father. I have no pity for him. And if it wasn't for your brother then Harry probably would have killed me that day, and if Ivory was still alive I'm sure he'd agree with me. It's ironic that Harry was the one to send you back in time to change it, and you did, he essentially killed himself."
LucianGrey7971 said:
Suki shifted uncomfortably in thought "Conflicted? Chaos that gives way to order? Its hard to explain..."
Hypnas thought for a moment.....

LokiofSP said:
Sarah nodded, "Well yeah, NOW it's an alternate future.... I hope" Anger built up inside her as Conner went on, she clenched her fist and closed her eyes as tears welled up just a bit, but she kept them down.
"Harry Osborn practically raised me... He taught me how to use my powers, trained me, gave me an education, took me in after my parents died." She opened her eyes to give Conner a stare that would have probably killed him if looks could kill, "He's the REASON I'm here, he sent me back to the origin point where everything happened, where things went to hell!" She pointed at Pyrite again, "The moment my "brother" lead a team to storm the agent Harry put in place, and killed him!"

Nevermore heard what Sarah said and her fists clenched. She stormed out into the living room. "THATS A LIE!" she yelled. "YOU were sent here of your OWN accord! YOU were the one to unleash the beast within Pyrite! IT WAS YOUR FAULT!!"

((Gn u guys.))
Suki was getting annoyed at the loud exchange between Connor and Sarah and her eyes turned purple. She expanded her range to all of New York and probed millions of minds, she knew she wouldn't find who she was looking for but it would hopefully quiet the two down.
Current Hazel knocked on the window of the room everyone was currently in. They were either having a deep chat, or their yelling at each other as to who should take out the trash. Which are the minor supervillains. This would probably go two ways. Either they go attack her or they let her in. It took her a little while to get used to her temporary metal wings from the last lady and she was far from using them in combat. "Let me in? Please!?" Hazel shouted. These wings would are already tiring her. A few moments later, some woman in a black symbiote costume kicked down the door. I could've done that instead...

"Guys I have some info on Thanos," Cassandra announced.

4 hours before (unless there was a timeskip) "Nice chat?" Perry heard from behind him. He turned around and saw Cassandra, symbiote suit and all. "Any info you gathered on Thanos?" He asked her, ignoring her last question completely. "Well, we better ask the A.I.M. scientist I grabbed a little while ago. You know the routine, let's go ask him," Cassandra said but Perry shook his head.



"I'm bad cop this time."

"Perry, I'm bad cop."

"You're always bad cop."
Sarah went to punch Conner in the face but stopped as she mulled over his words and Nevermore, she was confused by the Pyrite and the Ivory being dead bit, but never the less her lip began to quiver as she broke down. She gently grabbed Conner and cried into his shoulder in attempt to stop her tears, "I-I know... But he was the only person I had left! I just worked up the courage to talk to my parents and their gone! Harry is dead, and the only person I have left is the brother I was told to hate... I just don't know what to do."

@Crono @sitanomoto
There was a moment when Connor was trying to figure out why he'd been yelling, as the calming effect hit. And when Sarah's fist flew at his face he closed his eyes and drew back in a flinch, but the hit never came. He was jolted back to reality and opened his eyes as he felt the girl latch on to his shoulder a little. That's when he realized he was putting down her person, the one person she'd had, that while Connor hated him she had loved him. Momentarily Connor was disgusted with himself for getting heated, then he put a hand up to the back of her head gently to let her know she could lean in to cry if she needed to. "I'm sorry, I just..." With a sigh he shook his head gently.

"Gone? I just saw them recently?" Though it wouldn't have surprised them if they'd moved away from the city to be honest. "And it sounds like to me you do know what to do. Your here trying to join up aren't you? That's something, and your following in your brothers footsteps. And whether you realize it or not that's a good thing, trust me."

The sudden door being kicked in had Connor spinning to have a look. "Are you role-playing as a makeshift Jordan? Door's are for knocking, not kicking."
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Sarah nodded and let go, sniffling a bit as a realization came to her, "Wait....You keep talking about him in the past tense, but he's right there in the bed? What's going on, why did you say he died?"

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LokiofSP said:
Sarah nodded and let go, sniffling a bit as a realization came to her, "Wait....You keep talking about him in the past tense, but he's right there in the bed? What's going on, why did you say he died?"
@Steel Zinogre
(Who are you talking to?)
Jordan moved so fast that he phased through the window of the Avengers Tower and stood there holding a finger up "Wait for it...."
Current "Sorry. Cassie's back now right? She has more then a billion dollars right? A door's nothing," Cassandra shrugged and walked closer to the group. "Anyways, what are you guys talking about?" She asked them all. Though it was more directed over to Connor. Since everyone else was having an argument or something like that.

4 hours earlier "Come on Cassandra. This one time," Perry pleaded. Though Cassandra just shrugged and looked at him with an apologetic face. "No," She said simply and wanted to end the dispute at that. "Look. I'll pay whatever damages you cause for a week! No... A month!" Perry added quickly.

"Fine. Just let me wake the guy up..."
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Raitei briefly stepped out to go buy himself a new outfit, funds he had converted through unspecified means from Asgard to Gold to american money. He was now shopping for a new outfit and may have found one that suits him, he even altered the appearance of his rod to match it. This was just one outfit among a few others he was buying, he promptly returned to the dressing room to change back into his normal attire and then brought the outfits he was purchasing to the counter. He payed the cashier and then checked the time as she bagged the clothing and then handed the bags to him. Then Raitei was gone in a flash of lightning. (Gn)
"...WAIT for it!" The window shattered as though someone had just barreled their way through it "Been working on that one for a bit..."
Sarah's question was like a thousand needles hitting him at once, and for a brief moment he considered not telling her. But that wouldn't be fair, so Connor pointed towards the other side of the room where Pyrite lay. "That's not your brother...well it is...kinda. Pyrite, Morgan, whatever he likes being called is from a different dimension. Ivory...our Ivory, he's dead. I'm sorry." With that he turned back to Cassandra, "That about sum it up? And Cassie's incapacitated for the time being."

The blonde groaned at Jordan's entrance, "Two windows in one day, really? This fetish of yours is creepy."
Jordan looked at Connor and snapped his fingers, all the windows on the floor blew out at once "You were saying? I could do this all day, it literally doesn't make a difference to me"

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